First meteor shower of year to originate from asteroids
Erwin Record
Most meteor showers are caused by debris from comets, but a couple are known to originate from asteroids. This was the case for the December Geminids as well as will be the case for the first meteorshower of the New Year – the Quadrantids. However ...
Quadrantid Meteor Shower 2013 Peak: When to Watch
The Quadrantid meteor shower is named for an extinct constellation, but the shooting stars that seem to sprout from it still arrive yearly, and the opening of the 2013 show will begin overnight January 1 into January 2 ...
Quadrantids Meteor Shower 2013: Peak Time Overnight on Jan. 3 and Jan. 4 ...
Latinos Post
(Photo : REUTERS/Amir Cohen ) The final meteor shower of 2012 came in the form of the Geminid meteor shower, following other annual meteor showers such as Perseid (seen above) near the southern town of Mitzpe Ramon August 13, 2012. The first ...
First meteor shower of 2013 peaks this week
CBS News
The Quadrantid meteor shower is an annual meteor shower every January. While this year's "shooting star" show is not expected to outshine some of the more spectacular meteor showers of 2012, it may give stargazers with clear, dark skies a great start ...
Quadrantid Meteor Shower 2013: When & Where to Watch
Quadrantid meteor showers will be the first to appear in the sky January 2013. This year, they will take place on the night January 2nd and proceed into the early morning hours of January 3rd. What is the Quadrantid Meteor Shower? Quadrantid meteor ...
Meteorite thefts: 1 arrested, 1 wanted; meteorties recovered
Mon, 31 Dec, 2012 06:03 AM PST
Officials at the Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute said the irreplaceable meteorites that were stolen on Christmas Eve have been recovered. David Clavier, vice president of administration at PARI, said the institute was burglarized in the early morning hours of Dec. 24 and 100 one-of-a-kindmeteorites on display were stolen. Clavier said the value of the meteorites is at least $80,000 and ..
First meteor shower of 2013 peaks this week Technology & science ...
The first meteor shower of 2013 will kick off the year's night sky events this week, giving stargazers a chance to ring in the New Year with a celestial ...
Meteor Activity Outlook for December 29-January 4, 2013 « The ...
By Carl Hergenrother
The following is a slightly edited version of Bob Lunsford's excellent weekly summary of meteor activity. The original version can be found at the American Meteor Society's site. During this period the moon wanes from its current full phase to a ...
The Transient Sky - Comets, Asteroids...
2013 Stargazing Events: Comets, Eclipses, & Meteor Showers Not To Miss In ...
Huffington Post
As 2012 comes to a close, some might wonder what is looming sky-wise for 2013.What celestial events might we look forward to seeing? I've selected what I consider the top 13"skylights" (get it?) for the coming year, and have listed them in ...
Everything you need to know: Quadrantid meteor shower
EarthSky (blog)
The Quadrantid meteor shower is always the first meteor shower of every new year, and 2013 is no exception. The shower comes each year in early January and favors the Northern Hemisphere because its radiant point is so far north on the sky's dome.
2013 THE Year of Meteors and Comets!
Showing posts with label 2012. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2012. Show all posts
01 January 2013
20 December 2012
"2012" END? NOT! NASA Video
Tokyo, Japan is Still Here on 21DEC2012! @ 07:30 JST
ScienceCasts: Why the World Didn't End Yesterday -video NASA
Youtube uploaded by ScienceAtNASA· 2,451,475 views
Dec. 21, 2012: Fearful 'end of world' callers flood NASA
ScienceCasts: Why the World Didn't End Yesterday -video NASA
Youtube uploaded by ScienceAtNASA· 2,451,475 views
Dec. 21, 2012: Fearful 'end of world' callers flood NASA
Los Angles Times, 19DEC2012
If there's one government agency really looking forward to Dec. 22, it's NASA.
The space agency said it has been flooded with calls and emails from people asking about the purported end of the world — which, as the doomsday myth goes, is apparently set to take place on Dec. 21, 2012. ... (more)
NOW if you wish watch the MOVIE "2012"
Uploaded to YouTube by TheEyeTelevision 876,474 views
2012 THE Year of Meteors!
NOW if you wish watch the MOVIE "2012"
Uploaded to YouTube by TheEyeTelevision 876,474 views
2012 THE Year of Meteors!
11 September 2012
Holy Batsit Robin! Jupiter Slammed by Asteroid Captured in Photos 10SEP2012
Breaking News -Holy Batsit Robin! Jupiter Slammed by Asteroid Captured on Camera 10SEP2012
Vewing Alert: Jupiter May Have Been Impacted by a Fireball
by Nancy Atkinson
Universe Today
September 11, 2012
UPDATE: Yes, there was an impact! An amateur astronomer in Dallas Texas, George Hall captured
the impact flash in his webcam - click here to see his website and image - at about 6:30 am on Sept. 10, 2012. ...(more)
See Photos of the impact:
Fantastic Mr. George Hall!!! And Nancy Atkinson for reporting! Way to go! -LunarMeteorite*Hunter, Tokyo, Japan
Wunderwurld und Alice
Twinkle, twinkle, little bat! How I wonder where you're at! Up above the world you fly, Like a teatray in the sky. Twinkle, twinkle little bat! How I wonder where you're at!- Lewis Carroll (Charles Dodgson)
2012 THE Year of Meteors!
Vewing Alert: Jupiter May Have Been Impacted by a Fireball
by Nancy Atkinson
Universe Today
September 11, 2012
UPDATE: Yes, there was an impact! An amateur astronomer in Dallas Texas, George Hall captured
the impact flash in his webcam - click here to see his website and image - at about 6:30 am on Sept. 10, 2012. ...(more)
See Photos of the impact:
Fantastic Mr. George Hall!!! And Nancy Atkinson for reporting! Way to go! -LunarMeteorite*Hunter, Tokyo, Japan
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(click on image to enlarge) |
Twinkle, twinkle, little bat! How I wonder where you're at! Up above the world you fly, Like a teatray in the sky. Twinkle, twinkle little bat! How I wonder where you're at!- Lewis Carroll (Charles Dodgson)
2012 THE Year of Meteors!
Posted by
Lunar Meteorite * Hunter
11:40 am
Asteroid Captured Photos,
Breaking News,
George Hall,
Holy Batsit,
Jupiter asteroid impact 10SEP2012,
Jupiter impact,
Lewis Carroll,
Twinkle twinkle little bat
12 August 2012
11/12/13 دش نيزك Perseids قمم أغسطس 2012
11/12/13 دش نيزك Perseids قمم أغسطس 2012
وقد لوحظ Perseids دش نيزك ما لا يقل عن ألفي سنة، مرة واحدة في 133 سنة من ذلك كله، وترتبط سويفت تتل المذنب، التي تدور حول الشمس، مع ذلك. في كل عام في شهر أغسطس، الأرض يمر عبر سحابة من الحطام المذنبات. هذه القطع من الجليد والغبار - معظم أكثر من 1،000 سنة - من أجل خلق واحدة من أفضل دش نيزك هذا العام، وتحترق في الغلاف الجوي للأرض. Perseid النيزك الاستحمام، ولكن يمكن أن ينظر في جميع أنحاء السماء، فإن فرص أفضل عرض أن يكون في نصف الكرة الأرضية الشمالي بأكمله. الناس مع حرص العين، سيتم عرض الإشعاع في نيزك من اتجاه كوكبة فرساوس.
"بغض النظر عن المنطقة الزمنية، Perseids النيزك الاستحمام هو معدل الزيادة حتى الفجر، للحصول على أفضل وقت سوف تكون واضحة في الساعة 10 من حوالي 3:00 المحلية ليتم عرضها - ستكون بين 5:00 مراقب من واضح السماء المظلمة، هل يمكن أن نتوقع واحد أو سرعة الجانب أن كل دقيقة هم، مع حقل صغير جدا من رأي - إلى وجهة النظر المعيارية لنيزك، يتم تطبيق مناظير وتلسكوبات فرساوس تنظر مباشرة (البطانيات كرسي، والنوم أكياس، الحشيش)، لا نتطلع إلى مشع على ظهره، والذي لديه قطار قصيرة قدر اتجاه نيزك، يصبح مشهد ما يلي لا تستخدم لك. الأحدب هلال، إذا كان ذلك ممكنا، من فضلك لا تنظر.
- بيل كوك، والوطنية للملاحة الجوية والفضاء (ناسا)
الرجاء المساعدة في دعم هذا الموقع غير هادفة للربح عن طريق نشر رابط في الفيسبوك وتويتر ويوتيوب أو موقع المفضلة لديك، شكرا لك!
LunarMeteorite*Hunter- Tokyo, Japan
10 March 2012
U.S. Air Force / Lockheed Martin Space Fence Going Online 2012
U.S. Air Force / Lockheed Martin Space Fence Going Online 2012
YouTube Uploaded by LockheedMartinVideos on 3 Jan 2011 53,147 views
MOORESTOWN, N.J., March 8, 2012 – A prototype of a new radar system developed by a Lockheed Martin [NYSE: LMT]-led team is now tracking orbiting space objects, bringing the U.S. Air Force’s Space Fence program one step closer to revolutionizing our nation’s space situational awareness.
Utilizing powerful, new ground-based radars, Space Fence will enhance the way the U.S. detects, tracks, measures and catalogs orbiting objects and space debris with improved accuracy, better timeliness and increased surveillance coverage. Lockheed Martin’s prototype radar recently met a key contract requirement during a series of demonstration events by proving it could detect these resident space objects, as they are referred to by the Air Force. ...(more)
2012 THE Year of Meteors!
YouTube Uploaded by LockheedMartinVideos on 3 Jan 2011 53,147 views
MOORESTOWN, N.J., March 8, 2012 – A prototype of a new radar system developed by a Lockheed Martin [NYSE: LMT]-led team is now tracking orbiting space objects, bringing the U.S. Air Force’s Space Fence program one step closer to revolutionizing our nation’s space situational awareness.
Utilizing powerful, new ground-based radars, Space Fence will enhance the way the U.S. detects, tracks, measures and catalogs orbiting objects and space debris with improved accuracy, better timeliness and increased surveillance coverage. Lockheed Martin’s prototype radar recently met a key contract requirement during a series of demonstration events by proving it could detect these resident space objects, as they are referred to by the Air Force. ...(more)
2012 THE Year of Meteors!
Posted by
Lunar Meteorite * Hunter
1:32 pm
Lockheed Martin,
space debris,
Space Fence,
space surveillance,
U.S. Air Force
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