Showing posts with label Meteorite Times. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Meteorite Times. Show all posts

09 January 2024

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 09JAN2024

January 2024 Issue of Meteorite Times Now Up
The January issue of Meteorite Times is now up.
An extra big thank you to all of our contributors who make this possible!
Paul and Jim

2024 The ELEVENTH Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

09 January 2011

Meteor/Meteorite News 9JAN2011

Lichens call this space rock home

by Astro Bob
Like you, I’m a member of various online discussion groups. One of my favorites is the Meteorite-list
 , a group of individuals more than 950 strong strung across the planet, who are fascinated by space rocks. The “metlist” includes scientists as well as hobbyists and is THE place to get a question answered about meteorites. ...

January Issue of Meteorite Times Now Up

HIDDEN HISTORY: Watch out for meteorites!
The Daily News Online (blog)
Instead, authorities determined it was a meteorite, a chunk of rocky space debris that had passed through the earth's atmosphere. ...

Asteroida pędzi ku Ziemi. Czy grozi nam Armageddon?

Gazeta Współczesna - ‎2011年1月6日‎
Ok. 40-metrowy meteoryt wybuchł tuż nad rosyjską tajgą. Spowodował gigantyczny pożar ok. 2 tys. km kwadratowych lasu. Naukowcy są powściągliwi w ... (asteroid 99942, (2004 MN4) Apophis)

From Readers of
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News:
(Timestamp is in Japan Standard Time)

Jan 8 2011, 7:24 AM
Guest729 (guest):Never seen this in my life! Over Leuven,Belgium, lasted over a minute before it disappeared!

Jan 8 2011, 10:35 AM
ELPALLSKY (guest):Congrats on 100K !!Keep up the great work.

Jan 8 2011, 12:16 PM
drtanukiBelgium please explain what you saw, time, date and place... thank you.

Jan 8 2011, 12:18 PM
Guest820 (guest)I saw a large fireball with blue, green, red and white tail moving east to west in Florida while I was driving down I95 December 23 about midnight near Daytona. Did anyone else see it. I've never seen anything like it.Beautiful! I have no idea what it would be called. Comet,meteor?

Jan 8 2011, 12:18 PM
Guest820 (guest):Thanks,

Jan 8 2011, 6:01 PM
Guest125 (guest):Just spotted what looked like 2 asteroids. at 8.30am , 01/08/11 here in limerick, mid west ireland. Its partially cloudy. they were moving downward at a very slow pace.they had a red/orange tail that eventualy faded and shrinked into small lines

Jan 9 2011, 2:07 PM
Guest840 (guest):Anyone here,,about 1 1/2 hours ago hear,,a sonice boom over WA.State usa?  it was 3short loud boom's

11 June 2010

Meteor/Meteorite News 11JUN2010

Jupiter Impact: Mystery of the Missing Debris
NASA Science News
June 11, 2010: On June 3rd, 2010, something hit Jupiter. A comet or
asteroid descended from the black of space, struck the planet's
cloudtops, and disintegrated, producing a flash of light so bright it
was visible in backyard telescopes on Earth. ...
NASA Sends Aircraft to Watch Asteroid Probe's Fiery Re-entry
... sample will be only 6500 feet ahead of the rest of the spacecraft, which will break into numerous pieces, essentially making it a man-made meteor. ...

New Model Is Proposed to Explain Absence of Organic Compounds on Surface of Mars
New Rochelle, June 10, 2010 - The ongoing search for evidence of past or
present life on Mars includes efforts to identify organic compounds such
as proteins in Martian soil, but their absence to date remains a
mystery. A new theory to explain what happens to these carbon-based
molecules is presented in an article published in Astrobiology, a
peer-reviewed journal published by *Mary Ann Liebert, Inc ...

The article is available free online

Extreme Life on Earth Could Survive on Mars, Too
08 June 2010
A new discovery of bacterial life in a Martian-like environment on Earth
suggests our neighboring red planet could also be hospitable to some
form of microbial life.
Researchers found methane-eating bacteria that appear to be thriving in
a unique spring called Lost Hammer on Axel Heiberg Island in the extreme
north of Canada....

June Meteorite-Times Now Online

The June issue of Meteorite-Times is now up.
A huge thank you to all the writers for their contribution of talent and time each month.

Enjoy! Paul and Jim

Rec center is rocking place during annual gem show

Delta County Independent
A display of blue petrified wood from Wyoming and a meteor fragment from Delta were among the hundreds of interesting and educational exhibits at the show. ...

NASA flying observatory to track return of Japanese asteroid sampling spacecraft

The Canadian Press
The group will study the meteor-like plunge of the Hyabusa spacecraft, which visited the asteroid Itokawa during a seven-year mission and is carrying a ...