NC Long Duration Bolide Meteor 30MAR2013
Please get the word out on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and your favorite forums and local news outlets; check security cameras and allsky cameras for a capture of this event. Thank you!
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If you witnessed this event please file a meteor sighting report-CHECK security cameras; thank you!
Initial Meteor Sighting Reports-
30MAR2013 C Byrne Cliffside, NC,USA 8:45 PM eastern standard time 11 seconds From SE to NW, facing south Orange/Pink no sound Sun No Few flashes of increased brightness then fade out
2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!
31 March 2013
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 31MAR2013
Meteor Sighting Reported Across Northeast US
Huffington Post
On Friday night around 8 p.m. EDT, Twitter lit up with multiple accounts of a bright object, possibly ameteor, shooting across the skies of the northeast United States. Many of the spectators appear to be in the Washington D.C. area, but The ...
April Meteor Showers
For those of us who reside in the northern hemisphere, the spring season provides only one decent meteor shower to watch shooting stars streak across the sky. While not as productive as the August Perseids or the December Geminids, the annual Lyrids ...
Meteor caught on camera in Maryland (video)
Detroit Free Press
Caught on camera: East Coast meteor: Multiple people in the Washington area reported spotting ameteor in the sky Friday night. Kim Fox of Thurmond, Md. and WUSA photojournalist Kurt Brooks captured it on camera.
Meteor lights up night sky over eastern United States
Yahoo! News (blog)
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A meteor bright enough to be classified as a fireball lit up the night sky over eastern North America on Friday, providing a spectacle witnessed in at least 13 states, Washington, D.C. and two Canadian provinces, the American ...
Meteor Seen Exploding Near Berlin Home
BERLIN, Md. - A meteor lights up the night sky from Maine to North Carolina and on Delmarva. One Worcester County woman says she believes she knows where this one may have landed. "It was huge," said Amy Kern of Berlin. Kern is talking about a fireball ...
Scientists: East Coast meteoroid strike unlikely
But she soon realized that what she and thousands of others along the East Coast had seen was in fact a meteor. The extraterrestrial display caused quite a stir, coming just weeks after a 55-foot meteoroid blazed through the sky over Chelyabinsk ...
Reports: Meteor Spotted Over DC, New York, New England ... Did You See It?
From Boston to the Carolinas on Friday night, there were hundreds of unconfirmed reports on Twitter and other social media outlets of a meteor-like object visibly re-entering the Earth's atmosphere shortly before 8:00 p.m.. Montgomery County resident E.
Dramatic meteor streaks across Eastern sky - Bangor Daily News
WASHINGTON — What appeared to be a big, bright meteor streaked across the skies Friday ...
Meteor lights up East Coast -- and social media
But his tune changed once he posted something about the presumed meteor on a local social media web page, which triggered a quick and hearty response. That was just the tip of the online iceberg. Through Friday night, new reports of meteor sightings...
Friday Night's Fireball: Did You See It?
He also wrote, "Most of the fireball/trail was a bluish hue, but at the point where it sort of exploded there was a bright flash of yellow, I witnessed at least 3 different visible parts break away from the primary meteor, and for the last half second ...
Studying Rocks Found On Earth For Clues About Space
Sat, 30 Mar, 2013 06:37 AM PDT
With samples from over 1,800 separate meteorite falls around the world, ASU's Center forMeteorite Studies claims the world's largest university-basedmeteorite collection. Meenakshi Wadhwa explains howmeteorites can teach researchers about the history of the solar system.Continue reading
Meteor Spotted From Boston to DC
If you were gazing skyward Friday night, say right before 8 p.m., you may have noticed somethingout of the ordinary -- a bright celestial object streaking across the heavens. Reports of a meteor began flooding Twitter around 8 p.m., and news outlets ...
Social Media Abuzz As East Coast Residents Spot ...
15 sec
Meteor sightings reported across coast, reportedly crashed in Delaware.
2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!
Huffington Post
On Friday night around 8 p.m. EDT, Twitter lit up with multiple accounts of a bright object, possibly ameteor, shooting across the skies of the northeast United States. Many of the spectators appear to be in the Washington D.C. area, but The ...
April Meteor Showers
For those of us who reside in the northern hemisphere, the spring season provides only one decent meteor shower to watch shooting stars streak across the sky. While not as productive as the August Perseids or the December Geminids, the annual Lyrids ...
Meteor caught on camera in Maryland (video)
Detroit Free Press
Caught on camera: East Coast meteor: Multiple people in the Washington area reported spotting ameteor in the sky Friday night. Kim Fox of Thurmond, Md. and WUSA photojournalist Kurt Brooks captured it on camera.
Meteor lights up night sky over eastern United States
Yahoo! News (blog)
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A meteor bright enough to be classified as a fireball lit up the night sky over eastern North America on Friday, providing a spectacle witnessed in at least 13 states, Washington, D.C. and two Canadian provinces, the American ...
Meteor Seen Exploding Near Berlin Home
BERLIN, Md. - A meteor lights up the night sky from Maine to North Carolina and on Delmarva. One Worcester County woman says she believes she knows where this one may have landed. "It was huge," said Amy Kern of Berlin. Kern is talking about a fireball ...
Scientists: East Coast meteoroid strike unlikely
But she soon realized that what she and thousands of others along the East Coast had seen was in fact a meteor. The extraterrestrial display caused quite a stir, coming just weeks after a 55-foot meteoroid blazed through the sky over Chelyabinsk ...
Reports: Meteor Spotted Over DC, New York, New England ... Did You See It?
From Boston to the Carolinas on Friday night, there were hundreds of unconfirmed reports on Twitter and other social media outlets of a meteor-like object visibly re-entering the Earth's atmosphere shortly before 8:00 p.m.. Montgomery County resident E.
WASHINGTON — What appeared to be a big, bright meteor streaked across the skies Friday ...
Meteor lights up East Coast -- and social media
But his tune changed once he posted something about the presumed meteor on a local social media web page, which triggered a quick and hearty response. That was just the tip of the online iceberg. Through Friday night, new reports of meteor sightings...
Friday Night's Fireball: Did You See It?
He also wrote, "Most of the fireball/trail was a bluish hue, but at the point where it sort of exploded there was a bright flash of yellow, I witnessed at least 3 different visible parts break away from the primary meteor, and for the last half second ...
Studying Rocks Found On Earth For Clues About Space
Sat, 30 Mar, 2013 06:37 AM PDT
With samples from over 1,800 separate meteorite falls around the world, ASU's Center forMeteorite Studies claims the world's largest university-basedmeteorite collection. Meenakshi Wadhwa explains howmeteorites can teach researchers about the history of the solar system.Continue reading
Meteor Spotted From Boston to DC
If you were gazing skyward Friday night, say right before 8 p.m., you may have noticed somethingout of the ordinary -- a bright celestial object streaking across the heavens. Reports of a meteor began flooding Twitter around 8 p.m., and news outlets ...
15 sec
Meteor sightings reported across coast, reportedly crashed in Delaware.
2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!
Texas Fireball Meteor 30MAR2013
Texas Fireball Meteor 30MAR 04"15 Central 30MAR2013
Please get the word out on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and your favorite forums and local news outlets; check security cameras and allsky cameras for a capture of this event. Thank you!
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If you witnessed this event please file a meteor sighting report-CHECK security cameras; thank you!
Initial Meteor Sighting Reports-
30MAR2013 Caleb Amarillo, TX, USA 4:20:00 5 Traveling East green & looked like fire/sparks coming off equal to the sun unkown Couldn't tell if it landed or just went through the atmosphere
30MAR2013 Randy Lubbock, TX, USA 4:16 AM CST 7-10 seconds Traveled West to East (was facing North) no sound. bright white light that seemed to "drip" green colored material bright as the moon. It appeared to "drip" green colored material. low angle of descent, nearly 5-10 degrees. Object had no tail. Object's light went out mid-flight.
30MAR2013 Jesus Anaya Bovina, TEXAS, USA ~0415 CENTRAL ~10 sec Traveled from W to E. I faced N, started in NW sky, passed just under N-Star, ended in NE Sky. Mostly Blue/White with tail, Orange Fragments and explosion Significantly brighter than Venus. Yes. Fragments could be made out during last 2 secs. Clear sky was lit up by town lights and bright moon. Sparkled blue as it traveled for about 10 secs nearly across entire sky. In final 2 secs or so, orange fragments could be seen in the tail before a bright orange explosion.
2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!
![]() |
Texas Fireball Meteor 30MAR 04"15 Central 30MAR2013 v.1 C LunarMeteoriteHunter / Google Earth |
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If you witnessed this event please file a meteor sighting report-CHECK security cameras; thank you!
Initial Meteor Sighting Reports-
30MAR2013 Caleb Amarillo, TX, USA 4:20:00 5 Traveling East green & looked like fire/sparks coming off equal to the sun unkown Couldn't tell if it landed or just went through the atmosphere
30MAR2013 Randy Lubbock, TX, USA 4:16 AM CST 7-10 seconds Traveled West to East (was facing North) no sound. bright white light that seemed to "drip" green colored material bright as the moon. It appeared to "drip" green colored material. low angle of descent, nearly 5-10 degrees. Object had no tail. Object's light went out mid-flight.
30MAR2013 Jesus Anaya Bovina, TEXAS, USA ~0415 CENTRAL ~10 sec Traveled from W to E. I faced N, started in NW sky, passed just under N-Star, ended in NE Sky. Mostly Blue/White with tail, Orange Fragments and explosion Significantly brighter than Venus. Yes. Fragments could be made out during last 2 secs. Clear sky was lit up by town lights and bright moon. Sparkled blue as it traveled for about 10 secs nearly across entire sky. In final 2 secs or so, orange fragments could be seen in the tail before a bright orange explosion.
2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!
UK Meteor 30MAR2013
UK Meteor 00:35 GMT 30MAR2013
Please get the word out on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and your favorite forums and local news outlets; check security cameras and allsky cameras for a capture of this event. Thank you!
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If you witnessed this event please file a meteor sighting report-CHECK security cameras; thank you!
Initial Meteor Sighting Reports-
30MAR2013 Andrew B Warrington, England 0.39 am 2-3 seconds left to right orange fireball, break up bright yes, total break up Look out, saw fast fireball then break up and gone.
30MAR2013 Danny R Manchester, UK 0:34 GMT 2 to 3 seconds E-N-E;W-S-W, Left to Right, facing South Black to red to orange, no sound as bright as the moon no passed at an angle of approx 15 to 20 degrees to the horizon
30MAR2013 Dave C Manchester, United Kingdom 00:38 GMT 3 SECONDS UNKNOWN LEFT TO RIGHT Orange BRIGHT moon no amazing, just saw it when i looked up over fallowfield in manchester, needed to see what it was, please let me know!!
30MAR2013 Dustin P Preston, UK 0.3 5 Seconds Left to Right Bright Orange Moon, if not brighter Not until it broke up Brightest and lowest looking i have ever seen
30MAR2013 Jon North Yorkshire 35 5 seconds L to R Bright White Ball of Light with Fire Trail Star/Sun Bright burnt up spectacular to view at night
30MAR2013 Jon Perry Rishton, Lancashire, UK 00:34 GMT 3-4 secs Travelled from NE to SE white turning to orange Same as the moon Shrank as it crossed the sky and turned orange Large fireball (approx. half the size of the moon in the sky) with a prominent tail
30MAR2013 martin market rasen, Lincolnshire, UK 00:35 GMT 6 sec Started overhead travelling W/WSW direction red/orange silent Dull then bright flashing (orange) single event. straight path bright moonlight. Intermitent cloud
30MAR2013 Stuart T Preston 0:35:00 2-3 seconds Left to right Bright white Same as moon No None
All Reports-
2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!
![]() |
UK Meteor 00:35 GMT 30MAR2013 V.1 C LunarMeteoriteHunter / Google Earth "click on image to enlarge" |
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If you witnessed this event please file a meteor sighting report-CHECK security cameras; thank you!
Initial Meteor Sighting Reports-
30MAR2013 Andrew B Warrington, England 0.39 am 2-3 seconds left to right orange fireball, break up bright yes, total break up Look out, saw fast fireball then break up and gone.
30MAR2013 Danny R Manchester, UK 0:34 GMT 2 to 3 seconds E-N-E;W-S-W, Left to Right, facing South Black to red to orange, no sound as bright as the moon no passed at an angle of approx 15 to 20 degrees to the horizon
30MAR2013 Dave C Manchester, United Kingdom 00:38 GMT 3 SECONDS UNKNOWN LEFT TO RIGHT Orange BRIGHT moon no amazing, just saw it when i looked up over fallowfield in manchester, needed to see what it was, please let me know!!
30MAR2013 Dustin P Preston, UK 0.3 5 Seconds Left to Right Bright Orange Moon, if not brighter Not until it broke up Brightest and lowest looking i have ever seen
30MAR2013 Jon North Yorkshire 35 5 seconds L to R Bright White Ball of Light with Fire Trail Star/Sun Bright burnt up spectacular to view at night
30MAR2013 Jon Perry Rishton, Lancashire, UK 00:34 GMT 3-4 secs Travelled from NE to SE white turning to orange Same as the moon Shrank as it crossed the sky and turned orange Large fireball (approx. half the size of the moon in the sky) with a prominent tail
30MAR2013 martin market rasen, Lincolnshire, UK 00:35 GMT 6 sec Started overhead travelling W/WSW direction red/orange silent Dull then bright flashing (orange) single event. straight path bright moonlight. Intermitent cloud
30MAR2013 Stuart T Preston 0:35:00 2-3 seconds Left to right Bright white Same as moon No None
All Reports-
2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!
Manitoba / Saskatchewan, Canada Meteor 29MAR2013
Manitoba / Saskatchewan, Canada Meteor 29MAR2013
Please get the word out on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and your favorite forums and local news outlets; check security cameras and allsky cameras for a capture of this event. Thank you!
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If you witnessed this event please file a meteor sighting report-CHECK security cameras; thank you!
Initial Meteor Sighting Reports-
29MAR2013 Brendan Annetts McCreary, Manitoba, Canada 23:15 (Central) We estimated it fell for 2-3 seconds. We were driving east and watched in fall in the north sky over the horizen. It appeared to fall straight down. We were driving and behind our shoulder's we seen what appeared to be a constant camera flash lighting up the sky. We turned and looked north and seen the sky lit up and a fireball falling towards the ground. After about a second of watching it, it exploded red/orange. Not as bright as the sun but much brighter than the moon. In a previously pitch black area we could easily see cattle in the field far away. The was a trailing fireball and when it exploded it looked like it broke apart into many pieces. Would love to get more information about this if possible. Any information in an email would be appreciated.
29MAR2013 D. Andres Swift Current, Saskatchewan, Canada 22:35:00 5-10 seconds Meteor travelled right to left while I was facing east. It was white with red/orange. Brighter than the planets. Yes I could see some fragments falling off. It was amazing. First meteor siting ever and I couldn't believe the brightness and being able to see the red/orange of it burning up!
2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!
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Manitoba / Saskatchewan, Canada Meteor 29MAR2013 v.1 C LunarMeteoriteHunter / Google Earth |
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If you witnessed this event please file a meteor sighting report-CHECK security cameras; thank you!
Initial Meteor Sighting Reports-
29MAR2013 Brendan Annetts McCreary, Manitoba, Canada 23:15 (Central) We estimated it fell for 2-3 seconds. We were driving east and watched in fall in the north sky over the horizen. It appeared to fall straight down. We were driving and behind our shoulder's we seen what appeared to be a constant camera flash lighting up the sky. We turned and looked north and seen the sky lit up and a fireball falling towards the ground. After about a second of watching it, it exploded red/orange. Not as bright as the sun but much brighter than the moon. In a previously pitch black area we could easily see cattle in the field far away. The was a trailing fireball and when it exploded it looked like it broke apart into many pieces. Would love to get more information about this if possible. Any information in an email would be appreciated.
29MAR2013 D. Andres Swift Current, Saskatchewan, Canada 22:35:00 5-10 seconds Meteor travelled right to left while I was facing east. It was white with red/orange. Brighter than the planets. Yes I could see some fragments falling off. It was amazing. First meteor siting ever and I couldn't believe the brightness and being able to see the red/orange of it burning up!
2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!
30 March 2013
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 30MAR2013
Opposing Views
Every few seconds sighting would pop up on Twitter "OMG I saw a real meteor in the Brooklyn's sky," @CuriousSergey tweeted. "It's all over the news now!” Bill Cooke of NASA's Meteoroid Environmental Office said the flash appears to be "a single meteor...
Meteor lights up East Coast and social networks Friday night (Video)
A meteor lit up the sky all across the East Coast on Friday night, which was immediately reflected on the social networks. Witness reports flooded the online world with the vast sighting locations along with many voicing their worries and concerns ...
Meteor sightings reported from Florida to Massachusetts
The Journal News |
Lunsford of the American Meteor Society said it is more common for meteors to cross the sky in the evening this time of year because a certain area of the sky known as a radiant is at its highest point above the horizon during February, March and April.
Meteor Blazes Over New York City Skies
Something strange is going on in the skies above the north east tonight. At 8:00 p.m ameteor was seen streaking across the heavens of New York City. But New York is not the only place that saw it. People in Washington D.C. and Boston have reported ...
Meteor streaks across East Coast amazing many
God Discussion (blog)
A meteor cut a diagonal path across the East Coast yesterday, from Pennsylvania to New Jersey, along with reports from Canada, 15 other states, and Washington, DC, amazing many who saw it. Bob B., in a report to the American Meteor Society, noted that ...
NASA: Flash in East Coast sky likely a meteor
Inside Bay Area
Bill Cooke of NASA's Meteoroid Environmental Office said the flash appears to be "a single meteorevent." He said it "looks to be a fireball that moved roughly toward the southeast, going on visual reports." "Judging from the brightness, we're dealing ...
Meteor Reports Abound Online and on Twitter
Reports abound online and on social media outlets about a brilliant meteor carving a lighted path in the northeast sky tonight. The Washington Post reported eye witnesses saw the light-show move from west to east at 7:50, and that the American Meteor ...
Scientist: Chelyabinsk meteor scared the world, NASA's priorities will change
People are now studying the meteorite fallout from the massive meteor explosion over Chelyabinsk, Russia, on Feb. 15 to get a better grasp of the make-up of the fireball. One scientist in Tennessee now studying three fragments of the once huge shooting ...
Possible meteor flies over U.S. eastern seaboard
Daily Mail
A meteor has flown over the Eastern Seaboard with hundreds of Americans witnessing a bright fireball streaking across the heavens. Experts have confirmed that the fireball seen in the skies from Boston to Virginia was a meteor. The American Meteor ...
NASA: East Coast meteor likely ended up in the Atlantic Ocean
Science Recorder
In a statement released over the week, NASA's Bill Cooke, head of the NASA Meteoroid Environmental Office, said the bright flash was “a single meteor event.” Cooke said the space rock appeared to be a “fireball that moved roughly toward the southeast, ...
Rock May Be First Meteorite From Mercury
Fri, 29 Mar, 2013 08:17 AM PDT
Scientists may have discovered the first meteorite from Mercury. The green rock found in Morocco last year may be the first known visitor from the solar system's innermost planet, according to meteoritescientist Anthony Irving, who unveiled the new findings this month at the 44th annual Lunar a...Continue reading
Une météorite aurait survolé la côte Est des É-U
Métro Montréal
WASHINGTON – La boule de feu ayant traversé le ciel de la côte est des États-Unis vendredi soir était probablement une météorite, a indiqué la NASA à propos de l'apparition rapportée par plusieurs citoyens sur les médias sociaux. Bill Cooke du bureau ...
See all stories on this topic »
Une statue, découverte par les nazis, faite à partir d'une météorite extrêmement ...
L'histoire serait presque digne d'un Indiana Jones. Une très ancienne statue, découverte par une expédition nazie dans les années 1930 se révèle être faite à partir d'une météorite, rendant sa valeur inestimable, comme le révèle le site de la BBC. L...
La première météorite d'Europe (Le Grand-Lucé)
LMtv Sarthe
Transcript Statistics Report. Published on Feb 27, 2013. Sites webs/blogs, copiez cette vidéo avec le bouton "Intégrer" ! Si vous voulez télécharger, allez sur . Découverte de la première météorite tombée au Grand-Lucé en ...
Ученые «взвесили» челябинский метеорит
Sign in. Statistics Report. Published on Mar 5, 2013. Ученые Уральского федерального университета составили магнитную карту места падения челябинского метеорита и выяснили, что весил болид 100 килограммов. Именно крупные осколки могут находиться на дне озера Чебаркуль.
Harlem Shake станцевали оппозиционеры в Египте
РИА Новости
Фактофф про метеорит и ядерную бомбуПодпишитесь на канал: Следите за новостями:
'Fireball' UFO sighting outside Houston
'Fireball' UFO sighting outside Houston. Orange-colored lights at altitude of 3,000 feet. Published: 2 days ago. (KSAT) — DAISETTA, Texas – The Liberty County ...
Numerous flashes of light were reported in the sky along the east coast of the United States on ...
Numerous people see green meteor
Denver Post
What is thought to have been a bright green meteor, streaking across the predawn Northern Colorado sky Thursday, sparked reports from dozens of early birds. Loveland resident Shawn Kraft caught it as he drove northward on U.S. 287, between Owl Canyon ...
A bright light streaks across the horizon that seemed to burn up before reaching the ground.
Did You See East Coast Meteor Friday Night?
Social media sites were abuzz since shortly after 8 tonight with reported sightings of a meteorstreaking across the night sky, seen from Maine to Florida. The large meteor was described on the Washington Post as very bright with a greenish hue and ...
Did You See a Meteor Over Southampton?
At least one North Sea resident is among the hundreds of people on the East Coast who reported seeing a meteor-like flash of light shortly before 8 p.m.. From Boston to the Carolinas on Friday night, there were hundreds of unconfirmed reports on ...
'Fireball' meteor streaks across US sky
Newstrack India
Washington, Mar 23 (ANI): A large, vibrant meteor shot through the US sky shortly after 7:50 pm on Friday. The meteor travelled from west to east in the northeast sky, eyewitnesses say. The American Meteor Society (AMS) has received over 300 reports of ...
Nasa says flash reports consistent with meteor shower
South China Morning Post
Social media sites are buzzing with reports of a flash of light that streaked across the sky along the US East Coast. Bill Cooke of Nasa's Meteoroid Environmental Office said Friday that the flash appeared to be “a single meteor event.” He says it ...
YouTube Videos Unlock Russian Meteor's Secrets - 2013
New York Times
TimesCast: Scientists around the world have been using videos made by Russian citizens and uploaded to YouTube to figure out exactly where the meteor that exploded over Russia on Feb. 15 came from. Related article: Please visit ...
Meteor Activity Outlook for March 30-April 5, 2013 | American Meteor ...
Meteor activity picks up a bit during April as the Lyrids become active during the month. They are active from the 18th through the 25th, with a pronounced ...
Meteor Spotted In DC Area Skies on Friday Evening |
WASHINGTON (WUSA9/WUSA9) -- There was a free light show in the skies on Friday evening in the DC area. Multiple accounts of some kind of a meteor flying ...
NASA Says Pray if Meteor Is Heading Towards Earth
After last night's meteor sighting all across the eastern portion of the US many people are wondering what will happen if an asteroid is predicted to be headed towards the very populous north eastern region. NASA suggests prayer. According to Fox News, ..
2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!
29 March 2013
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 29MAR2013
Meteor Activity Outlook for March 23-29, 2013 | American Meteor ...
The estimated total hourly meteor rates for evening observers this week is near two as seen from the northern hemisphere and three as seen from south of the ...
The estimated total hourly meteor rates for evening observers this week is near two as seen from the northern hemisphere and three as seen from south of the ...
Meteor lights up night sky over eastern United States - Yahoo! News ...
From Yahoo! News Canada: By Daniel Trotta NEW YORK (Reuters) - A meteor bright enough to be classified as a fireball lit up the night sky over eastern North ...
Watch NOVA's “Meteor Strike”
Watch Meteor Strike on PBS. See more from NOVA. It was an event that took the world by ...
Meteor lights up sky along east coast | Fox News Video
Meteor lights up sky along east coast. Advertisement. Details. Description. Fireball seen from ...
Meteor lights up Wyoming sky
Casper Star-Tribune Online
Technically, the debris was a “fireball,” a meteor brighter than Venus, and possibly a “bolide,” a fireball that explodes in the atmosphere, according to the American Meteor Society. The society tracks sightings of space debris. It received 55 reports ...
Meteor Strike: NOVA on PBS digs into science of 2013 Russian asteroid landing
Stabley Times
Russia survived the last meteor, and PBS survived that last presidential election, and now the two are coming together on tonight's episode of NOVA. The science themed show run by David Pogue and company will delve into what really happened with the ...
Green Meteorite May Be from Mercury, a First
Thu, 28 Mar, 2013 12:59 PM PDT
A newfound meteorite may actually be from Mercury.Continue reading
Rock used by Spanish farmer to press ham for 30 years turns out to be ironmeteorite worth £3.5m
Thu, 28 Mar, 2013 07:58 AM PDT
Faustino Asensio Lopez found the 100kg rock, which measures just 45x31x20cm, as he was tending to livestock with his father in a field near Ciudad Real in 1980.Continue reading
Volcano eruption theory gains backing in dinosaur extinction
Thu, 28 Mar, 2013 10:33 AM PDT
By Larry O'HanlonDiscovery NewsSome 20 years after its conviction in slaying of the dinosaurs, the Chicxulub impact crater is facing a retrial by a growing number of geologists who think the mass extinction event 65 million years ago was caused by something much larger. Not a larger meteorite, but a fa...Continue reading
Early birds report meteor
What is thought to have been a bright meteor, streaking across the predawn Northern Colorado sky Thursday, sparked reports from dozens of early birds who happened to view it. Loveland resident Shawn Kraft caught it as he drove northward on U.S. 287, ...
The Eta Aquarid meteor shower peaks in early May
Astronomy Magazine
At 148,000 mph (238,000 km/h), Eta Aquarid meteors are the second fastest of any annual shower. Only the Leonids of November hit our atmosphere faster, at 159,000 mph (256,000 km/h). The Eta Aquarid meteor shower is one of two that derives from Comet ...
2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!
From Yahoo! News Canada: By Daniel Trotta NEW YORK (Reuters) - A meteor bright enough to be classified as a fireball lit up the night sky over eastern North ...
Watch Meteor Strike on PBS. See more from NOVA. It was an event that took the world by ...
Meteor lights up sky along east coast. Advertisement. Details. Description. Fireball seen from ...
Meteor lights up Wyoming sky
Casper Star-Tribune Online
Technically, the debris was a “fireball,” a meteor brighter than Venus, and possibly a “bolide,” a fireball that explodes in the atmosphere, according to the American Meteor Society. The society tracks sightings of space debris. It received 55 reports ...
Meteor Strike: NOVA on PBS digs into science of 2013 Russian asteroid landing
Stabley Times
Russia survived the last meteor, and PBS survived that last presidential election, and now the two are coming together on tonight's episode of NOVA. The science themed show run by David Pogue and company will delve into what really happened with the ...
Green Meteorite May Be from Mercury, a First
Thu, 28 Mar, 2013 12:59 PM PDT
A newfound meteorite may actually be from Mercury.Continue reading
Rock used by Spanish farmer to press ham for 30 years turns out to be ironmeteorite worth £3.5m
Thu, 28 Mar, 2013 07:58 AM PDT
Faustino Asensio Lopez found the 100kg rock, which measures just 45x31x20cm, as he was tending to livestock with his father in a field near Ciudad Real in 1980.Continue reading
Volcano eruption theory gains backing in dinosaur extinction
Thu, 28 Mar, 2013 10:33 AM PDT
By Larry O'HanlonDiscovery NewsSome 20 years after its conviction in slaying of the dinosaurs, the Chicxulub impact crater is facing a retrial by a growing number of geologists who think the mass extinction event 65 million years ago was caused by something much larger. Not a larger meteorite, but a fa...Continue reading
Early birds report meteor
What is thought to have been a bright meteor, streaking across the predawn Northern Colorado sky Thursday, sparked reports from dozens of early birds who happened to view it. Loveland resident Shawn Kraft caught it as he drove northward on U.S. 287, ...
The Eta Aquarid meteor shower peaks in early May
Astronomy Magazine
At 148,000 mph (238,000 km/h), Eta Aquarid meteors are the second fastest of any annual shower. Only the Leonids of November hit our atmosphere faster, at 159,000 mph (256,000 km/h). The Eta Aquarid meteor shower is one of two that derives from Comet ...
2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!
28 March 2013
Breaking News - CO WY NE SD MT Bolide Fireball Meteor 28MAR2013
Bright as the Sun from N. of Casper, WY.
Electrophonics heard in Rapid City, SD! May be meteorites?
![]() |
CO WY NE SD MT Bolide Fireball Meteor 28MAR2013 v.7 C 2013 LunarMeteoriteHunter / Google Earth "click on image to enlarge" |
Please get the word out on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and your favorite forums and local news outlets; check security cameras and allsky cameras for a capture of this event. Thank you!
Please post a link and bookmark-
If you witnessed this event please file a meteor sighting report-CHECK security cameras; thank you!
Initial Meteor Sighting Reports-
28MAR2013 Niki Dahlstedt I-25 Northbound from Casper, WY, USA 5:52:00 5-6seconds Left to Right. Facing North Green/Yellow/White/Orange As bright as the sun did not notice It was quick, it burst color like an explosion with a tail and then was gone
28MAR2013 armstrong roberts, mt usa approx 6 am mountain time several seconds looking east traveling north east neon green moon no very bright large neon green ball- so bright it caught my eye -looked like airline height looked like it hit the ground
28MAR2013 Molly Rausch Rapid City, SD 5:50 AM, Mountain time 5 sec traveling S to N, to the West of Rapid City Heard it roaring and sizzling, color was bright green with a fire tail bright as the sun Don't think so Wow!
28MAR2013 robert ommen Lodgepole Ne usa 5:55 mstam 3seconds 3seconds Bright green with red sparks brighter than full moon yes I was on hwy 30 looking north being in the valley no way of knowing how close it was but it was big.
28MAR2013 Mary Mayerle Meeker, CO 0548 am 2 seconds North right facing north Neon green Not as bright as sun but more like full moon bright No fragmentation None
28MAR2013 Lee Bozeman, MT, USA 1200 Zulu 3-4 sec, disappeared behind a mountain, possibly 1-2 sec longer Roughly SE-NW Intense green Extremely bright No None
All 13 sighting reports can be seen-
MBIQ Data Set-
Lafayette, Colorado arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Colorado / Wyoming Meteor 09FEB2013" by searching for green meteor boulder co 2013.23:33:22 -- 10 minutes ago
Grand Forks, North Dakota arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News".
23:34:59 -- 9 minutes ago
Bozeman, Montana arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Montana Meteor 22MAY2011" by searching for METER SITING OVER BOZEMAN MT MARCH 28,2013.
23:10:06 -- 36 minutes ago
Greeley, Colorado arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Northern Colorado Meteor Fireball 3MAY2011".
23:07:33 -- 38 minutes ago
Louisville, Colorado arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor sightings colorado.
23:09:19 -- 37 minutes ago
Bozeman, Montana arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor sightings today.
23:24:07 -- 21 minutes ago
Rapid City, South Dakota arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News".
22:54:41 -- 50 minutes ago
Please post a link and bookmark-
If you witnessed this event please file a meteor sighting report-CHECK security cameras; thank you!
Initial Meteor Sighting Reports-
28MAR2013 Niki Dahlstedt I-25 Northbound from Casper, WY, USA 5:52:00 5-6seconds Left to Right. Facing North Green/Yellow/White/Orange As bright as the sun did not notice It was quick, it burst color like an explosion with a tail and then was gone
28MAR2013 armstrong roberts, mt usa approx 6 am mountain time several seconds looking east traveling north east neon green moon no very bright large neon green ball- so bright it caught my eye -looked like airline height looked like it hit the ground
28MAR2013 Molly Rausch Rapid City, SD 5:50 AM, Mountain time 5 sec traveling S to N, to the West of Rapid City Heard it roaring and sizzling, color was bright green with a fire tail bright as the sun Don't think so Wow!
28MAR2013 robert ommen Lodgepole Ne usa 5:55 mstam 3seconds 3seconds Bright green with red sparks brighter than full moon yes I was on hwy 30 looking north being in the valley no way of knowing how close it was but it was big.
28MAR2013 Mary Mayerle Meeker, CO 0548 am 2 seconds North right facing north Neon green Not as bright as sun but more like full moon bright No fragmentation None
28MAR2013 Lee Bozeman, MT, USA 1200 Zulu 3-4 sec, disappeared behind a mountain, possibly 1-2 sec longer Roughly SE-NW Intense green Extremely bright No None
All 13 sighting reports can be seen-
MBIQ Data Set-
Lafayette, Colorado arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Colorado / Wyoming Meteor 09FEB2013" by searching for green meteor boulder co 2013.23:33:22 -- 10 minutes ago
Grand Forks, North Dakota arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News".
23:34:59 -- 9 minutes ago
Bozeman, Montana arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Montana Meteor 22MAY2011" by searching for METER SITING OVER BOZEMAN MT MARCH 28,2013.
23:10:06 -- 36 minutes ago
Greeley, Colorado arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Northern Colorado Meteor Fireball 3MAY2011".
23:07:33 -- 38 minutes ago
Louisville, Colorado arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor sightings colorado.
23:09:19 -- 37 minutes ago
Bozeman, Montana arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor sightings today.
23:24:07 -- 21 minutes ago
Rapid City, South Dakota arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News".
22:54:41 -- 50 minutes ago
2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!
Posted by
Lunar Meteorite * Hunter
11:31 pm
Breaking News,
CO WY NE SD MT Bolide Fireball Meteor 28MAR2013
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 28MAR2013
Who saw Friday's East Coast meteor?
Friday night (March 22), a rocky meteor less than a yard in diameter, probably traveling alone, lit up American skies along the East Coast. Most meteors are pebble-sized. (See photos.) This one was bright enough that it was considered a "fireball ...
NOVA: Meteor Strike
On the morning of February 15, 2013, a 7,000-ton asteroid crashed into the Earth's atmosphere, exploded and fell to earth across a wide swath near the Ural Mountains. The Siberian meteor was captured by digital dashboard cameras, a common fixture in ...
'Rushing fireball' microorganism could create biofuels from carbon dioxide
Science Recorder
The microorganism used in this process is called Pyrococcus furiosus, or “rushingfireball. This particular microorganism consumes carbohydrates in the super-heated ocean waters located close to geothermal vents. Adams and his colleagues made a ...
Meteor streaks over Eastern Seaboard: Millions of ...
41 sec
A meteor has flown over the Eastern Seaboard on Friday with hundreds of Americans ...
Boulder-size asteroid behind Friday's 'Manhattan meteor'
Newstrack India
Washington, March 25 (ANI): Scientists have revealed that the dramatic fireball that lit up skies over the U.S. East Coast on Friday evening was caused by an asteroid just 3 feet (0.9 meters) or so wide. The Friday's "Manhattan meteor"-which shone as ...
Russian meteor, a 'death rock from space,' stars on 'Nova'
Los Angeles Times
What will you be doing at 9 p.m. Wednesday night? If you were fascinated by the meteor that streaked across the Russian sky last month -- briefly outshining the sun -- then you should plan to watch "Nova" on PBS. Wednesday's episode of the excellent ...
Meteor shower, partial lunar eclipse visible this April
GMA News
A meteor shower and a partial lunar eclipse will highlight the treats for stargazers this April, the Philippine Atmospheric Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) said Wednesday. PAGASA OIC Vicente Malano said the Lyrids meteor ...
Did a meteor hit Kewanee in 1899?
Kewanee Star Courier
As if we didn't have enough to worry about in the world today, there are new fears about meteors hitting earth like the one that exploded over Russia a few weeks ago. Did you know Kewanee was apparently once hit by a meteor? “Meteoric stone falls on ...
"Rushing fireball" could turn carbon dioxide into biofuel
CBS News
The scientists are able to use a microorganism called a "rushing fireball," or Pyrococcus furious. The fireball typically feeds on carbohydrates in the super-heated ocean waters near geothermal vents, but researchers were able to create a version of...
Meteor lights up sky along east coast | Fox News Video
Meteor lights up sky along east coast. Advertisement. Details. Description. Fireball seen from ...
2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!
Friday night (March 22), a rocky meteor less than a yard in diameter, probably traveling alone, lit up American skies along the East Coast. Most meteors are pebble-sized. (See photos.) This one was bright enough that it was considered a "fireball ...
NOVA: Meteor Strike
On the morning of February 15, 2013, a 7,000-ton asteroid crashed into the Earth's atmosphere, exploded and fell to earth across a wide swath near the Ural Mountains. The Siberian meteor was captured by digital dashboard cameras, a common fixture in ...
'Rushing fireball' microorganism could create biofuels from carbon dioxide
Science Recorder
The microorganism used in this process is called Pyrococcus furiosus, or “rushingfireball. This particular microorganism consumes carbohydrates in the super-heated ocean waters located close to geothermal vents. Adams and his colleagues made a ...
41 sec
A meteor has flown over the Eastern Seaboard on Friday with hundreds of Americans ...
Boulder-size asteroid behind Friday's 'Manhattan meteor'
Newstrack India
Washington, March 25 (ANI): Scientists have revealed that the dramatic fireball that lit up skies over the U.S. East Coast on Friday evening was caused by an asteroid just 3 feet (0.9 meters) or so wide. The Friday's "Manhattan meteor"-which shone as ...
Russian meteor, a 'death rock from space,' stars on 'Nova'
Los Angeles Times
What will you be doing at 9 p.m. Wednesday night? If you were fascinated by the meteor that streaked across the Russian sky last month -- briefly outshining the sun -- then you should plan to watch "Nova" on PBS. Wednesday's episode of the excellent ...
Meteor shower, partial lunar eclipse visible this April
GMA News
A meteor shower and a partial lunar eclipse will highlight the treats for stargazers this April, the Philippine Atmospheric Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) said Wednesday. PAGASA OIC Vicente Malano said the Lyrids meteor ...
Did a meteor hit Kewanee in 1899?
Kewanee Star Courier
As if we didn't have enough to worry about in the world today, there are new fears about meteors hitting earth like the one that exploded over Russia a few weeks ago. Did you know Kewanee was apparently once hit by a meteor? “Meteoric stone falls on ...
"Rushing fireball" could turn carbon dioxide into biofuel
CBS News
The scientists are able to use a microorganism called a "rushing fireball," or Pyrococcus furious. The fireball typically feeds on carbohydrates in the super-heated ocean waters near geothermal vents, but researchers were able to create a version of...
Meteor lights up sky along east coast. Advertisement. Details. Description. Fireball seen from ...
2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!
27 March 2013
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 27MAR2013
Huge meteor lights up the sky along East Coast - NY Daily News
A large meteor lit up the night sky along the East Coast on Friday, experts said. The AmericanMeteor Society said it received more than 500 reports of sightings ...
Caught on tape: Friday night's meteor
WUSA9 Photojournalist got video of a meteor that lit up the skies on the East Coast.
Update For March 22, 2013 Northeast Fireball | American Meteor ...
Saw the bright green fireball as I was arriving home this evening but did not have a ... I saw a blue green fireball at about 7:45 March 22 in West Alexander Pa.
A large meteor lit up the night sky along the East Coast on Friday, experts said. The AmericanMeteor Society said it received more than 500 reports of sightings ...
WUSA9 Photojournalist got video of a meteor that lit up the skies on the East Coast.
Update For March 22, 2013 Northeast Fireball | American Meteor ...
Saw the bright green fireball as I was arriving home this evening but did not have a ... I saw a blue green fireball at about 7:45 March 22 in West Alexander Pa.
Reports describe meteor, fireball object seen in sky | Maryland News ...
Friday night was apparently quite eventful in the sky.
Easton Exhibit Tells Story Of America's First Meteorite
Mon, 25 Mar, 2013 09:14 PM PDT
EASTON, Conn. – Early one morning in December 1807, people across New England saw a bright fireball move across the sky, ending with three loud explosions heard over what was then Weston. Residents reported finding at least six large chunks of stone scattered around town after the ...Continue reading
Meteorite Urals in Russia, denied public release ...
4 min
TOP SECRET Official version: no government has noticed this meteoritebefore entering ...
Huge meteor lights up the sky along East Coast
New York Daily News
... Automotive Group recorded video of the bright meteor as it flew over Delaware. A large meteor lit up the night sky along the East Coast on Friday, experts said. The American Meteor Society said it received more than 500 reports of sightings around ...
Fireball to Save Earth? Scientists Turn CO2 into Fuel
The researchers with the University of Georgia have identified a micro-organism called "rushing fireball" which can convert CO2 into a fuel. Carbon emissions are one of the leading factors in climate change and researchers across the globe are working ...
2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!
Easton Exhibit Tells Story Of America's First Meteorite
Mon, 25 Mar, 2013 09:14 PM PDT
EASTON, Conn. – Early one morning in December 1807, people across New England saw a bright fireball move across the sky, ending with three loud explosions heard over what was then Weston. Residents reported finding at least six large chunks of stone scattered around town after the ...Continue reading
4 min
TOP SECRET Official version: no government has noticed this meteoritebefore entering ...
Huge meteor lights up the sky along East Coast
New York Daily News
... Automotive Group recorded video of the bright meteor as it flew over Delaware. A large meteor lit up the night sky along the East Coast on Friday, experts said. The American Meteor Society said it received more than 500 reports of sightings around ...
Fireball to Save Earth? Scientists Turn CO2 into Fuel
The researchers with the University of Georgia have identified a micro-organism called "rushing fireball" which can convert CO2 into a fuel. Carbon emissions are one of the leading factors in climate change and researchers across the globe are working ...
2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!
Introducing THE Meteorite Magnet Stick (TM)
Introducing - THE Meteorite Magnet Stick (TM)
You Too Can Find Meteorites!
(ClicK On Logo) CHECK IT OUT!
2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

You Too Can Find Meteorites!
(ClicK On Logo) CHECK IT OUT!

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!
Posted by
Lunar Meteorite * Hunter
6:11 am
find meteorites,
Magnet Stick,
meteorite hunting,
Meteorite Magnet Stick,
26 March 2013
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 26MAR2013
Eastern USA Fireball March 22, 2013 | American Meteor Society
The American Meteor Society has received over 1000 reports of a bright meteor that occurred near 2000 (8:00pm EDT) on Friday evening March 22, 2013.
Meteor flashes in the sky - Video on
Video on A meteor put on a spectacular show Friday as it entered the atmosphere on the East Coast. NBC's Michelle Franzen reports.
Meteor lights up sky along east coast | Fox News Video
Meteor lights up sky along east coast ... North Carolina all the way up to Maine reported ...
NASA: meteor spotted Friday in Virginia was a boulder-sized asteroid
Meteor expert Bill Cooke, head of the Meteoroid Environment Office at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala., says asteroids of this size are regular occurrences, entering Earth's atmosphere about once every two to three days. CLICK ...
Meteor captured on video seen from Maine to Florida
Open Minds UFO News
Last Friday night, a bright meteor streaked through the skies above the east coast. Witnesses from Maine to Florida reported seeing the object, and a few videos were taken, including in Manhattan and Maryland. The sightings caused a social media buzz ...
Meteor flashes across East Coast sky
WMUR Manchester
Bill Cooke of NASA's Meteoroid Environmental Office said Friday night that the flash appeared to be "a single meteor event." He said it "looks to be a fireball that moved roughly toward the southeast, going on visual reports." He likened it to a ...
A meteor caused commotion in the area in 1963 - Almanac March 26, 2013
The Express Times -
Actor-director Leonard Nimoy is 82. Actor James Caan is 73. Author Erica Jong is 71. Journalist Bob Woodward is 70. Singer Diana Ross is 69. The sun sets 7:20 p.m. today, rises 6:52 a.m. Wednesday. The moon sets 6:09 a.m. today, rises 8:01 p.m. ...
Meteor spotted near Md.-Del. border
Tasley Eastern Shore News
SEAFORD — East Coast residents were buzzing on social media sites and elsewhere Friday night after a brief but bright flash of light streaked across the sky in what experts say was almost certainly a meteor coming down. Some Twitter users reported the ...
East Coast lights up with meteor, social media reports
WRTV Indianapolis
THURMONT, Md. - A meteor lit up the night sky along the East Coast on Friday night, and it also lit up social media. WMAR, our Scripps station in Baltimore, received multiple reports of a meteor burning up as it entered Earth's atmosphere. The meteor ...
Meteor Over Manhattan: East Coast Fireball Sets ...
Hundreds of people along the Eastern Seaboard saw a fireball shoot through the sky Friday night.
“Eccentric” Meteor's Disastrous Post-Graduate Trip to Russia
Vanity Fair (blog)
The silver lining: though the famous Siberian hanging gardens and forests and theme parks and outlet malls and valleys and flower fields, all destroyed by this one meteor, were replaced by an maddeningly infinite expanse of monotonous nothingness ...
Editorial: Up in the sky! A tweeteor meteor
As a meteor lit up the night sky on the East Coast on Friday, witnesses from Maine to North Carolina used Twitter and Facebook to document it. Last month a meteordid strike Russia, so the possibility of a similar event could evoke fear. Instead ...
Meteor storm shaped early solar system
BOULDER, Colo., March 25 (UPI) -- Movement of the solar system's giant outer planets created a massive meteor storm that rocked the inner solar system 3.9 billion years ago, researchers say. The migrations of the giant planet created what astronomers ...
Anti-meteor defence needed
Toronto Star
As we have just seen with the recent small meteor in Siberia and the one that came from “the wrong direction” this weekend streaking down the eastern seaboard from Quebec to Georgia, ameteor large enough to cause a “meteor winter” (think “atomic ...
UT professor obtains samples of Russian meteorite
Mon, 25 Mar, 2013 02:42 AM PDT
A University of Tennessee professor has obtained pieces of the meteor that exploded spectacularly over Russia in February.Continue reading
'Fireball' UFO sighting outside Houston
'Fireball' UFO sighting outside Houston. Orange-colored lights at altitude of 3,000 feet. Published: 15 mins ago. (KSAT) — DAISETTA, Texas – The Liberty County Sheriff's Department is investigating a reported UFO sighting on Saturday night ...
Meteor Blazes Across The Night Sky Over East Coast [Video]
Guardian Express
A meteor streaked across the night sky along the eastern seaboard Friday night, leaving a trail of fire as it went. More than 300 people reported seeing this flash in the sky, from Viriginia to Maine, and the meteor was detected and visualized best ...
2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!
The American Meteor Society has received over 1000 reports of a bright meteor that occurred near 2000 (8:00pm EDT) on Friday evening March 22, 2013.
Meteor flashes in the sky - Video on
Video on A meteor put on a spectacular show Friday as it entered the atmosphere on the East Coast. NBC's Michelle Franzen reports.
Meteor lights up sky along east coast ... North Carolina all the way up to Maine reported ...
NASA: meteor spotted Friday in Virginia was a boulder-sized asteroid
Meteor expert Bill Cooke, head of the Meteoroid Environment Office at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala., says asteroids of this size are regular occurrences, entering Earth's atmosphere about once every two to three days. CLICK ...
Meteor captured on video seen from Maine to Florida
Open Minds UFO News
Last Friday night, a bright meteor streaked through the skies above the east coast. Witnesses from Maine to Florida reported seeing the object, and a few videos were taken, including in Manhattan and Maryland. The sightings caused a social media buzz ...
Meteor flashes across East Coast sky
WMUR Manchester
Bill Cooke of NASA's Meteoroid Environmental Office said Friday night that the flash appeared to be "a single meteor event." He said it "looks to be a fireball that moved roughly toward the southeast, going on visual reports." He likened it to a ...
A meteor caused commotion in the area in 1963 - Almanac March 26, 2013
The Express Times -
Actor-director Leonard Nimoy is 82. Actor James Caan is 73. Author Erica Jong is 71. Journalist Bob Woodward is 70. Singer Diana Ross is 69. The sun sets 7:20 p.m. today, rises 6:52 a.m. Wednesday. The moon sets 6:09 a.m. today, rises 8:01 p.m. ...
Meteor spotted near Md.-Del. border
Tasley Eastern Shore News
SEAFORD — East Coast residents were buzzing on social media sites and elsewhere Friday night after a brief but bright flash of light streaked across the sky in what experts say was almost certainly a meteor coming down. Some Twitter users reported the ...
East Coast lights up with meteor, social media reports
WRTV Indianapolis
THURMONT, Md. - A meteor lit up the night sky along the East Coast on Friday night, and it also lit up social media. WMAR, our Scripps station in Baltimore, received multiple reports of a meteor burning up as it entered Earth's atmosphere. The meteor ...
Hundreds of people along the Eastern Seaboard saw a fireball shoot through the sky Friday night.
“Eccentric” Meteor's Disastrous Post-Graduate Trip to Russia
Vanity Fair (blog)
The silver lining: though the famous Siberian hanging gardens and forests and theme parks and outlet malls and valleys and flower fields, all destroyed by this one meteor, were replaced by an maddeningly infinite expanse of monotonous nothingness ...
Editorial: Up in the sky! A tweeteor meteor
As a meteor lit up the night sky on the East Coast on Friday, witnesses from Maine to North Carolina used Twitter and Facebook to document it. Last month a meteordid strike Russia, so the possibility of a similar event could evoke fear. Instead ...
Meteor storm shaped early solar system
BOULDER, Colo., March 25 (UPI) -- Movement of the solar system's giant outer planets created a massive meteor storm that rocked the inner solar system 3.9 billion years ago, researchers say. The migrations of the giant planet created what astronomers ...
Anti-meteor defence needed
Toronto Star
As we have just seen with the recent small meteor in Siberia and the one that came from “the wrong direction” this weekend streaking down the eastern seaboard from Quebec to Georgia, ameteor large enough to cause a “meteor winter” (think “atomic ...
UT professor obtains samples of Russian meteorite
Mon, 25 Mar, 2013 02:42 AM PDT
A University of Tennessee professor has obtained pieces of the meteor that exploded spectacularly over Russia in February.Continue reading
'Fireball' UFO sighting outside Houston
'Fireball' UFO sighting outside Houston. Orange-colored lights at altitude of 3,000 feet. Published: 15 mins ago. (KSAT) — DAISETTA, Texas – The Liberty County Sheriff's Department is investigating a reported UFO sighting on Saturday night ...
Meteor Blazes Across The Night Sky Over East Coast [Video]
Guardian Express
A meteor streaked across the night sky along the eastern seaboard Friday night, leaving a trail of fire as it went. More than 300 people reported seeing this flash in the sky, from Viriginia to Maine, and the meteor was detected and visualized best ...
2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!
25 March 2013
The Latest Worldwide meteor/Meteorite News 25MAR2013
Volleyball-sized fireball streaks across East Coast sky (+video ...
NASA confirms that a fireball, as bright as a full moon, was seen from Florida to New England. The Friday night meteor was probably a small "boulder" that ...
Sonic Boom May Be A Fireball | WCJB TV-20
BRONSON - Numerous calls were made to the sheriffs office of various counties in the North Central Florida complaining about one thing last night. A sonic ...
Fireball just a meteor - NASA
3News NZ
He said it "looks to be a fireball that moved roughly toward the southeast, going on visual reports." "Judging from the brightness, we're dealing with something as bright as the full moon," Cooke said. "The thing is probably a yard across. We basically ...
Meteor briefly lights up East Coast sky - The Boston Globe
A meteor that looked like an immense ball of fire streaked across the sky up and down the East Coast Friday night, astounding viewers throughout ...
Small Asteroid Behind East Coast Meteor Friday : Discovery News
A 3-foot boulder was big enough to light up the skies over the East Coast, experts say.
NASA: Flash In East Coast Sky Likely A Meteor
CBS Local
A surveillance camera at a car dealership in Delaware also captured the meteor, flying across the horizon. “It moved very slowly across the sky, which might suggest that it was a good size, bright enough for us to see, and perhaps high up in the ...
Meteor Lights Up Night Sky Over US Eastern Coast
"The thing is probably a yard across. We basically had a boulder enter the atmosphere over the northeast." He noted that the meteor was widely seen, with more than 350 reports on the website of the American Meteor Society alone. "If you have something...
Typical Russian Style Reaction To Giant Meteorite ...
10 sec
Typical Russian Style Reaction To Giant Meteorite Coming In 2013. nwosatire· 107 videos ...
2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!
NASA confirms that a fireball, as bright as a full moon, was seen from Florida to New England. The Friday night meteor was probably a small "boulder" that ...
Sonic Boom May Be A Fireball | WCJB TV-20
BRONSON - Numerous calls were made to the sheriffs office of various counties in the North Central Florida complaining about one thing last night. A sonic ...
Fireball just a meteor - NASA
3News NZ
He said it "looks to be a fireball that moved roughly toward the southeast, going on visual reports." "Judging from the brightness, we're dealing with something as bright as the full moon," Cooke said. "The thing is probably a yard across. We basically ...
Boston Globe
Following the meteor that burned across Russia's sky a little over a month ago, damaging buildings and injuring more than 1,000 people, Friday night's meteor provided a brief, glowing spectacle that lit up parts of New England at around 8 p.m ...
Migrating planets caused meteor storm
ABC Science Online
Meteor storm Migration of giant gas planets such as Jupiter created the biggestmeteor storm in our solar system's history, according to a new study. The research in the journal Nature Geoscience paints the clearest picture yet of the causes of the ...
UT professor obtains samples of Russianmeteorite
Sun, 24 Mar, 2013 12:20 PM PDT
A University of Tennessee professor has obtained pieces of the meteor that exploded spectacularly over Russia in February.Continue reading
Large meteorite awes residents in Connecticut
Sat, 23 Mar, 2013 11:31 PM PDT
NEW YORK — East Coast residents were buzzing on social media sites and elsewhere Friday night after a brief but bright flash of light streaked across the early-evening sky —in what experts say was almost certainly a meteor coming down.Continue reading
Hundreds see possible meteor fly by earth
A security camera above a car yard in Delaware captured video of what appeared to be a meteor. Hundreds of people took to Facebook and Twitter to report the blue-green light. NASA says the sightings appear to be a "single meteor event." This one just ...
Fireball lights up East Coast, spares Russia any further terror
A meteor lit up the East Coast last night, and camera footage of the fly-by is starting to twinkle across the web. Experts at the American Meteor Society (a real thing) are calling this a fireball, rather than a regular old meteor, because it burned so ...
That big fireball Friday was only visible from part of Vermont
vt.Buzz (blog)
I also don't think the fireball got too bright until it had gone by Vermont, so we wouldn't have necessarily seen it in all its glory. I put out a plea via the Burlington Free Press Facebook page for reports last evening but only got one confirmation ...
Reported meteor lights up East Coast -- and social media -
Authorities got reports Friday night from Virginia to Maine of meteor sightings, which lit up not only the night sky but social media as well.
Following the meteor that burned across Russia's sky a little over a month ago, damaging buildings and injuring more than 1,000 people, Friday night's meteor provided a brief, glowing spectacle that lit up parts of New England at around 8 p.m ...
Migrating planets caused meteor storm
ABC Science Online
Meteor storm Migration of giant gas planets such as Jupiter created the biggestmeteor storm in our solar system's history, according to a new study. The research in the journal Nature Geoscience paints the clearest picture yet of the causes of the ...
UT professor obtains samples of Russianmeteorite
Sun, 24 Mar, 2013 12:20 PM PDT
A University of Tennessee professor has obtained pieces of the meteor that exploded spectacularly over Russia in February.Continue reading
Large meteorite awes residents in Connecticut
Sat, 23 Mar, 2013 11:31 PM PDT
NEW YORK — East Coast residents were buzzing on social media sites and elsewhere Friday night after a brief but bright flash of light streaked across the early-evening sky —in what experts say was almost certainly a meteor coming down.Continue reading
Hundreds see possible meteor fly by earth
A security camera above a car yard in Delaware captured video of what appeared to be a meteor. Hundreds of people took to Facebook and Twitter to report the blue-green light. NASA says the sightings appear to be a "single meteor event." This one just ...
Fireball lights up East Coast, spares Russia any further terror
A meteor lit up the East Coast last night, and camera footage of the fly-by is starting to twinkle across the web. Experts at the American Meteor Society (a real thing) are calling this a fireball, rather than a regular old meteor, because it burned so ...
That big fireball Friday was only visible from part of Vermont
vt.Buzz (blog)
I also don't think the fireball got too bright until it had gone by Vermont, so we wouldn't have necessarily seen it in all its glory. I put out a plea via the Burlington Free Press Facebook page for reports last evening but only got one confirmation ...
Reported meteor lights up East Coast -- and social media -
Authorities got reports Friday night from Virginia to Maine of meteor sightings, which lit up not only the night sky but social media as well.
Meteor briefly lights up East Coast sky - The Boston Globe
A meteor that looked like an immense ball of fire streaked across the sky up and down the East Coast Friday night, astounding viewers throughout ...
Small Asteroid Behind East Coast Meteor Friday : Discovery News
A 3-foot boulder was big enough to light up the skies over the East Coast, experts say.
NASA: Flash In East Coast Sky Likely A Meteor
CBS Local
A surveillance camera at a car dealership in Delaware also captured the meteor, flying across the horizon. “It moved very slowly across the sky, which might suggest that it was a good size, bright enough for us to see, and perhaps high up in the ...
Meteor Lights Up Night Sky Over US Eastern Coast
"The thing is probably a yard across. We basically had a boulder enter the atmosphere over the northeast." He noted that the meteor was widely seen, with more than 350 reports on the website of the American Meteor Society alone. "If you have something...
10 sec
Typical Russian Style Reaction To Giant Meteorite Coming In 2013. nwosatire· 107 videos ...
2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!
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