14 January 2024

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 14JAN2024

Meteor sighting over Maine night sky - Trending Now Weather Videos | AccuWeather
Trending Now Weather Videos | AccuWeather
A local meteorologist from the National Weather Service office of Caribou, Maine, captured this meteor streaking across the night sky on Jan. 12 ...

Chute probable de météorite(s) dans les Ardennes – Vigie-ciel – . - News Day FR
News Day FR
Il s'agit en effet du premier bolide de l'année enregistré par les caméras du réseau FRIPON qui pourrait être associé à une chute de météorite dans ...

2024 The ELEVENTH Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

13 January 2024

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 13JAN2024

Une météorite s'écrase en France
France 3 Régions - Franceinfo
Une météorite est tombée dans les Ardennes le 9 janvier 2024. Une battue est organisée pour le retrouver.

Studying Life's Origins By Simulating a Cosmic Evolution - Astrobiology
Meteorites are pieces of asteroids and, perhaps, comets that scientists can find on Earth's surface and probe in the lab. Qasim and her colleagues ...

The Willamette Meteorite | American Museum of Natural History
American Museum of Natural History
The Willamette Meteorite. Part of Hall of the Universe. The 15.5-ton Willamette meteorite is displayed standing on end in the Hall of the ... The ...

The Meteorites That Made Earth Were Filled With Water - Universe Today
Universe Today
These meteorites are remnants of the metallic cores of the first planetesimals that did not accrete to form a planet and continue to orbit within our ...

A Clay-Rich Mound In An Eroded Plateau On Mars - Astrobiology
Meteorite Analysis Shows That Earth's Building Blocks Contained Water ... Meteorites & Asteroids · Microbiology · Microgravity · Mimas · Miranda ...

Ferrara: una mostra filatelica ricorda il meteorite di 200 anni fa - TG Poste
TG Poste - Poste Italiane
Nel comune ferrarese di Renazzo si ricorda l'episodio del 1824 con una serie di francobolli rari. Prevista anche una cartolina con annullo ...

Chute probable de météorite(s) dans les Ardennes - Vigie-ciel
Chute probable de météorite(s) dans les Ardennes. 12 janvier 2024 Non Par Karl Antier. Si de nombreux bolides ont été observés en ce ...

2024 The ELEVENTH Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

12 January 2024

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 12JAN2024

Impact Craters: Can they help us find life elsewhere? - Phys.org
What are meteorites? I visit and study the craters they've left ... Meteorite impact caused the highest temperature ever recorded on Earth's surface.

Fresh meteorite fall in Arizona | IMO - International Meteor Organization
International Meteor Organization
A bright fireball reported by nearly 100 people. On December 29th, 02h 40min UT, hundreds of people spotted a very bright fireball from Aizona, ...

Meteor streaking across New Brunswick night sky captured on home security cameras
"It's a rare event to see, you know, a meteor like that, like a fireball," Curwin said. But that seems to be changing. Security cameras helping ...

A comparison of original and Gaussian denoised meteor trail. The... - ResearchGate
... Meteor Echoes Observed by the Jicamarca Radar | We present a machine-learning approach to detect and analyze meteor echoes (MADAME), which is a ...

Properties, age, and origin of a huge meteor cluster observed over Scandinavia on 30 October 2022
A meteor outburst consisting of at least 22 meteors above the Baltic sea and southern Scandinavia that occurred on 30 October 2022 was recorded using ...

Meteorite analysis: Earth's building blocks contained water
Tech Explorist
New study combines meteorite data with thermodynamic modeling and determines that the earliest inner solar system planetesimals.

Scientists discover water's existence in building blocks of solar system
Story highlights. While the trace of water is long gone in the meteorites, it's the proportion of missing iron in the iron meteorites that shows if ...

Les enfants de l'Union européenne - Info et société
Savez-vous dans quel pays de l'UE vit le plus grand nombre d'ours ou où se trouve le plus grand cratère de météorite ? Autant de questions qui ...

2024 The ELEVENTH Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

10 January 2024

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 10JAN2024

The Fate of Primary Iron Sulfides in the CM1 Carbonaceous Chondrites: Effects of Advanced
The fact that such different alteration products could result from the same precursor sulfides within even the same meteorite sample further ...

Meteor streaking across New Brunswick night sky captured on home security cameras | CBC News
A meteoroid is a fragment of an asteroid, but when we see a bright streak of light across the sky, it's a meteor, Curwin said. If and when it hits the ...

How to Find and Keep a Space Rock - Nautilus Magazine
Nautilus Magazine
In his free time, he and his wife, Linda Welzenbach Fries—a former meteorite collection manager for the Smithsonian—hunt for freshly fallen space ...

Stunning discovery: Earth's building blocks contained water
A recent breakthrough in this field comes from a study combining meteorite analysis with advanced thermodynamic modeling. ... Iron meteorites, remnants ...

Meteorite analysis shows Earth's building blocks contained water - Nation Online
When our sun was a young star, 4.56 billion years ago, what is now our solar system was just a disk of rocky dust and gas.

Caught on camera: Meteor flashes across N.B. | CBC.ca
The fireball spotted throughout the province lit up social media and was caught on Fredericton home surveillance cameras.

The Fate of Primary Iron Sulfides in the CM1 Carbonaceous Chondrites: Effects of Advanced ...
The fact that such different alteration products could result from the same precursor sulfides within even the same meteorite sample further ...

Meteorite Analysis Shows Earth's Building Blocks Contained Water - Caltech
These meteorites are the remnants of the metallic cores of the earliest planetesimals in our solar system that avoided accretion into a forming planet ...

New study suggests some forms of life could exist in Venus's sulfuric acid clouds - Phys.org
The researchers suggest that, should amino acids make their way to the clouds covering Venus (such as via a meteor), they could conceivably interact ...

2024 The ELEVENTH Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

09 January 2024

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 09JAN2024

January 2024 Issue of Meteorite Times Now Up
The January issue of Meteorite Times is now up.
An extra big thank you to all of our contributors who make this possible!
Paul and Jim

2024 The ELEVENTH Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

06 January 2024

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 06JAN2024

World's largest collection of lunar and Mars meteorites, world record in Bethel, Maine
World Record Academy
It's one of the largest collections of meteorites from Mars and contains a third of the Earth's moon rocks. The museum's founders, Larry Stifler and ...

2024 The ELEVENTH Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

12 October 2021

Taiwan Fireball Meteor Video Capture #2 by Lulin Astronomical Observatory 鹿林天文台 07OCT2021 05"00"56 TW Local

Taiwan Fireball Meteor Video Capture by Lulin Astronomical Observatory 07OCT2021
鹿林天文台 07OCT2021 05"00"56 台灣當地時間
台灣-鹿林天文台與台灣淡水-緣道觀音廟影片捕獲同一顆來自御夫座δ流星雨的火球,當地時間2021/10/07,05"00"56. 鹿林天文台©2021 謝謝劉老師與吳老師的協助提供此影片。

The fireball meteor was determined to be from the ongoing Delta Aurigid meteor shower and was traveling with a decent of approximately 70 degrees at approximately 34 to 42 kilometers per second or approximately 21-26 miles per second, personal communication Thomas Dorman, USA. If any material actually made it to earth, which is unlikely due to the meteoroid size and velocity, it landed in the Pacific Ocean off Taiwan.
我個人與在美國的Thomas Dorman溝通後,認定火球是來自目前發生中的御夫座δ流星雨 Delta Aurigid,合理估算以70度角和大約每秒34到42公里(21-26英里/秒)的速度行進。假設還有任何殘留物質抵達地面,落點應該在台灣外面的太平洋上,不過以流星的速度和大小來看不太可能有殘留物。

                                                               "Click on image to enlarge." 
Lulin Astronomical Observatory, Taiwan photo of video capture of the same Delta Aurigid fireball meteor capture in Tamsui, Taiwan by Yuan-Dao Guanyin Temple 07OCT2021 05"00"56 corrected time 台灣當地時間. 
鹿林天文台©2021 Thank you to Dr. Chih-An Liu and Dr. Wu for their kind assistance in providing this video for use.
台灣-鹿林天文台與台灣淡水-緣道觀音廟影片捕獲同一顆來自御夫座δ流星雨的火球,當地時間2021/10/07,05"00"56. 鹿林天文台©2021 謝謝劉老師與吳老師的協助提供此影片。

鹿林天文臺 鹿林天文台©2021 2021/10/07流星出現在05"00"56 台灣當地時間,鹿林天文台正東方。 Approximate location- 23°28'10.6"N 120°52'24.2"E 23.469603, 120.873393 
Posted on Youtube Oct 12, 2021 29 views 
台灣-鹿林天文台與台灣淡水-緣道觀音廟影片捕獲同一顆來自御夫座δ流星雨的火球,當地時間2021/10/07, 05"00"56 台灣當地時間. 鹿林天文台©2021 謝謝劉老師與吳老師的協助提供此影片。

Thank you to 鹿林天文台,  Dr. Chih-An Liu and Dr. Wu for their kind assistance in locating and providing this video for use.

original video location-

2021 The EIGHTH Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

11 October 2021

TAIWAN Fireball Meteor Capture #1 07OCT2021 05"00"56 TW Local

Space Rock Streaks through the Northern Taiwan Sky Captured by CCD Camera-corrected time 05"00"56 TW Local
by Dirk Ross, Tokyo 11OCT2021

                                               (Click on image to enlarge)
Meteor Falls over The Holy Thousand-Hand Guanyin PUSA Sculpture, "GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS ™-The Largest Steel Sculpture, Taiwan’s New Landmark", Tamsui, Taiwan
-- Video capture by Yuan-Dao Guanyin Temple  Photo Credits- video capture by Yuan-Dao Guanyin Temple, photo manipulation and analysis by Thomas Dorman, USA and Chih-An Liu, Taiwan  ©2021

Space Rock Streaks through the Northern Taiwan Sky Captured by CCD Camera
by Dirk Ross, Tokyo 11OCT2021
  An auspicious synchronicity occurred as a fireball meteor entered over Taiwan as the Forshang Patriarch monk, at Yuan-Dao Guanyin Temple, was chanting sunrise blessings at 05"00"56 TW Local time, Thursday, October 7th... Just as OM was being uttered the meteor vanished, as if the message was being carried as it hit the Earth by the light of the meteor... and it was all captured on video! “https://www.yuandao.org.tw/ “

The fireball meteor was determined to be from the ongoing Delta Aurigid meteor shower and was traveling at approximately 34 to 42 kilometers per second or approximately 21-26 miles per second, personal communication Thomas Dorman, USA. If any material actually made it to earth, which is unlikely due to the meteoroid size and velocity, it landed in the Pacific Ocean off Taiwan.

Fireball meteor capture over Taiwan is extremely rare due to the lack of cameras trained towards the night sky over Taiwan. This was an extremely rare event to have been captured. The only known dedicated allsky camera for meteor detection in Taiwan is the TAIMON Spalding/Sandia Sentinel in Pingtung City, Taiwan and operated by teacher/astronomer Shih,Shih-Jhih at Jian Guo Elementary School.

Ross, a long proponent of implementing a Taiwan nationwide allsky meteor detection camera network, hopes that Taiwan people become more aware of checking video systems and reporting events. Ross would like to thank those involved for bringing this meteor event to his attention for study. 

Anyone wishing to report a meteor event or meteorite find may contact Ross at "lunarmeteoritehunter@gmail.com" 

Video of Capture #1 in Tamsui, Taiwan.

2021 The EIGHTH Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

相機捕獲太空岩石在北台灣天空飛馳而過的痕跡 Video Capture #1 07OCT2021 05:00:56

                                                                         ( 點擊圖片可放大)
流星劃過千手千眼聖觀音上空墜落,這是金氏世界紀錄認證的世界最大鋼製雕塑-坐落於台灣淡水的新地標。*- Delta Aurigid, corrected time 05:00:56 TW Local
照片發布:緣道觀音廟影片擷取--照片調整與分析: Thomas Dorman(美國), 劉志安(台灣) ©2021

撰文:Dirk Ross/吳遜慈,東京 2021/10/10
10/7星期四早上5點,伴隨著日出前的祈福吟誦聲,一個吉祥的徵兆出現,火流星劃過了緣道觀音廟(https://www.yuandao.org.tw/index.php )上空--一座位於台灣北部的佛乘宗祖師廟。火流星隨著祈福的「哞」聲飛逝而過,帶著火尾的光芒撞擊地球,彷若交付了來自遙遠宇宙深處的訊息...而這一切都被影片捕獲! Delta Aurigid 流星雨
這顆火流星經過美國天文專家Thomas Dorman確認是來自目前正在發生的 ,飛行 速度大約是每秒鐘34~42公里(21~26英里/秒),根據其大小和飛行速度研判,應該不太可能有燃燒剩餘的隕石留下,如果有,落點應該在台灣東邊的太平洋海上!
火流星的捕獲在台灣是非常罕見的事件,由於台灣很少有一直對準夜空的攝影機,因此這次捕獲火流星相當難得! 目前台灣唯一已知的專門監控天空的攝影機,是一套位在屏東的全天空攝像系統(TAIMON Spalding/Sandia Sentinel ) ,該系統目前由天文愛好者建國國小施世治校長操作!
ROSS長期致力於支持台灣全天空流星偵測攝影系統網路的設置,希望台灣民眾可以更常注意攝影系統並回報各種天空事件! ROSS希望可以藉由這些流星事件回報的參與來進行進一步研究。
任何人若要回報隕石目擊或找到隕石可以聯絡ROSS lunarmeteoritehunter@gmail.com 他能夠以中文溝通。

播放視頻需要點擊開始按鈕 2 次。

2021 The EIGHTH Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

02 April 2021

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 02APR2021

Belgian research discovers meteorite impact over Antarctica 430000 years ago
The Brussels Times
Belgian research discovers meteorite impact over Antarctica 430,000 years ago. Friday, 02 April 2021. Microscopic image of one of the extra-terrestrial ...

Particles unearthed in Antarctica were produced when a meteorite EXPLODED in mid-air
An ancient meteorite that exploded in mid-air 430,000 years ago left behind unusual particles of matter in the mountains of Antarctica, a new study ...

Une météorite de 100 mètres de diamètre s'est écrasée contre le sol de l'Antarctique il y a 430.000 ...
... rapporte Futura-Sciences mercredi 31 mars. Ils proviennent de l'explosion à basse altitude d'une météorite dans cette région il y a 430.000 ans.

Meteor particles discovered in the Antarctic mountains thought to be 430000 year old
CBBC Newsround
Antarctica can be one of the best places to find meteorite remnants due to its cold and dry climate - the study also claims a lack of human presence is a ...

Particles unearthed in the mountains of Antarctica were produced when a meteorite EXPLODED in ...
Daily Mail
Researchers found evidence of extra terrestrial meteorite particles in Antarctica · They are evidence of a meteor that exploded just above the surface of ...

Long-term drying of Mars by sequestration of ocean-scale volumes of water in the crust
Science Magazine
... observational constraints from spacecraft, rovers, and meteorites. ... and measurements of the NWA 7034 martian meteorite (0.5 to 3 wt % water) (5).

Asteroid that killed the dinosaurs gave birth to the Amazon rainforest
New Scientist
“If you returned to the day before the meteorite fall, the forest would have an open canopy with a lot of ferns, many conifers and dinosaurs,” says Carlos ...

Artificial Hexagonal Diamonds Stiffer Than Natural Cubic Diamonds, Potential Material for ...
Science Times
Some samples were found at meteor impact sites, others were grown in laboratories, but all of them are too small or too short-lived to be precisely ...

NASA's Perseverance Mars rover investigates a 'strange' rock and hits it
Perseverance is already hip to meteorites. There's a tiny slice of a Martian meteorite built into a calibration target used by the rover's Sherloc (Scanning ...

2021 The EIGHTH Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

01 April 2021

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 01APR2021

430000 years ago a meteor exploded over Antarctica, leaving clues in the debris
National Geographic
As it neared the ice, the meteor exploded in the sky, launching a superheated jet of gas and vaporized cosmic debris straight at the ground. These kinds ...

A meteorite exploded in the air above Antarctica 430000 years ago
... a mountain in Antarctica are clues that a meteorite more than 100 yards wide exploded in the sky 430,000 years ago, sending a fireball of vaporized ...

Asteroid singed Antarctic ice sheet 430000 years ago, particles suggest
March 31 (UPI) -- Tiny meteorite particles found in the mountains of Antarctica suggest the Southern Continent's ice sheet was singed by an asteroid ...

Die Bedrohung der Erde durch mittelgroße Asteroiden neu bewerten
Informationsdienst Wissenschaft
Während der Belgian Antarctic Meteorites Expedition (BELAM) 2017-2018, stationiert an der belgischen Princess Elisabeth Antarktisstation und ...

Meteor booms over southeast England as onlookers left stunned - video
Daily Express
A METEOR which boomed near to the southeast coast of England left onlookers stunned, with some describing it as the biggest and brightest fireball

AMOS Video Meteor Network
Harvard CfA
AMOS consists of an all-sky video meteor camera that is able to detect meteors brighter than 5th magnitude. Meteoroid is a tiny particle, typically only ...

Modelling cometary meteoroid stream traverses of the Martian Moons eXploration (MMX ...
Space Ref
Cometary meteoroid streams (also referred to as trails) exist along the orbits of comets, forming fine structures of the interplanetary dust cloud.

Meteor Scatter
De Gruyter
In a final section the theory for nonspecular echoes is presented. A. Low Density, Long Wavelength. It is assumed here that the meteor trail is formed ...

A meteor may have exploded in the air 3700 years ago, obliterating communities near the Dead Sea
Jumbo News
But all that was obliterated when the meteor pierced the atmosphere and exploded over the area. Evidence gathered at the Tall el-Hammam site tells the ...

NASA Perseverance Mars rover investigates 'odd' rock, zaps it
Mars is a haven for meteorites, and it's always notable when a rover comes across ... Is it a meteorite? ... Perseverance is already hip to meteorites.

Naturally occurring 'batteries' fueled organic carbon synthesis on Mars
Jumbo News
The group's analysis of a trio of Martian meteorites that fell to Earth—Tissint, ... Electron Micrograph (scale 50nm) of a grain from a Martian meteorite.

Lab-made hexagonal diamonds stiffer than natural diamonds
Science Daily
Hexagonal diamonds have been found at some meteorite impact sites and others have been made in labs but were either too small or existed to ...

Scientists Create Crystal Stronger Than Diamond
Named for their six-sided crystal structure, hexagonal diamonds have been found at meteorite impact sites, and others have been made briefly in labs, ...

Scientists just beat diamonds at their own game
... or hexagonal diamonds have been found rarely in nature (like at the site of meteorite impacts), creating them in a lab has proven next to impossible.

2021 The EIGHTH Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

31 March 2021

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 31MAR2021

Observation of the A Carinid Meteor Shower 2020 Unexpected Outburst - NASA/ADS
We present observations of the sudden outburst of the A Carinid meteor shower recorded with the Southern Argentina Agile MEteor Radar Orbital ...

The Magic of Meteorites - OpenLearn - Open University
The Open University
In March 2021, several rare meteorite fragments were found in Winchcombe, Gloucestershire. We celebrate this amazing discovery with a mini ...

Forward transmission from meteor ionization - ScienceDirect
A large number of long duration reflections are evident which, due to their regularity, are difficult to associate with transient meteor ionizations.

IMO Meteor Org. on Twitter: " Bright fireball observed and captured on video over Cyprus on ...
@IMOmeteors. The International Meteor Organization unites amateur astronomers with an interest in contributing to meteor science. Worldwide.

Bulletin update with 49 new approvals.

Team identifies water-bearing minerals on asteroid Bennu
Jumbo News
Because these meteorites and their parent bodies formed close to the beginning of the solar system, they may provide clues to the distribution, ...

A 320-pound rock found in rural Kansas in 2006 came from outer space. It just sold for $156250.
Pratt Tribune
Brenham Meteorites are pallasites found in Kiowa County, Kansas , with a type of stony. A 320-pound pallasite meteorite that originated in outer space ...

Rare daytime fireball meteor creates massive sonic boom over UK
The meteor was a bolide — the largest and brightest type of fireball meteor — and would have needed to be "very large" to be visible during the day, ...

Astro Bob: New study shows satellites are making the night sky brighter
Grand Forks Herald
At upper right, the camera also captured a bright meteor at the same time. (Egon Filter / CC BY-SA 4.0). The number of orbiting satellites is growing ...

2021 The EIGHTH Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

30 March 2021

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 30MAR2021

Oshkosh fireball spotted on Action 2 News This Morning
The video is located above. The American Meteorological Society meteor website shows multiple fireball reports in the United States Monday morning.

Expertos descartan que meteorito fuera responsable de "inusuales" destellos y ruidos en Cuba
Un equipo de expertos del Instituto de Geofísica y Astronomía (IGA) de Cuba descartaron la presunta caída de un meteorito en la región oriental de la ...

News from the meteor library: strewn fields for meteorite falls
Meteor News
A bright meteor, called a fireball, may be a sign of a meteorite fall. Instrumentally observed meteorite falls provide unique opportunities to recover and ...

Μετεωρίτες, πλανήτες και απλανείς αστέρες- Από τη Γεωργία Σωτηρίου
Υπάρχουν πολλοί τρόποι να ξοδεύει κανείς τον ελεύθερο του χρόνο. Αναλόγως και με τις προτιμήσεις του βέβαια. Ένα πρωινό με μπόλικο ελεύθερο ...

Meteorite nel cielo americano, l'avvistamento immortalato anche da italiani
Noi Notizie
Il meteorite che ha lasciato una scia e che è stato avvistato in una cospicua parte del nord America è stato immortalato anche da italiani che in ...

L'iridium, le métal ultra-rare qui abonde dans les météorites et dont le prix a augmenté plus que le ...
BBC Afrique
L'iridium, le métal ultra-rare qui abonde dans les météorites et dont le prix a augmenté plus que le bitcoin. La Rédaction; BBC News Mundo. il y a 5 ...

Atena lucana, strano oggetto sull'asfalto: ipotesi meteorite. Verifiche in corso
Uno Tv Web
Diverse le ipotesi sul tavolo finanche l'idea che possa trattarsi di un pezzo di meteorite. Lasciano seri dubbi sull'origine dell'oggetto misterioso, ...

2021 The EIGHTH Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

29 March 2021

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 29MAR2021 Late Edition

WATCH: Stunning fireball soaring 96000 km/hr over Spain's Andalucia
Olive Press
A DAZZLING meteor has been filmed soaring over Andalucia and Castilla-La Mancha at 96,000km per hour. The fireball was recorded this Saturday ...

Mines Museum Is Welcoming Visitors With a Literal Out-of-This-World Surprise
Our Community Now at Colorado
Visit the museum to see a meteorite that was once used as a doorstop ... all 40+ pounds of it! The Mines Museum of Earth Science, formerly known as ...

Five reasons future space travel should explore asteroids
The Bisouv Network
We did not see the Chelyabinsk meteor coming until the Russian dashcams caught it. Fortunately, nobody died as a direct result of the explosion.

How asteroid dust helped us prove life's raw ingredients can evolve in outer space
Space Daily
Our study found organic matter - the raw ingredients for life - had been produced on the surface of Itokawa, as well as being delivered there via meteorite ...

Bolide sfreccia nei cieli del Centro-Sud: in corso le ricerche del meteorite in Molise
Blasting News Italia
Molise, proseguono le ricerche del meteorite. Bolide avvistato la sera del 15 marzo 2021 in gran parte del Centro-Sud dell'Italia, i ricercatori lo stanno ...

Frammento di meteorite ad Atena Lucana? Il giallo del ritrovamento in strada di un oggetto di 4 chili
Un pezzo di pietra o un frammento di meteorite di circa 4 chili caduto in una strada ad Atena Lucana ed è giallo nel Vallo di Diano:. Se si tratta di un ...

Orange fireball lighting Florida sky was Chinese space junk
Glendive Gazette
The American Meteor Society reported two dozen sightings from Jacksonville to Key West after midnight and tweeted there's “no real explanation yet.”.

2021 The EIGHTH Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 29MAR2021 Early Edition

Mysterious explosion over Western US was likely SpaceX rocket debris, experts say
... meteor or similar object, as they would be moving far faster on impact with our atmosphere." (A bolide is a bright meteor that is often called a fireball, ...

Experts publish conclusions on atmospheric event in Cuba
Prensa Latina
'These meteoroids disintegrated at great height; the explosions heard were related to the detonation high in the atmosphere and then to the noise ...

Meteor falls on Lagoa dos Patos, in RS
Somag News
On the 13th, a fireball-like meteor crossed the sky over the coast of Rio Grande do Sul, being recorded through the lens of the Heller & Jung Space ...

Daytime fireball meteor generates sonic boom over UK and France – NaturalNews.com
Natural News
Meteor Observation Network, a community of amateur astronomers, said that the meteor belonged to a class of meteors called “bolides,” which are the ...

Asteroide Apophis, nuovi calcoli realizzati dalla NASA: ecco le ultime stime, tutti i dettagli
Centro Meteo Italiano
Il meteorite Apophis, dal diametro di 300 metri, non sarà più un pericolo per la Terra: ecco perché e i dettagli sugli studi astronomici. Asteroide ...

Volontari e metal detector per la caccia alla meteorite in Molise
Rai News
Proseguono nelle campagne di Sant'Agapito, vicino a Isernia, le ricerche della meteorite che potrebbe essere caduta nella serata del 15 marzo, ...

Researchers seeking fragments of fireball in Ontario
The Bisouv Network
Astronomy professor Peter Brown confirmed that 10 all-sky cameras of Western's Southern Ontario Meteor Network (SOMN) recorded a bright fireball ...

Inside dark, polar moon craters, water not as invincible as expected, scientists argue
The Bisouv Network
Meteoroids can hurtle these soil particles—which are many times smaller than the width of a human hair—as far as 19 miles (30 kilometers) away from ...

Diamond shines its light on moon rocks from Apollo missions, Martian meteorites and Vesta
The Bisouv Network
They will be examining three billion+ year old rocks from the moon collected during the Apollo missions, as well as meteorites from Mars, Vesta, and ...

Modeling early meteorite impacts on the moon
The Bisouv Network
Because these elements were delivered by meteorites, explanations for the difference put limits on how growth by meteorite bombardment unfolded ...

PDF The meteor expedition scientific results of the german atlantic expedition 1925 1927 Download
The Atlantic Expedition For the first time, during the German Atlantic Expedition (1925 to 1927) with the research vessel “Meteor”, an entire ocean was ... CAUTION with this site-At your own risk-LMH

2021 The EIGHTH Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

28 March 2021

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 28MAR2021

Planetary Defence Office Near-Earth Object Coordination Centre
The ESA S2P NEO Coordination Centre has released the following News:
A brand-new face for the NEOCC web portal

Asteroids/ NEOs / Discovery/ Close Approaches/Data
Current Period & Discovery Sequence Information
EISSCO- Eastern Intelligence Space and Survival

Kaaba Meteorite (Page 1) - Line.17QQ.com
Kaaba Meteorite (Page 1) ·Black Stone of the Kaaba. The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News : نيزك Meteorite! Nov 2010 Issue Meteor/Meteorite News ...

A 'spectacular' fireball lit the Pacific Northwest sky. A SpaceX rocket was to blame, authorities say.
Washington Post
... by a campfire on an Oregon beach when a fireball suddenly blazed through the night sky on Thursday. At first, it looked like a meteor or a comet.

Fireball Debris Over Oregon Coast, Washington, Canada Was SpaceX Rocket
Oregon Coast Beach Connection
NASA and SpaceX have so far not commented. What we do know: It was not a plane crash nor a meteor or fireball (Oregon Coast Beach Connection ...

An asteroid just buzzed past Earth, and we barely noticed in time
The Bisouv Network
Meteor craters can be found around the globe, and some relatively fresh examples include Wolfe Creek in northern Australia and the imaginatively ...

Asteroid Apophis impact ruled out - but there is another monster asteroid lurking
Daily Express
Asteroid 1979 XB is a 700 metre-wide asteroid that has been dubbed "potentially hazardous" by NASA. Meteor rattles US households ...

Researchers seeking fragments of fireball in Ontario
The Bisouv Network
Initial analysis of the video data by Steven Ehlert at the NASA Meteoroid Environment Office suggests the recent meteorite fragments are likely to have ...

Moonquakes tumble boulders, build lunar scarps
The Bisouv Network
The team also ruled out local meteor impacts as the trigger for the falling ... “Micro-meteoroid impacts may also slowly remove the records of boulder ...

Découverte d'une météorite exceptionnelle dans le sud-ouest de l'Algérie
Le Courrier de l'Atlas
Elle serait plus vieille que la Terre. Baptisée Erg Chech 002, ou EC 002, la météorite a été datée de 4.565 milliards d'années environ par les chercheurs ...

Dashcam video: Meteor spotted in Texas - News Nation USA
News Nation USA
A meteor flew across the Texas sky Saturday night, alarming witnesses and sparking questions about what had been seen. An officer from the Hewitt ...

2021 The EIGHTH Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

27 March 2021

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 27MAR2021

'Meteor shower' seen in Washington was debris from SpaceX rocket launch
FOX 35 Orlando
What looked like a meteor shower seen throughout Western Washington had many in awe Thursday night.

Debris from SpaceX rocket lights up US skies
BBC News
The lights streaking across skies above the Pacific Northwest of the US on Thursday night stunned onlookers. But this wasn't a meteor shower.

People on Southern Vancouver Island Watch as Rocket Falls to Earth
My Cowichan Valley Now
The US National Weather Service in Seattle says it was not a meteor breaking into pieces, but a Falcon 9 rocket's 2nd stage that did not successfully ...

Apparent rocket debris lights up night sky over Pacific Northwest
CBS News
"The sight was summed up by @kaallori: "Meteor? I don't know what that was, but it was spectacular.'" CBS Seattle affiliate KIRO-TV said it first appeared ...

Il meteorite precipitato in Canada potrebbe contenere tracce di forme di vita extraterrestre
Il meteorite è passato in cielo in direzione nord-est per oltre 70 chilometri, illuminando a giorno l'area compresa tra Mount Mansfield State Forest a ...

Meteorite caduto in Molise: ecco dove è e cosa fare se lo si trova
Centro Meteo Italiano
Nei giorni scorsi è accaduto qualcosa di clamoroso in Italia, precisamente in Molise: un piccolo meteorite infatti ha solcato il cielo della regione ...

Earth to avoid huge meteor for next 100 years, says NASA - Times News Express
Times News Express
NASA says the 1100-foot meteor Apophis will not smash into the Earth in 2068, which had been considered a possibility. Concerns that the flying rock.

Oldest meteorite ever found: 4.6BN-year-old rock found in Sahara could share secrets of solar system
An ancient, meteorite, or achondrite, was discovered in the Sahara desert last year that has now been identified as chunk from a protoplanet that ...

Lightning bolts 'unlocked the phosphorus necessary for the creation of DNA'
The idea was that meteorites containing the phosphorus mineral ... The drawback to the meteorite theory, however, had to do with frequency – more ...

2021 The EIGHTH Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

26 March 2021

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 26MAR2021

Space Debris Reentry spotted over Oregon on Thursday, 25 March 2021 ~ 9pm PDT - American ...
American Meteor Society
Here a some videos and photos of the event: Quite the show over Southern Oregon tonight. We're hearing this may be space debris and not a meteor.

Mysterious glowing object screeched through Oregon skies, expert says it is not meteor
IBTimes India
Mysterious glowing object screeched through Oregon skies, expert says it is not meteor. Jim Todd, OMSI Director of Space Science Education revealed ...

MOLISE: METEORITE cade in provincia di ISERNIA, adesso è CACCIA ai frammenti. Il VIDEO
iL Meteo
Continuano le ricerche a Sant'Agapito (Isernia), del frammento di meteorite che sarebbe caduto in Molise la sera del 15 marzo scorso. Dodici volontari ...

Here's what those bright lights you saw tonight over Victoria were (VIDEO)
Victoria Buzz
It was also not, as some theorized, a meteorite breaking up overhead. In this case, it was all manmade, a falling part of a Starlink satellite. Specifically ...

Meteorite in Molise, ricerche in corso: com'è fatto e quanto vale
Virgilio Notizie
Il meteorite caduto in Molise il 15 marzo non è stato ancora trovato: come procedono le ricerche e cosa deve fare chi lo avvista. 1.

A caccia del meteorite caduto. Ecco cosa deve fare chi lo dovesse trovare
Meteo Giornale
I ricercatori dell'Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica hanno dato avvio alla ricerca del meteorite caduto nella serata di lunedì 15 marzo a Temennotte, nel ...

A Sant'Agapito continua la caccia alla meteorite, volontari in supporto degli esperti
Primo Piano Molise
Falso allarme, però: si tratta di un frammento di roccia vulcanica, come ha spiegato a “Money.it” il geologo e non può trattarsi della meteorite caduta in ...

Une météorite vieille de 4,6 milliards d'années est la plus ancienne roche magmatique jamais
Forbes France
Erg Chech 002 (abrégé en EC 002) est le nom donné à une météorite trouvée à Adrar, en Algérie, en mai 2020. Selon une description du Lunar and ...

Rare daytime fireball meteor creates massive sonic boom over UK
What is a fireball meteor? A fireball meteor is a type of extremely bright meteor that emits light equal to or greater than that of Venus in the night sky, ...

20000-year-old piece of obsidian discovered in Jilin Province becomes cyber star
Global Times
Thinking it might be a meteorite, he asked netizens to help further identify it. The stone is cone-shaped with two thin heads. It is more than 50 centimeters ...

2021 The EIGHTH Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

25 March 2021

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 25MAR2021

Fireball spotted over the area Sunday night
Usually when there's a bright fireball it can be seen for hundreds of miles, and often across several states. According to the American Meteor Society ...

Fireball lights up the sky over Pennsylvania. Did you see the meteor last weekend?
The Union Leader
The Pennsylvania fireball was seen just before 12:30 a.m. Sunday. The American Meteor Society received at least 263 reports from more than a dozen ...

Brilliant Fireball Spotted In the Skies Over New York State
Now did a meteor actually land right here in Poughkeepsie back in November? Unlikely, though you may have heard about the bright fireball that was ...

A super-bright, blue meteor put on a show while shooting across Pennsylvania
Herald-Mail Media
This meteor was a "very significantly bright event," and was probably the brightest fireball seen in this region in about three years, according to Mike ...

WATCH: Meteor caught on Cheektowaga security camera
WETM - MyTwinTiers.com
WATCH: Fireball caught lighting up the sky, WNY residents report sightings. Julie in Cheektowaga captured the fireball from her home's security ...

Asteroid fragment: Area residents saw another bright light in the sky on Sunday
The Daily News Online
LE ROY — A bright fireball seen early Sunday morning over the town was caused by an asteroid fragment entering Earth's atmosphere, according to ...

Video of last night's PA fireball as... - NASA Meteor Watch - Facebook
NASA Meteor Watch · March 21 at 10:20 AM ·. Video of last night's PA fireball as seen from Allegheny Observatory near Pittsburgh.

England: Sonic Boom Heard Across Four Counties Blamed On Rare 'daytime Fireball' Meteor
Republic World
An extremely rare meteor, known as 'daytime fireball', has been blamed for a sonic boom-type noise heard across multiple counties in England, UK.

Un météore rare en forme de boule de feu de jour crée un énorme boom sonore au Royaume-Uni
45 Secondes
Météorite potentielle. Les bangs soniques indiquent normalement que le météore était assez gros pour atterrir sur Terre sous forme de météorite. « ...

Rare daytime fireball meteor creates massive sonic boom over UK
Potential meteorite. Sonic booms are normally an indicator that the meteor was large enough to land on Earth as a meteorite. "Normally when you hear ..

Un meteorite appare in cielo e genera un “boom sonico”: ecco cosa è successo e dove (VIDEO)
Centro Meteo Italiano
Meteorite attraversa i cieli di Cuba. Il cielo è sempre pronto ad offrirci spettacolo, anche se non sempre siamo in grado di ...

Meteorite a Temennotte: due esperti al lavoro, la caccia scatena i social
Se il Molise non esiste, figurarsi la meteorite caduta a Temennotte! Social scatenati, con tanto di meme ideati per l'occasione e nati sull'onda di una ...

Meteor in ontario today - Olivia Baker Photography
Olivia Baker Photography
meteor in ontario today Skywatchers can enjoy a display that lasts all month, ... 

Meteorite caduto in Molise: siamo andati a vedere a che punto sono le ricerche
Sono iniziate le ricerche del meteorite caduto in Molise il 15 marzo, dopo che la sua scia luminosa è stata avvistata nei cieli del Centro-Sud. Gli esperti ...

Isernia, partita la caccia alla meteorite caduta il 15 marzo
Brescia Oggi
Isernia, partita la caccia alla meteorite caduta il 15 marzo. I ricercatori dell'istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica hanno stimato la traiettoria e limitato l'area.

Meteorite caduto in Molise, via alle ricerche. L'Istituto di astrofisica: “La popolazione si unisca a noi ...
Il Fatto Quotidiano
Sono iniziate le ricerche del meteorite caduto nella serata di lunedì 15 marzo a Temennotte, nel comune di Sant'Agapito vicino a Isernia. Grazie ai ...

La recente scoperta di un meteorite potrebbe svelare i segreti del Sistema Solare
National Geographic Italia
Questo meteorite è di un tipo raro e antico, conosciuto con il nome di condrite carbonacea, e la sua composizione potrebbe aiutare gli scienziati a ...

Ask Astro: What happened after the giant impact that created the Moon?
Astronomy Magazine
These meteorites may have been the building blocks of Earth and, as a recent paper indicates, Theia as well. Additionally, the simulations are somewhat ...

2021 The EIGHTH Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

24 March 2021

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 24MAR2021

A super-bright, blue meteor put on a show while shooting across Pennsylvania
Herald-Mail Media
There is a logical explanation: It was a meteor. If you're reading this in south-central Pennsylvania, it may have traveled right over your head.

Overnight dashcam video captures meteor over I-71
News 5 Cleveland
When meteoroids enter Earth's atmosphere or that of another planet like Mars, at a high speed and burn up, they're called meteors, according to NASA.

WATCH: Meteor caught on security camera
WATCH: Meteor caught on security camera ... CHEEKTOWAGA, N.Y. (WIVB) — NASA researchers are looking into multiple reports of meteors seen from ..

Fireball lights up the sky over Pennsylvania. Did you see the meteor last weekend?
The Union Leader
EASTON, Pa. - A bright meteor blasted through the atmosphere above Pennsylvania over the weekend, visible across the state and beyond, from ...

Fireball lights up the sky over Pennsylvania. Did you see the meteor last weekend?
The Union Leader
EASTON, Pa. - A bright meteor blasted through the atmosphere above Pennsylvania over the weekend, visible across the state and beyond, from ...

Meteor news: Watch the moment a fireball explodes over the US east coast - 'So bright'
Daily Express
A METEOR has exploded over the US east coast, sending a flash of light seen as far north as Canada. Watch the fireball caught on home CCTV video ...

Incredible video of meteor plummeting across the sky during the day
Dashcam footage can be pretty useful as it can prove your case in the event of a car crash or even capture a meteor streaking across the sky.

Brilliant Fireball Spotted In the Skies Over New York State
The American Meteor Society says that they received a number of reports of a bright meteor streaking across the skies over many parts of the East Coast, ...

England: Sonic Boom Heard Across Four Counties Blamed On Rare 'daytime Fireball' Meteor
Republic World
An extremely rare meteor, known as 'daytime fireball', has been blamed for a sonic boom-type noise heard across multiple counties in England, UK.

Sonic boom meteor in Somerset thought to have crashed in Channel after reports come in from
Somerset Live
A meteor believed to have caused the 'sonic boom' heard across Devon, Dorset and Somerset at the weekend is thought to have crashed in the ...

Security Camera Captures Meteor Flashing Through the Night Sky | Other | NewsChain video
Occurred on December 21, 2020 / Hammonton, New Jersey, USA Info from Licensor: "Meteor seen in multiple states on 3/21/2021 at 1225 AM."

C'è un meteorite in Molise? Gli esperti alla ricerca del frammento
Corriere della Sera
Secondo i ricercatori di Rete Prisma, coordinati dall'Istituto nazionale di astrofisica, proprio in quel momento sarebbe caduto un frammento di meteorite ...

Quel Meteorite in Molise…
Magazine Pragma
Quel Meteorite in Molise… Una notizia che sta attirando la curiosita' di molte persone. Un episodio insolito quello successo qualche giorno fa in Italia, ...

Sant'Agapito, Istituto nazionale di Astrofisica: partite le ricerche del meteorite
Il Giornale del Molise
Sarebbe caduto il 15 marzo sera in Molise, il meteorite, di circa 8 centimetri, nel paese di Temennotte di Sant'Agapito in provincia di Isernia. Questa ...

SANT'AGAPITO – Meteorite, al lavoro i tecnici dell'Inaf
Molise Network
SANT'AGAPITO – Arrivati i ricercatori dell'Università di Firenze per trovare traccia del meteorite caduto lo scorso 15 marzo in località “Temenotte”.

Una stella è esplosa nel cielo ed è facile da osservare, bagliore visibile nel cielo notturno, ecco dove
Centro Meteo Italiano
... e gli hanno dato il nome V1405 Cas. Leggi anche Meteorite cade in Molise, parte la ricerca dei frammenti: ecco cosa fare in caso di avvistamento ...

Il cuore dell'Amazzonia è nato da un meteorite
La Repubblica
Il cuore dell'Amazzonia è nato da un meteorite. di Daniele Mastrogiacomo. L'impatto avvenuto 30 milioni di anni fa. "Il cratere nella foresta di Aliwa ha ...

Lightning strikes are as important as meteorites for life origins on Earth
Tech Explorist
Almost four billion years ago, meteorites delivered minerals to Earth. Those minerals are assumed to be the critical ingredients for the development of ...

US scientists look to the moon to save earth's biodiversity
Sustainability Times
Within them, the future plants and animals might be protected from solar radiation or meteor impact below ground, and in the absence of surface ...

Stunning sunset contrail caught on camera above New Zealand
"That's a meteor shower apparently," commentator Ian Smith said on-air at the time. Should the plane be 'smoking' like that? Often mistaken for smoke, .Likely Aircraft Contrail-LMH

World's oldest meteor crater isn't what it seems
The world's oldest meteor impact crater is not a crater at all, say scientists of a new study suggesting natural forces put the giant indent into Earth's ...

L'incroyable histoire de la femme percutée par une météorite
Le Point
Le 30 novembre 1954, à 12 h 45, une météorite de 18 centimètres de diamètre traversait le toit d'une petite maison de Sylacauga, dans le sud des ...

2021 The EIGHTH Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!