SEVEN States-
Florida, Georgia, Alabama, South Carolina, North Carolina, Kentucky, Tennessee- Large Meteor with Sonic Boom ~9:15 CST // ~10:00 pm EDT 29APR2011
29APR2011 Large Meteor Event Blue Markers indicate witness reports on Latest WorldWide Meteor/Meteorite News Yellow Markers indicate AMS reports. (c) 2011 LunarMeteorite*Hunter/ Google Earth |
UPDATE Link here 4MAY2011
Witness reports sent to Meteor/Meteorite News by readers:
Holiday Florida and this evening April 29, 2011 at 10:03 pm
I live in Holiday Florida and this evening April 29, 2011 at 10:03 pm I spotted what I think was a large meteor falling from thIe Northwestern sky to due North. It lasted 5-6 seconds was orange with a yellow trailing tail. It was larger than any falling star or like and meteor shower that I've ever seen. Does anybody know what it was for sure. Thanks
ANYONE Else See this event; photos, video??? Please Email Thank you! Get the word out about this site- Please post a link on Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, your favorite forum
Valdosta, GA
My brother was outside around 10-10:30 PM when he saw a huge meteor. It was bright! It was going East. Then a few seconds later he heard it hit the ground. -Anon.
South Carolina
I also seen this amazing display. I've never seen anything like that I just knew it was too big and close for a falling star. I live in the upstate of South Carolina and it was 10:00 or a little after tonight 4-29-11. So who would know for sure what this was? - emily
Cottondale, FL: 9:00 CT
Saw meteor falling from NE to due East over Marianna, FL.
It was brilliant white with a flaming greenish yellow tail. It did not fragment
and could still be seen till it dissappeared at tree line. Would like to know
what it was and where it ended up. Awesome! -Sandy M.
Collumbia, SC
1003pm apr 29th sw sky saw a large meteor -Dornik
Bradenton FL
we were driving on I275 in Bradenton FL and saw it about 10pm also, did it hit somewhere?
Centertown, Kentucky
I live in Centertown, Kentucky within a mile of my home, my mother and I saw a
large white light falling from the sky toward the Earth, bigger than we had ever
seen. I'm no astronomy expert, but believe it was some sort of astronomical
event, I'm not for sure it was a meteorite. This happened in between the time
of 10:15-10:30 cdt. We only saw it a couple of seconds before it was out of
view. -
Rebecca L.
Large meteor near covington, ga
my mother in law claims to have seen a large meteor tonight(4/29/2011)from covington, ga. she claims the tail was approx. 50ft long she saw the meteor change colors as it was falling, from red to blue to white. she saw the meteor go behind a tree line, she said she could still kind of see it as it went behind the tree line. -
Jason Norman
Foley, AL at 9:15 central time
4/29/11 Foley, AL at 9:15 central time. I saw a huge green fireball. No sound or trail. Moved really fast from the time I saw it till the time it hit the ground (assuming it hit the ground) took about 5 seconds. -
Kenneth A. Larrivee
I think I saw a meteor... it was a large fire ball with a blueish greenish tail. Lasted about 3 seconds. Sw to ne direction towards boston. Was in framingham area when I saw it... thought was a crashing plane!
-Sara Jordan
Atlanta, Georgia April 29, 2011
Found your site after looking to see if anyone else was talking about this. I was headed in to work driving south on I-75 into Atlanta. While inching through the late night road work I suddenly saw this enormous thing looking like it was headed for the city. It looked so close that I could see various colors in the tail. I grew up in the North GA mountains and I've seen more meteor showers than I can count and I've NEVER seen anything like this. At first I thought it was a plane crashing because it looked so close. It never burned up while I was watching it for several seconds and I lost it as it passed the tree line. From my perspective it seemed to be traveling South bearing a bit East. Relatively it looked like it was heading straight for the heart of the city. I was expecting the ground to shake at any second. It didn't break apart at all. I no joke thought the city was about to explode.
Guest509 (guest): I just saw a large green colored meteor going east above South west Georgia,USA. It has what appeared to be short flames on the tail. It lasted for 8 second.It was huge about the size of a pea.
Guest914 (guest): It is 10:32 pm in valdosta ga 31602. I just saw what looked like a meteor. It look huge but and close. It was bright and looked like if it was on fire I managed to stare at it for a while until it passed me...I wish it would of landed close by but knowing my luck it will probably land far away since it looked like it was moving pretty fast.04/29/2011 Tommy H I saw it at around 10.00pm was it white on the inside with a little orange on the out with a long tail? I saw it and it was awesome i live in valdosta ga
Guest992 (guest): I just saw a meteor in Greenville/Piedmont,SC. It was white with a long tail. Saw the flames as it came thru the atmosphere.April 29, 2011 10:00 pm EST
Guest53 (guest): My husband and I saw what we think was a eteorite about 20 min. ago. We were going north on I275 in Tampa, Florida. The meteorite looked like a fireball on our left side and moving in the same direction. It was very bright and big and lasted about 3 sec. before fading out. We were wondering if anyone else saw it?Hollie H.
Guest693 (guest): I just saw it too - was headed south was green with a long tail lasted about 10 seconds across the sky - was in covington ga 10:05p local April 29 2011
Guest230 (guest):Ray City , GA.USA (N 31.075646 W 83.197399) 04/29/11 22:05 (GMT -5:00) -Dewayne "HUGE" fireball over my home ~7 sec.view time! origin @ ~300' wnw 10 sec.later large "sonic boom"That thing hit ground east of ray city !
Derrell Winowich:Russell County Alabama,around 10:20 pm my wife and I saw a green flickering meteor fall for around 5 seconds before it hit the ground and made a large flash in the woods. tried to find it but is was on private property. :it was moving NW to SE.
Guest998 (guest): I saw a ball of fire about 10:00pm on Us 41 Tampa fl going north to springhill fl
ccorbin (guest):Witnessed a large meteor descending in the southeast sky on the evening of April 29, 2011 at 10:05pm as I drove southbound on GA Highway 141 two miles south of GA 400. The meteor was visible for approx. 4 seconds and given the proximity and angle I would rate the chances of impact at 75 to 80%.
Guest612 (guest):Roberta, April 29,2011 at about 9:00PM CST north of Compass Lake (Alford) Fl - saw bright green meterite falling southeast; it continued to the tree line
heroze (guest): in GA, USA 20110429,approx 2200 saw a large bright white falling object due south. large tail,clearly visible even with lots of light noise in area.Interesting to see that FL reports sighting to the North.Almost sounds like object was burning and falling near GA/FLA border.tremendously bright and large.
Pamela James King: Last night at approximately 10:05 my husband,daughter,and I were sitting on front porch in Waycross, Ga.Out of nowhere came this huge bright green light, with orange, and a very bright white tail end.None of us had ever seen anything like it,and it literally scared me, because I thought it was going to explode.
Ashley Peacock:South Georgia, saw a fireball in sky 04/29/2011:about 10pm
Guest803 (guest): i was on my way home last night heading east in nashville ga me and my bf were the only ones on the rd... the whole sky lit up almost like heat lightning when all of a sudden a huge ball of fire came flying down we watched it turn colors till it broke into about 20 pieces it was amazing!!!! my first experience.. it was about 10 15
Bradenton, FL
we were driving on I275 in Bradenton FL and saw it about 10pm also, did it hit somewhere?1:05 PM -Anon
Valdosta, GA
Valdosta, GA: My brother was outside around 10-10:30 PM when he saw a huge meteor. It was bright! It was going East. Then a few seconds later he heard it hit the ground.1:26 PM -Anonymous
Valdosta, GA
From Valdosta GA i also head a very loud boom. A few minutes later a friend said he had also seen a streak of light in the sky. Police department said they had recieved multiple calls. No additional info to find yet. -Anonymous
Charleston, SC
I saw a large very bright orange ball with a tail falling from the sky. It was very close being only a few hundred feet above the tree line, I lost site of if because I was driving. It happened some time after 10pm just miles south of Charleston, SC. I thought at first it was a small private plan on fire since there is a private airfield nearby. It was not the right shape for a plane. -Anon
Mykullkhan said...
I found this trying to see if anyone else saw this too. I saw and pointed out to my brother, we've never seen anything like this before. I was huge and a light green. Saw it for about 6 seconds.
HeRoze said...
GA, USA 20110429, approx 2200 saw a large bright white falling object due south. large tail, clearly visible even with lots of light noise in area. Interesting to see that FL reports sighting to the North. Almost sounds like object was burning and falling near GA/FLA border. tremendously bright and large.
Tallahassee, Florida
We are in Northern Florida. We saw it last night as well about 1 mile north of Tallahassee on highway 27. We were passing the Havana Airport and got a GREAT visual. It was AWESOME! It was bright enough to catch my attention off to my left while I was driving. We saw it for about 6 seconds. It kinda freaked my wife out a bit as it was OBVIOUSLY larger than your average "shooting star". This marks the second fireball meteor I have seen in my life. :) -The Roxtar said...
Sasser, Ga.
Venice, Florida
I also seen this , I was heading north on 40 from venice florida at around 10. It appeared green and huge! -Bryan
Valdosta, GA
I was with several people at the Valdosta, GA relay for life. We saw this VERY bright and HUGE ball moving across the sky for a few secouds. I have seen many things in the sky but nothing like this. It was huge and abnormally bright and large. -Anon.
Savannah, Ga
I live in Savannah, Ga and we saw a large fireball coming from Tybee Island. It lasted for about five seconds and was so bright with green at the end. I thought it was going to hit the ground. -Anon
Archer, FL
Yep, now I know I'm not crazy. Seen many shooting stars out here on the farm over the years, but I've never seen an actual meteor of any consequence til last night. It was indeed green and orange, extraordinarily bright. The breadth of the flash is what made this unique. It only lasted about 3-4 seconds. I have the advantage of 1300 acres of open horizon, so I can attest that its flash subsided long before it disappeared in the tree line. I'd put this sighting at about 10pm EST, Archer, FL is my vantage point, and it was in the NW sky. Warren Thomas Archer FL11:50 PM
The Villages, FL
My wife and I witnessed the event in The Villages, FL. It was headed northwest. In addition to the main fireball, there was a smaller "trailing" fireball. Not the brightest we've witnessed (the other was in Painesville, OH), but still very impressive. -Anon
Crawfordville, FL.
My brother and his friends observed the fireball last night at 10:00pm EDT, near Crawfordville, FL. The fireball was visible for about 5 seconds as it fell down to the Eastern horizon. The size was gauge similar to a space Shuttle launch as observed 200 miles away, at night. Terry Posey
Zephyrhills, Florida
I live in Zephyrhills, Florida and i seen this too. Me and and my friends were in the car and it lasted around 5 seconds. It was definitely a lot larger then any Shooting Star or Meteor I've ever seen. Nothing can compare to this. The center was white with orange/red outline and trail behind it. It Moved rather slowly. I wasnt thinking quick enough to snap a picture but im glad to know other people seen it too.
Weaverville, North Carolina
I was out last night and at aprox.22:03 eastern time when I witnessed a Large fireball as it entered the atmosphere. It was initialy bright white, thought I saw a small piece fragment off of it and extinguish, then it turned greenish yellow and then bright orange as it disappeared over the Horizon. I was located about 6 miles north of Weaverville, North Carolina and the fireball was coming almost straight down maybe angled slightly off to the east. The best I could tell it was headed south toward Asheville, NC, then Grennville, SC, and on towards Augusta, Georgia since it was falling almost straight down and directly south of me. It was totally awesome and the second largest fireball I've ever witnessed. It looked like it had good potential to put at least some small rocks on the ground. Just got lucky as I was only out for about 1 minute before the event and was just happening to be looking directly where it originated. -
Jeff Hodges
Hahira , Georgia
We live in Hahira just north of Valdosta. Last night (29 Apr 2011) about 10pm, we were out around a bonfire in the backyard and suddenly the sky lit up over head. A huge green, blue orange fireball passed almost directly overhead and a few seconds later we heard a boom or it crashed. It was coming from the NNE. – Matt Rogers
Greenville, SC
Got a call from my Dad who saw this, from Greenville, SC at approx. 10:03 PM. Bright light with orange color, path was NW to SE.
Dothan, Al
I saw the same thing last night. It started to look like a shooting star then it was greenish then yellow and you could see that it had a large tail behind it lasting several seconds. I live in Dothan, Al. and I saw it so it must of been pretty big.
Goodlettesville, TN
Sometime around 10:00 pm April 29,2011 I observed a large green fireball falling vertically in the northeast sky. It was larger than other “falling stars” I’ve seen, and was heading straight down. - Dub Gibbens
Clearwater, Fl
I witnessed to meteor last night. I also thought it was a plane falling on fire at first. It was moving at a very fast speed and was very large. It was a big orange fireball with a dark tail. It was heading in a northern direction as I was driving west on Tampa Road in Oldsmar, Fl at 10:10pm. It then disappeared right about the tree line. I hope we find out where it landed. It was an amazing site. I mentioned this on facebook and my aunt also saw it in Port Richie, FL. -Erin Tamplin
Holiday, Florida ( Tallahassee , FL)
My friend and I were outside at 10:03 and we saw a HUGE bus sized object moving through the sky NE. It was bright yellow with yellow/orange trailing it and when it hit the sonic boom part of its flight it lit up the sky like daylight!! We didn't know who to tell but now we know!!
Thank you,
Bill Tripp
Leesburg, Florida
About 10:04 pm 4/29/2011 looking North from the Leesburg area of Florida, I saw the northern sky light up illuminating the ground like a military flare.
The object appeared in the N/W about 70 degrees above the horizon and traveled towards the horizon to the N/E. It had a bright white head and a long gaseous tail about 40 degrees in length, illuminating between green and blue.
Tom Strouder
Warner Robins, GA
am in warner robins ga....saw what looked like a huge piece of something shooting slow across the sky thought it would put ga off the maps...scarry but man there really is a God....happened april 30 called local news channel to see if anyone in middle ga also saw this wonderful site. Anon.
Hahira, Georgia around 10pm
We had some friends over last night- sitting out on the deck of our Hahira Georgia Home and saw what started out looking like very bright heat lightning (flickering, like a transformer was blowing in the distance). And then he brightest white/orange meteor with a tail- burning out into pieces in the eastern sky (from our vantage point).
Keith and Tondra Larson
Port Richey, FL
We too saw the VERY bright glow falling horizontally eastward last night. We were on our nightly walk in New Port Richey, FL, a little after 10pm and this huge roundish, very bright "ball" of light went across the sky from west to east in a diagonal direction. It almost looked like the backside of it had 2 or so other colors besides the whiteish glow. - Erica S
Bronwood, GA
Chem Doc: I was stargazing with 15 of my college students when we witnessed the bolide - Wow! It was around 10pm,and we were in a field near Bronwood, GA (Southwest GA). It "evaporated" just before it reached the treeline to the SSE.
Mount Pleasant, SC.
Guest285 (guest):Saw a large meteorite yesterday at approximately 10:30 p.m. in Mount Pleasant, SC. The meteorite went from a yellow-orange color, to red before burning out just above the tops of the tree line. It was the closest and biggest shooting star I have seen. Amazing!
Guest83 (guest): Jeff Hodges, Weaverville,NC I was out last night and at aprox.22:03 eastern time when I witnessed a Largefireball as it entered the atmosphere. It was initialy bright white,thought Isaw a small piece fragment off of it and extinguish,then it turned greeneishyellow and then bright orange as it disappeared over the Horizon. I was locatedabout 6 miles north of Weaverville,North Carolina and the fireball was comingalmost straight down maybe angled slightly off to the east. The best I couldtell it was he
Tallahassee, FL
Guest570 (guest): In northern florida (Tallahassee) saw it about 10:15pm last night. Large yellow/orange with long tail.Really, really cool!
Tallahassee, FL
Guest228 (guest): We saw this amazing meteor in Tallahassee, Fl. It was larger and brighter than any of us had ever seen,and we are frequent skywatchers. It had a greenish tint, and generated what looked lightening flashes in the night sky as it went out of site. WOW!
Guest1169 (guest): I was Heading towards a frnds house when i saw a Bright yellow streak pass through the Qatari Sky at 2045 AST
Valdosta, Ga
Guest488 (guest): I saw the meteor last night and noticed a few other things that weren't mentioned the sky looked like an electrical storm before i saw it come into view. when I saw it overhead (valdosta,Ga) it did look to break into four or five pieces before fading out or flaming out.Multi sonic booms heard
Chapin, SC
Guest716 (guest): At around 10:00pm est,went out to walk dog and saw very large fast moving white meteor(?) coming from North/NW to South. I thought it was going to crash as it arc'd towards ground. As it arc'd,the back end turned red. I also expected an explosion but heard nothing. Way cool!Forgot to say I was viewed this from Lake Murray in Chapin, SC
Tallahassee, FL
Guest646 (guest): I saw it too driving on I-10 towards Tallahassee. It had a tail and turned green at the end and seemed so close to us that we actually stepped on the brakes and ducked in the car. Must have been between around 10.30.
Acree, GA.
Sylvester, GA Friday April 29 10:04PM - I saw a large orange meteor trailing a tail of flame coming down almost vertically until it disappeared behind the trees. It was to the South-Southeast from where I was standing in West Worth County near Acree, GA.
Gainesville, Florida
I am a resident of Gainesville Florida. Today I was happy to find that others also saw something last night and reported it.
About 10:03PM on 04/29/11, last night I went out to the porch of my 3rd floor condo to smoke a cigarette when I, by chance, saw a huge object falling from the sky.
The hole viewing lasted no more than 5 seconds because my field of vision was restricted very narrowly by the next condo and a large tree. The night sky was very hazy which made it difficult to judge the actual size and distance of the object. But I am 47yo and I have never seen a sight so big and awe striking. I wish I had may camera!
What I saw was an object coming down NW to NE of me at a very shallow angle. I would say about 150 degs. Not only was the angle strange to me but also the shape of the object which was rectangular, not round as I would spect. Adding to this strange shape was the fact that the longer direction of the rectangle was not in the direction of travel but perpendicular to it. The object was definitely in the atmosphere not outside. I say this because sparkes and flames where trailing behind; although I did not see a tail. The front of the object was burning white while the back end had blue sparks and then yellow flames at the back of it. I freacked out because I have never seen anything like it. I have seen plenty of falling stars and meteor in the distance. But this seemed definitely so near that I judged I would hear a big explotion. However, I never heard a thing. The site gave me a feeling of "whatever it is... this is it... brace yourself." I immediately reported the sighting to Alachua County 911.
Shooting stars are usually fast, crossing the night sky in a second or two. It took a whole (about) 5 seconds for this object to cross about 10ft of my field of vision. I estimated that the object would fall NE of Gainesville, Jacksonville or at the most in the Atlantic ocean (depending on the distance.) I am very surprised that people saw it in New Jersey and the Carolinas.
I spent until 3am trying to chart its trayectory in Google Earth but I don't have that much experience using its tools in 3D. Does anybody have reports of where this thing fell? PLEASE let me know! Peace... J. Carlo Diaz
Ellenwood, Georgia
Yes, me and my fiance seen the same thing!! Last nigth around 10pm , We was heading south on River rd, Ellenwood, georgia. It was bigger then a shooting star with fire-like colors -
Jonesboro, GA, Meteor ~ 10:06 PM 29 Apr 2011
We observed an object falling from the sky about 50 miles south of Atlanta, GA
at 10:06 PM EST on 29 Apr 2011.
The object hit ground south/south west of our position. It was of large size with
a greenish colored trailing tail. One of us said he did hear the impact, however,
I could not hear anything. We called 911 and reported our observation,
and a police officer showed up about an hour later. He told us that police
got several similar reports, and they are investigating.
It could have been a meteor - at first I thought it would be a plane crashing,
however, the shape of the object was round and did not show any similarity
with a plane. -
Monticello, Fl.
My daughter ran in the house after spotting the fireball moving across the sky. She described it as a huge ball of fire that didn’t fall apart. It has a blueish yellow tail. She saw it for about 6 seconds until it disappeared behind the trees. It happened at about 10:00pm. It was a lot bigger and brighter than any meteor she has ever seen.
Cario, Georgia
I saw what I thought was a meteor last night between 10 and 10:15 PM. I live in Cairo, Georgia (SW GA) and was in wide open country driving east when I saw it streak across the sky from North to South. It arched and looked like it landed close by. It was an enormous fire ball with a yellow tail that didn't dissipate as it got closer to the ground/tree line. My father was about 40 minutes north of me driving south, and he saw it too and described it just as I did. It was truly amazing, and I'd love to know more about it. I just hope no one was injured.
Kirkland, Georgia
i was fishing around kirkland, georgia and saw the meteor. then a couple seconds later heard a loud boom. amazing view. - Anon
Valdosta, Ga
I saw the one last night (4/30/11)in Valdosta, Ga. I was looking up at the big dipper while sitting in a chair with the house blocking the western sky. It was on an eastward trajectory. It was bright white. A loud boom was heard approx. 30 seconds after it passed over head. -Anonymous
Wesley Chapel, FL
I live in Wesley Chapel, FL (just north of Tampa). Last night, April 29 2011 at approx 10:02pm I saw a large ball of fire falling from the sky that lasted less than 10 seconds. There was a long trail of orange colored fire. Then it appeared to burn out when it disappeared. It looked very close.
Perry, FL
I saw the meteorite or whatever it was Friday night, Apr 29, about 10:15 PM or thereabouts, and was totally amazed. We live out in the country south of Perry, FL and it appeared to the north - northeast of here, and seemed to last much longer than a falling star, and was much, much larger than the usual falling star. I didn't hear any noise, but it sure was bright. It lite up the sky, and had a long trail behind it. Another smaller one followed behind it a few seconds, or maybe it was a part of the first large one trailing it. I've seen several meteorites fall, but none ever before as bright as this was. It was beautiful.
Eatonton, Ga
I was on my way to visit my mother in Eatonton, Ga. At approximately 10:10pm ext, I was Traveling south on hwy 441. I had just passed through Watkinsville when I noticed the brilliant greenish/white light traveling extremely fast across the sky. It was amazing! I was driving and trying to be cautious but I couldn't take my eyes off of it. I don't know exactly how long I watched it but I am sure it was at least 10 seconds before it fell behind some trees.
I would love to know if it had actually landed and was found etc.. - Marcia
Ocala, Florida
I saw the same 'phenomenon' but down here in Ocala, Florida. Several reports of it too from Holiday, FL to Jacksonville, FL. I was in the drive-through of Steak N Shake, my vehicle was pointed NNW, as I received my card back for payment, I caught a glimpse of a bright ball of light through my front windshield and immediately looked up as it looked really shot straight down over I-75, with a gold/orange/green hue. It lasted for about 4-5 seconds, appeared to give a bright flash and was gone. -
Tallahassee, FL
Some friends and I witnessed it here in Tallahassee, FL. It generated a few 911 calls from a few people saying they thought saw a airplane on fire in the sky. Very bright. I wonder if the meteorite made it to the ground or burnt up? -Bluewater
Tallahassee, Florida
I was traveling down a dark street parallel with Monroe Street in Tallahassee, Florida when I happened to look up and saw what I first thought to be plane on fire about to crash land into the town.
Then I realized it wasn't a plane and noticed the long whitish streak trailing behind a half round ball of fire with white (with a little blue and a hint of red) flickering looking flame behind the half round white ball looking thing. What made it stranger looking was that flame seemed to be a bit split in the middle and that I could actually see the flickering flame. And why I thought that to be odd, is that I've always seen pictures of meteors looking like very elongated cones. I then wondered if it really was a meteor.
Later today I described what I saw to my pastor and he said that he saw the same thing on another street closer to the capital and thought that it may had landed somewhere in this state, because it looked so close. And he confirmed to me that it was meteor that I saw.
Thomasville, Ga
My husband and I were on 319 heading home from Tallahassee, Fl at about 10:10 pm when we both saw a huge streak of orange across the sky before disappearing behind the trees. We knew it was too big to be a shooting star. We have never seen anything like that before! So glad someone else saw it and that I was able to find this site! Where did this thing land? -TERESA J.
Ocala National Forest
I saw this object too. Sometime after 10pm I was driving on SR40 through Ocala National Forest when it passed infront of my view. Was quite incredible. Never thought I would see a fireball meteor in real life. I read somewhere that fireballs are more common in the spring time too. -
Tallahassee, Florida
Saw this in Tallahassee around 10pm, it was the brightest meteor either of us had ever seen. It was huge with a yellow glowing tail and had a blue color to the meteor itself. It seemed to be NE of Tallahassee and heading in a SE direction. -J&D
I-95 South in South Carolina
im gonna tell you something we where coming back to Florida from testing some race cars up in New York it had been a long day already , it was late and i was really tired so i was laying down in one of the beds in the back of the truck.Im almost falling sleep when i heard the driver of the truck say: 'Look,Look' when i got up i saw this huge Green Fire Ball with White tail coming down from the sky. it lasted about 5 or 6 seconds before it dissapeared behind the trees and saw a flare for about a second.
We were expecting for an explosion but nothing happened i dont know where or what it hit but we where coming on I-95 South by South Carolina area.
Let me tell you something it was the first time i see a meteorite and that was the most amazing shit i've ever seen so far. -Anon.
Palm Coast, Fl.
Hi, I live in Palm Coast, Fl. I saw a what I think was meteor last night around 11:20 (approx, didnt look at a clock). I was facing South, it was a large silver ball in the sky falling down and to the West. As I watched, I saw it burst into a bluish flame. Very cool. I have seen many meteor showers, but have never seen one so actually freaked me out -Tracy D
Miami Florida 11:00pm on April 27,2011
Myself and a friend say a blue comet with a tail that eventually turned green north of Miami Florida heading down towards the earth. Appox. time was 11:00pm on April 27,2011 -Anon
Keaton Beach, Florida
Guest155 (guest): my friend and i were walking in the taylor county florida keaton beach area on April 29 at 10:30 p.m. and a fire ball fell from sky line went just below tree line and seconds later we heard and felt a very faintand distant boom the boom it felt as if someone dropped a block on the ground next to us. we also thought it was debris i was told by coastal officials that air force started practicing with ground flairs late friday evening but this did not seem like a flair
Lake Oconee
tbarnes2 (guest): My friends and I were fishing at Lake Oconee on 4-29-11 and noticed a large white and blue object with an orange tail.At first we thought it was a shooting star.As it got closer it got brighter. We knew it could not be a shooting star.Friends of ours called from 80 miles away and asked if we had seen the light in the sky. Must have been a large one. Still don't know where it landed. This was about 9:00 that night.Never seen anything like it.
Palm Coast, FL
Guest840 (guest):Palm Coast, FL saw a large ball of fire at about 9:45pm last night. It looked like it came from the south and the bright light into the west. We thought it was fireworks but nothing happened after. It was so cool!
falling green flame over orlando 4/29
I was driving and almost crashed. Honk even to see if anyone else saw it. It was a clear explosion not descending or shooting. It was immediate then fell until it seemed to have reached land. The explosion was low as if it was a mortar or firework off in the distance. It had hang time and then shot sideways with a green exhaust and firey nose. It was the most spectacular thing I have ever seen. Nothing like a meteor shower. I drove for about 10min afterwards searching the fields I was passing in my car hoping to see a green light or some sort of fire, I believed or was motivated to look for this only because of the context of the object--like where did it go, what the hell was that! -lex
Keaton Beach Fl
I was about to get in my truck when something in the north sky caught my eye. It was the biggest by a hundred times than anything i have seen in my 61 years. It lasted long enough for a friend to get out of his truck when i told him. It pasted from the west north west to the east. The time was between 10:00 and 10:30. Being on the coast i watched it for several seconds and it seemed to break up into orange particles as it entered the atmosphere. It was glowing white with a bluish tail.
Savannah, GA
Saw a large meteor over Savannah, Ga late on the night of April 29, 2011. -
Cordele, Ga
On April 29, at about 10:10pm I was travelling south on I75, on my way to Albany Ga. As I exited I75 onto Sr300 West, just south of Cordele, Ga, I saw a large yellow flaming object in the sky just above the treeline heading east. The trajectory was so shallow and it appeared so large that at first I thought it would land close by, but that was probably an optical illusion. The sky was very clear and I did not see any other meteorites, I also did not hear any noise or boom.
I met up with my group in Albany who reported seeing it overhead earlier that night.
I've seen Leonids, Persids and a comet, but this was my first meteorite. I like your site.
Tallahassee, Florida
April 29, 2011. Seen in the Eastern sky over Tallahasse around 10:00pm ending in large flash of light. -
David K
Kissimmee, FL
Guest701 (guest):Kissimmee, FL 4/29/11 around 10 p.m.
My husband and I saw this very light turquois-colored ball falling in the sky Northeast of Kissimmee, FL. We noticed a lot of airplane activity around the same time in the same area.
Tifton, GA
My location is 31d 28m 33s N and 83d 29m 29s W (Tifton, GA). I was outside with my parallelogram-mounted binoculars observing the region around Spica in the constellation Virgo when I noticed something from the corner of my eye. I moved the binoculars away and watched a bright and beautiful meteor streak across the sky. It was near Regulus when I first noticed it and it flared out east of Spica. Its predominant color was bright green but it finished with a bright orange glow. There was no visible burst or explosion. I watched it for 5 seconds at least but it must have been visible longer than that. Its direction of travel was NW to SE and it was high in the sky, perhaps 75 degrees above the horizon. After it finished, I rushed into the house to tell my wife and I I may have missed any sound that it made. Its brightness is estimated at magnitude minus 11. -
Dick Marti Excellent Report! Thank you! ,,,,, and others