23 March 2011

Orlando, Florida Fireball 22MAR2011

Orlando, Florida Fireball ~1:30-2:00am 22MAR2011
While traveling East on I-4 from Orlando, watched as a fireball fell straight down from the sky. Was bright white at first then turned blue. Seemed to fall slower than expected normally. Then saw a second one about 20 minutes later while traveling North on I-95 toward Jacksonville.
What's the deal? It was March 22nd beween 1:30-2:00am. Anyone else see them?
- Carrie

Anyone else see this meteor?  Please email your detail  LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com

1 comment:

Timothy J. Garner said...

Yes, I saw the exact same thing as you described it. I was sitting in a condo parking lot and I saw it streak across the going in the direction of west. However, when I saw it it was between 10-10:45p on the 21st of March.