According to Gawker, the massive planet in our solar system took a giant hit from a meteor so ...
Impact, fireball seen on Jupiter
Big News
Impact, fireball seen on Jupiter. Big News Network (UPI) Wednesday 12th September, 2012. RACINE, Wis. -- An amateur astronomer in Wisconsin says he observed an apparent impact on Jupiter early Monday that created a large, bright fireball on the planet.
Britain's biggest meteorite, weighing 200lb, enters museum after 80 years as ...
Daily Mail
The biggest meteorite to ever fall to Britain has gone on display for the first time. The rock lay undiscovered on the doorstep of a house for at least 80 years before being revealed as a 200lb space rock, measuring 1.6ft long. After sitting on the ...
Another fireball on Jupiter? | SETI Institute
An amateur astronomer reported the visual detection of a fireball on Jupiter at 11 35 UT (September 10 2012) last night. It was confirmed on a video recorded ...
Impact, fireball seen on Jupiter -
An amateur astronomer in Wisconsin says he observed an apparent impact on Jupiter early Monday that created a large, bright fireball on the planet.
Flash on Jupiter - Impacted by Fireball or Plasma Discharge? | Space
She reports there has been a visual sighting of an apparent fireball on Jupiter earlier today (about 10 hours ago, as of this posting) so the impact site should be ...
Your letters: Rock of ages
Jakarta Post
The British hymn “Rock of ages, cleft for me, Let me hide myself in Thee”, may not be the answer if an enormous meteor was to hit planet Earth. Imagine waking up in the morning and enjoying your bowl of cornflakes when all of a sudden, without warning, ...
Astronomers witness another fireball impact on Jupiter
There were reports last night that another fireball had possibly been seen impacting Jupiter, similar to previous impacts, such as the famous comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 in 1994 and others in 2010. This morning, those sightings have been confirmed, with at ...
2012 THE Year of Meteors!
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