Showing posts with label falling stars. Show all posts
Showing posts with label falling stars. Show all posts

22 April 2013

Meteors April 22, 2013 Lyrid Meteor Shower Show - AWB and Global Astronomy Month

Meteors April 22, 2013 Lyrid Meteor Shower Show
Astronomers Without Borders (AWB) 
Sponsors GAM- GAM Global Astronomy Month 2013
The Lyrid Meteor shower peaks on the evening and early morning hours of 22APR2013.  If you have good weather and are patient you may see as many as 20-30 meteors per hour or more.  Get away from city lights, pull out your lawn chair or lay down on the ground and watch the show! Make it a family or friends event!
 The meteors will be coming from the direction of Lyra (see the map below); if you don"t know where Lyra is just look up and see where the meteor light show is originating from. Bring along warm clothes or a sleeping bag to keep yourself warm.  The best time for watching will be 11'00 pm until about 5'30 am (just prior to Sun up). The peak viewing time will be from 2'00 am - 4'30 am.'
LunarMeteoriteHunter, Tokyo
Dirk Ross
 - Astronomers Without Borders Tokyo, Japan / Japan Night Sky Watch
This is what you might see 22/23 April 2013.
Composite of Lyrid Meteors -2 or brighter from El Paso, TX-Sandia Sentinel Meteor Fireball Camera- 22-23APR2011
N is up, E is left - Click image to enlarge
Copyright 2011 Jim Gamble, El Paso All Sky
Star Map to Find Lyra
"Click on Image to Enlarge."
GAM Global Astronomy Month 2013
You are not to late to join GAM 2013
1 to 22 AprilInternational Earth and Sky Photo Contest
1 to 30 April30 Nights of Star Peace - Program for astronomy clubs!
1 to 30 AprilAstropoetry Contest for GAM2013
3 to 29 AprilMoon Watch - Click the tab at the top for all observing dates 
5 to 28 AprilAstroArt - Click the tab at the top for all event dates
5 to 11 AprilInternational Dark Sky Week
20 AprilGlobal Star Party   
20 AprilStars for All (online observing event)
20 to 22 AprilLyrid Meteor Watch
27 AprilSaturn Watch
27 AprilAround the Ringed Planet (online observing event)
28 AprilCosmic Concert (online live event)
29 April to 8 MayGLOBE at Night
30 AprilCosmic Depths (online observing event)
Visit the AWB GAM Website!

If youi wish to join the Astronomers Without Borders -AWB or support the AWB  anywhere in the world please contact me for details;  thank you!  
Dirk Ross...Japan Night Sky Watch - AWB
LunarMeteoriteHunter <>
2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!