Travelers Rest Tribune
According to the National Weather Service (NWS) in Greenville-Spartanburg, the likely cause was ameteor, based on eyewitness accounts. The NWS is continuing to investigate, and we will update the story as we receive additional information.
Extremely rare Mars meteorite being studied at ASU (KNXV-TV)
TEMPE, AZ - A Mars meteorite that formed about 300 million years ago just hit earth this past summer, but that's not what makes it rare. The 350-gram rock is one of only five Mars meteorites to have witnesses actually see it hit the earth.
Stately home's doorstep meteorite a Brit big
The Sun
A ROCK left on the doorstep of a stately home for at least 80 years has been revealed as the biggest meteorite to have landed in Britain. Researchers believe the 1.6ft-long 200lb rock dates back 30000 years. It was an ornament at Lake House near ...
Controversy Brews Over Meteorites Sold On Western Slope
CBS Local
(CBS4) – There's a battle brewing over meteorites on the Western Slope. Are they real, or are they just space junk? A small Grand Junction store called Main Street Minerals and Beads is where people came for something out of this world.
Meteorite found by ex-CSC professor to go in display
Rapid City Journal
Dr. Art Struempler is shown beside the meteorite he found near Bayard in 1982. He was chairman of the Math and Science Division at Chadron State at the time. A large meteorite discovered near Bayard by the late Dr. Art Struempler while he was on the ...
Arizona State University center will study Mars meteorite
Arizona Republic
During her first year, while defining the area of her doctorate, a professor handed her a piece of ameteorite from Mars. That piece of rock set her on a career path in which she has excelled, serving as curator of meteorites both at Chicago's Field ...
Biggest meteorite ever to drop in Britain found on doorstep of a stately home
Daily Mail Tue, 14 Feb 2012 10:28 AM PST
The 200lb space rock (pictured), which is 1.6ft long, had been sitting by the front door of Lake House, a stately home near Wilsford-cum-Lake, Wiltshire, since the early 1900s.
Biggest ever meteorite found on doorstep
Daily Telegraph Tue, 14 Feb 2012 09:27 AM PST
An ornamental rock that lay on the doorstep of a house for at least 80 years has just been revealed as the biggest meteorite ever found in Britain.
Sting's Lake House One Held 200 Lb Meteorite In Front Yard
The Huffington Post Tue, 14 Feb 2012 08:52 AM PST
When the English musician Sting and his wife Trudie Styler bought the Lake House estate in England's rural Wiltshire County in the early 1990s, they got a lot for their money: A beautiful 16th century home and 26 hectares of land on the River Avon, just a stone's throw from Stonehenge. The house has been featured in Architectural Digest, and Styler was inspired by the idyllic farm setting to ...
6500万年前の隕石衝突時の地球を検証 3D show us after the asteroid ...
6500万年前の隕石衝突時の地球を検証 3D show us after the asteroid impact. TheMrhalekulani. Subscribe Subscribed Unsubscribe. Loading. 14 videos ...
Doorstep meteorite 'biggest to fall in UK'
BBC News Tue, 14 Feb 2012 04:03 AM PST
How a meteorite ended up on a Wiltshire doorstep
2 min
Guess what!! I WAS able to find some audio after all from this occurrence! Thanks to you all and ...
Mystery boom in Upstate likely an exploding meteor, scientists say
Hilton Head Island Packet
By PAUL ALONGI No one could say for sure what caused a flash of light, a loud boom and an object to break apart in the sky, but two Upstate scientists said the descriptions sounded like an exploding meteor. "It's rare, but it's possible," said David ...
UFO Explodes Over South Carolina? 2012
Greenville resident Joseph Fidler sent security camera video from his home showing a bright light illuminating his neighborhood and a reflection of the meteor in the windshield of his car below. Stuart McDaniel, of Lawndale, NC, sent in video to FOX ...
Man Accused Of Selling Fake Meteorite Talks
KJCT 8 Grand Junction Mon, 13 Feb 2012 18:06 PM PST
Police cited Steve Curry last month, and on Monday he attempted to meet with the district attorney but was denied.
Montrose collector says his meteorites aren't make believe
It is pretty easy to tell what is a meteorite based on ratios of rare earth elements contained within. I do not believe the PD has the expertise or the equipment to make this determination. The guy may have a case to sue the PD for overstepping their ...
Montrose meteorite fan accused of fraud
Montrose Daily Press Mon, 13 Feb 2012 17:41 PM PST
Montrose meteorite aficionado and seller Steve Curry has touted his discoveries to local media, last year telling the Daily Press he donated most of his proceeds to charity because the celestial rocks "don't belong to us."
Exploding Fireball recorded over Okayama, Japan -- Fire in the Sky ...
Video of a fireball entering Earth's atmosphere and exploding over Okayama, Japan, 12th February 2012. Thanks to the fine folks at for their ...
A Mars meteorite that formed about 300 million years ago just hit earth this past summer, but ...