Zee News
Sydney: A wealth of evidence, provided by lunar rock samples, shows how meteoritesstruck the moon. The study, headed by microstructural geology experts Nick Timms and Steven Reddy, professor, Western Australian School of Mines (WASM), documents the ...
東京大学の研究により太陽系の初期に形成した隕石の炭酸塩は太陽系の形成から480万年後にできこれらの隕石の素になった小惑星は太陽系の形成から350万年後にできたこと ...
Meteorite motherlode: Scientists collect hundreds of space rocks in Antarctica
Every year since 1976, members of the Antarctic Search for Meteorites (ANSMET) program have scoured the frozen wastes at the bottom of our world for interstellar debris, and have just wrapped up their latest month-long expedition.
NASA launches quest to reclaim long-lost astromaterials
The New York Times reports that scientists have transformed themselves into a different kind of researcher as they search for missing moon rocks, meteorite samples and a number of other pilfered and long-lost astromaterials. Their origins vary, but the ...
Hundreds of meteorites uncovered in Antarctica
Fox News
Extreme Living: Scientists at the End of the Earth * Fallen Stars: A Gallery of Famous Meteorites * Spectacular Perseid Meteor Shower Photos of 2011 Copyright 2011 Space, a TechMediaNetwork company. All rights reserved.
Exclusive one night viewing of exquisite gemstone paintings by Fareen Butt
Art Daily
Not your typical oil or acrylic paintings, the entire medium used is a combination of crushed gold, silver, sapphires, rubies, onyx and rare geological minerals such as witherite (phosphorescent mineral) or muonionalusta (mineral from a meteor), ...
National Geographic
When a Swediesh geologist stumbles upon a massive crater lake, he can't help but see an ancientmeteor shower. Plane Full of Sled Dogs - Zaz hauls 14 dogs through the Alaskan skies just in time for their sled race. Potato Chips Galore!
The Flavor in That Cabernet? It's Meteorite
Forbes Mon, 23 Jan 2012 12:13 PM PST
When Dom Perignon first created sparkling champagne, he supposedly said, "I'm tasting stars." But for those who drink Meteorito, a Cabernet Sauvignon, it's close to truth: this Chilean red has been aged with a 4.5 billion-year-old meteorite that came from the Asteroid belt located between Mars and Jupiter.
Cosmic Cabernet: Meteorite-Aged Wine Debuts in Chile
Dubbed Meteorito, it was made in the Cachapoal Valley's Tremonte Vineyard, which Hutcheon bought in 2009. Through a process called malolactic fermentation, ...
Meteorite is from Mars, landed in Morocco last year
KOLD News 13 Tuscon Mon, 23 Jan 2012 03:31 AM PST
Astronomers think millions of years ago something big smashed into Mars and sent rocks hurtling through the solar system.
Hundreds of Meteorites Uncovered in Antarctica
They are participants in the Antarctic Search for Meteorites program, or ANSMET for short. Since 1976, ANSMET researchers have been recovering thousands of According to the ANSMET website, the specimens are currently the only reliable, ...
Meteorites definitely struck Moon
The presence of zircon in rocks collected during the Apollo missions provides unequivocal evidence that meteorites have collided with our Moon. Research led by Curtin University geologists has uncovered a wealth of new evidence in the mineral zircon ...
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Greece Bolide Meteor ...
Important new changes coming to The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News in 2012! ... Location name (town,city) where you were when saw the meteor?
Stunning Quadrantid Meteor | meteorwatch.org
Quadrantid meteor Credit Sarah Loughlin. I would like to share one of my Quadrantid meteorshowers photographs with Meteorwatch.org. My name is Sarah ...
Bright green ball, like a meteor flies overhead!!, page 1
Bright green ball, like a meteor flies overhead!!, page 1. privacy. Pages: ATS Members have flagged this thread 0 times. Topic started on 20-1-2012 @ 04:29 AM ...
From Thomas Ashcraft: "On January 21, 2012, during the 0636 am MST minute ( 1326 UTC) my .www.youtube.com/watch?v=PDuEdxZHoqs