Sonics following the meteor passing reportedly heard in Landrum, SC, USA!
MBIQ (Meteor Bot Internet Query) Bot indicates that a green fireball meteor was seen over NC SC OH KY VA at approximately 21:55 29AUG2012. Several reports have been received that confirm the MBIQ Bot trigger.
Lawndale, NC Sandia Sentinel All Sky camera does have a capture of this event!
NASA ASGARD All Sky, Bill Cooke, also has a video capture!
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Lawndale Sandia Sentinel Allsky, Stuart McDaniel |
Video from Lawndale Sandia Sentinel All Sky, Stuart McDaniel 1 view
Thank you Stuart!
(Meteor Report Form- click here to report a meteor / fireball)
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The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Fireball Reports:
Initial Sighting Reports:
29AUG2012 Elizabeth Parrish Reidsville, NC 21:55 EST 5 sec south to north blazing white, started out small, like a shooting star, then grew bigger, angled down and turned brilliant green, then broke apart in green bits at the end (trees were blocking my view slightly at the end, this is what appeared to happen) startes out like a shooting star, then increased in brightness and size, dimmed slightly when green at the very end of my view it appeared to break off into several fragments This was A-mazing. It was very bright and terribly beautiful!
29AUG2012 Megan Chapel Hill, NC Eastern time zone- 9:53 pm 8 seconds United States green no sound like a street light, very clear no It shot straight down, very long and bright bright green. At first I thought it was a helicopter but then it phased out.
NOW 60 Reports!
For all meteor reports:
MBIQ (Meteor Bot Internet Query) Bot Data:
Hickory, North Carolina arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for green shooting star.
11:22:07 -- 17 seconds ago
Louisville, Kentucky arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor fall + charlotte + today.
Denver, North Carolina arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for green shooting star.
11:20:03 -- 3 minutes ago
Winston Salem, North Carolina arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for what fell out of the sky tonight.
11:18:09 -- 5 minutes ago
Lexington, North Carolina arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor falling in north carolina august 2012.
11:17:20 -- 6 minutes ago
North Wilkesboro, North Carolina arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for green fireball falling from sky.
11:15:43 -- 8 minutes ago
Concord, North Carolina arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for green and orange shooting star.
11:14:40 -- 10 minutes ago
Charlottesville, Virginia arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Queensland, Australia Fireball Meteor 29AUG2012" by searching for aug 29th 2012 just seeen big meteor.
11:13:44 -- 11 minutes ago
News Media linking and citing The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News on this story:
Green fireball meteor spotted over Asheville last night
See a big, bright, green meteor over Asheville last night? A rare green fireball was spotted over our city on Wednesday night at about 10:48 p.m. ...
Photo: Meteor/fireball spotted over North Carolina
My Fox 8
A website that tracks meteor and fireball sightings reports several people reported the meteor/fireball on Wednesday. The website lists reports from Lexington, Asheville, Chapel Hill, Weaverville, Boone and Charlotte. Most people reported seeing a ...
Western North Carolinians, Some from High Country, Report Meteor ... hours ago - Aug. 30, 2012. Last night, a few dozen people, mostly folks from WesternNorth Carolina and the Piedmont, reported a meteor/fireball zooming across Western ...
Meteor/fireball reported over North Carolina
Independent Tribune
A meteor/fireball was spotted over parts of North Carolina around 10 p.m. Wednesday night.
2012 THE Year of Meteors!
Charlotte,NC...saw the same thing a little before10...bright greenish blur and very bright.
Standing in belwes creek n.c and saw a huge red ball with light green tail then turned into green ball with a green tail headed south south west ....tayler Fulton
Thank you for your comments! Please be sure to file a sighting report as info in comments do not get added to data.
Sitting on the front porch I saw a bright green tear drop shaped light traveling diagonally toward the ground away from me. It was very bright and beautiful. It lasted about 5 seconds and disappeared behind trees. I'm in mt. Holly, NC
Columbus, Ohio
We thought we had seen a shooting star initially but realized it was not high enough or far enough out into the sky, and also looked much larger and brighter than the norm, so cool to see!
Saw the beautiful neon green fireball in Fall Branch, Tn. last night around 9:30. Was quick,silent and awesome!!!!!
I saw it last night at around 10 pm. It was a large, bright light surrounded by a green aura falling quickly downward. I live in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. It was amazing. I had never seen anything like it.
Saw the green light in elizabthton, tn last night, not sure what time it was, but i was looking south towards asheville, nc-- pretty sure it was a ufo, yoyoyoyo
I saw a bright red and gold fireball with long green tail break/ clouds and streak down west to east into treeline while driving towards Chapel Hill from Pittsboro. My car clock said 10:17pm but it is a little fast-so probably closer to 10:15pm Absolutely Brillant!
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