Latest updates! 20APR2013
Nada, Nada! No evidence of Meteorite!
Nothing, nothing meteor!
- evidence whatsoever that might confirm the impact of an object on the ground, trying to find evidence of the alleged secondary fires likely impact, damage to flora or property and confirm the fact. Likewise were interviewed locals to try to locate witnesses who could provide information about the course of the meteor impact site without anyone else could confirm the fact. ...more
Military Investigating!
Personal mlitar is heading to San Pedro
Military Investigating!
Personal mlitar is heading to San Pedro
...Army units have been mobilized to the area of San Pedro, El Carrizal and Meliton Albañez Ejido, where residents also reported a potential impact of an unknown object. ... more
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"click on image to enlarge" La Paz, Mexico |
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"click on image to enlarge" La Paz, Baja California, Sur and San Pedro, Mexico Area |
NOTE- The photo on Twitter was NOT from this event; it was of the Russian meteor event of 15FEB2013.
I have just been made aware of a news story about this possible meteor event in La Paz, Mexico; thank you to Dr. Marcelo de Oliveira Souza in Brasil! -
Reports received-
18MAY2013 Jeff Gfroerer Bahia de La Ventana Baja 16:30:00 1.5 sec S Beautiful orange yellow tail Venus No First meteor I saw during daylight hours
18MAY2013 Jorge La Paz, Baja California, Sur 16:08:00 1 to 3 sec Prob N to S, facing SW. Orange - Red Yellow | Heard strong sound more than venus. SW the city Many people saw the meteorite, we heard a clear and strong sound a few minutes after falling the felt walls and windows shaking.
Possible meteorite fall in La Paz
Colectivo Pericú 18MAY2013
La Paz, B.C.S.- Insistentes llamadas que se están recibiendo en los servicios de emergencia señalan que un meteorito ha caído en las cercanías de la ciudad capital, lo que originó una fuerte explosión cuya onda expansiva cimbró todas las viviendas de la zona sur. ...
La Paz, BCS-insistent calls being received in the emergency services indicate that a meteorite fell in the vicinity of the capital city, which caused a loud explosion which rocked blast all homes in the south. ...
Another story just posted-
-Witnesses report that a ball of white / red that left a trail, crossed the horizon and seconds later heard a loud explosion.
Police looking for traces of meteorite
La Paz, B.C.S.- La caída de un objeto misterioso ocurrida a las 4:08 de la tarde de hoy y que causó una fuerte explosión que se escuchó en la ciudad capital, ha originado ya la movilización de elementos de la Policía Municipal y de Protección Civil por la zona de Chametla y El Centenario. ...La Paz, B.C.S.- Insistentes llamadas que se están recibiendo en los servicios de emergencia señalan que un meteorito ha caído en las cercanías de la ciudad capital, lo que originó una fuerte explosión cuya onda expansiva cimbró todas las viviendas de la zona sur. ...
La Paz, BCS-insistent calls being received in the emergency services indicate that a meteorite fell in the vicinity of the capital city, which caused a loud explosion which rocked blast all homes in the south. ...
Another story just posted-
-Witnesses report that a ball of white / red that left a trail, crossed the horizon and seconds later heard a loud explosion.
Police looking for traces of meteorite
La Paz, BCS-The fall of a mysterious object that occurred at 4:08 pm today and caused a loud explosion was heard in the capital city, has originated and mobilization of elements of the Municipal Police and Protective Civil Chametla area and El Centenario. ...
MBIQ Sample Data-
Cabo San Lucas, Baja California Sur,. Mexico arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Lisa on a sailboat in Marina La Paz, Mexico saw two meteors 18/19OCT2011" by searching for meteor lapaz.
MBIQ-Meteor Bot Internet Query bot-
2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!
MBIQ Sample Data-
Cabo San Lucas, Baja California Sur,. Mexico arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Lisa on a sailboat in Marina La Paz, Mexico saw two meteors 18/19OCT2011" by searching for meteor lapaz.
MBIQ-Meteor Bot Internet Query bot-
2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!
1 comment:
its in la paz, baja California sur México. No Bolivia
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