كانت سرعة النيزك الذي سقط أمس الجمعة في سيبيريا هائلة إلى درجة أنه يقطع المسافة بين دبي وجدة البالغة 1700 كيلومتر، بأقل من دقيقة، وهو ما يستغرق ساعتين ...
据新华社19时13分消息:综合俄媒报道,陨石坠落现已造成725人受伤,其中包括80 多名儿童 ...
俄罗斯车里雅宾斯克州15日发生陨石坠落事件,迄今已造成1000多人受伤,其中大 部分是碰伤 ...
实拍:俄罗斯陨石坠落, 现场浓烟滚滚百人受伤- YouTube
This video is a response to 陨石坠落俄罗斯致多人受伤居民误以为战争爆发 · Thumbnail 陨石坠落俄罗斯致多人受伤居民误以为战争爆发 by CHNNewz 151 views ...
专家称坠落陨石威力相当于20颗广岛原子弹. CHNNewz·1,771 videos. Subscribe ...
The meteor that exploded over Russia on Friday (Feb. 15) was larger, more massive and more ...
Uploader Comments (Дмитрий Волков). Remove; Report profile image; Flag for spam; Block User; Unblock User. Дмитрий Волков 1 day ago. This comment has received too many negative votes show. Метеорит бы в 23:00 по MSK, а это, видимо, баллистическая ... (Excellent Video!)
تصوير من عده مدن للنيزك الزي ضرب روسيا 15-2-2013 من جميع الزاوايا meteorite strikes Russia 15-2-2013 captured by many people.
Meteor in Russian Meteorite hits Russia Video Chelyabinsk 15-2-2013 Meteor Hits Russia Hard ...
صخرة عملاقة تتجول فوق الأرض و نيزك روسيا يزن 10 أطنان حديد ينفجر في أجواء روسيا في نفس اليوم نيزك روسيا يزن 10 أطنان حديد ينفجر في أجواء روسيا ...
أحد المصورين الروس بالصدفة يقوم بإخد فيديوا يظهر سقوط النيزك في روسيا.
15/02/2013. نيزك سقط وانفجر في روسيا. العديد من الضحايا.
نيزك روسيا 10 أطنان حديد و سرعته 30 كلم في الثانية. La météorite de la Russie pèse 10 tonnes et sa vitesse est 30 km/s. Une ...
نيزك يضرب روسيا يسبب عشرات القتلى 2013 #2. ... Meteor Meteorite Hits Russia - دشنيزك يضرب روسياby ...
فيديو عجيب وغريب جدا سبحان الله لحظة سقوط نيزك واحتراقة قبل وصولة للارض.
3 min
Scientists, collectors search for valuable fragments following meteor crash in Russia.
Vindication for Entrepreneurs Watching Sky: Yes, It Can Fall
New York Times
The meteor that rattled Siberia on Friday, injuring hundreds of people and traumatizing thousands, has suddenly brought new life to efforts to deploy adequate detection tools, in particular a space telescope that would scan the solar system for dangers.
Meteor 'Something We Only Saw in Movies'
ABC News
A day after a massive meteor exploded over this city in central Russia, a monumental cleanup effort is under way. Authorities have deployed around 24,000 troops and emergencies responders to help in the effort. Officials say more than a million square...
A meteor and asteroid: 1 in 100 million odds
(CNN) -- Friday was an extremely unusual day, astronomically speaking. Just as scientists were gearing up to witness an asteroid's closest ever approach to Earth in recorded history, a sizeablemeteor exploded over Russia, causing thousands of injuries ...
2/16: Aftermath of close encounter with meteor; gun control could cost jobs
CBS News
Scientist now say the meteor that exploded over Russia was bigger and heavier than they first thought - 55 feet long and weighing 10,000 tons. Tony Guida has the latest on the largest known meteor to hit earth since 1908; And, Remington is America's ...
Meteor Scramble: Hunt Begins for Pricey Space Rocks
ABC News
Transcript for Meteor Scramble: Hunt Begins for Pricey Space Rocks. We do begin with the aftermath from that massive meteor that came crashing to earth, thousands of people still stunned by what they saw. New images coming in this evening, the streak ...
Meteor vs. asteroid? Terms get tangled when describing space rocks
NBCNews.com (blog)
Was it an asteroid, meteor, meteoroid, meteorite or fireball? You could make a case for "any of the above," depending on your definitions and the precise part of the phenomenon you're trying to describe. The Chelyabinsk incident is the biggest known ...
Meteor explodes over Russian city of Chelyabinsk with force of more than 30 ...
New York Daily News
To Russia with force, hellfire rained from the heavens with nuclear proportions. Themeteor that plunged toward Russia struck Earth's atmosphere with the intensity of 30 Hiroshima bombs, NASA scientists said. "It had an energy greater than (all) the ...
No Russian Meteor Fragments Found in Icy Lake
Voice of America
Russian authorities say divers have explored an icy lake in search of fragments of the huge meteorthat exploded above the Ural Mountains, but found nothing. People in Russia's Chelyabinsk region panicked as the 10-ton meteor lit up the morning sky ...
Will Meteor Lead To Push for More NASA Funding?
Slate Magazine (blog)
Cleanup has begun a day after a meteor blast that took the world by surprise Friday shook Russia's Chelyabinsk region. What the Associated Press describes as a “small army of workers” has mobilized to replace an estimated 50 acres of windows that were ...
Russian region begins recovery from meteor fall
CHELYABINSK, Russia: A small army of workers is laboring to replace the estimated 200,000 square metres of windows shattered by the shock wave from a meteor that exploded over Russia's Chelyabinsk region. The astonishing Friday morning event blew..
Russia's meteor-hit region begins clean-up
The Independent
Emergency Ministry spokeswoman Irina Rossius told Russian news agencies the search hadn't found anything. Valery Fomichov, who was jogging when the meteor tore across the sky, said: "I glanced up and saw a glowing dot in the west. And it got bigger...
A meteor Friday night in Oregon?
KOIN Local 6
Meanwhile, a science institute in Northern California reported numerous sightings of "a bright streak of light" over the San Francisco Bay area later Friday night. The CBS affiliate station in San Francisco reported it as a small "sporadic meteor ...
Bay Area stargazers abuzz after spotting meteor overhead
Raw Story
This meteor, seen just hours after the one that injured more than 1,200 people after crashing to the ground in Russia, did not cause any damage. Astronomer Gerald McKeegan, who works for the Chabot Space and Science Center in Oakland, California, ...
Asteroid misses, meteor hits Earth. The sky is falling?
UPDATE: While waiting for asteroid 2012 DA14's close encounter with Earth, a 50-footmeteor unexpectedly crashed in Chebarkul, Russia. Nearly 1,200 people were reported injured by the shock wave from the explosion, estimated to be as strong as 20...
Cuba gets smaller dose of meteor in Russia
Fort Worth Star Telegram
HAVANA -- Cuba apparently experienced a phenomenon similar to but smaller than the meteor that detonated over Russia, media on the island reported. Startled residents described a bright light and explosion that shook windows and walls. No injuries or ...
Thousands help with cleanup, repairs in Russia after meteor explosion
CTV News
Tens of thousands of people in Russia's Chelyabinsk region were out in droves Saturday to help clean-up the damage after a meteor exploded over the area, blowing out an estimated 200,000 square metres of windows. As many as 24,000 people, including ...
Don't panic, but fireball over California was another meteor strike
Whatever the reason, Earth seems to be magnet for space missiles right now. Experts believe a "sporadic meteor" (meaning a random occurrence that isn't part of a larger meteor shower) caused the fireball seen streaking across the Bay Area on Friday ...
By now, you're probably familiar with the Russian meteor that exploded in the earth's ...
Nuclear-like in its intensity, Russian meteor blast is the largest since ...
A meteor flared through the skies over Russia's Chelyabinsk region early Friday, triggering an atomic bomb-sized shock wave that injured more than a thousand ...
AMAZING VIDEO: Massive Meteor Crashes to Earth in Russian City ...
Check out these amazing scenes from Russia, where a meteor strike injured more than 500 people. Most were injured by broken glass, with 34 hospitalized.
Asteroid 2012 DA14 Google Doodle Removed After Russian Meteor ...
From the blog ABC News: Late last night some might have noticed a fun animation on the Google homepage. Thursday's Google Doodle of a Valentine's ...
A meteor crashing in Russia's Ural mountains has injured at least 950 people, as the ...
Within minutes of the meteor's impact alternative theories began to circulate that the object ...
Infowars.com the home of the #1 Internet News Show in the World.
Meteor explodes over Russia, nearly 1,000 injured - Yahoo! News
From Yahoo! News: MOSCOW (AP) — A meteor streaked across the sky and exploded over Russia's Ural Mountains with the power of an atomic bomb Friday, ...
CBS News video: Aftermath of close encounter with meteor - Scientist now say the meteor ...
After Russian Meteor, California Fireball Catches Public's Attention
International Business Times
“Fireballs happen every single night, all around the world,” he said, adding that mostfireballs go unseen because they flame out over the ocean. “The media attention on the Russian thing got people's attention, so they're more likely to notice things ...
CBS News video: Meteor event put into perspective - Jim Axelrod speaks with Jeff Kluger ...
It might well be that Bill Nye has explained fully about the meteorite that showered a Russian ...
Russian region begins recovery after meteor fall
Fox News
CHELYABINSK, Russia – As a small army of people worked to replace acres of windows shattered by the enormous explosion from a meteor, many joked on Saturday about what had happened in this troubled pocket of Russia. One of the most popular jests: ...
After Assault From the Heavens, Russians Search for Clues and Count Blessings
New York Times
As the Russian government pursued the scientific mysteries of the exploding meteor, sending divers through the hole and into the inky waters of Lake Chebarkul on Saturday, residents reacted with a kind of giddy relief and humor over their luck at ...
Russian Region Begins Cleanup After Meteor Blast
Wall Street Journal
CHELYABINSK, Russia—A small army of workers set to work Saturday to replace the estimated 200,000 square meters (49 acres) of windows shattered by the shock wave from a meteor that exploded over Russia's Chelyabinsk region. The astonishing Friday...
After meteor strike, Russian experts reflect
Los Angeles Times
What experts agree was a meteor or a small asteroid wreaked havoc in the densely populated and highly industrialized Urals, injuring hundreds, causing millions of dollars' worth of material damage, disrupting phone and Internet communications and ...
After the meteor, some in Chelyabinsk prepare to clean up
Washington Post
Mikhail Yurevich felt the need to deny that some residents had broken their own windows in the aftermath of Friday's meteor to qualify for financial assistance. Even if that were true, though, it would be small potatoes compared to the compensation in ...
Russia cleans up after meteor blast injures more than 1000
CHELYABINSK, Russia (Reuters) - Thousands of Russian emergency workers went out on Saturday to clear up the damage from a meteor that exploded over the Ural mountains, damaging buildings, shattering windows and showering people with broken ...
NASA-backed meteor tracking system on horizon
Fox News
In the wake of the meteorite explosion over Russia's Ural Mountains on Friday, a meteor tracking system could be on its way. KHON in Honolulu reports that a professor at the University of Hawaii's Institute for Astronomy is developing what he calls an ...
On heels of Russia meteor explosion, San Francisco Bay area residents report ...
Washington Post
SAN FRANCISCO — Hours after a meteor exploded over Russia and injured more than 1,000 people and an asteroid passed relatively close to Earth, residents in California reported seeing an unusual flash of light over the San Francisco Bay area that left ...
Divers scour Russian lake after meteor strike injures 1200
The unpredicted meteor strike brought traffic to a halt in the industrial city of Chelyabinsk as residents poured out on the streets to watch the light show before hovering for safety as a sonic boom shattered glass and set off car alarms. The ...
Meteor Mystery in San Francisco Bay Area Skies
ABC News
Someone claiming to -- reported the meteor while driving... See More. Reports are coming in from around the bay but mostly on the peninsula a bright blue light streaking across the western sky around 740 tonight. Someone claiming to -- reported the ...
Russian City Hit by Meteor: 1200 People Hurt
ABC News
Russian City Hit by Meteor: 1,200 People Hurt. Kirit Radia reports the meteor's impact over the Chelyabinsk's region. 01:47 | 02/16/2013. Share: Transcript for Russian City Hit by Meteor: 1,200 People Hurt. That remote Russian city hit by a meteorite ...
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Meteor Flies Over Cuba, State Media Reports
Fox News Latino
Havana – On the same day that the world was rocked by news of a meteor soaring over Russia and causing numerous injuries, the country's old Caribbean ally - Cuba - reported its own cosmic appearance, with startled residents describing a bright light in ...
Russian Meteor Injures 1200
Daily Beast
Fans of outer space had a field day on Friday when a 10-ton meteor exploded over Siberia on the same day an asteroid passed perilously close to Earth. The meteorblew in windows throughout the area, and although 1,200 were reported injured -- including ...
Meteor hits Russia; about 1000 injured
MOSCOW: A plunging meteor exploded with a blinding flash above central Russia on Friday, setting off a shockwave that shattered windows and hurt almost 1,000 people in an event unprecedented in modern times. Experts insisted the meteor's fiery entry ...
Meteor DC: Russian Meteor Strike A 'Wakeup Call' Says Washington Astronomer ...
Huffington Post
News accounts say the Russian meteor "exploded" over the Ural Mountains. What probably happened, Chester said, is that the falling rock caused a sonic boom that fragmented it, and friction from the atmosphere caused the falling rocks to burn.
Russian Meteor Is Largest Since 1908 Siberian Blast, NASA Says
A meteor that exploded in the skies above Russia's Ural Mountains was the largest since the Tunguska blast in Siberia in 1908 and released about 33 times the energy of the atomic bomb that destroyed Hiroshima. Before hitting the Earth's atmosphere ...
Russian Meteor Strike Aftermath: Photos
Discovery News
Dozens of videos of the Russian meteor were uploaded to Youtube soon after impact on the morning of Feb. 15, 2013, many of which originated from vehicle dashboard cameras (or "dash cams"). During the morning commute many drivers saw the bright orb ...
Meteor: Rescue Teams Rally To Recovery Effort
Sky News
A major recovery effort is under way to replace thousands of windows shattered by the shockwave from a meteor that exploded over Russia, as some 24,000 workers began arriving in the Chelyabinsk region to help relief efforts. The shockwave blew out ...
New Animation Shows What the Russian Meteor Really Did
By now, you're probably familiar with the meteor that exploded in the earth's atmosphere on Friday. About 930 miles east of Moscow, in remote Chelyabinsk, a speeding space rock hurtled through the sky, injuring over 1,000 Russians (and frightening the ...
California has least-threatening meteor ever. Or at least this weekend
Houston Chronicle (blog)
But Californians are still abuzz today over the meteor they saw Friday night at about 8 p.m. Pacific. Watch close in the video above, because the meteor is such a small speck you might miss it. The brief flash of light sent people calling San Francisco ...
Another Meteor Flashes Across Bay Area Skies
CBS Local
Friday's destructive meteor fall in Russia—reported to have injured 1,000 people, the asteroid flying closer to Earth than the orbit of the moon, and the meteor spotted in the Bay Area seem to be moving in different trajectories from the evidence he's ...
Russian Meteor Called "New Weapon Tested By Americans" By Conspiracy ...
As Russia begins to clean up after a meteor blasted through the Ural Mountains region yesterday, scientists can't quite agree how big the mass was. But at least the conspiracy theorists are out in force: according to Reuters, "Nationalist leader ...
Size of Blast and Number of Injuries Are Seen as Rare for a Rock From Space
New York Times
The meteor that exploded over Russia on Friday set off the largest explosion of its kind in more than a century, at least according to Western scientists. And even more unusual for a meteor, it caused numerous injuries, mostly from flying glass, as the ...
The California Meteor Sighting Wasn't Half as Cool as the Russian One
The Atlantic Wire
Just before 8 p.m. in California's Bay Area, a meteor flashed a bright green flash and streaked across the night sky. The beautiful falling space rock could been seen in different cities across the Bay Area, from San Francisco, to Stockton, to Fresno ...
Meteor Russia incident precedes California fireball reports
The Chabot Space and Science Center in Oakland reports receiving calls describing what appeared to be a fireball flying west Friday night. It's not clear what the object was. Jonathan Braidman, an instructor at the center, described the object based ...
Watch the fireball that streaked across the San Francisco skies last night
NBC Bay Area reports that the fireball was spotted at approximately 7:45 pm last night, with reports coming in from as far south as Gilroy and as far north as Fairfield. Astronomers at Oakland's Chabot Space and Science Center say the meteor is ...
Russian Fireball Highlights Asteroid Threat, Lawmaker Says
Yahoo! News (blog)
The dramatic meteor explosion over Russia Friday (Feb. 15) highlights the need for more attention to be paid to the threat of near-Earth asteroids, an influential American congressman says. Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-Calif.), vice chairman of the House ...
Another Meteor Spotted, This Time Over California
Business Insider
Gerald McKeegan, an astronomer with the Chabot Space and Science Center, told the San Jose Mercury News that the fireball was a "sporadic meteor," a common event, but one that usually happens over the ocean where we can't see it. The meteor was not ...
Meteor explosion injures some 1,200 in Russia
Sat, 16 Feb, 2013 04:08 PM PST
Photo taken on Feb. 16, 2013 shows a factory building damaged by the shockwave of themeteorite fall in Russia's Ural city of Chelyabinsk. Some 1,200 people have been injured and many houses damaged as a meteorite struck Russia's Urals region on Friday.
Meteorite hunters turn rock to roubles
Sat, 16 Feb, 2013 03:55 PM PST
THE Russian city where the biggest meteorite to hit earth in more than 100 years crashed last week is facing a gold rush, with collectors offering more than £10,000 for a fragment of the rock.
Russian meteorite: The conspiracy theories
Sat, 16 Feb, 2013 03:52 PM PST
A strange time for a military attack? (Credit: CNN; screenshot by Chris Matyszczyk/CNET) A good hearty conspiracy theory can shine a sharp light on two of humanity's most enduring traits. One, of course, is humanity's boundless imagination. The other is humanity's essential suspicion of humanity. So while you might be deeply immersed in Bill Nye's explanation of the Russianmeteorite, those with ...
Firbeall reported in Northern California hours after Russian meteorite
Sat, 16 Feb, 2013 03:31 PM PST
Experts weigh in on the bright streak seen by thousands
Cleanup Begins After Meteorite Impact
Sat, 16 Feb, 2013 03:03 PM PST
Nearly 50 remain in the hospital as crews begin repairing the damage done by Friday's meteor blast.
Over 24,000 people mobilized to deal with meteorite fall consequences
Sat, 16 Feb, 2013 02:41 PM PST
Volunteers on Friday went to sites that were hit by the blast wave to help remove shattered glass and close broken windows with plastic film.
Photo gallery: Meteor shockwaves injure people, damage homes in Russia
Sat, 16 Feb, 2013 01:54 PM PST
February 17, 2013 5:30 AM A meteorite that plunged to Earth in a blinding fireball, sending shockwaves which injured 1,200 people and damaged thousands of homes. The 10-tonne meteor streaked across the sky in the Urals region on Friday morning, Feb 15, 2013.
Cuba, too, reports powerful meteorite explosion
Sat, 16 Feb, 2013 01:47 PM PST
Havana — Cuba apparently experienced a phenomenon similar to but smaller than themeteorite that detonated over Russia this week, island media reported, with startled residents describing a bright light in the sky and a loud explosion that shook windows and walls.
Meteor leaves six-metre ice hole
Sat, 16 Feb, 2013 01:16 PM PST
DIVERS scoured the bottom of a Russian lake for fragments of a meteorite that plunged to Earth in a fireball after it left a six-metre hole.
No trace of meteorite in Urals lake: Russia
ians_news_xe Sat, 16 Feb, 2013 12:44 PM PST
Moscow, Feb 17 (IANS/RIA Novosti) A day after meteorite fragment reported to have fallen in Russia's Chelyabinsk region, the government said divers examining the Lake Chebarkul found no trace of the celestial body.
Emergency workers and volunteers are repairing damaged buildings and replacing 200000 ...
Челябинск (северо-восток) метеорит, Asteroid Russia First images
Челябинск (северо-восток) метеорит, Asteroid Russia First images. Dmitry Savelin·9 videos. Subscribe Subscribed Unsubscribe 8. 23,956. Like 75 Dislike 6. Like. Sign in to YouTube. Sign in with your YouTube Account (YouTube, Google+, Gmail, Orkut ...
метеорит в Челябинске 15.02.2013 meteorite in Chelyabinsk.Russia,
https://www.youtube.com/user/mordanko... В МЧС сообщили, что на Урале прошел не прошел метеоритный дождь, как сообщалось ранее, а сгорел один метеорит. В администрацию Челябинска поступили многочисленные обращения, связанные с травмами, полученными в результате ...
Астероид, метеорит Челябинск
Астероид, метеорит Челябинск. ELTTABJD·2 videos. Subscribe Subscribed Unsubscribe 5. 19,982. Like 46 Dislike 2. Like. Sign in to YouTube. Sign in with your YouTube Account (YouTube, Google+, Gmail, Orkut, Picasa, or Chrome) to like ELTTABJD's video ...
Meteorite Explosion over Russia - collected videos - метеорит над Челябинском
Meteorite Explosion over Russia - collected videos - метеорит над Челябинском. Victor Ben·67 videos. Subscribe Subscribed Unsubscribe 14. 17,820. Like 47 Dislike 2. Like. Sign in to YouTube. Sign in with your YouTube Account (YouTube, Google+, Gmail ...
Meteor in Russian Meteorite hits Russia Video Chelyabinsk 15-2-2013
Meteor in Russian Meteorite hits Russia Video Chelyabinsk 15-2-2013. Meteor,in,Russian,Meteorite,hits,Russia,Chelyabinsk,2,15,2013. Метеор на русском Метеоритпопадает России Видео Челябинской 15-2-2013 место падения метеорита под челябинском-оригинал ...
The meteor that streaked across the skies over Russia on Friday exploded with a force 30 times ...
Emergency workers and volunteers are repairing damaged buildings and replacing 200000 ...
Experts believe a 'sporadic meteor' caused a fireball to streak across the western California ...
Russian meteor shower: Fireball from outer space: 1,000 injured as ...
Fragments of at least one meteorite fell in the Chelyabinsk region some 1500 kilometers (930 miles) east of Moscow, causing flashes in the morning sky and ...
According to media reports, a fireball streaked through the skies above California's Bay Area ...
Fireball reported across California sky
Experts believe a "sporadic meteor" caused a fireball to streak across the western California sky Friday night, according to NBC's Bay Area affiliate. A bright flash of light was first reported in Santa Rosa, Calif., around 7:45 p.m., and was seen as ...
See all stories on this topic »
Watch: Fireball Streaks Across California Sky
NBC Southern California
On a day that had a lot of people talking about meteorites and asteroids, a fireball of some sort was seen streaking across the California sky. It was seen in the Bay Area about 7:45 p.m. Residents from as far north as Fairfield and as far south as ...
Apparent fireball lights up night sky over California
Duluth News Tribune
Based on reports, the light streaking in the Northern California sky was a sporadic meteor, orfireball, and not a major event, said Mike Hankey, operations manager for the American Meteor Society at Pennsylvania State University. The group recorded at ...
Trou du Météorite Russe dans le lac Tchebarkoul
Trou du Météorite Russe dans le lac Tchebarkoul. Cour Rouxcoucou·14 videos. Subscribe Subscribed Unsubscribe 7. 3,782. Like 2 Dislike 1. Like. Sign in to YouTube. Sign in with your YouTube Account (YouTube, Google+, Gmail, Orkut, Picasa, or Chrome) ...
cratère météorite en oural, russie. meteor crater Ural, Russia.метеоритный
... (YouTube, Google+, Gmail, Orkut, Picasa, or Chrome) to add Larbi Chikh's video to your playlist. Sign in. Statistics Report. Published on Feb 15, 2013. cratère météorite en oural, russie. meteoritecrater Ural, Russia.метеоритный кратер Урал ...
Enorme météorite en Russie (multiple vues)
... Capitaine tintin's video to your playlist. Sign in. Statistics Report. Published on Feb 15, 2013. Une pluie de météorites accompagnée d'éclairs incandescents s'est produite vendredi 15 février 2013 au-dessus de la Russie et a fait une plus de 1000 ...
A 50-metre asteroid has skimmed past the earth at a distance of 17000 miles, closer than any ...
1 min
Thousands of clean-up workers sent to Ural Mountains region, where the shockwave from a ...
The meteor that streaked across the skies over Russia in a blinding fireball on Friday exploded ...
تصوير مباشر لسقوط نيزك في روسيا !15-02-2013 - YouTube
تصوير مباشر لسقوط النيزك في روسيا اليوم 15 فيفري 2013.
لحظة سقوط نيزك ضخم روسيا 15-12-2012 - YouTube
لحظة سقوط نيزك ضخم روسيا 15-12-2012. tartousnews·2 videos. Subscribe Subscribed Unsubscribe 0. 1 view. Like 1 Dislike 0. Like ...
نيزك يضرب روسيا يسبب عشرات القتلى 2013. MultiSoAwesome·125 videos. Subscribe Subscribed Unsubscribe 326 ...
نيزك يقترب من الأرض بمسافة غير مسبوقة - YouTube
ينتظر اليوم أن يقترب نيزك ، بحجم مسبح أولمبي، من الأرض بمسافة لا تزيد عن 7،27 كلم. ولم يسبق لأي جسم بهذا الحجم أن اقترب من الأرض بهذه المسافة.
نيزك يقصف روسيا سبحان لله. Ramos Habbor·17 videos. Subscribe Subscribed Unsubscribe 16. 2,315. Like ...
سقوط نيزك منذ ساعات قليلة فى روسيا بالتحديد فى مدينة ساتكا، و قد خلفت موجة الصوت الإرتدادية المصاحبة للنيزك إصابة نحو 100 شخص بشظايا الزجاج ...
Russian Meteor Explosion Russian Meteor Shower (Compilation Of Impact 2013) Русские Метеор Взрыв ...
سقطت اليوم 15 فبراير.. نيازك وشهب عديدة على مقاطعة تشيليابينسك الروسية، ولا توجد معطيات عن سقوط ضحايا بشرية ولكن المعلومات الأولية تشير الى ان ما يزيد عن ...
انفجار نيزك عند دخوله جو الأرض فوق روسيا - YouTube ▻ 2:16▻ 2:16 www.youtube .com/watch?v=J5IqU0KxZSc 7 hours ago ...
إصابة حوالي ألف شخص نتيجة سقوط نيزك بمنطقة الأورال الروسية.
Челябинск Метеорит Chelyabinsk Meteorite Аsteroid in Russia (25)
Statistics Report. Published on Feb 16, 2013. Взрыв метеорита. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeoI... Челябинск The explosion of a meteorite. Chelyabinsk Отборное видео. Метеорит, Челябинск, взрыв! Видео разных авторов на одном канале. Choice video ...
Метеорит не найдут
Download it from Adobe. Метеорит не найдут. NewRegionChel·143 videos. Subscribe Subscribed Unsubscribe 59. No views. Like 0 Dislike 0. Like. Sign in to YouTube. Sign in with your YouTube Account (YouTube, Google+, Gmail, Orkut, Picasa, or Chrome) to ...
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Download it from Adobe. TROLLING - МЕТЕОРИТ.mp4. Новый Регион·1,279 videos.
Метеорит в Костанайской области 15 02 2013
Download it from Adobe. Метеорит в Костанайской области 15 02 2013. Klysh Sabitov·1 video. Subscribe Subscribed Unsubscribe 1. 929 views. Like 2 Dislike 0. Like. Sign in to YouTube. Sign in with your YouTube Account (YouTube, Google+, Gmail, Orkut ...
Вспышка над Челябинском 15 февраля. Метеорит
Вспышка над Челябинском 15 февраля. Метеорит. RedOrion1·27 videos. Subscribe Subscribed Unsubscribe 36. 855 views. Like 3 Dislike 0. Like. Sign in to YouTube. Sign in with your YouTube Account (YouTube, Google+, Gmail, Orkut, Picasa, or Chrome) to like ...
2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!
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