Showing posts with label astronomy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label astronomy. Show all posts

11 March 2016

321P/SOHO makes its close-approach on 13-Mar-2016

321P/SOHO makes its close-approach on 13-Mar-2016
reported by  meteordetective

A reminder for astronomers and astronomy enthusiasts:

Jupiter-family Comet 321P/SOHO makes its close-approach to Earth on Sunday 13-Mar-2016 at 05Z21 - at a distance of 62.38LD = 0.16028 AU = 14.9 million miles from Earth.

The Comet is currently located in the constellation of Ophiuchus at 17h35m40.32s +05°07'09.6" - and is rapidly tracking 'West' (increasing its Right Ascension value) on its way to closest-approach.

At the precise time of its closest-approach to Earth, it will be located in the constellation Aquila at 19h20m08.58s +10°45'25.3" at 05Z21.  It should be +/- Magnitude 15.

Click image to enlarge screenshot (created using Stellarium).

2016 The THIRD Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

14 August 2013

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 14AUG2013

Livermore Cosmochemist Has Early Solar System Garnet-like Mineral Named After Him
Tue, 13 Aug, 2013 04:20 PM PDT
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory A recently discovered mineral appears to be clear but may have a tinge of light blue. No matter its color, you won't be able to make earrings from it. For one, you can't see the material with the naked eye. Hutcheonite, recently named after Lawrence Livermore meteorite... Continue reading

Meteorite strike conditions to inspire new materials
Tue, 13 Aug, 2013 02:46 AM PDT
Researchers are attempting to replicate conditions that occur during a meteorite strike to create materials that possess superior strength and are able to withstand extreme temperatures.
Continue reading
Khaleej Times
However, the annual Perseid meteor shower, which rains down pieces of millennia-old space junk into the earth's atmosphere, still offered views of about 35 ...

Enthusiasts hunt night sky for Perseid meteor shower
Times of Oman
"Since we knew that the meteor shower could be seen with naked eyes and no ... The Perseid meteor shower is an event that happens every year in August.

Best Pictures of Perseids Meteor Shower
National Geographic
The annual Perseid meteor shower, which peaks this week, is dazzling sky-watchers around the world. Here, a bright fireball is caught lighting up the starry skies ...

A few Perseid meteor photos from AP
Fayetteville Observer (blog)
A meteor is seen over a railroad crossing at Ditto Marina Parkway, early ... photo, a streak appears in the sky during the annual Perseid meteor shower above a ...

Meteor shower to light up the sky
The New Indian Express
Meteor shower is the technical term for the phenomenon caused due to the disintegration of the dust clouds left behind by comets passing through the earth's ...
Although the Perseid meteor shower is an annual event, the Royal Astronomical Society predicted that this year's show would be particularly good. It certainly ...

Perseids Meteor Shower 2013 - 12 August 2013 ...
6 min
Perseids Meteor Shower 2013 - 12 August 2013 .NASA MSFC - PerseidsMeteor Shower 2013 ...

Video: Time-lapse captures magic of Perseid ...
The magical Perseid meteor shower has been captured on camera over three nights in Joshua ...

Perseid 2013 at Peak: First Pictures of Meteor ...
For those who missed seeing the annual Perseid Meteor Shower reaching its peak, here are ...

Perseid meteor shower 2013 (photos)
This long-exposure photograph taken on August 12, 2013 shows people watching for the Perseid meteor shower in the night sky near Yangon. The meteor ...

Perseid meteor shower: Your pictures
BBC News
Perseid meteor shower: Your pictures. Paul Williams photo of meteor showers across Mannings Heath, West Sussex, England. Stargazers came out to watch the ...
Fueled by some really good advice, three Oregonian photographers headed to The Alvord Desert and Steens Mountain last week to chase Perseid, the world's ...

Stargazer's Photos Reveal Spectacular Arizona Night Sky, But No ...
While pursuing images of what turned out to be an elusive Perseid meteor shower, Stephen Gresser captured some spectacular photos of the night sky over ...

Video: What causes the Perseid meteor shower ...
Astronomer Radmila Topalovic from the Royal Observatory Greenwich explains the science ...

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

22 April 2013

Meteors April 22, 2013 Lyrid Meteor Shower Show - AWB and Global Astronomy Month

Meteors April 22, 2013 Lyrid Meteor Shower Show
Astronomers Without Borders (AWB) 
Sponsors GAM- GAM Global Astronomy Month 2013
The Lyrid Meteor shower peaks on the evening and early morning hours of 22APR2013.  If you have good weather and are patient you may see as many as 20-30 meteors per hour or more.  Get away from city lights, pull out your lawn chair or lay down on the ground and watch the show! Make it a family or friends event!
 The meteors will be coming from the direction of Lyra (see the map below); if you don"t know where Lyra is just look up and see where the meteor light show is originating from. Bring along warm clothes or a sleeping bag to keep yourself warm.  The best time for watching will be 11'00 pm until about 5'30 am (just prior to Sun up). The peak viewing time will be from 2'00 am - 4'30 am.'
LunarMeteoriteHunter, Tokyo
Dirk Ross
 - Astronomers Without Borders Tokyo, Japan / Japan Night Sky Watch
This is what you might see 22/23 April 2013.
Composite of Lyrid Meteors -2 or brighter from El Paso, TX-Sandia Sentinel Meteor Fireball Camera- 22-23APR2011
N is up, E is left - Click image to enlarge
Copyright 2011 Jim Gamble, El Paso All Sky
Star Map to Find Lyra
"Click on Image to Enlarge."
GAM Global Astronomy Month 2013
You are not to late to join GAM 2013
1 to 22 AprilInternational Earth and Sky Photo Contest
1 to 30 April30 Nights of Star Peace - Program for astronomy clubs!
1 to 30 AprilAstropoetry Contest for GAM2013
3 to 29 AprilMoon Watch - Click the tab at the top for all observing dates 
5 to 28 AprilAstroArt - Click the tab at the top for all event dates
5 to 11 AprilInternational Dark Sky Week
20 AprilGlobal Star Party   
20 AprilStars for All (online observing event)
20 to 22 AprilLyrid Meteor Watch
27 AprilSaturn Watch
27 AprilAround the Ringed Planet (online observing event)
28 AprilCosmic Concert (online live event)
29 April to 8 MayGLOBE at Night
30 AprilCosmic Depths (online observing event)
Visit the AWB GAM Website!

If youi wish to join the Astronomers Without Borders -AWB or support the AWB  anywhere in the world please contact me for details;  thank you!  
Dirk Ross...Japan Night Sky Watch - AWB
LunarMeteoriteHunter <>
2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

21 April 2013

AWB Updates - Lyrid Meteor Shower and other events April 2013

AWB Updates - Lyrid Meteor Shower and other events April 2013

Upcoming GAM 2013 Programs:
20-22 April: Lyrid Meteor Watch
25 April:      Lunar Eclipse Watch
25 April:      8 Years Around Saturn
26 April:      Aerogel, Jupiter, and Galileo's Bones
27 April:      Serene Universe
27 April:      Saturn Watch
27 April:      Around the Ringed Planet (online observing event)

Connect With AWB
Google Plus:

AWB thanks our sponsors of GAM 2013:

Media Sponsor - Sky & Telescope
GAM2013 sponsor ST

Star Map to Find Lyra and the Lyrid Meteors
"Click on Image to Enlarge."

If youi wish to join the Astronomers Without Borders -AWB or support the AWB  anywhere in the world please contact me for details;  thank you!  
Dirk Ross...Japan Night Sky Watchers - AWB
LunarMeteoriteHunter <>
2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

11 April 2013

13th Gulf Astronomy Colloquium at AUS, Sharjah, UAE 13-14APR2013

"click on image to enlarge"
13th Gulf Astronomy Colloquium at AUS, Sharjah, UAE
DAG is inviting all astronomy enthusiasts to attend freely this event, special invitation for teachers to join us on dedicated 2nd day, Please register to attend, see details on below link.

The 13th Gulf Astronomy Colloquium that the Physics department at the American University of Sharjah is organizing on Sat. and Sun., April 13-14, 2013 with Dubai Astronomy Group. This is the thirteenth edition of the annual astronomy colloquium, which started at AUS in November 2000 and which has now been held every year at institutions in the UAE (AUS, UAEU, and NYU), in Bahrain, in Kuwait, and in Oman.

This year as it was in 2006 we are collaborating with Dubai Astronomy Group in organizing this event.

The colloquium consists of 3 parts:

1) A semi-technical session (on Saturday morning) aiming at reviewing the latest research of astronomers and astrophysicists in the Gulf, the goal being for everyone to learn a few new ideas and hopefully to conceive of possible regional or international collaborations;

2) A general-public session (on Saturday afternoon) aiming to address a topic of interest for everyone; this year we have chosen “Observational Astronomy in the Arab/Gulf Region”; several presentations will be made on that topic;

3) An educational session (on Sunday morning and possibly on Sunday afternoon) for high-school teachers to update their knowledge of astronomical issues in relation to their curricula.

In addition to these three sessions, we are planning a visit and observational session at the Dubai Astronomy Group’s nearby observatory on Saturday evening starting from 6:00 pm.

Participants of the colloquium will consist of:

q Astronomers from the Gulf (professionals or amateurs);

q High-school teachers who are interested in Astronomy for personal or professional purposes;

q Students (university or high-school);

q Media professionals.

Please note that the first two sessions will be conducted in English. The educational session(s) will be conducted in Arabic or English depending on how many educators register and choose one language or the other.

Participation in any session is free of charge.
Registration information and form are at-

Dubai Astronomy Group

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

23 February 2013

Tokyo Japan Bright RED Moon at Moon Set 23FEB2013

Tokyo Japan Bright RED Moon at Moon Set 23FEB2013
26FEB2013 Red Moonset, Tokyo, JAPAN
(c) 2913 -LunarMeteorite*Hunter

Sorry I didn`t have my camera in time. Anyone else in Tokyo happen to see or photograph the bright red Moon set at about 4:00 am JST, 23FEB2013?
-LunarMeteorite*Hunter. Tokyo, JAPAN

Leave a comment if you happened to see it; it was spectacular!

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

11 September 2012

Holy Batsit Robin! Jupiter Slammed by Asteroid Captured in Photos 10SEP2012

Breaking News -Holy Batsit Robin!  Jupiter Slammed by Asteroid Captured on Camera 10SEP2012

Vewing Alert: Jupiter May Have Been Impacted by a Fireball
by Nancy Atkinson
Universe Today
September 11, 2012
UPDATE: Yes, there was an impact! An amateur astronomer in Dallas Texas, George Hall captured
the impact flash in his webcam - click here to see his website and image - at about 6:30 am on Sept. 10, 2012. ...(more)

See Photos of the impact:

Fantastic  Mr. George Hall!!! And Nancy Atkinson for reporting!  Way to go! -LunarMeteorite*Hunter, Tokyo, Japan
(click on image to enlarge)
Wunderwurld und Alice
Twinkle, twinkle, little bat! How I wonder where you're at! Up above the world you fly, Like a teatray in the sky. Twinkle, twinkle little bat! How I wonder where you're at!- Lewis Carroll (Charles Dodgson)

2012 THE Year of Meteors!

09 August 2012

The Latest Worldwide Meteor*Meteorite News 09AUG2012

A First Nation Wants the Royal Alberta Museum to ...
2 min
A 150-kilogram meteorite that fell to earth centuries ago is pitting First Nations people northeast ...

Stargazers Get Set for Meteor Showers
11-12, astronomer Bill Cooke and his team from the Meteoroid Environment Office at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center will answer questions about the 2012 Perseid meteor shower via an "Up All Night" live chat. To join the chat, go to this page and log in.

Public can watch meteor shower at state park
Sacramento Bee
GLASGOW, Ky. -- Barren River Lake State Resort Park is offering a chance to view the Perseidsmeteor shower away from city lights and learn more about the event this weekend at the park in south-central Kentucky. The Louisville Astronomical Society ...

Chico observatory will open for Perseid meteor shower Saturday
CHICO — A waning moon will provide the perfect backdrop for the annual Perseid meteor shower, and the Kiwanis Chico Community Observatory will be open for the event Saturday night. The observatory, in upper Bidwell Park by Horseshoe Lake, opens at ...

STARS ABOVE: Awesome meteor shower graces the skies
West Island Gazette
For skywatchers, August will be a busy month, with a meteor shower and multiple planetary close encounters. For early-bird skywatchers, the goddess of love, Venus, dominates the dawn skies in the east, perched firmly in the constellation of Gemini, the ...

Perseids Meteor Shower To Take Place This Weekend
But the Montauk Observatory Inc. is promoting just that with a sponsored viewing of the Perseid meteor shower, an annual spectacle that is visible to the naked eye, on Saturday night. The viewing will take place at the Montauk County Park around 9 p.m...

Perseid meteor shower will hit peak on Saturday
TG Daily
If you want a good look at a meteor shower, you'd better head outside this Saturday. Every year, the Perseid meteor shower provides a dazzling show for people lucky enough to catch a glimpse of the night sky at the right place and the right time. And ...

Perseid Meteor Shower Will Dazzle This Weekend
The Perseid Meteor shower has some added bonuses this year: it will occur on a night when the moon is in its waning crescent phase, which means the moonlight won't interfere with your view of the dashing meteors, according to And it's on ...

Perseid Meteor Shower Peaks Aug. 11 to 12
The Epoch Times
One of the biggest meteor displays of the year, the Perseid meteor shower, is coming up this weekend. The shower's peak may produce up to 100 meteors per hour, according to NASA. The best time to watch will be the night of Aug. 11–12, although the ...

At the State Parks
Door County Advocate
Celebrate the phenomenal Perseid Meteor Shower this week at Newport State Park. On clear nights every summer, when Earth crosses paths with Comet Swift-Tuttle, the night sky in the Northern Hemisphere is ablaze with the Perseid shower, a display of as ...

Meteor shower: Perseids peak this weekend
13, 2010," YouNews reporter rowdey wrote. EUGENE, Ore. - With clear skies in the forecast and the moon waning to a slender crescent by this weekend, conditions will be prime for the annual Perseids meteor shower. The showers peak the night of Aug.

meteorite murrysville pa aug 8 2012 - YouTube
35 sec
I am so lucky to have caught this meteorite falling to earth in my little town. I just hope one doesn ...

Alberta meteorite sparks battle for sacred rock
A 150-kilogram meteorite that fell to earth centuries ago is pitting First Nations people northeast of Edmonton against the Royal Alberta Museum. To the Cree, "pahpamiyhaw asiniy," is a sacred rock containing the face of the creator, but to scientists ...

Perseid Meteor Shower Is Underway « CBS Minnesota
The annual Perseid meteor shower is underway this week and peaks out this coming Saturday night into Sunday morning, said WCCO Radio Meteorologist ...

Perseid Meteor Shower, August 11, 2012 | StarDate Online
The Perseid meteor shower sprinkles the night sky with “shooting stars” in August , with the best viewing around the night of August 11. The Perseids generally ...

Perseid meteor shower visible this week
A Perseid meteor streaks across the sky early August 12, 2008 near Rogers Spring in the Lake Mead National Recreation Area, Nevada. The meteor display, known as the Perseid shower because it appears to radiate from the constellation Perseus in the ...

Boots on the tundra, eyes on Mars
London Free Press
A joint effort between Western's Centre for Planetary Science and Exploration and the Canadian Space Agency, the team spent nearly two weeks on Victoria Island conducting a geological survey on a newly discovered meteor impact crater. Their mission was ...

Come to meteor shower watch at the Binbrook Conservation Area
Grand River Sachem
If you plan to attend, bring a blanket, groundsheet or lounge chair, because lying down is one of the best ways to enjoy the meteor shower. Also, protect yourself from biting mosquitoes by applying repellent and wearing pants and a long-sleeved shirt.

See a meteor shower in the August sky
Florida Times-Union
The Perseid meteor shower will peak during the evening of Sunday-Monday. In a dark location with clear skies, the Perseids offer more than 100 meteors, or “shooting stars,” per hour. Realistically, however, an observer in Florida will notice about one ...

Lights Over Grayson Again – UFOs or Early Meteor Shower?
Last month, Grayson was mentioned on the UFO Stalker website for the third time this year. The first reporting was in February, then again in May, and finally there was a reporting on July 16. Whatever these reported unidentified flying objects are ...

Meteor showers set to light up sky on Aug 13
Times of India
This particular light show, Perseids meteor shower, is made of a stream of particles left behind by the giant Swift-Tuttle comet. "With the meteor shower peaking on the night of August 13, one can expect around 60 light streaks per hour," said ...

Stargazing at the dunes Saturday
This is the park's sixth annual Perseid Meteor Stargaze. Stargazing runs from 8:30 p.m. — with prime viewing starting at 9 p.m. until the park closes at 11 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 11 at the pavilion. The stargazing is hosted by the state park's ...

2012 THE Year of Meteors!

03 August 2012

From Campos to Mars - students preparing for the landing of Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity

From Campos to Mars - students preparing for the landing of Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity

Posted on YouTube by  UmPasseiopeloCeu 2012/07/31 55 views
From Campos to Mars; young people will watch the landing of Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity on the red planet.
De Campos para Marte; jovens vão assistir sonda descer no planeta vermelho
Reportagem produzida pela INTERTV - Report produced by INTERTV

Brazilian students come fall of the U.S. probe on Mars
They expect the probe to explore a crater named after the city where they live: Campos dos Goytacazes.

Estudantes brasileiros acompanham dos EUA descida de sonda em Marte
Eles esperam que essa sonda explore uma cratera que leva o nome da cidade onde moram: Campos dos Goytacazes.
Three Brazilian students to the United States will follow the descent of a spacecraft on Mars. They are the Federal Fluminense Instituto de Campos, in the northern state of Rio and will attend a conference. ...

Três estudantes brasileiros vão para os Estados Unidos acompanhar a descida de uma sonda espacial em Marte. Eles são do Instituto Federal Fluminense de Campos, no norte do estado do Rio e vão participar de uma conferência. ...

22 April 2010

Lyrids Meteor Shower Peak Viewing 22APR2010

Lyrids meteor shower

posted on YouTube by lazerbim118 (1 view) 22 April 2010
- The Lyrid meteor shower is the first significant shower of 2010. Dating as far back as March 687 BC, the Lyrids make an annual show usually beginning on April 16th. This northern hemisphere shower occurs when the Earth passes through debris from the Comet Thatcher (C/1861 G1), discovered by A.E. Thatcher on April 4, 1861. The Comet Thatcher is expected to pass Earth again in 2267. This year, the Lyrids will peak on April 22nd with an expected show of 10 - 12 meteors per hour according to experts. The radiant of this shower is between the constellations Lyra and Hercules.

Typically, the Lyrid meteor shower presents a modest show of 10-20 meteors per hour. Occasionally, the Earth will pass through a dense clump of debris, resulting in an increased rate of meteors. In 1982, some observers counted as many as 90 meteors per hour. In 1945, a Japanese observer counted 112 meteors in 67 minutes, most of them Lyrids.

Optimal viewing time for the Lyrids will occur early morning on April 22nd. The moon will set between 1 and 2 AM, leaving a dark sky until dawn. During this time, find a dark place as far away from city lights as possible. Look to the east, giving your eyes at least 10-15 minutes to adjust to the night sky. Lie back and scan the sky for meteors with a trail that points back toward the sparkling blue-white star Vega. -

03 March 2010

Jókai Mór - Hungarian Astronomer "The Canes Spiral Codec"

Dr. Bartha Lajos giving talk for the exhibition of the International Year of Astronomy 2000 years of astronomical books in honor of Kalocsa Ptolemaiosztól Fényi Gyula. Selection of the Private library ritkaságaiból astronomy history.

Jókai Mór- "Cometary" Hungarian
by Dr. Lajos Bartha
Jókai csillagászata The Jókai astronomical
175 éve született a XIX. 175 years ago was born in the nineteenth century. század nagy prózaírója high-century prose
Ponticulus Hungaricus
évfolyam 7—8. grade 7-8. szám · 2004. No · 2004th július—augusztus July-August
kulcsszavak fizika, csillagászat, Nap, Hold, üstökös, csillagtérkép, csillagkép stb.
physics, astronomy, sun, moon, comet, planetarium, constellations, etc..

Jókai Mór


A magyarországi csillagászat "újjáteremtője", Konkoly Thege Miklós 1904-ben egy érdekes cikket közölt a csillagászati ismeretek tudományos és kulturális jelentőségéről. The Hungarian astronomy "újjáteremtője" Miklos Konkoly Thege in 1904, an interesting article published in the astronomical knowledge of the scientific and cultural significance. Írásának végén felsorolja az akkori Magyarország (részben már múzeummá avult) obszervatóriumait, majd hozzáfűzi a listához: Listed at the end of the time of writing Hungary (now part of a museum obsolete) observatories, and adds to the list:

"Ezeken kívül még több magánembernek van nagyobb távcsöve, úgymint: Latinovits Frigyesnek Visegrádon, Polikeit Károly igazgatónak Pozsonyban, Jókai Mór hazánk nagy költőjének, s még többeknek". "In addition, more private person is bigger telescope ...

English translation of whole article:


A magyarországi csillagászat "újjáteremtője", Konkoly Thege Miklós 1904-ben egy érdekes cikket közölt a csillagászati ismeretek tudományos és kulturális jelentőségéről. Írásának végén felsorolja az akkori Magyarország (részben már múzeummá avult) obszervatóriumait, majd hozzáfűzi a listához:

"Ezeken kívül még több magánembernek van nagyobb távcsöve, úgymint: Latinovits Frigyesnek Visegrádon, Polikeit Károly igazgatónak Pozsonyban, Jókai Mór hazánk nagy költőjének, s még többeknek".

(Atmosphaera — Az időjárás, 8. évf. 1. sz. 15. o. 1904) ... (more)

Whole original Hungarian text:

Magyar Csillagászati Egyesület- Hungarian Astronomical Society

Meteor csillagászati évkönyv 2010

Meteor csillagászati évkönyv 2010

Elkészült a Meteor csillagászati évkönyv 2010. évi kötete, sok-sok előrejelzéssel és tartalmas cikkekkel, melyek a csillagászat egy-egy részterületének eredményeit mutatják be.

Meteor (astronomy journal in Hungarian)

01 April 2009


Impact Field Studies Group
ISFG Field Research Member-ASIA Since 2005

IYA 2009 International Year of Astronomy

Astronomers Without Borders
Regional Coordinator- Southeast Asia Since 2008

Japan Chapter: Japan Planetary Data- Japan Sky Watch
Astronomers Without Borders is dedicated to fostering understanding and goodwill across national and cultural boundaries by creating relationships through the universal appeal of astronomy. Astronomers Without Borders projects promote sharing. Sharing resources. Sharing knowledge. Sharing inspiration. All through a common interest in something basic and universal. Sharing the sky.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Planetary Data Japan- Japan Sky Watch
For More Information Contact:
Dirk Ross @


International Meteorite Collectors Association

Member #5677

Since 2000



Meteorobs · Amateur Meteor Astronomy

Institut de Mecanique Celeste et de Calcul des Ephemerides-France (english version)

Polish Fireball Network


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updated 29AUG09 7SEP09

17 March 2009


Space Weather News for March 17, 2009
ASTEROID BUZZES EARTH: Newly-discovered asteroid 2009 FH is flying past Earth tonight only 85,000 km (0.00057 AU) away. That's a little more than twice the height of a geosynchronous communications satellite. Experienced amateur astronomers in North America can photograph the 20-meter-wide space rock racing through the constellation Gemini after sunset on March 17th. It should be about as bright as a 14th magnitude star.

Please visit for an ephemeris and updates.

This is the second time in March that an asteroid has flown so close to Earth. On March 2nd, 2009 DD45 passed by only 72,000 km away. Measuring some tens of meters in diameter, 2009 DD45 and 2009 FH are approximately Tunguska-class objects, meaning they pose no global threat but could cause local damage if they actually hit Earth. In years past, asteroids of this size often passed unnoticed, but recent improvements in asteroid surveys have resulted in growing numbers of space rocks caught in the act of near-Earth flybys.

11 March 2009

Mystery in Brazílian Sky Calls Attention of Scientists 11MAR09

Brazílian Sky Calls Attention of Scientists
Brasília em Tepo Real 10/03/2009 07h01m

-translation by Babelfish
An identified flying object illuminated for some seconds in the night Saturday in the DF and Goiás. Scientists investigate the phenomenon and they do not discard that a meteorite has entered in the atmosphere.
Scientists try to unmask the mystery around the torch of light in green tone that cut the sky of the capital of the country in the Saturday night. Inhabitants of the Federal District described a flying object not identified (Ovni) with a different brightness and behavior of an airplane.
Astronomers believe to be a meteorite or dissolute piece of the Lulin comet. Equipment of the University of Brasilia (UnB) had not yet registered a north-eastern explained signal of Goiás, where inhabitants also say to have witnessed a phenomenon similar to the testified one for the brasilienses.
More in the
Post office

Original story:
Mistério no céu de Brasília chama atenção de cientistas
"Brazílian Sky Calls Attention of Scientists"
Brasilia em Tepo Real
10/03/2009 07h01m

Um objeto voador não identificado iluminou por alguns segundos a noite de sábado no DF e em Goiás. Cientistas investigam o fenômeno e não descartam que um meteorito tenha entrado na atmosfera terrestre.
Cientistas tentam desvendar o mistério em torno do facho de luz em tom verde que cortou o céu da capital do país na noite de sábado. Moradores do Distrito Federal viram um objeto voador não identificado (Ovni) com brilho e comportamento bem diferentes de um avião.
Astrônomos acreditam se tratar de um meteorito ou pedaço desgarrado do cometa Lulin. Equipamentos da Universidade de Brasília (UnB) registraram um sinal ainda não explicado no nordeste de Goiás, onde habitantes também dizem ter presenciado um fenômeno parecido com o testemunhado pelos brasilienses.
Leia mais no Correio

Source: Gabriel, Brazilian Society of Meteorite Study, Brazil
Thank you, Gabriel!

01 February 2009


(Click on Photo for a better view)


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