El brillante meteoro llamó la atención por sus colores
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada Fireball Meteor03APR2015 w
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News - Blogger
Captured video of meteor last night around 12:42 am April 3,2015. Winnipeg Manitoba Canada. by email - Larry Gundrum 03APR2015 Larry Gundrum ...
Meteor lights up sky over Southern states
FOX 10 News | fox10phoenix.com
NASA officials say brilliant lights and loud booms reported in Alabama and Georgia were a meteor that streaked across the South.
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 03APR2015
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News - Blogger
Meteor Outburst ALERT! Bolides, Fireballs and Meteors Sudden Increase ALERT- Increased Meteor Activity! Expect some large fireballs this month .

Meteoro esporádico magnitude -2.1. Data: 2015/04/03 Hora: 08:05:42 TU Local: Lagoa Santa - MG - BR
Registrado em 4 estações

IASC Asteroid Search Update
We have 15 institutions that are registered and are currently taking part in the Asteroid Search. From India to Uganda - Congratulations. Good Luck in the coming weeks, we’re eager to hear about your progress.
Here are the list of participants:
1. Polaris Search Team, India
2. Student Space Agency, Astronomical Observatory, Bulgaria
3. St. George Girls High School, Australia
4. UPES Space Club, India
5. Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Indonesia
6. Arunima Higher Secondary School, Nepal
7. Tawa College, New Zealand
8. Kolo Astronomiczne w Kaliszu, Poland
9. Zespol Szkol Miejskich Nr. 3 w Jasle, Poland
10. Astronomical Society Eureka, Serbia
11. High Chemical Technlogy School of Professional Studies, Serbia
12. University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
13. Mbrara University of Science & Technology, Uganda
14. Salonovia Conquerors, India
SpaceWeather.com -- News and information about meteor showers, solar flares, auroras, and near ...
SpaceWeather.com -- News and information about meteor showers, solar flares, auroras, and near ...
Largest Asteroid Impacts Found in Central Australia
SpaceDaily - 19 hours
Dr Andrew Glikson with a sample of suevite - a rock with partially melted material formed during an impact. Image courtesy D. Seymour.
Europa's Elusive Water Plume Paints Grim Picture For Life
Dr Andrew Glikson with a sample of suevite - a rock with partially melted material formed during an impact. Image courtesy D. Seymour.
Europa's Elusive Water Plume Paints Grim Picture For Life
SpaceDaily - 4 hours
A graphic showing water emissions detected above Europa in Hubble Space Telescope observations from December 2012. Image courtesy NASA/ESA/L. .
Waiting for a star to fall: meteorites caught on camera

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Astronomy Magazine
Editor Dave Eicher has an exclusive online asteroid story goo.gl/ztJ7lt

Scary times for Europe's comet-chaser Rosetta
Europe's pioneering probe Rosetta battled breakdowns with navigation and communication with Earth af...
Dr. Ian O'Neill
Rosetta is seeing stars as it wrestles with some rather nasty comet 'weather'

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2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!
A graphic showing water emissions detected above Europa in Hubble Space Telescope observations from December 2012. Image courtesy NASA/ESA/L. .
Waiting for a star to fall: meteorites caught on camera

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Astronomy Magazine
Editor Dave Eicher has an exclusive online asteroid story goo.gl/ztJ7lt

Scary times for Europe's comet-chaser Rosetta
Europe's pioneering probe Rosetta battled breakdowns with navigation and communication with Earth af...

Dr. Ian O'Neill

Rosetta is seeing stars as it wrestles with some rather nasty comet 'weather'

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2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!
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