Showing posts with label meteorite fall. Show all posts
Showing posts with label meteorite fall. Show all posts

29 May 2024

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 29MAY2024

Meteorite Strikes Farmland In Tamil Nadu's Achamangalam Village, Creates Five-Foot-Deep Crater
ABP Live - ABP NewsA gaping hole found in a farmland at Achamangalam village in Tamil Nadu's Thirupattur district has been attributed to a meteorite hit. The five-foot ...

Tamil Nadu Farmer Makes Rare Discovery: Meteorite Found In Farmland - News24
News24Witness the remarkable discovery as a Tamil Nadu farmer unearths a meteorite in his farmland. Explore the fascinating story.

Tamil Nadu man finds hot gaping hole created by meteorite strike in his farmland
India Today
Heat was emanating from a five-foot hole in a farmland · Officials confirmed hole was created by meteorite strike · Samples sent to different ...

Midlands residents told meteor fragments 'could be in their gardens' - Birmingham Live
Birmingham Live
They believe 500g (1.1lbs) of meteorite landed south-east of Stoke-on-Trent and would be about 5-10cm (2-4inches) wide, black or brown in colour ...

Search for meteor fragments after bright fireball - Yahoo News
Yahoo News
UK FAll estimated 500g (1.1lbs) of meteorite landed south-east of Stoke-on-Trent and would be about 5-10cm (2-4inches) wide, black or brown in colour ...

2024 The ELEVENTH Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

09 February 2016

India "Meteor-Killed Man" was NOT by Meteorite 09FEB2016 Graphic!

VERY GRAPHIC- India "Meteor-Killed Man" was NOT by Meteorite 09FEB2016
Video and photo below- This video may be inappropriate for some users.

Event took place at 1302 Local Time 06FEB2016 according to timestamp on security video. Local news, NEWS X,  broke the original story at 1504 Local time. Photos shown of "meteorite, 11 grams" are not of a meteorite. It was mentioned in other reports that "gelatin", dynamite, may have been stored/buried in the garden spot where the "crater" was located and that gardeners had been burning trash at the time of the event. Police claim that their dog detected no explosives and the police later recover a "meteorite" that according to photos released is NOT a meteorite.

Scroll down IF you still wish to see the VERY GRAPHIC photo and video.

Down more.  I want this out of sight for those that require filtering. Thank you!

Screen capture from Ruptly TV
Burns and injuries are consistent with explosives or gas explosion not a meteorite impact.
c2016 RT News / YouTube

India: Man killed by ‘meteorite’ for 1st time in history, say officials
Posted to YouTube by Ruptly TV 2,360 views

original post-

Tamil Nadu, India - One Killed Three Injured by Meteorite Fall Report India Police

2016 The THIRD Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

07 February 2016

Tamil Nadu, India - One Killed Three Injured by Meteorite Fall Report India Police

Vellore College, Natrampalli, Tamil Nadu, India One Killed Three Injured by Meteorite Fall Report India Police 06FEB2016 -- Really? 
5 video reports below.
1 Lahk Rs., $1475USD, to be paid to family of killed.


India "Meteor-Killed Man" was NOT by Meteorite 09FEB2016 Graphic!
Click on Image to Enlarge.
Bharathidasan Engineering College
c 2016 LunarMeteoriteHunter / Google Earth

Image Credit- RJ screenshot of Newspaper
Video Report 1

One Dead, 2 injured : "Meteor might have caused the Explosion" - Vellore DIG
Posted to YouTube by Thanthi TV 673 views

Video Report 2

Live report: Meteorite falls in Vellore?
Posted to YouTube by Puthiya Thalaimurai TV 6,089 views

Video Report 3

Live report: Meteorite falls in Vellore?
Posted to YouTube by Puthiya Thalaimurai TV 1,202 views

Video Report 4

People struck with Fear after Meteor Fall creates Sensation | Vellore | Thanthi TV
Posted to YouTube by Thanthi TV 1,309 views

Video Report 5

Vellore Meteor fall : Relief Announced for the deceased person - ThanthI TVPosted to YouTube by Thanthi TV 534 views

Meteorite caused ‘mishap’ in Vellore college: Jayalalithaa
The Hindu 07FEB2016
..."Chief Minister Jayalalithaa on Sunday said it was a meteorite fall that caused the mishap."...
"Window panes of the college buses and several glass planes of the building were damaged when the meteorite fell.
  Kamaraj lost his life after the meteorite fell near him as he was walking past the building.
The meteorite fall caused an explosion. It also created a small crater near the building complex."


Vellore Rock Unlikely to Be A Meteorite, Says Astro Prof
Published: 07th February 2016 02:57 PM

Govt `confirms' meteorite blast in Vellore killed man
Times of India
Scientists closely watch space bodies that come to earth and predict in advance when a meteor large enough to stay intact after burning up in the ...

Huge Explosion Near Vellore Adds to Mystery Meteor Showers
The New Indian Express
Normally meteor showers are traceable, but there are cases of the space debris sneaking past unnoticed, point out experts. CHENNAI: Experts are ...

Has Indian bus driver become first ever person to be killed by a meteorite strike?
Daily Mail
An Indian bus driver has become the first man in recorded history to be killed after he was struck by a meteorite, sensational local reports have claimed ...

The world's first recorded 'death by meteorite' just happened in India
... it's extremely unlucky, it's surprising that it's such a rare occurrence – particularly in the light of recent close calls like 2013's Chelyabinsk meteor.

Meteorite did it: CM Jayalalithaa on Vellore death
The Indian Express
While the powerful shock wave from the meteor damaged buildings, shattered glass and left hundreds injured, there were no deaths. The odds of ...

Ravi Jagtiani- “A small stone weighing about 10 grams was recovered from the spot. We had sent a requisition to IIA scientists asking them to come and examine the object. A team from IIA will be visiting the district on Monday to analyse it,” said P.K. Senthilkumari,...See More

Astrophysicists to examine meteorite-like object
Ravi Jagtiani-

Ravi Jagtiani-
Police, however, dismissed these initial eyewitness accounts as rumours. They put out the guesswork that the explosion was caused by gelatine sticks buried and abandoned amid the rocks at the time of construction of the college.

They said that the college's gardeners, Sasikumar(42) and Murali (26), were burning garbage to clean up the garden and inadvertently set off the unused gelatine sticks.

Sources said that Kamaraj and another driver Sultan (57) were drinking water from a water tank in the garden when they were hit by splinters from the meteorite.

Kamaraj fell with bleeding injuries and Sultan sustained minor injuries. Kamaraj was rushed to the government hospital in Vaniyambadi but died on the way.

Meteorite? Satellite Junk? Vellore Rock Was Object from Space - The…
Ravi Jagtiani-
its actually 2 different incident

the above image is due to the first incident took place in same vellore district on 26-01-2016
the second image is the yesterday event Bharathidhasan College, Vellore District..
both incident are from same Vellore District 10 days difference.apart.- Vishal Essor

Ravi Jagtiani-  “Following a similar incident near Vellore on January 26, on a paddy field in Alangayam Village, a scientist from National Physical Laboratory had been camping near Vellore. When our bomb and explosives experts ruled out the presence of usual chemicals...See More
Ravi Jagtiani- Eyewitnesses claimed to have seen a flying object falling down and striking the campus at around Saturday noon. - See more at:

Vellore college explosion caused by Meteorite: Jayalalithaa
Ravi Jagtiani- “pieces of a rare kind of stone” being found and sent for analysis......
However, a weekly calendar put out by the Society states that a seasonal shower of the Pi Hydrids is expected to have maximum activity on February 7, apart from two other showers underway until February 21....See More

Strange Explosion in Vellore Thought the Work of a Fallen Meteorite

2016 The THIRD Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

19 May 2013

MBIQ Detects Possible Meteorite Fall in La Paz, Mexico Meteor? 18MAY2013

MBIQ Detects Possible Meteorite Fall??? in La Paz, Mexico 4:08 pm Local Time 18MAY2013

Latest updates! 20APR2013
Nada, Nada! No evidence of Meteorite!
Nothing, nothing meteor!
- evidence whatsoever that might confirm the impact of an object on the ground, trying to find evidence of the alleged secondary fires likely impact, damage to flora or property and confirm the fact. Likewise were interviewed locals to try to locate witnesses who could provide information about the course of the meteor impact site without anyone else could confirm the fact.  ...more

Military Investigating!
Personal mlitar is heading to San Pedro
...Army units have been mobilized to the area of ​​San Pedro, El Carrizal and Meliton Albañez Ejido, where residents also reported a potential impact of an unknown object. ... more

"click on image to enlarge"
La Paz, Mexico
"click on image to enlarge"
La Paz, Baja California, Sur and San Pedro, Mexico Area
Anyone who saw this possible meteor event please file a meteor sighting report on this website; thank you.

NOTE- The photo on Twitter was NOT from this event; it was of the Russian meteor event of 15FEB2013.

I have just been made aware of a news story about this possible meteor event in La Paz, Mexico; thank you to Dr. Marcelo de Oliveira Souza in Brasil! -

Reports received-
18MAY2013 Jeff Gfroerer Bahia de La Ventana Baja 16:30:00 1.5 sec S Beautiful orange yellow tail Venus No First meteor I saw during daylight hours

18MAY2013 Jorge La Paz, Baja California, Sur 16:08:00 1 to 3 sec Prob N to S, facing SW. Orange - Red Yellow | Heard strong sound more than venus. SW the city Many people saw the meteorite, we heard a clear and strong sound a few minutes after falling the felt walls and windows shaking.

Possible meteorite fall in La Paz
Colectivo Pericú 18MAY2013
La Paz, B.C.S.- Insistentes llamadas que se están recibiendo en los servicios de emergencia señalan que un meteorito ha caído en las cercanías de la ciudad capital, lo que originó una fuerte explosión cuya onda expansiva cimbró todas las viviendas de la zona sur. ...
La Paz, BCS-insistent calls being received in the emergency services indicate that a meteorite fell in the vicinity of the capital city, which caused a loud explosion which rocked blast all homes in the south. ...

Another story just posted-
-Witnesses report that a ball of white / red that left a trail, crossed the horizon and seconds later heard a loud explosion.
Police looking for traces of meteorite
La Paz, B.C.S.- La caída de un objeto misterioso ocurrida a las 4:08 de la tarde de hoy y que causó una fuerte explosión que se escuchó en la ciudad capital, ha originado ya la movilización de elementos de la Policía Municipal y de Protección Civil por la zona de Chametla y El Centenario. ...
La Paz, BCS-The fall of a mysterious object that occurred at 4:08 pm today and caused a loud explosion was heard in the capital city, has originated and mobilization of elements of the Municipal Police and Protective Civil Chametla area and El Centenario. ...

MBIQ Sample Data-
Cabo San Lucas, Baja California Sur,. Mexico arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Lisa on a sailboat in Marina La Paz, Mexico saw two meteors 18/19OCT2011" by searching for meteor lapaz.

MBIQ-Meteor Bot Internet Query bot-

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

10 May 2013

Oshika, Namibia Meteorite Fall 09MAY2013

Oshika, Namibia Meteorite Fall 09MAY2013
"click on images to enlarge"
Onesi, Omusati, Namibia Location Map
C 2013 LunarMeteoriteHunter / Google Earth

Oshika, Namibia Meteorite Fall 09MAY2013
Source- New Era
Meteorite strikes mahangu field
"A piece of meteorite, the of a size of a small ball or two human fists put together made such an impact that people within a radius of over 200km were able to hear the explosive impact, feel the resulting tremor and observe the blinding light that followed as it landed". ...more-

'UFO' sparks bomb fears in northern village
"Oshika - a remote village in the Onesi area of the Omusati Region - was gripped by fear of bombs when an object believed to be a meteorite fell there in the early hours of yesterday.
The incident had, according to worried eyewitnesses, all the hallmarks of a military attack - a sound similar to that of a warplane, a loud explosion and a suspicious landing time."...

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

24 April 2013

Mysterious Booms in Connecticut Yield Wolcott, CT Meteorite 19APR2013

Mysterious Booms in Connecticut Yield Wolcott, CT Meteorite 19APR2013
Map Showing the Locations of the Booms Heard and the Fall Location at Wolcott, CT 19APR2013 at Approximately 10 pm EDT.  Red Lines Indicate Distance from the Meteorite Fall Site, Ledyard is about 50 miles away and East Haven about 20 Miles.
v.1 C 2013  LunarMeteoriteHunter / Google Earth
Mysterious Booms in Connecticut Yield Wolcott, CT Meteorite 19APR2013
 Booms from about 50 miles away in Ledyard, CT and several others from 20-30 miles away seem to have been the result of a meteoroid entering the atmosphere followed by a meteorite hitting a house in Wolcott, CT on April 19, 2013 at approximately 10'00 pm EDT. Police departments in Ledyard, East Haven, Milford, Madison, Branford, and Guilford all had calls from the public reporting booms being heard in their neighborhoods.
  According to a report by CBS Channel 5 - WOLCOTT, CT (WFSB), Larry Beck has found a baseball-sized meteorite? that crashed through his roof.
  I have viewed the photos of the rock and have determined that it is indeed a meteorite! Congrats to Mr. Beck. Unfortunately, most cases of a meteorite hitting one's house turn out to be a curse with a resulting flood of phone calls by the media and hounding meteorite seekers. Best of luck to Mr. Beck! -LunarMeteoriteHunter, Tokyo, Japan

Possible meteorite crashes into home

Close up photo of the Meteorite showing fusion crust and the enterior

Photo 1 of the Meteorite that hit the house in Wolcott, CT

Photo 2 of the Meteorite that hit the house in Wolcott, CT

Mysterious "Boom" Rattles Windows in Connecticut

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

22 May 2009

India- Press Reports Meteorite Fall 21MAY09

Two meteorites found in Muzaffarnagar
The Times of India
21 May 2009, 1733 hrs IST, PTI
MUZAFFARNAGAR, Uttar Pradesh: A Karimpur villager in the district was alarmed when two hot embers fell down from the sky in his compound after rainfall.
An expert later said the two pieces found in Shyambir's house compound are meteorites and could be part of a bigger meteor that might have exploded while rushing down the earth's atmosphere.
"Two small meteorites which fell in the house compound were hot," Shyambir claimed. The pieces, which were found yesterday, weigh about 250 gm and 100 gm, he said.
A professor in the field of astronomy and celestial bodies, Deepak Sharma, said the two pieces are believed to be parts of a bigger meteor which must have exploded.
According to villagers, the pieces fell down after rainfall in the area yesterday.
Some years ago, a big meteorite had fallen down at Kasoli village in the district, weighing about seven kg.

19 March 2009

large rock mysteriously falls from the sky in Zimbabwes’ Nkayi village 19MAR09

A large rock mysteriously falls from the sky in Zimbabwes’ Nkayi village
Thursday, 19 March 2009 15:02
administrator News By Owen Gagare

A LARGE rock, weighing about 100 kilogrammes fell from the “sky,” in Nkayi at the beginning of the month, shocking villagers while at the same time sending the whole district wild with excitement and speculation. The District Administrator for Nkayi, Ms Nosizi Dube, and the Police Officer Commanding Crime in the district, Superintendent Chanetsa Maswi, confirmed the incident.The stone, many villagers now believe. is a gift from God, fell with a thunderous noise in Madlilika Village in the Mjena area of Lukampa under Chief Sikhobokhobo at about 5pm on 1 March.It fell five metres from two villagers, Mr Judia Sibanda and Mr Mncedisi Ngwenya, who were herding cattle in the bush.In interviews on Tuesday, villagers from the area said they heard a thunderous sound coming from the “sky,” and another sound resembling a bomb exploding. “The noise later fizzled into a sound similar to one made by an aircaft on take-off before dying away,” said Mrs Nomsa Ngwenya, a villager. On seeing the rock fall, Mr Sibanda and Mr Ngwenya rushed to their home where they told their father, Mr Spempokuhle Ngwenya, of the incident. Mr Ngwenya told other villagers and together they went to inspect the rock, after which it was agreed that he keeps it since his children had found it.People from the area believe the rock could have been a special gift from God containing very precious minerals while others believe that it could have been sent by their ancestors in a bid to communicate something to them.

They have since vowed to jealously guard it until they get a satisfactory explanation on what it symbolises or what mineral it contains. They have been so determined to keep the rock that they even turned down Chief Sikhobokhobo’s request to have the rock.To date they have only allowed about 15 kilogrammes of the rock to be taken by the Government, through the District Administrator’s Office and security agents, so that it may go for testing. The villagers, however, reluctantly released the rock.

According to Mr Sethukile Ndlovu, a teacher at Mjena Primary School, who also comes from the area, the villagers believe that the unique stone could turn out to be something of great significance.“There is a lot of speculation at the moment but one thing for sure is that no one seems to think it is a bad omen, although people were initially shocked by the incident. A number of people touched the stone and nothing has happened to them but the strongest belief seems to be that it is a precious stone,” he said.“There is belief that it could be containing a very rich mineral while others believe that either God or their ancestors were trying to communicate with them. So, whichever way you look at it, this rock is important to the people of this area and they are keen to find out what it really is. “There is belief that the rock could be a good omen for the area and if there are any benefits from it, the people do not want to lose out.”

Mr Ndlovu said the unique sound, which accompanied the rock made some people believe that there was something supernatural about it.He says the rock was heard in the entire Lukampa area as well as Matshena, Mbuma and Nkalathi areas.

According to Mr Memukeli Khumalo, also from Mjena, Chief Sikhobokhobo sent two of his advisors to have a look at the stone. The chief also requested that the stone be sent to him but the villagers refused. “At that meeting people said they had never seen anything like that. The people refused to let go of the rock because they felt that if it was of significance, then its significance would be here. At that meeting, there was talk of raising spirit mediums so that they could find out what the stone meant but we failed to raise them during the meeting,” he said.When Chief Sikhobokhobo confirmed the incident he alerted the DA who in turn alerted security agents. The Assistant DA, Mr Knowledge Chikanga, then travelled to the area with the police last week.“We wanted to see what it was for ourselves and from a security point of view, establish whether it was of harm or not. The elders from the area held onto the rock but in the end they gave us one piece. We hope to conduct tests on the rock,” said Ms Dube, the DA.The rock weighing 15kg is being kept at Nkayi Police Station.Supt Maswi said the rock would be tested by officials from the Ministry of Mines and Mining Development to establish its chemical composition.The rock is black and very smooth outside. It is grey inside.

Contacted for comment, officials from the Geological Survey Department said they could not explain the phenomenon since they did not have a geologist in the Matabeleland region although another official said the stone could have come from space. A solid state physicist contacted last night said the object could be a meteorite that dropped into the earth from outer space.“I would say maybe a small meteorite. If it is a stone then it could be a meteorite that dropped from outer space,” said the physicist after the object was described to him.A meteorite is a portion of a meteoroid, which is a solid object in interplanetary space, that survives its passage through the atmosphere and impact with the ground without being destroyed.

According to the online encyclopaedia,, numerous people have over the years reported sounds being heard while bright meteors flared overhead. While some scientists have dismissed the idea of sounds accompanying meteors, given the relatively slow speed of sound, sound recordings made under controlled conditions in Mongolia in 1998 by a team led by Slaven Garaj, a physicist at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology at Lausanne, support the contention that the sounds are real.

14 March 2009

Meteor över Skåne slog ner i Danmark 13MAR09

Meteor över Skåne slog ner i Danmark
Delar av den meteor som många människor i södra Skåne, sydöstra Danmark och norra Tyskland såg den 17 januari har påträffats på Lolland, skriver danska tidningen Politiken på nätet.

18 januari 2009 Bröderna fångade meteoren på film 17 januari 2009 Spektakulärt fenomen lyste upp Sydsverige
Delarna, meteoriter, har påträffats på Lolland bekräftar lektor Henning Haack vid Geologiskt museum i Köpenhamn.Hittills har man på grundval av de många uppgifter från allmänheten som kommit in trott att meteoriden störtade i havet söder om Lolland-Falster.

Vägde flera ton
Till TV 4 Nyheterna Öresund säger Haack att fyndet väger ungefär 30 gram – att jämföra med de flera ton som meteoren tros ha vägt då den trädde in i atmosfären. Fyndet gjordes av en tysk meteoritjägare som i tre veckor intervjuat ögonvittnen och sedan ägnat en vecka åt att leta efter nedslagsplatsen. Delarna ska nu ställas ut på Geologisk museum. Det är första gången sedan 1951 som en meteorit hittats i Danmark.

News Source:
Meteor över Skåne slog ner i Danmark
Publicerad: 2009-03-13 18:10

08 March 2009

West, TX Meteorite hunter donates rare find 6MAR09

Meteorite hunter donates rare find
10:47 AM PST on Friday, March 6, 2009
By KGW Staff
PORTLAND -- A meteorite hunter from Portland is donating part of a recent find to Portland State University.

Video: Fireball during Texas marathon
Meteor fireball in sky
Meteorite donated to PSU

You may have seen the video of the fireball captured during a marathon last month near Austin, Texas.
When Patrick Thompson heard about it, he decided to spend eight days looking for parts of the meteor and he was successful. After searching on foot an average of 25 miles a day, he ended up finding 14 fragments of the meteorite.
For Thompson, it’s a true treasure.
“There's something about it, something about putting your hands on a rock and being the first person to touch it,” he said. “It came from space. These things are floating around up there, every time you see a shooting star, you're kind of reminded of the fact that these things are coming to earth, bombarding us all the time.”
Scientists said because Thompson’s latest meteorite finds are so fresh, the rocks are especially valuable.
Thompson said he plans to sell some of the rocks after donating at least one of them to PSU.

06 March 2009

Parry Sound, Ontario, Canada Meteor of March 5, 2008 One Year Ago

Photo by Univ. of Western Ontario, CAO-RASC (c)2008
Parry Sound, Ontario, Canada Meteor--March 5, 2008 at 10:59 p.m. EST

Anyone have any updates concerning meteorite finds from this meteor? Please comment on this post if you have any information. Thank you.

Western astronomers on hunt for meteor
By Communications Staff Friday, March 7, 2008
Astronomers from The University of Western Ontario have captured rare video of a meteor falling to Earth, and are hoping to enlist the help of local residents in recovering one or more possible meteorites that may have crashed in the Parry Sound area.

Map (Zoom)
Map (Full Version 1)
Map (Full Version 2)
Video File (.avi)
Video File (.mov)

The Physics and Astronomy Department at Western has a network of all-sky cameras in Southern Ontario that scan the sky monitoring for meteors. Associate Professor Peter Brown, who specializes in the study of meteors and meteorites, says that Wednesday evening (March 5) at 10:59 p.m. EST these cameras captured video of a large fireball and the department has also received a number of calls and emails from people who actually saw the light. Brown along with Wayne Edwards, a post doctorate student, are now working to get the word out among interested people who may be willing to see if they can spot any fallen meteorites. “Most meteoroids burn up by the time they hit an altitude of 60 or 70 kilometres from Earth," says Edwards. “We tracked this one to an altitude of about 24 kilometres so we are pretty sure there are at least one, and possibly many meteorites, that made it to the ground." Edwards says the lab can narrow the ground location where the meteorite would have fallen, to about 12 square kilometres and have created a map that may assist in locating the meteorite. The rock, or rocks, would probably weigh a kilogram or slightly more. “We would love to find a recovered meteorite on this one, because we have the video and we have the data and by putting that together with the meteorite, there is a lot to be learned." Wayne Edwards is available for interviews and/or to report finds at 519-850-2385. He can also be reached via email at If you would like to receive a 14-mb video file of the meteor in avi format, maps or an image, please reply to this email address.

Reply Comment by Mark Langenfeld:
While I have heard nothing further, the linked maps suggest whatever survived may have splashed into Georgian Bay.

Reply Comment by Patrick Herrmann:
Nothing had been recovered from that fall. The stones fell too far out in Georgian Bay, and the ice was too thin to go by snowmobile. Point-au-Baril is what they ended up calling the potential strewn field.I was trying to get a helicopter lined up to go and look for some stones, but then, about a week or so after the fireball, there was another snowstorm, and that was it.