This first meteor shower of the year may end up being one of the best meteor showers of 2012. To paraphrase Forrest Gump: The Quadrantid meteor shower is like opening up a box of chocolates; you never know what you're going to get! ...
Extraterrestrial Russian rock found
The quasi-crystal may be the result of a meteor impact on Earth 4.5 billion years ago. The molecular arrangements of a quasi-crystal have a regular arrangement of atoms not normally found in Earth origin crystals. "Mass spectrometry and oxygen isotope ...
Spaceship Earth: The first photos
Washington Post (blog)
A side benefit was the mounting of test cameras for the soon to be launched Soviet Meteor weather satellites and photos from geosynchronous distances (approx. 30000 miles).' The archivist sent an attachment of the Technology Week article, and it showed ...
Clouds might obscure Quadrantid meteor shower
Focus Taiwan News Channel
3 (CNA) The first meteor shower of 2012 is unlikely to be visible, thanks to poor weather expected across Taiwan, the Central Weather Bureau (CWB) said Tuesday. The Quadrantid meteor shower, one of the year's most prolific, is expected to be obscured ...
IA WI MN NE Meteor Fireball 2JAN2012 - Rocks on Ground!!!?
By Lunar Meteorite * Hunter
2JAN2012 Dave Tetzlaff Wausau, WI 6:20:00 1-2 seconds Looking South, fireball was travelling from right to left looked like fireball "Fireball" Yes fragments were visible Was travelling on I-39 S, fireballseemed to disappear behind Rib ...
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
Space Mountain Produces Terrestrial Meteorites
Clarksville Online
“Those meteorites just might be pieces of the basin excavated when Vesta's giant mountain formed,” says Dawn PI Chris Russell of UCLA. Russell believes the mountain was created by a 'big bad impact' with a smaller body; material displaced in the ...
SW USA Fireball December 31st, 2011 | American Meteor Society
The American Meteor Society has so far received approximately 50 reports of a bright fireball over much of the southwestern states of the USA, from Colorado to ...
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: New Brunswick / Nova ...
I am a regular meteor shower observer but this was beyond any experience. I would never have seen it but forgot something in my vehicle and had turned ...
How to see the best meteor showers of 2012: Tools, tips and 'save ...
( -- Whether you're watching from a downtown area or the dark countryside, here are some tips to help you enjoy these celestial shows of shooting ...
Quadrantid meteor shower sweetens up the week | Astro Bob
A spear-like bright Quadrantid meteor. The meteors are the remains of asteroid 2003 EH3, which astronomers believe is an extinct comet. Credit: Mike Hankey ...
'Fireball' lights up Squamish night sky
Squamish Chief
An unexplained light or series of bright lights that one witness described as looking “like a giant dripping triangle” and another described as a "flaming fireball" made an appearance in the night sky over Squamish last week. While descriptions of the ...
Meteor shower to kick off 2012
By Elizabeth Weise, USA TODAY If you snooze you'll lose Wednesday morning, when a little known but active meteor shower will start 2012 for people stalwart enough to brave the chilly hours before dawn. By Wally Pacholka, AP A meteor explodes over the ...
Finding my meteorite (not quite) from Mr. Cline`s cow pasture
The Salisbury Post Sun, 01 Jan 2012 21:22 PM PST
From time to time, at the science museum where I work, individuals will stop by with something which they perceive to be a rocky visitor from space: a meteorite. On more than one occasion, such individuals have phoned me and informed me of their
Quadrantid meteor shower won't have to compete with moonlight
Christian Science Monitor
Quadrantid meteor shower peak could hit as many as 100 meteors per hour, says NASA. The Quadrantid meteor shower will peak at 2 am on Jan. 4. By Denise Chow, / January 2, 2012 False-color image of a rare early Quadrantid, captured by a NASA ...
Meteor shower dazzles night sky
Manila, Philippines – The Quadrantid meteor shower will dazzle the night sky nationwide this week, with up to 60 meteors per hour during its peak today and tomorrow, the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical, and Astronomical Services Administration ...
Three celestial events this week
Deccan Chronicle
Moreover, a meteor shower will brighten up the night skies. On Tuesday, planet Jupiter can be spotted with the naked eye using the moon as the heavenly guide. Jupiter will be in conjunction with the moon ie both of them will appear to be nearer to each ...
"Breaking News - NM AZ CO Bolide Meteor Fireball approximately 8'20 pm MST 31DEC2011 ...
source: ^_^ NASA's All Sky Fireball Network: http://fireballs.ndc. nasa ...