13 July 2016

New dwarf planet discovered in our Solar System

New dwarf planet (TNO) discovered in our Solar System!
Via: RT
Astronomers at CFHT (Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope), Maunakea, Hawaii, have announced the discovery of 2015 RR245 as part of the ongoing Outer Solar System Origins Survey (OSSOS).
2015 RR245's orbit is highly eccentric, with a semi-major axis of 81.3AU, perihelion of 33.7AU, aphelion of 128.9 AU, inclination of 7.575 degrees and an orbital period of 733 years.
First observed, retrospectively, on 2015-09-09, 2015 RR245 is estimated to be ±700km / 438 miles in diameter, although Dr. Michele Bannister of the University of Victoria in British Columbia also stated: "it’s either small and shiny, or large and dull"
If any of you have, or have access to, the equipment necessary to observe 2015 RR245, it is currently located at RA:00 23 14.73, DEC:+06 00 35.8 with an apparent magnitude of 21.98 (distance 63.85 AU).  As a rough guide,  2015 RR245 is currently located in the constellation of Pisces, a little to the right of Uranus.
Further, detailed, information is available from 2015 RR245 on JPL's SBDB, and also by visiting JPL's Horizons interface and entering "2015 RR245" as the Target Body.  More information about CFHT can be found here.
Click orbit diagram to enlarge.  The hi-res image of 2015 RR245's orbit --showing comparison to other, known, TNOs is available here.

2016 The THIRD Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!

12 July 2016

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 12JUL2016

Space station 'out of control'
CHINA has reportedly lost contact with its space station amid concerns its space hardware could hurtle back down towards Earth in a fiery ball of hot ...

China's space station may re-enter the Earth like a huge fireball
Maine News Online
China reportedly lost contact with its space station and expect that it may rush toward the Earth looking like a fiery ball of hot metal. Tiangong-1 space ...

China's space station is out of control and 'could crash to Earth in a fireball'
A huge, orbiting Chinese space station could crash to Earth in a deadly fireball, space experts have warned. Speaking to Space.com last month, ...

View Event
Fireball event
AMS received 15 reports about a fireball seen over MA, VT, ME, CT, NJ and NY on Monday, July 11th 2016 around 02:48 UT.

This Week's Night Sky: Watch the Moon Meet Mars
National Geographic
Meteor Kickoff. July 12 marks the official beginning of the Southern Aquarid meteor shower. While the shower won't be peaking until July 26 to 31, ...

Delta Aquarid Meteor Shower Starts July 12, peaks July 38
Natural History Wanderings
EarthSky reports Late July, 2016 – around July 28 or 29 – presents the nominal peak of the Delta Aquarid meteor shower, but this rambles along ...

Astro Advisory: Perseid Meteor Shower
The Perseid Meteor Shower is one of the more reliable showers and lasts for several days on either side of its peak. The Perseids are best observed ...

This July offers some serious treats for stargazers
This isn't a big meteor shower. Also, truth be told, the Southern Hemisphere and tropics to the north will get a better show. But if you want to check it ...

Events in 2016 2404-2016 KML
Fireball event
AMS received 7 reports about a fireball seen over MS, FL, TX and AL on Monday, July 11th 2016 around 07:02 ... Fireball over Pear Tree Observatory.

Event 2397-2016
Fireball event
Events in 2016 2397-2016 KML. AMS received one report about a fireball seen over KS on Sunday, July 10th 2016 around 06:13 UT. D. Sound. 1 no ...

NIBIRU PLANET X Russian Troops Preparations East Coast Event Imminent
Before It's News
NIBIRU PLANET X Russian Troops Preparations East Coast Event Imminent – TSUNAMI EXPECTED – Preparations for Big METEOR – NIBIRU ... NOTE-DUBIOUS CRAP!

2016 The THIRD Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

11 July 2016

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 11JUL2016

Fireball illuminates the southern Spanish sky at 95000 km/h
Spanish News Today
A spectacular fireball shining brighter than the full moon unexpectedly illuminated the night sky of much of southern Spain for a few seconds on Friday ...

China's first meteor crater found in Liaoning province
People's Daily Online
A geological formation in a village in Xiuyan Man Autonomous Prefecture, Liaoning province has been proven to be a meteor crater, according to ...

Geology tour day 2: Meteor crater, Grand Canyon, Vermilion Cliffs
Everything is Electric
The site visits of the 2016 EU geology tour started with the re-arranged itinerary to now include the big guns of Meteor crater and the Grand Canyon on ...

Event 2380-2016
Fireball event
Events in 2016 2380-2016 KML. AMS received one report about a fireball seen over WI on Saturday, July 9th 2016 around 03:40 UT. D. Sound. 1 no ...

Meteor Activity Outlook for July 9-15, 2016
American Meteor Society
Toward the end of the period the waxing gibbous moon will be present in the sky most of the night, making meteor observing difficult as the lunar glare ...

Perseids Meteor Shower
Waterton Lakes National Park
About this Event. Check out our amazing night skies during the Perseids meteor shower (clear skies permitting). Event Dates. August 12th – August ...

2016 The THIRD Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

10 July 2016

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 10JUL2016

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 09JUL2016
Posted: 09 Jul 2016 04:25 AM PDT
Spain / North of Africa Bolide Meteor 08JUL2016The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite NewsFireball recorded on 8 July 2016 over the North of Africa, at 21:05:47 UT (23:05:47 local time) by the meteor-observing stations operating in Spain in ...100% Space Trash: Cygnus re-entry video...

Impressive meteor fireball filmed over Morocco on 8 July 2016
Signs of the Times
Fireball recorded on 8 July 2016 over the North of Africa, at 21:05:47 UT (23:05:47 local time) by the meteor-observing stations operating in Spain in ...

Meteor. Download PDF (5,594 KB) · Meteoroid ... Title: Meteor; Reference Work Title: Encyclopedia of Astrobiology; Pages: p 1024; Copyright: 2011 ...

Delta Aquarids, Perseids Meteor Showers Tuning Up: Peak Dates To View
When are the best dates for the 2016 Delta Aquarids and Perseidsmeteor showers, and will that pesky moon wash out the show?

2016 The THIRD Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

09 July 2016

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 09JUL2016

Spain / North of Africa Bolide Meteor 08JUL2016
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
Fireball recorded on 8 July 2016 over the North of Africa, at 21:05:47 UT (23:05:47 local time) by the meteor-observing stations operating in Spain in ...

100% Space Trash: Cygnus re-entry video
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
2016 The THIRD Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!! 100% Space Trash: Cygnus re-entry video. A recent ...

Perseid meteor shower viewing at Brazos Bend State Park
Texas Highways
Escape the city lights with a trip to the George Observatory in Brazos Bend State Park for the Perseid meteor shower. Starting Friday night, August 12...

Night sky & Perseid's Meteor Shower Extravaganza
DCNR Calendar of Events
We will make and learn to use star charts, plus neat astronomical information. Afterwards we will go outside and observe the pre-meteor shower ...

2016 The THIRD Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

Spain / North of Africa Bolide Meteor 08JUL2016

Spain / North of Africa Bolide Meteor 08JUL2016

Screenshot from video
Source- SMART

Impressive fireball on 8 July 2016
Posted on YouTube by Meteors 118 views
Published on Jul 8, 2016

Fireball recorded on 8 July 2016 over the North of Africa, at 21:05:47 UT (23:05:47 local time) by the meteor-observing stations operating in Spain in the framework of the SMART Project. The event was brighter than the full Moon and was produced by an alpha-Capricornid meteoroid
2016 The THIRD Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

08 July 2016

100% Space Trash: Cygnus re-entry video 22JUN2016

100% Space Trash: Cygnus re-entry video

A recent article on New Scientist shows a Cygnus spacecraft being incinerated during atmospheric re-entry.

The video was shot from a chartered aircraft out of Sydney, Australia - "to track the craft during its descent, recording how it brightened and broke up."

Note the **velocity** of the Cygnus spacecraft as it burns-up, which is much slower (relatively speaking) than a 'normal and natural' meteor/fireball/bolide.

This video can be used as a teaching tool to help differentiate between 'space trash' and space rocks - for future observations/reports.

Background 'space rock' update:

Overnight (7-July->8-July), there has been a small increase in the number of <0.5AU discoveries for current period "N" (1-Jul to 15-Jul).  The new total rose to 388, with 2016 NN15.

So far, in period "N", the number of <10LD new discoveries increased to a modest 5;  2 of which are in the >1<5LD range and 3 in the >5<10LD range.

Total <0.5AU discoveries for 2016, so far, is 30,258.  217 of these have close-approaches <10LD (0.7171%).

Source for stats: EISSCO

2016 The THIRD Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 08JUL2016

Nördlingen, a town in Bavaria that was build in a meteor impact crater. The meteor crashed 14 ...
Nördlingen, a town in Bavaria that was build in a meteor impact crater. The meteor crashed 14 million years ago.

Planets, a galaxy and a meteor shower this summer
UBC News - University of British Columbia
Planets, a galaxy and a meteor shower this summer. July 7, 2016. Jaymie Matthews, a UBC professor in the department of physics and astronomy, told ...

Delta Aquariids (Aquarids) meteor showers peak on July 29, 2016
Free Star Charts
Delta Aquariids (Aquarids) meteor showers peak on July 29, 2016. The Delta Aquarids or Delta Aquariids is an annual meteor shower that takes place ...

Perseid Meteor Shower
Old Farmer's Almanac
The Perseid meteor shower occurs every year from about July 23 to August 22. The shower's “maximum,” or time when the greatest number of meteors ...

Geminid Meteor Shower
Old Farmer's Almanac
Learn about the Geminid meteor shower, which occurs annually in December, with facts and viewing tips from The Old Farmer's Almanac.

Havasu People Meteor Sighting
River Dave's Place
Did any of you see the large meteor come out of the sky heading for the lake. It was very bright almost a bright blue color.

2016 The THIRD Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

07 July 2016

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 07JUL2016

Planets, a galaxy and a meteor shower: What to look for in the sky this summer
The warm summer nights offer lots of opportunities for gazing up at the night sky — and people don't need an expensive, complicated telescope to see ...

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 05/06JUL2016
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
Bright meteor over Norway July 5, 2016 xissufotoday.space. On the night of July 5th at 0:28:51 could a large, blue-green meteor seen from most parts ...

Meteor Shower Evening Hike
Meteor Shower Evening Hike - Noanet Peak on Jul 28, 2016 in Dover, MA(Boston metro area) at Noanet Woodlands.

Astronomy events spark interest in the heavens
Cayman Compass
“It's quite unusual to note this many shooting stars (meteors) at this precise date of the year, so having this unknown meteor shower was a rare and ...

When is the Delta Aquarid meteor shower? What time is it and how to watch it
Coventry Telegraph
The Delta Aquarid meteor shower is set to peak at the end of July - and the stunning event promises to make spectacular viewing. The shower ...

Summerfest radio Meteor Aalter in Aalter
Summerfest radio Meteor Aalter on Jul 27, 2016 in Aalter, Belgium at Aalter. Summerfest evenementenradio Meteor live vanop de oogstfeesten van 27 ...

2016 The THIRD Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

06 July 2016

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 05/06JUL2016

Bright meteor over Norway July 5, 2016
On the night of July 5th at 0:28:51 could a large, blue-green meteor seen from most parts of southeast Norway, southern Sweden and Denmark. ...

What dinosaurs where actually killed by the KT meteor, and not extinct beforehand?
In other words, what dinosaurs were killed by the actual meteor itself and the resulting apocalypse, as opposed to going extinct earlier from another ...

Volcanic eruptions and giant meteor killed off dinosaurs, evidence suggests
Evidence of ancient climate change suggests the creatures were first weakened by massive volcanic eruptions and then finished off by a giant meteor ...

Mars Moons Not Captured Asteroids After All?
Phobos and Deimos likely formed after a big inner moon crashed into Mars,
a new study shows. seeker.com July 4, 2016
A long-held theory that Mars' two moons, Phobos and Deimos, are captured asteroids is seriously challenged in a new study showing how the pair could have formed in Mars orbit after a previous generation of one or more massive inner moons crashed into the planet. ...

University of Liverpool
Meteor. by Deryn Rees Jones. And this is how everything vanishes, how everything that vanishes begins, the hinged moment looking forwards and ...

2016 The THIRD Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

04 July 2016

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 04JUL2016

Horizon-to-horizon meteor created by Cygnus OA6 reentry
Strange Sounds
Cygnus OA6 re-entered at 13:29 UT, June 22, 2016, creating a horizon-to-horizon meteor. What goes up normally comes down in a fiery blaze of glory ..

Major astronomical events July 2016: Juno's Jupiter arrival, Delta Aquarid Meteor Shower, New ...
YIBADA English
Mark your calendars! The month of July will host a meteor shower, Delta Aquarid. Sky gazers will be able to enjoy a spectacular sight when the ...

Team solves mystery of Halley's Comet's orbit
The National
Though it will be 45 years before the comet returns, Halley's remnants can be seen every year as the Orionid meteor shower which occurs annually in ...

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 03JUL2016
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 03JUL2016. Knoxville native helps discover meteorite older than Earth Local 8 Now WVLT Meteorite ...

China puts final touches to world's largest telescope
Al Jazeera 9 hours ago
China has assembled into place the final piece of what is set to be the world's largest radio telescope, state media have reported. The "Five-hundred-metre Aperture Spherical Telescope", ...

American Meteor Society
Observer. Name, Paul D. Experience Level, 3/5. Remarks, This event was witnessed by myself and 4 people standing with me. Other peolpe around ...

2016 The THIRD Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

03 July 2016

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 03JUL2016

Knoxville native helps discover meteorite older than Earth
Local 8 Now WVLT
Meteorite experts at Arizona State University spent several days searching for fragments of the meteor. Daniel Dunlap grew up in South Knoxville and ...

Meteor Detection
Norman Lockyer Observatory
3D Screen. The blue base is the standard background noise level; the vertical, coloured strips are meteor detections. The successive red, orange, ...

GCSE Astronomy coursework guides: A2 & B2 Meteor shower
Royal Museums Greenwich
Observe a meteor shower, record meteor trails, estimate magnitudes and locate radiant.

2016 The THIRD Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

02 July 2016

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 02JUL2016

NEO Asteroid Close Approaches July 2016
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
Object Name, Close Approach Date, CA Distance* (AU), CA Distance* (LD), Estimated Diameter**, H (mag), Relative Velocity (km/s). (2009 HU44) ...

Americans prefer a meteor hit Earth over Trump or Clinton as president
New York Post
Some folks would prefer to see a meteor hit the Earth rather than see either Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton in the Oval Office. The doomsday scenario ...

Rare meteor lights up the sky over Guam (video)
Strange Sounds
A bright meteor lit up the sky over Guam on June 28, 2016. According to the National Weather Service this is a rare sighting. Did you see it? Did you ...

July Fourth Holiday Weekend Astronomy Guide
You may even spot a stray meteor. The new moon is Monday. So, the moon will not hinder your stargazing whatsoever through the weekend.

2016 The THIRD Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

01 July 2016

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 01JUL2016

NASA reports 1.2kt bolide over Mauritania
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
NASA reports 1.2kt bolide over Mauritania NASA fireballs page has been updated with a bolide meteor with 1.2kt of Calculated Total Impact Energy. ...

Happy Asteroid Day (30 June)!
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
Today (30 June) is Asteroid Day. "Asteroid Day is a global awareness campaign where people from around the world come together to learn about asteroids, the impact hazard they may pose, and what we can do to protect our planet, families, communities, and future generations from future asteroid impacts...

Meteor Watch Day and Kansas Observatories
Though meteor showers are not always readily available for our enjoyment like the stars are, they are satisfying to watch when they do occur. In honor ...

ASU meteorite hunters find pieces from Arizona asteroid
“It's an unbelievable discovery for us to all see and hear about the fantastic meteor event over eastern Arizona and then to search — and even better, ...

Meteorites from fireball seen over Arizona found
KVOA Tucson News
A small asteroid that left a fiery trail in the sky over eastern Arizona on June 2 was captured on a dash cam. (Photo: Steven Paris)er this month.

Meteorites from fireball seen over state found
TriValley Central
Dozens of people reported seeing a fireball in the early morning hours of June 2. NASA officials say it was a small asteroid that had broken apart.

Meteorites from fireball seen over Arizona found
Dozens of people reported seeing a fireball in the early morning hours of June 2. NASA says it was a small asteroid that had broken apart.

Meteorites from mystery fireball over Arizona found
CBS News
A meteor is a small body of matter that enters Earth's atmosphere from outer space. Due to friction, it becomes incandescent and appears as a streak ...

Meteorites from fireball seen over Arizona found
Arizona Daily Sun
TEMPE (AP) — Arizona State University says researchers have found pieces of a small asteroid that left a fiery trail in the sky over eastern Arizona ..

Meteorites From Fireball Seen Over Arizona Found
KNAU Arizona Public Radio
Meteorites From Fireball Seen Over Arizona Found. By Associated ... Dozens of people reported seeing a fireball in the early morning hours of June 2.

If you want to see a real Meteor Crater
It's a warm Summer morning just 20+ miles West of Winslow, AZ and would you believe it - there is a Meteor Crater. It is a private attraction of national ...

Rosetta finale set for 30 September
European Space Agency
30 June 2016
Rosetta is set to complete its mission in a controlled descent to the surface of its comet on 30 September.

Six things you probably didn't know about asteroids
Auburn Citizen
Do you think a meteor is an asteroid that has entered Earth's atmosphere? If so, technically, you are wrong. A meteor is actually just the "light ...

What a Moroccan crater reveals about a rare double whammy from the skies
In 2012 shatter cones and meteorites were both discovered close to Agoudal, which is one of the highest villages in Morocco....

13% of People Would Rather See a Giant Meteor Hit Earth Than Trump or Hillary as President
95.7 the hog
According to a recent survey by Public Policy Polling, if the choices for president were Hillary, Trump, or a giant meteor hitting Earth . . . 43% would ...

2016 The THIRD Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

NEO Asteroid Close Approaches July 2016

NEO Asteroid Close Approaches July 2016

AU = ~150 million kilometers
1 LD = Lunar Distance = ~384,000 kilometers
(2009 HU44) 2016-Jul-010.198477.280 m - 180 m22.614.50
(2016 LZ8) 2016-Jul-010.058622.826 m - 58 m25.17.24
(2015 TC25) 2016-Jul-020.149858.33.3 m - 7.5 m29.53.23
(2008 CE119) 2016-Jul-030.199877.719 m - 43 m25.73.91
(2016 LU47) 2016-Jul-030.133652.059 m - 130 m23.34.86
(2012 AY) 2016-Jul-040.177569.188 m - 200 m22.414.58
(2016 MS) 2016-Jul-040.085633.347 m - 100 m23.86.58
(2012 XL16) 2016-Jul-040.189073.621 m - 47 m25.55.98
(2016 LU10) 2016-Jul-050.188073.2180 m - 400 m20.98.00
(2010 WT8) 2016-Jul-050.110843.1110 m - 250 m21.96.44
164202 (2004 EW) 2016-Jul-060.142655.5180 m - 410 m20.812.01
(2016 MO) 2016-Jul-070.01716.630 m - 67 m24.77.72
152671 (1998 HL3) 2016-Jul-080.198577.2270 m - 590 m20.07.37
(2014 HR124) 2016-Jul-080.190974.377 m - 170 m22.79.49
216523 (2001 HY7) 2016-Jul-090.115444.9210 m - 470 m20.513.79
453729 (2011 BO24) 2016-Jul-090.179069.7460 m - 1.0 km18.813.24
(2014 KZ45) 2016-Jul-100.188673.4230 m - 520 m20.316.23
(2016 LD2) 2016-Jul-100.192574.968 m - 150 m23.013.94
(2014 AW32) 2016-Jul-110.105341.08.4 m - 19 m27.510.55
(2010 NH) 2016-Jul-150.111743.519 m - 43 m25.713.55
(2016 LX47) 2016-Jul-150.146857.185 m - 190 m22.57.85
(2015 BT4) 2016-Jul-170.198777.3140 m - 310 m21.414.98
(2016 MK) 2016-Jul-180.043917.161 m - 140 m23.28.76
(2010 RX30) 2016-Jul-190.148958.010 m - 23 m27.17.77
152828 (1999 VT25) 2016-Jul-190.194775.8150 m - 340 m21.221.54
(2013 UE3) 2016-Jul-210.189473.777 m - 170 m22.74.57
(2014 BT8) 2016-Jul-210.047718.627 m - 59 m25.06.93
359369 (2009 YG) 2016-Jul-210.172567.1530 m - 1.2 km18.524.84
154244 (2002 KL6) 2016-Jul-220.068426.6880 m - 2.0 km17.47.30
(2016 LY48) 2016-Jul-230.073328.579 m - 180 m22.69.82
(2011 BX18) 2016-Jul-250.135352.7670 m - 1.5 km18.016.23
(2007 BE49) 2016-Jul-270.140354.6150 m - 330 m21.314.69
(2016 DH) 2016-Jul-280.137253.48.4 m - 19 m27.55.25
(2011 JM5) 2016-Jul-280.187272.915 m - 33 m26.312.55
(2008 YE30) 2016-Jul-280.161062.7150 m - 340 m21.226.53
(2005 NW44) 2016-Jul-280.130450.8220 m - 490 m20.49.74
(2016 AZ65) 2016-Jul-300.142455.4110 m - 240 m22.07.46
(2012 BX1) 2016-Jul-310.131951.329 m - 65 m24.88.26
Source- NASA/JPL- http://neo.jpl.nasa.gov/ca/

posted 01JULY2016

2016 The THIRD Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

30 June 2016

Happy Asteroid Day (30 June)!

Today (30 June) is Asteroid Day.
"Asteroid Day is a global awareness campaign where people from around the world come together to learn about asteroids, the impact hazard they may pose, and what we can do to protect our planet, families, communities, and future generations from future asteroid impacts. Asteroid Day is held each year on the anniversary of the largest impact in recent history, the 1908 Tunguska event in Siberia."
Visit the Asteroid Day website for further information. Watch the film 51° NORTH on Vimeo©.
ESA Director General Jan Woerner has also posted a video on Youtube.

Scientists Rock - an Asteroid Day series | Episode 1
Posted to YouTube by Asteroid Day 8,399

2016 The THIRD Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

NASA reports 1.2kt bolide over Mauritania

NASA reports 1.2kt bolide over Mauritania

NASA fireballs page has been updated with a bolide meteor with 1.2kt of Calculated Total Impact Energy. The bolide's position was given as 15.8N,11.9W.
The bolide was detected on Monday 27 June at 10:02UTC, possessed a velocity(x) of -29.1 km/s or 18.2 miles/sec (65,475 mph) and was reported at an altitude of 33km (20 miles).

Background Situation

New asteroid discoveries are currently in somewhat of a lull, with only 10 new discoveries in the <0.5AU range within the last 2 weeks (Period "M"). The numbers of new <0.5AU discoveries have been in decline since period "G" (Apr1-Apr15), with a similar trend for <5LD asteroids since period "E" (Mar1-Mar15).

2016 MA was the only <5LD asteroid discovered during period "M" and made its close-approach on June 19 at a distance of 2.6LD. New period "N" begins tomorrow (July 1).
So far, in 2016, there have been 29,849 new <0.5AU discoveries and 211 <10LD discoveries.
(Source for all stats: eissco.co.uk).

2016 The THIRD Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 30JUN2016

NASA reports 1.2kt bolide over Mauritania
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News - Blogger
NASA fireballs page has been updated with a bolide meteor with 1.2kt of Calculated Total Impact Energy. The bolide's position was given as 15.8N ...

Meteorite Arizona Fireball Found by ASU Team!
Center for Meteorite Studies - Arizona State University
After 132 hours of searching, ASU team — in partnership with White Mountain Apaches — locates meteorites on tribal land On June 2, a chunk.

Meteorites from fireball seen over Arizona found
Associated Press
Dozens of people reported seeing a fireball in the early morning hours of June 2. NASA says it was a small asteroid that had broken apart.

Meteorites from fireball seen over Arizona found
TEMPE, Ariz. (AP) — Arizona State University says researchers have found pieces of a small asteroid that left a fiery trail in the sky over eastern ...

Meteorites from fireball seen over Arizona found
Arizona Daily Star
These images from freeway cameras in the Mesa area seem to show a trail left behind from a meteor that Phoenix residents say caused a boom and ...

ASU researchers find pieces of meteorite
FOX 10 News
ASU researchers were able to track down small meteorites after a meteor streaked across the night sky earlier this month.

Once A Big Ball Of Fire, Now The Size Of A Berry: ASU Finds Meteorites
Since the meteor exploded over the Fort Apache Indian reservation on June 2nd, the Arizona State University Center for Meteorite Studies has been ...

ASU group finds meteorites from June 2 fireball
ASU group finds meteorites from June 2fireball. Thanks to everyone who shared these views of the June 2, 2016 meteor over Arizona. 12 News ...

Guam resident captures raremeteor sighting
If you were looking at Tuesday's night sky and saw a flashing light, you caught a glimpse of ameteor. This is viewer submitted video taken from ...

Meteor streaks across Guam night skies
Signs of the Times
If you were looking at Tuesday's night sky and saw a flashing light, you caught a glimpse of a meteor. This is viewer submitted video taken from ...

Georges Lemaître: the Belgian priest who preached the Big Bang
Irish Times
Pointing out that an expanding universe must have been smaller in the past, he boldly suggested that our universe was once a small and hot fireball, ...

Man-made meteor provides spectacle for local researcher
Science Network Western Australia
A TEAM of international scientists including a Curtin University PhD student had front row seats to see a meteor streak across Earth's atmosphere ...

Rocks From Space: Asteroid Day - June 30, 2016
SETI Institute
Peter currently runs the NASA sponsored Cameras for Allsky Meteor Surveillance (CAMS) project in northern California, which aims to confirm some of ...

Rock and Roll at the Apollo 17 Site
The latest orbital images and topographic data offer new insights to the geologic context of
Apollo 17 impact melt breccias....

Opal on Antarctic Meteorite May Explain Origins of Water on Earth
A team of researchers announced the discovery of opal fragments found on a meteorite in Antarctica on June 27.

Falling rock is 'meteor-wrong,' DeWitt family told
Detroit Free Press
EAST LANSING — Just what the heck hit Daniel and Kathryn Seip's garage on West Herbison in Clinton County Saturday? A rock the size of a small ...

Meteorite or meteor-wrong?
Lansing State Journal
A rock hit the garage of Clinton County's Daniel and Kathryn Seip. It seemed to come from the sky. Was it a meteorite?

Putnam: Falling rock is meteor-wrong DeWitt family told
Lansing State Journal
Just what the heck hit Daniel and Kathryn Seip's garage on West Herbison in Clinton County Saturday?

Perseid Meteor Shower Night Hike at Stub Stewart State Park
Join us for a night hike at Stub Stewart State Park during the Perseidmeteor shower this year! Just outside the city away from much of the ambient light ...

2016 The THIRD Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

29 June 2016

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 29JUN2016

Researchers Trace Mercury's Origins to Rare Meteorite

Opal Discovered in Antarctic Meteorite

300g 'meteorite' crashes through roof of Thai house.

Asteroid day 2016: Ten facts about the celestial bodies on the eve of the global event
International Business Times UK
Asteroid day facts Astronomers observe the Gemenids meteor shower in the observatory of Avren. Meteors are asteroids that burn upon entry in the ...

300g 'meteorite' crashes through roof of Thai house.
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
AZ NV NM CA Bolide Meteor 02JUN2015 w/ 21 Videos. AZ NV NM CA Bolide ... New Zealand Fireball Meteor 07JUN2016 w/ Video. New Zealand ...

Around the Town: Meteor Crater to celebrate Asteroid Day
Arizona Daily Sun
In honor of Asteroid Day on Thursday, June 30, Meteor Crater will host an all-day celebration featuring arts and crafts, a costume contest, ...

Tracking down the Arizona fireball
Arizona State University
On June 2, a chunk of rock the size of a Volkswagen Beetle hurtled into the atmosphere over the desert Southwest at 40,000 miles per hour and broke .

Putnam: Falling rock is meteor-wrong DeWitt family told
Lansing State Journal
And Whitford witnesses a lot of meteor-wrongs, including another one from DeWitt area Tuesday that turned out to be metal slag. He's looked at more ..

Lie back on a summer night and look up at the sky
North Country Public Radio
The Perseid meteor shower is coming in August. Meteor showers take their names from the point in the sky from which they seem to emerge.

2016 The THIRD Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

Researchers Trace Mercury's Origins to Rare Meteorite

Researchers Trace Mercury's Origins to Rare Meteorite

Researchers trace Mercury's origins to rare meteorite
by: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, June 27, 2016

the paper is:

Namur, O., M. Collinet, B. Charlier, T. L. Grove, F. Holtz,
and C. McCammon, 2016, Melting processes and mantle
sources of lavas on Mercury. Earth and Planetary Science
Letters. vol. 439, pp. 117–128
and https://goo.gl/E0BYUa


Paul H.

ALL Pauls's Writings can be seen here-

2016 The THIRD Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!