Kirkwood, Eastern Cape, South Africa Meteor Fragmentation Entry at abt. 08:55 (GMT+2) -Meteorite/s Found 25AUG2024 - Map v.3
PLEASE NOTE- There will likely be many updates; I have not had much sleep so updates may be a bit slow. Thank you. Last update- 2335hrs JST (GMT+9) -- 27Aug2024, Tokyo. 11,778 views

Click on Map to Enlarge- yet to be updated-pending
Fragmentation of the meteoroid as it entered the atmosphere. 25AUG2025
Meteorite Fragments Found- Note Black/Dark Brown Fusion Crust
Kirkwood, Eastern Cape, South Africa Meteorite Fall 25AUG2024
Photo Credit- Jessie "Jes" of Kirkwood, SA via FB Nita van Z.
Interior of the Meteorite
Kirkwood, Eastern Cape, South Africa Meteorite Fall 25AUG2024
Photo Credit- Jessie "Jes" of Kirkwood, SA
A meteorite from this event was found in Kirkwood, Eastern Cape, South Africa. The meteorite appears to be from the HED group, likely a Howardite or Diogenite, a specimen of Asteroid 4 Vesta! -LMH...Tokyo
Please study! This site is a great reference about meteorites, written by Dr. Randy L. Korotev.
What to look for? Meteorite with black or dark brown Fusion Crust
Freshly fallen meteorites may smell like burnt, like sulphur or like gun powder.
Generally, they are heavier than the average Earth rock.
If you find a meteorite, document with camera photos before disturbing the scene, get the GPS location, and mark the spot.
Please if possible DO NOT TOUCH WITH BARE HANDS, this contaminates the meteorite; wrap in aluminium foil, put some dry rice in a jar and add the wrapped meteorite or fragments and seal. DO NOT USE A MAGNET, as this destroys the magnetic memory in the rock. A sample needs to be supplied ASAP for Cosmic Radiation Studies and Gas Studies. Please email me @ Worldwide there are 2-4 labs that do these studies. Thank you!
People in the local area first check the roads for smashed rocks on the blacktop or look for black burnt-looking rocks on graveled roads. Check roofs, windows for holes. THEN, begin a good search in the area surrounding where the one rock was found. Good luck. This is a sample of Asteroid 4 Vesta!
Local South Africa Groups-
Other News Reports-
Story and photos of meteorite.
2024 The ELEVENTH Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!
Another news story-
Another- Meteorite crashes into the sea near St Francis Bay this morning – updated
Better of the two TV video interviews of Dr. Gibson, WITS Univ., SA
Legal disclaimer- Duty to notify.
Legal Notice Concerning Meteorite Ownership in South Africa-
Once a meteorite lands on South African territory it belongs to the State and is protected by the South African Heritage Resources Agency (SAHRA).Meteorites are governed by The National Heritage Resources Act (Act No. 25 of 1999), and more specifically by section 35(4) of the Act. Section 35 reads as follows:
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