Breaking News:
Traffic indicates that a large meteor was seen in Massachusetts, Maryland, Virginia, New York, Washington DC, and Pennsylvania on 28DEC2010 at about 18:45 EST.
Securitycam Video, cellcam photos NEEDED start looking!
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Readers of Meteor/Meteorite News wrote (posting times are in Japan local time):
Dec 29 2010, 9:40 AM
Guest602 (guest): I saw facing north from Silver Spring, Intersection of I 95 and I 495 the same fireball Dec 28 about 18:45. It moved very fast from SE to NW high in the sky and flashed off about midway across the sky. It grew brighter with a tail and then looked like the kind of spark a metal flake makes: irregular not regular, round or radial.
Dec 29 2010, 9:41 AM
Draco18s (guest): That is definately the same event I saw. I caught it mid-arc when it flashed and saw the "metal sparks"
Dec 29 2010, 9:42 AM
Draco18s (guest): said sparks make me think it was space junk
Dec 29 2010, 9:43 AM
Guest816 (guest): That was the one we saw.The tail really lingered. I thought it looked pretty round,though
Dec 29 2010, 9:43 AM
Guest785 (guest): My daughter saw a meteor with a long,blue and multi-colored tail, around 7 pm,EST, as she was headed east from Richmond, Va, on 64 W, on way to Williamsburg, and she said it seemed to be very close to the freeway; it measured about 3 and a half inches on her car's windshield, but, of course, she didn't know how far away it was. I told her I'd post it and see if anyone else saw it. She was it for several seconds and kept marveling over the colors and the large size.
Dec 29 2010, 9:48 AM
Draco18s (guest):Sounds like the same one. Due to observable area, it was likely near-orbital.
Dec 29 2010, 9:48 AM
Draco18s (guest): (PA,MA, and VA locations so far, plus Silver Springs in an unnamed state)
Dec 29 2010, 9:50 AM
Guest602 (guest):Silver Spring,Maryland
Dec 29 2010, 9:50 AM
Guest816 (guest):Silver Spring Maryland, just inside the beltway, sorry!
Dec 29 2010, 9:50 AM
Draco18s (guest): its ok. I was just trying to find the place on the map and there was more than one Silver Springs
Dec 29 2010, 9:52 AM
Guest756 (guest): Saw it awhile ago over Sparks MD. Huge,trailing sparks and seeming low in the sky. Hour ago around 6:45pm or so.
Dec 29 2010, 9:55 AM
Guest602 (guest):There are several Silver Springs – plural, but only one Silver Spring – singular that I know of and that is in Maryland.
Dec 29 2010, 10:07 AM
Guest602 (guest):Comments about “low in the sky” describes to me what I saw as a bright, wide, lingering tail and even wider brighter flash at the end while it was climbing above three quarters from the horizon making it”appear” low in the atmosphere. There was a commercial airliner behind it coming in on a final approach to BWI Airport, and at first it “appeared” lower but there was no sound and nothing that looked like a rain of debris.
Dec 29 2010, 10:39 AM
Guest227 (guest): Saw the same from Fredericksburg VA looking just slightly east at 30 degrees from North about 6:40PM. It was bright white head with a nice long tail. It ended in what I would describe as sparklers.
Dec 29 2010, 11:04 AM
Guest876 (guest): Saw a very bright object trailing a tail about 8 inches across my field of vision. this happened about 6:45PM in the Bronx, NY, walking home from work. The object was in the south moving from east to west in a downward angle of about 20-30 degrees and was about 125 degrees up (if straight up is 180 degrees). The tail was a bright white and the head was orange. It 'burst' and then disappeared. all this in a matter of 2-3 seconds
Dec 29 2010, 11:12 AM
Chad44 (guest): I saw a green flame coming from a falling meteorite. I was heading east on Rt.20 in Northborough, Ma just over the Marlborough line at 6:46pm. It was falling towards the north and I have no idea how to judge distance, but it didn't seem far away.I'm guessing it fell in Northborough, West Boylston, or Berlin.Anyone have info or see it from another point to help triangulate it? It was very cool to see, and it got me interested in looking for more info online.
Dec 29 2010, 11:13 AM
Chad44 (guest): it was today, 12-28-2010
Dec 29 2010, 11:17 AM
Chad44 (guest): i just read the other responses, and im guessing it was not as close as i thought-since the time line fits in with this one you have been talking about.
Dec 29 2010, 11:59 AM
Guest323 (guest): I was driving on 495 South by the Acton exit and saw the meteor. The light was very bright, and had a greenish color. It seemed to break-up into 2 or more pieces before dissappearing.It is hard to judge distance, but it did not feel like it was too high.
Dec 29 2010, 12:25 PM
Guest859 (guest):Tonight, 28Dec 2010,sometime around 7pm EST. I was driving north across the 14th St. Bridge in DC when I saw this bright green fireball moving across the sky from the SE to the NW at a slight downward angle, just visible through the top edge of my windshield. It lasted for a few seconds before burning out in a flash. It appeared to break apart with several bright particles fizzling out through its tail. It was low enough I could see an airplane off in the distance behind it...was pretty cool.
Dec 29 2010, 12:58 PMGuest332 (guest):December 28th at 6:53 p.m in Billerica saw Firey ball flash down sw to nw thought it was low enough that I thought it was going to hit earth just beyond the houses
Dec 29 2010, 1:22 PMGuest244 (guest): On December 26, at 1:33 am, I was traveling southbound on I69 around mile marker 78 in Indiana. It looked like a shooting star, but it was a iridescent looking blue-green. It was close- even from the distance that I was away from it, it still looked about an inch or so wide. It lasted for about 8 seconds or so, the faded behind the tree line. It was beautiful, but it didn't look like anything else I have ever seen in my 32 years. It looked like the one in DC, but 2 days earlier.
10:55 AM
Diana said...
Yes, I have seen the same green flame at 6:46pm today while driving south on Rt 287 at about the border between New York state and New Jersey. I had never seen such a large meteorite, and of that beautiful color. It has crossed the sky in fron of my car from my upper-left to my lower-right, so since I was driving south it means that the direction was roughly from north-west to south-east.I hope it helps.
Great sight!
11:56 AM
Diana said...
Correction: the direction was north-east to south-west
12:07 PM
Traffic indicates that a large meteor was seen in Massachusetts, Maryland, Virginia, New York, Washington DC, and Pennsylvania on 28DEC2010 at about 18:45 EST.
Securitycam Video, cellcam photos NEEDED start looking!
Please email:
Readers of Meteor/Meteorite News wrote (posting times are in Japan local time):
Dec 29 2010, 9:40 AM
Guest602 (guest): I saw facing north from Silver Spring, Intersection of I 95 and I 495 the same fireball Dec 28 about 18:45. It moved very fast from SE to NW high in the sky and flashed off about midway across the sky. It grew brighter with a tail and then looked like the kind of spark a metal flake makes: irregular not regular, round or radial.
Dec 29 2010, 9:41 AM
Draco18s (guest): That is definately the same event I saw. I caught it mid-arc when it flashed and saw the "metal sparks"
Dec 29 2010, 9:42 AM
Draco18s (guest): said sparks make me think it was space junk
Dec 29 2010, 9:43 AM
Guest816 (guest): That was the one we saw.The tail really lingered. I thought it looked pretty round,though
Dec 29 2010, 9:43 AM
Guest785 (guest): My daughter saw a meteor with a long,blue and multi-colored tail, around 7 pm,EST, as she was headed east from Richmond, Va, on 64 W, on way to Williamsburg, and she said it seemed to be very close to the freeway; it measured about 3 and a half inches on her car's windshield, but, of course, she didn't know how far away it was. I told her I'd post it and see if anyone else saw it. She was it for several seconds and kept marveling over the colors and the large size.
Dec 29 2010, 9:48 AM
Draco18s (guest):Sounds like the same one. Due to observable area, it was likely near-orbital.
Dec 29 2010, 9:48 AM
Draco18s (guest): (PA,MA, and VA locations so far, plus Silver Springs in an unnamed state)
Dec 29 2010, 9:50 AM
Guest602 (guest):Silver Spring,Maryland
Dec 29 2010, 9:50 AM
Guest816 (guest):Silver Spring Maryland, just inside the beltway, sorry!
Dec 29 2010, 9:50 AM
Draco18s (guest): its ok. I was just trying to find the place on the map and there was more than one Silver Springs
Dec 29 2010, 9:52 AM
Guest756 (guest): Saw it awhile ago over Sparks MD. Huge,trailing sparks and seeming low in the sky. Hour ago around 6:45pm or so.
Dec 29 2010, 9:55 AM
Guest602 (guest):There are several Silver Springs – plural, but only one Silver Spring – singular that I know of and that is in Maryland.
Dec 29 2010, 10:07 AM
Guest602 (guest):Comments about “low in the sky” describes to me what I saw as a bright, wide, lingering tail and even wider brighter flash at the end while it was climbing above three quarters from the horizon making it”appear” low in the atmosphere. There was a commercial airliner behind it coming in on a final approach to BWI Airport, and at first it “appeared” lower but there was no sound and nothing that looked like a rain of debris.
Dec 29 2010, 10:39 AM
Guest227 (guest): Saw the same from Fredericksburg VA looking just slightly east at 30 degrees from North about 6:40PM. It was bright white head with a nice long tail. It ended in what I would describe as sparklers.
Dec 29 2010, 11:04 AM
Guest876 (guest): Saw a very bright object trailing a tail about 8 inches across my field of vision. this happened about 6:45PM in the Bronx, NY, walking home from work. The object was in the south moving from east to west in a downward angle of about 20-30 degrees and was about 125 degrees up (if straight up is 180 degrees). The tail was a bright white and the head was orange. It 'burst' and then disappeared. all this in a matter of 2-3 seconds
Dec 29 2010, 11:12 AM
Chad44 (guest): I saw a green flame coming from a falling meteorite. I was heading east on Rt.20 in Northborough, Ma just over the Marlborough line at 6:46pm. It was falling towards the north and I have no idea how to judge distance, but it didn't seem far away.I'm guessing it fell in Northborough, West Boylston, or Berlin.Anyone have info or see it from another point to help triangulate it? It was very cool to see, and it got me interested in looking for more info online.
Dec 29 2010, 11:13 AM
Chad44 (guest): it was today, 12-28-2010
Dec 29 2010, 11:17 AM
Chad44 (guest): i just read the other responses, and im guessing it was not as close as i thought-since the time line fits in with this one you have been talking about.
Dec 29 2010, 11:59 AM
Guest323 (guest): I was driving on 495 South by the Acton exit and saw the meteor. The light was very bright, and had a greenish color. It seemed to break-up into 2 or more pieces before dissappearing.It is hard to judge distance, but it did not feel like it was too high.
Dec 29 2010, 12:25 PM
Guest859 (guest):Tonight, 28Dec 2010,sometime around 7pm EST. I was driving north across the 14th St. Bridge in DC when I saw this bright green fireball moving across the sky from the SE to the NW at a slight downward angle, just visible through the top edge of my windshield. It lasted for a few seconds before burning out in a flash. It appeared to break apart with several bright particles fizzling out through its tail. It was low enough I could see an airplane off in the distance behind it...was pretty cool.
Dec 29 2010, 12:58 PMGuest332 (guest):December 28th at 6:53 p.m in Billerica saw Firey ball flash down sw to nw thought it was low enough that I thought it was going to hit earth just beyond the houses
Dec 29 2010, 1:22 PMGuest244 (guest): On December 26, at 1:33 am, I was traveling southbound on I69 around mile marker 78 in Indiana. It looked like a shooting star, but it was a iridescent looking blue-green. It was close- even from the distance that I was away from it, it still looked about an inch or so wide. It lasted for about 8 seconds or so, the faded behind the tree line. It was beautiful, but it didn't look like anything else I have ever seen in my 32 years. It looked like the one in DC, but 2 days earlier.
10:55 AM

Yes, I have seen the same green flame at 6:46pm today while driving south on Rt 287 at about the border between New York state and New Jersey. I had never seen such a large meteorite, and of that beautiful color. It has crossed the sky in fron of my car from my upper-left to my lower-right, so since I was driving south it means that the direction was roughly from north-west to south-east.I hope it helps.
Great sight!
11:56 AM

Correction: the direction was north-east to south-west
12:07 PM
6:45pm EST Glen Allen, Virginia. Myself and 10 others were outside and saw a huge multi-colored meteorite travel from NE to SW direction very low on the horizon. In a matter of two seconds, it broke up and disappeared. It was clearly the largest meteorite I have ever seen and its color was beautiful. It looked like a huge firework; a very huge firework!
At around 6:45 p.m. on December 28, 2010 I saw a huge comet soar through the sky leaving a greenish-white tail. I spotted it traveling south on the saw mill parkway by the Pleasantville, NY exit.
I was walking last night in Leesburg, VA, and around 6:45 PM saw a sudden appearance of a very large, spherical light in the sky. It moved very quickly in a slight arc with a trailing tail of light. I noticed some colors such as orange and blue. It was visible to my eye for about four seconds before it seemed to suddenly vanish.
Same as everyone else says - 6:45pm yesterday, my roommate saw a huge bright light in the sky from our driveway in Pen Argyl, PA.
We are in Chittenden VT.
About 6:45PM, 12/28/10 very noticable (meteor ?) with tail. Colors not apparent but bright. Moved S to SW. About halfway up from horizon steaking downward at an approximate 45 degree angle before disappearing prior to reaching horizon.
I saw the same event on Dec 28 around 6:45-6:50. I was in Bethesda, MD, just inside the Beltway. The object was a bright yellow round ball of fire with a sparkling tail. It was moving east-west in the northern sky. It was visible for about 3-4 seconds and it turned green as it appeared to break up burn out and extinguish.
Quite a sight.
Last night, December 28, 2010, at about 6:50-6:55 I was driving on Rt ! in Kittery Maine. I saw a flash in the sky and looked up to see and object falling. I was looking SW toward I-95. It looked very close, but I couldn't hear anything and when it went out of sight, (hit the ground?) I couldn't see any smoke. It looked gray and rounded at the bottom, flat at the top. It looked somewhat concave from where I was. It had a tail of flame. It didn't look like sparks really, but flame. It looked yellow and orange with texture to the flames and was almost twice the length of the object. It was arching slightly at first and then seemed to fall straight down.
Stina Sardinha
This must be what I saw last night! I was driving NE on 395, just past Springfield, VA. Thought it was a plane at first, going east to west, then it went down with a burst of light, and disappeared.
Saw the same meteor just before 7pm last night 28 Dec 2010. Compare a marble to a star for size and with clearly visible sparks. Lasted about 2-3 seconds and burned out like a dying Roman candle or firework with sparks as it moved rapidly downward in what seemed to me to be in a N to NW direction when viewed from the western part of VA while traveling on I-81 N heading toward Staunton VA or Washington DC. Initially it appeared to be falling a few miles away, but based on other sightings from NC to Maine it was probably 100 miles up and burned on hitting the atmosphere.
Saw it in raliegh nc. route one and interstate 85 north bound
I saw something near the intersection that Diana commented on. 287 South, just South of the New York border. I was also traveling due South when something came from my upper left, travelled downward and out of view to the bottom right. Northeast to souuthwest. It appeared as a bright bluish white "thing". As it passed my line of sight it offered a rear view that looked like a spherical object with bluish flames coming off the sides. The back of the object was not in flames. My 8 year old son also saw it. The time was about 8:30 Wednesday, Dec. 29,2010
The Quadrantids are starting soon, to peak on the 4th of Jan. I believe, so maybe this was the first one. I hope the whole shower is as spectacular. It seemed to come from the direction of Orion.
Does anyone know if this meteor hit ground, or if it dissipated before it had the chance?
I saw something in Maryland that looked like a HUGE meteor with sparks shooting behind it, it was flying sideways heading east to west. I thought maybe it was someone that had some fireworks for upcoming New Year's Eve. I checked this site just to see if anyone else saw something too!
I saw this object at 6:46 on mile marker 266 on Rt 17 in NY, near Deposit, NY. It was large, very bright, sparks were flying, seemed like a round object in front, bright, leading the way. Seemed to be moving east/north (it was left to right to me as I believe was heading south. Seemed very low to me, like it was going to land in a nearby field. Even had the the thought that I would go look for it. First thought was 'Wow, just saw a huge meteor'.
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