4), thrilling amateur astronomers around the world with views of the Quadrantid meteor shower. Usually one of the most dependable meteor displays of the year, the Quadrantid meteor shower peaked at about 2:30 am EST (0730 GMT) in a brief, ...
Museum Photographs Meteor Shower
(photo courtesy of Tellus Science Museum) The Tellus Science in Museum in Cartersville took photographs of a meteor shower Wednesday morning. The museum's Fireball camera, one of four such cameras installed by NASA in the southeast, captured the event. ...
Indiana University
The Quadrantid meteor shower is active for the first week of January, having peaked during the hours before dawn on Jan. 4. The waxing gibbous moon will interfere with the display until it sets around 3 am local time, when viewing conditions under a ...
Space Junk Flies at You in New 3D Film on Debris Threat
Blending scientific information with state-of-the-art, 3D visualizations, "Space Junk 3D" takes the viewer from the depths of Meteor Crater in Arizona to the growing spread of Earth-orbiting debris — a troubling legacy of more than five decades of ...
Meteor shower
Washington Post (blog)
By Melissa Bell Star gazers braved the cold and the dark on Wednesday morning to catch the peak of the Quadrantid meteor shower. Dennis Bloom took the below photo at 5 am in his backyard in Suffolk, England, using a Canon 500D, Peleng 8mm fisheye lens ...
Wednesday's Meteor Shower: Where and When to Watch It
The peak of the annual Quadrantids shower will be Wednesday night, making it the first majormeteor shower display of 2012. By Dan Abendschein The Quadrantids meteor shower, expected to be one of the major meteor shower displays of 2012, will be at its ...
UFO group to probe Ohioan's report of mysterious fireball
Salt Lake Tribune
... by another man from the area who described himself as an astronomer. Lt. Michael Vinson with the Mansfield post of the State Highway Patrol says authorities searched the woods but found nothing. He says they believe the fireball may have been a meteor.
The Paw Print: Shooting Stars
To those who live in a big city, you probably didn't see the shooting stars, but Dennis Boon of Suffolk, England captured a photo of what appears to be a meteor around 5 am The scientists that predicted the meteor shower say that the predictions are ...
Quadrantid Meteor Shower: Pictures from Winter Night
ABC News (blog)
The Quadrantid Meteor Shower did have to happen on a cold night for many of us. Did you get up to look this morning? Did you do the brave thing and go back to bed? Dennis Boon of Suffolk, England, says he took the image above at 5 am, local time, ...
Meteor shower tonight: Quadrantids to kick off 2012
Vancouver Sun
By ELIZABETH WEISE, USA Today January 3, 2012 7:58 PM A Perseid meteor streaks across the sky over the ruins of the Cook Bank building early August 13, 2007 in the ghost town of Rhyolite, Nevada. The meteor display, known as the Perseid shower because ...
53 sec
The first meteor shower of 2012 — the lesser known Quadrantid meteor shower — will kick ...
47 sec
If you snooze you'll lose Wednesday morning, when a little known but activemeteor shower ...