Showing posts with label space trash. Show all posts
Showing posts with label space trash. Show all posts

08 July 2016

100% Space Trash: Cygnus re-entry video 22JUN2016

100% Space Trash: Cygnus re-entry video

A recent article on New Scientist shows a Cygnus spacecraft being incinerated during atmospheric re-entry.

The video was shot from a chartered aircraft out of Sydney, Australia - "to track the craft during its descent, recording how it brightened and broke up."

Note the **velocity** of the Cygnus spacecraft as it burns-up, which is much slower (relatively speaking) than a 'normal and natural' meteor/fireball/bolide.

This video can be used as a teaching tool to help differentiate between 'space trash' and space rocks - for future observations/reports.

Background 'space rock' update:

Overnight (7-July->8-July), there has been a small increase in the number of <0.5AU discoveries for current period "N" (1-Jul to 15-Jul).  The new total rose to 388, with 2016 NN15.

So far, in period "N", the number of <10LD new discoveries increased to a modest 5;  2 of which are in the >1<5LD range and 3 in the >5<10LD range.

Total <0.5AU discoveries for 2016, so far, is 30,258.  217 of these have close-approaches <10LD (0.7171%).

Source for stats: EISSCO

2016 The THIRD Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

07 March 2016

2 x Major USA fireball events: Sunday 06-March-2016

2 x Major USA fireball events: Sunday 06-March-2016
reported by  meteordetective
INITIAL POSTING: Mon-07-Mar-2016: 07:20GMT
Update 6) Tue 08-Mar-2015, 19:35Z

A video of what might be a third event at 21:45 Pacific has been posted to Youtube on XenonRocket's Channel.  I'm unable (no e-mail address available) to contact the YouTuber directly, but here's the embedded video.  According to the directions & location provided, the meteor seems to be travelling NE->SW.


Update 5) Tue-08-Mar-2015, 05:00Z

Overnight, I had a witness from the Dallas event e-mail me a full set of answers to the Sightings Questionnaire, which was invaluable in assessing the Texas sighting of 20:45 Central Time on Sunday 6-March-2016.

It would appear to have been a large bolide (-4 mag.) travelling South-North on a moderate descending trajectory.  The witness described the bolide as "Light orange in front with blue long tail. Very blue almost totally round in front then narrowing tail. Not like a far away shooting star."  Note the use of the word "round".  With regard to size, the witness states that it was: "Rounded front part was about size of thumb" (at arm's length), so the bolide was clearly large in size.

I'm still struggling to find any photos or videos of the event, so if you should find any, please let me know?

Thank you.


Update 4) Mon-07-Mar-2015, 19Z43.

Second confirmation that the 8:15 pm is a distinct and separate (and I believe to be space-trash at this point) event - compared to the slightly later 20:26 event (which looks like a proper fireball).  Second witness suggests that the space-trash landed east of route 101 - after coming-in at a steep angle.

No media coverage??


Update 3) Mon-07-Mar-2016, 18Z53.

Well, it seems that at least one of the California events was something man-made re-entering our atmosphere.  I've also had a report by e-mail of a potentially earlier event - around 8:10pm Pacific Time.  Here's the first video I've seen of what I strongly suspect is NOT a meteor/meteorite (at least for one of the California sightings).

Posted to Youtube by "Turtle Poster": 645 views.


Update 2) Mon-07-Mar-2016, 09:10 GMT

The first video has surfaced on YouTube.


Update 1 ) Mon-07-Mar-2016, 08:26 GMT

It looks like 2 events, 2 hours apart.  Initial reports are that the California fireball' was very large, although the 15-20 seconds sighting-length of the CA event suggests space-trash?  More data needed, please!

a) Texas, 20:45 Central Time / 02:45GMT
b) California, 20:25 Pacific Time / 04:25 GMT

I've checked by telephone with Vandenburg AF Base and they were not aware of any launches etc.

AMS' pending queue does not reflect the traffic that LunarMeteoriteHunters has been receiving, but AMS has both events in pending status.



Website traffic & a couple of e-mails suggest that there's been a major event over California USA on Sunday evening at +/- 8:30PM local time, with a second report from Dallas, TX for a similar time (don't know whether the events are related/same at this point).

If you witnessed this event and/or have images / video which you are happy to be posted (with credit) here on Lunar Meteorite Hunters website/blog, then please e-mail with the following information, if possible.

1) Time and location of sighting

2) Angle from observer to the object in the sky - i.e. 90 deg. = overhead to 0 deg. = ground-level.

3) Estimated elevation/height of the object(s)

4) Apparent direction of travel: decent angle (e.g. 45 deg. down) + azimuth (N to S etc)

5) Estimated size of the object(s) - using your thumb/thumbnail at arm's length as a comparison.

6) Velocity:  How many seconds to cross what portion (e.g. 1/2) of the sky

7) Brightness - (see for specific examples).

8) Fragmentation?

9) Sound?

10) Colour(s)?

11) Smell in the air?

12) Impact or shockwave damage?

Thank you for your contributions and information.  My intention is to post more information, along with the best images & videos - once I have more detail.

2016 The THIRD Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

20 November 2014

FAKED EVENT! Oklahoma Morning Super Bolide Asteroid or SPACE TRASH? 19NOV2014

Breaking News- Oklahoma Morning Super Bolide Asteroid or SPACE TRASH? 19NOV2014

FAKED Event Videos!...sorry folks I have a feeling... 
4 suspect videosno reports of event and no web traffic searching for it prior to posting- conclusion faked event.
"click on image to enlarge"
Oklahoma Early Morning Super Bolide Asteroid 19NOV2014
Photo Credit- Peter Gibbons
:"click on image to enlarge"
C 2014 Andy, UK
EISSCO - Intel
video 1

Oklahoma City Meteor this Morning
Posted on YouTube James West 24,124 views
Published on Nov 19, 2014
Look what i was lucky enough to capture this morning. Flew right by and north towards Edmond.

Video 2
Meteor in Oklahoma?
Posted on YouTube by  Peter Gibbons 877 views

Video 3
Falling Star streaking through Oklahoma
Posted on YouTube by Sasha Williams 453 views

Video 4
OKC Meteor Dash Cam Footage
Oliver Wilson 463 views

All meteor sighting reports can be seen here

update- 03DEC2014 FAKE ADMITTED

OKC Company Fesses Up To Meteor Spoof Video
News On 6
The videos, like the meteor spoof, highlighted a few of the things they can teach you, and the illusions a few key strokes and the right software can ...

2014 The Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

10 July 2014

MBIQ Detects Australia Meteor 10JUL2014 - Breaking News SPACE TRASH!

Breaking News- MBIQ Detects NSW QLD ACT VIC TAS Australia Meteor Approx 2145 AEST 10JUL2014 - Confirmed!
Likely Seen By Thousands!  May have been space trash or re-entry vehicle based on long duration of 20-40 seconds or more.
SPACE TRASH! - 14037J Debris
"click on image to enlarge"
NSW QLD ACT VIC TAS Australia Meteor Approx 2145 AEST 10JUL2014
v.4 c2014 LunarMeteoriteHunter / Google Earth
Photo of Meteor of Melbourne, Australia.
submitted by Christopher Byrne
115 sighting reports!
Check your security cameras!
Please file your meteor sightings please HERE-

Please help get the word about this event so that we might recover security camera video or cell phone captures; spread the word about this website via Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Reddit, GLP, SOTT and your favorite forums; contact your local news outlets; thank you!  Tell them about this website and event.

Meteor over central NSW
Posted by Kristian Harland 301 views

Meteor flies across Melbourne skyline
Posted to YouTube by Daniel Lattimer 270 views

Australia News Post-
Bright object spotted streaking over Melbourne sky

Initial Meteor Sighting Reports-
Toorak, Melbourne.
We saw a fireball dropping from the sky at approximately 9:50pm, we were unsure what it was, but googled and this website came up. We just thought we would report to you!
We saw it falling for about 10 seconds. - Rochelle and Tahna

10JUL2014 Dyllon Peiris Melbourne, VIC, Australia 21:40:00 AEST 25 seconds East to North Warm white streak, could see parts of the meteor breaking off Moon yes couldn't get a clear photo, watching through a window.

10JUL2014 Patrick Andreoli Noble Park, Melbourne, Australia 21:47:00 AEST lasted about 15 seconds from the NE heading NNW facing North 5 degrees about 25 degrees high in the sky no sound but along of red and green with two large tails of varying size as bright as the moon short small bursts of brightning granula fragmentation amazing

10JUL2014 Kim Oliver Paterson NSW 10.45pm 40-50 seconds sth to Nthwest in weston sky Bright Fire Ball extremely bright yell/orange looked like welding sparks very long tail

10JUL2014 Rory Buchanan Melbourne, VIC, AUSTRALIA 2145/UTC+10 40+ seconds S-N White/no sound Same as moon Yes, multiple large tail and coma, bright point, flames not straight

10JUL2014 Jude Billard Footscray, Victoria, Australia 2135 30 East to west. I was facing north Fireball I thought a plane had caught fire No big ball of flame A glimpse on my iPad camera




10JUL2014 Sarah Terry Northern country, Victoria, Inglewood, Australia 21:45:00 30 seconds Sth east heading nth west Bright, sparks and trail Sun Yes Very slow moving

10JUL2014 chris berowra, Australia 2140 15 Australia orange sun yes long tail, look like there were 2 objects the same size/ apperance, did not have phone on me to capture picture

10JUL2014 Wes Price ELMHURST, VICTORIA, AUSTRALIA 21:48:00 30 sec Travelling from south to north. Right to left Large yellow ball with a trail of bright cyan blue, appeared to glow orange and change to blue venus no Sensational viewing.

10JUL2014 Renita Wallan, Victoria, Australia 21:40:00 90 Facing north, it travel SE TO NW White Moon Yes, had a very long white tail Was driving so didn't get a photo, but it was pretty big

10JUL2014 Matt Melbourne, Australia 21:39:00 20-25 seconds from SE to Nw bright light with tail, bursts of light not constant light hot type sun type light, with bursts of brightness no but had a long visible tail It was quite big moving very fast and had some big bursts of light as it interacted with the atmosphere

10JULY2014 Jade Setter Sydney, NSW, Erskine Park, Australia 21.45 approx 10-15 seconds Travelling up Peppertree Drive Erskine Park travelling south-west, sighting in the sky travelling in a north-west direction. started from left to right. at first bright like a star, like a shooting star- then changed to a dark colour spread out with red/orange spots at first bright like a bunch of stars together then turned to a dark colour yes there was- turned to orange like specs in the sky dragging downwards started off looking like a shooting star and lasted longer than would be expected and then turned into a dark colour which looked like it was being spread out with red/orange parts spread behind it falling to the ground until it disappeared

10JUL2014 Sean Wilson Launceston, Tasmania, Australia 21:42:00 10-15 secs Traveling from NNE to North. I was facing north. Golden-ish with sparkling tail no sound Simular to moon or star Just a trail of sparks behind, no fragments breaking off. n Smoke like trail after sparking tail for a short distance

10JUL2014 ellen stone northcote melbourne australia 21:50:00 over 30 secs NE bright white and glowing yellow sun yes four tail headed due north, then descended

10JUL2014 Lynda Trundle NSW Australia 21.45pm 40sec s to nw red, orange, green, pink venus yes awesome sight

10JUL2014 Nathan Vermey St Georges Basin NSW Australia 2145/ 10+ GMT,PM descending slowly maybe 10-15 secs, looked more like a very fast plane West / traveling north, left to right Red orange trail, orange lead fragment and bright white trailing fragment in the trail of the first one, the second fragment was bright and twinkled like a star, no sound but the car was running Brighter than any stars, yes one main fragment behind buring bright white (for a few seconds), looked like many smaller fragments Had a massive trail behind it, holding a ruler at arms length it was about 5-6 cms, didn't hear a sound but the car was running, this is the first meteor i have seen, it was AWESOME!

10JUL2014 jennifer melbourne, Australia 21:46:00 60seconds heading NW bright white breaking off into several small trails moon yes large red tail behind meteor before breaking off

10JUL2014 Goran Doreen, Victoria 21:45:00 60+ facing east, light travelling left. yellow white moon parts were trailing it travelling for over 1 minute , then I lost it in the mist. had a huge glow around it.

10JUL2014 Jeremy Mcpherson braybrook, Australia 9.47 3 min West Red/orange/white tail very bright burned out close to round too late to photo

10JUL2014 Daniel Clarke Frankston, Melbourne, Victoria 2140 8 seconds facing 102°E went right to left white tail with orange ball about same as moon brightness no disappeared behind clouds, perhaps it burnt up?

10JUL2014 darren b Batemans bay nsw 2536 australia 22:00:00 around 30secs SW to NE Blue and white bit brighter than moon yes from my point of view was 10 inch long

10JUL2014 Mish Melbourne Victoria australia Approx 9.35 pm 60 sec North South I think Yellow/ gold Same as the sun Yes Biggest I have ever seen, very clear with a tail of light

MBIQ Data Set-
Croydon, Victoria arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for report meteor sighting australia.
20:55:00 -- 1 minute ago

West Hoxton, New South Wales arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: MBIQ Detects NSW & QLD, Australia Meteor 30NOV2012" by searching for meteorit sightings nsw.
20:51:58 -- 3 minutes ago

Sydney, New South Wales arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK Red Meteor Fireball 24MAR2011" by searching for newcastle meteorite.
20:50:41 -- 3 minutes ago

Australia arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor sightings.
20:50:23 -- 4 minutes ago

Sydney, New South Wales arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for 10 July meteor.
20:50:12 -- 3 minutes ago

Ryde, New South Wales arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for sighting in sky tonight.
20:49:31 -- 4 minutes ago

MBIQ Data Set-
Croydon, Victoria arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for report meteor sighting australia.
20:55:00 -- 1 minute ago

West Hoxton, New South Wales arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: MBIQ Detects NSW & QLD, Australia Meteor 30NOV2012" by searching for meteorit sightings nsw.
20:51:58 -- 3 minutes ago

Sydney, New South Wales arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK Red Meteor Fireball 24MAR2011" by searching for newcastle meteorite.
20:50:41 -- 3 minutes ago

Australia arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor sightings.
20:50:23 -- 4 minutes ago

Sydney, New South Wales arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for 10 July meteor.
20:50:12 -- 3 minutes ago

Ryde, New South Wales arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for sighting in sky tonight.
20:49:31 -- 4 minutes ago

All 115 meteor sighting reports can be seen here
2014 The Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

17 January 2014

نيزك Breaking News- MBIQ Detects Saudi Arabia Space Trash Fireball 16JAN2014

نيزك  Breaking News- MBIQ Detects Saudi Arabia Fireball Space Trash 23:15: Local 16JAN2014
with Fragmenttation!  Meteorites may have survived?! - with unconfirmed videos!

It has been determined that the event was caused by the re-entry of a rocket body.
Dr. Rob Matson writes, "
It was the reentry of the CZ-3B rocket body (International Designation 2008-028B) that launched Chinasat-9 back in June 2008. The reentry track goes right over central Saudi Arabia :
"click on image to enlarge"
 Saudi Arabia Space trash Fireball 23:15: Local 16JAN2014
v1 c2014 LunarMeteoriteHunter / Google Earth

نيزك يعبر فضاء المدينة المنورة2014/1/15
Posted on YouTube by العقل نعمه   views 216
Published on Jan 16, 2014 - My comment---Video faked or altered???

نيزك في سماء المملكة  16/3/1435
Posted to YouTube by Raed Al-harbi 68 views 
Published on Jan 16, 2014

سقوط نيزك في سماء المدينة المنورة
Posted on YouTube by fayez ALameri 270 viewsPublished on Jan 16, 2014

Report your meteor sightings please-تقرير مشاهد النيزك يرجى العربية يرام!

الرجاء المساعدة في الحصول على كلمة حول هذا الحدث، حتى نستطيع
استعادة الأمن كاميرا الفيديو أو يلتقط الهاتف الخليوي؛ نشر كلمة عن هذا الموقع عبر الفيسبوك، تويتر، يوتيوب وغيرها، والمنتديات المفضلة لديك؛ الاتصال وكالات الأنباء المحلية؛ وشكرا لكم

updates pending as more reports come in.
Report your meteor sightings please-

Please help get the word about this event so that we might recover security camera video or cell phone captures; spread the word about this website via Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Reddit, GLP, SOTT and your favorite forums; contact your local news outlets; thank you!
If you have video or photo captures please email me at

Initial Meteor Sighting Reports-
16JAN2014  Zaher Jeddah , Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 23:15:00 30 S-N, west side Red yellow Pale Yes 2 parts fallen It divided into 2 parts and continued the projectile

16JAN2014 Thousands of people Jeddah, Saudi arabia 18:05 UT It was slow West to east Big fire ball seen by thousands from all over the northern part of saudi arabia and from ceveral cities including Meddina city, Jeddah and eastern part of the country Very bright Maybe and other local websites wrote about it

16JAN2014 Ahmed Jamalullail Jeddah 23:10:00 Over 20 sec Looking towards North, Starts from NW to NE blue-greenish/no sound venus and blinking while breaking apart parts may have fallen towards east side to Jeddah's airport Video taken but show shiny dot as we were driving in the city.

16JAN2014 Rainier Vargas and family Jeddah, thaliyah cor Malik road past 11pm 30-40 west to east direction. white with touch of blue venus bright breaks into more fragments no photo or video taken.

MBIQ Data Set-
Jeddah,Makkah,Saudi Arabia
King Abdullah University Of Science And Technology(
17 Jan 05:59:55

Saudi Arabia arrived on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Breaking News- Ireland, Isle of Man, UK Fireball Meteor 15JAN2014".
07:17:56 -- 14 minutes ago

Jeddah, Makkah arrived on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 16JAN2014".
06:58:27 -- 33 minutes ago

Saudi News Report-
Astronomical Jeddah:" register "fireball" western"
Saudi Arabia rare phenomenon
a object atmosphere may be a stone Nizquia large or asteroid was young, when at about 23:00 local time, according to preliminary estimates, this offense Space reached a diameter of about nine meters, and weighs about 1,000 tons metric, and fell angle between about 15 and 20 degrees at about 55,000 kilometers per hour, and left behind a trail of dust extended for a distance of over 300 kilometers.. use Google Translate!
وكانت سماء الأجزاء الغربية من السعودية قد شهدت اختراق جسمٍ فضائي الغلاف الجوي قد يكون حجراً نيزكياً كبير الحجم أو كويكباً صغيراً، عند نحو الساعة 11:00 مساءً بالتوقيت المحلي، وبحسب التقديرات الأولية فإن ذلك الجرم الفضائي بلغ قطره نحو تسعة أمتار، ووزنه نحو 1000 طن متري، وسقط بزاوية ما بين حوالي 15 و20 درجة بسرعة حوالي 55.000 كيلو متر في الساعة، وترك خلفه ذيلاً من الغبار امتد لمسافةٍ تزيد على 300 كيلو متر تقريباً، وبلغ لمعانه الظاهري ما يفوق لمعان كوكب الزهرة. ...

All meteor sighting reports can be seen here

2014 The Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

25 December 2011

Breaking Major News - MBIQ Indicates Large Bolide Meteor Fireball Seen in Germany, Holland, France, Luxenbourg 24DEC2011

Breaking Major News - MBIQ Indicates Large Bolide Meteor Fireball Seen in Germany, Holland, France, Luxenbourg, Switzerland, Belgium, Italy, Denmark, and the Czech Republic ~17:30 (GMT+1) 24DEC2011 Meteor or Space Trash?  Duration indicates Space Trash But NOT Confirmed.
Meteor Bot Internet Query (MBIQ) has just triggered on a large event!
-LunarMeteorite*Hunter - Tokyo, Japan

We need YOUR reports PLEASE so that we can confirm.  Please Report your sighting! Thank you.

If you find this site useful please help by BOOKMARKING and POSTING A LINK to your site, facebook, youtube, twitter, News  Agencies, TV, Newspapers, or your favorite forum; thanks:

Researcher Daniel Fischer, Germany, writes:
It's already obvious that these reports - as well as the panicky eyewitness video 
- refer to the reentry ofthe upper stage of the Soyuz that launched the last ISS crew increment:
(found this all out within minutes thanks to Twitter, by the way). Funny a Dutchman was aboard, and now the debris has burned up over the Netherlands. :-)

Komet über Deutschland am 24.12.2011
Uploaded to YouTube by on 24 Dec 2011 21,329 views

Uploaded by on Dec 24, 2011 146 views
Filmed from Bergisch Gladbach, Germany

Uploaded on YouTube by on Dec 24, 2011108 views

Sighting Reports Thus Far; Thank YOU ALL! :
Sighting Reports for Germany / Europe Soyuz Trash Bolide Meteor Fireball 24DEC2011
(Click on Image to Enlarge)
v.1 (c) 2011 LunarMeteorite*Hunter / Google Earth
All Rights Reserved - May be used by Media IF citation to The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News and MUST have link to this site:    
24DEC2011 Chris Fischer Vaihingen a.d. Enz, Germany 17:30 CET 20-30 W-E White, no sound Slightly darker than moon. Dense cluster of fragments. Shortly disappeared behind clouds.

24/12/2011 Marco Hofmann Magdeburg/ Sachsen-Anhalt 17:30:00 15-20 sec N-W Yellow- white large tail with fire Moon After 20 seconds it split into fragments In the German TV news told that it could be a burnt piece of a space rocket.

24DEC2011 Leon van de Peppel Arnhem 17:30 CET About 20 sec. what i saw SW;NE White, Yellow brighter then the Moon Long stream of fragments behind (tail) No

24dec2011 Gerjan krul Nieuwleusen, netherlands 17:25 gmt+ 1 30 Right to left Yellow Brighter theb venus Last 5 seconds there were parts falling off. I was walking the dog when i looked in the sky, I thought it was a plane, but there were no blinking lights. I could watch it for 30 secs. It was bright yellow with a long tale. At last it fell a part and it vanished. My firts thought: WTF?!


12/24/2011 Davide Pirotti TORINO ( ITALY ) 17.30 CET 30 to 40 sec West to East warm white t oyellow more than moon 2 fragments - big vapour trail Impressive

24Dez2011 Birgit Haas Sprendlingen/Deutschland 17.35 50 Right to Left white/yellow Fireball 5-6 Fragment Es sah aus wie eine riesen Sternschnuppe mit sehr langem weissen Schweif, sehr schnell und kurz vor dem Verschwinden zerteilte sich der Feuerball noch einmal

24DEC2011 Katie Waiblingen, Germany 17:30/ CET 5-15 sec West to East Red, White, Orange, Yellow At least moon, maybe more Yes, 5 or 6 big pieces, more smaller ones (at least 10-12 total) Incredible, never seen anything like it before, Had a tail, long and thick

12/24/2011 Allison Reed Dijon, France 17:30:00 15-30 seconds possibly Left to Right White light; no sound Approximate brightness of moon There was a tail akin to a comet Very bright ball with a long tail. It lasted fir a remarkable length of time.

24DEC2011 Elisa Rhode Saint Genese (near Brussels), BELGIUM 17.25 UTC+1 15 seconds, but did not see the beginning SW-E very bright, warm colours, some fog around it, extremely long and thick tail, soundless quite bright i did not see fragments, but i only saw the last 15 seconds before it disappeared towards the horizon the warm colours that i saw (yellow/pink) might have been influenced by the remainder of the sun, as the sky was not entirely dark yet

24DEC2011 COUSSOT Jean-Louis Mâcon - France 16 h 30 zulu time  (17 h 30 local time) seen 10-15 second, then was masqued by clouds from west to east very white, can't ear sound because I was driving my car more than venus no fragments, but a nice tail Time is aproximative, I vas driving and I did'nt look at my clock. From Mâcon, it was 20-30° above horizon.

24Dec2011 Romain Halle/Saale, Germany 17:24 MET max. 20 sec East Right to Left yellow, red sparkles, no sound audible airplane searchlight a lot of fading fragments I've seen a lightball up to an minute before the major event. Unfortunally the sky was cloudy so it might be possible that the object travels from south to east.

12/24/2011 OLIVIER FILLER Forbach 17.35 1min 17.32 / 17.34 Sun / red no sound As sun I think there were fragment falled but I dont know where It was so big, big duration, brightness. It break in two parts

24dec2011 Fabian vermin Dinteloord, netherlands 17:30:00 15 sec W;S-E Large Gore Moon S-E Bright fire stripe

24DEC2011 Jutta Muehlsteff DRENSTEINFURT near MUENSTER, GERMANY 17:27/ CET 20 - 30 sec from right to left, W-E nothing heard, saw a huge burning object, first thought that it was something like an airplane crashing down/the object was orange and yellow, so actually looking like fire nearly as bright as the sun no fragments it seemed very close to earth and had an increasing speed

24.12.2011 Alex South Hameln Germany 16.3 3o secs west to east white/ orange venus broke up as we watched Tail bcame wider once broke up.

24/12/2011 BERNARD Mélanie Pierrefontaine les Blamont, France 17h27 2 min West-East yellow orange with white tail sun yes impressed

24.12.2011 Marie Polli Lugano Switzerland 17.30 +1gmt 30 sec. 17.30 from W to E, I was travelling from S to N any sound, yellow very brightness very big, it disappear over the mountains very beautiful

24dec2011 Hermann Meurer Hodeng Au Bosc 17.30 CET 45 sec SE - NW Bright clear Light Sun tail of burning fragments Low tractory - almost like airplane but to fast.

24DEC2011 Marcel Büdingen, Germany 17:25:00 45 sec S-W;N-E No sound Bright Not where I live. Most likely everything burned during the re-entry I took a video and posted it on youtube:

24DEC2011 Ttony Luxembourg city Approx 17.30 8 seconds East to West White with tail of debris Bright Parts falling off towards the West Very bright and large

24DEC2011 Achim Maier Lutzerath, Eifel, Germany approx. 17:25 1 Minute From West to East bright yellow-white, flamelike tail. The travelling path could be seen over a long time and distance. At the end it disintegrated completly. Moonlike Brightness Loads of parts breaking away. Incredible sight. Where 3 eye-whitnessses who never saw something like this before. First thought of a plane crashing.

24Dec2011 stefan albers Münster Germany ca. 17:30+x ca 90 sec wsw / ese - right to left One very bright, white, shining Objekt with a very long fire tail. After ca. 20 sec the objekt fell apart into several smaler objekts loosing its brightness. The smaller objekts had a more orange/yellow color. From our location the objekt fell apart in the south. The group of smaller objekts disapeared east/south/east of our location. The flightway was nearly horizontal, speed constant untill it fell apart then becoming little slower. bright fireball one objekt very bright, falling apart into 5-10 smaller p sorry, no photo

24DEC2011 Katherine Baumholder, Germany 1730 45 seconds Right to Left Fire Ball looking with a really long tail Sun Looked like sparklers falling off It was very big.  The way I could best describe it is as a "shooting star" but very large and very slow.  If a shooting star was extremely close to earth, I imagine this is what it would look like.  At first we were scared, we didn't know if it was a plane on fire and decending.  We watched it for about 45 seconds then it passed behind our building.

24DEC2011 onurb BEAUNE 17h30 (GMT+1) 60sec NO-NE yellow/orange venus smalls explosions yellow/orange with smalls fragments

24DEC2011 Klaus ZErhaft 86633 Neuburg, GErmany ca 17:30 CET ca 20 sec due to clouds NW to NE yellowish sparkling no sound brighter than moon first two parts, then one in front, at least eight smaller  following no

24DEZ2011 Christian Niederauer Landshut, Germany 17.30  (mesz+1) 10 left to right white color moon many fragments -

24Dec2011 Henning and Dina Lueneburg, Germany 17.30 (GMT+1) 30 N-E green, yellow, red moon one piece falling apart into ~5 bigger ones seemed to be slow, maybe bigger distance form earth?

24DEZ2011 Daniel Schmidt Solingen, Germany 17:37 h , CET 20 - 30 sec W-E He looks like Burning. I think he exploded. Five to ten seconds later there was a bang The brightness was changed frequently. I don't know. I think he is exploded. Was it a Meteor ?

24DEC11 Erica Gaiberg, Baden-Wurtemberg, Germany 1740 Central European Time 1-2 minutes all the way across the sky, west to east Yellow in color Same as moon, VERY bright long stream of fragments behind (tail) This was incredible.

24DEC2011 Joseph Martin Kaiserslautern, Germany 1730L 30 Sec NW Yellow/Orange Moon Yes.  Parts falling off. Looking west from Kaisreslautern

24DEC2011 Isaac David Mühlhausen Thüringen Germany 17:45 CET 30 sec S-W;N-E. Bright white and yellow Moon brightness After 20 seconds it split into fragments It was a big fireball with a long tale that lit up the sky, and after a few seconds it crumbled into smaller fragments

24DEC2011 Alain Avelgem, BELGIUM 1730 A One minute Direction of Travel: NORTH-EAST, Yellow Very bright No fragment, lots of sparks Probably flew over Brussels

24DEC2011 Angela Pforzheim, Germany 21:14:00 Very long, you could tell it was bright until it crashed West/East White in color. no sound, saw huge thick tail.. Split in two while breaking up.. HUGE SUN Yes, Broke in 2 Very big and bright, huge tail..definitely crashed on Earth

24/12/2011 David Finch Dusseldorf, Germany 17:20 CET approximately 2 minutes wsw-ene Yellow ball with trailing contrail, eventually broke into multiple smaller fragments brighter than anything else in the sky Fragments continuing in same direction as original object but with gradually trajectorieswidening N/A

24DEC2011 Dick vd Knaap HENGELO NETHERLANDS 17.25  utc+1 over 2 minutes SW-SW abt 10-15 degr above horizon mainly white larger then venus yes maybe piece of spacejunk?

24Dec2011 Kai Schakowski Essen, Germany 17:30 EET 30 sec SSE-SEE red/orange fireball I don't know Only eyewitnesses

24DEC2011 Thorsten & Thordis Nieder-Olm, Germany 17:30:00 40 sec West to East white, red sparkles,   brighter than Venus, less than moon Yes Amazing

24.12.2011 Joshua Luke Claudio Nürburgring Eifel Germany 5.30 p. M. App. 1 Minute West to East Bright yellowish to Orange Moon - Very Long duration...Must have been THE xmas star : ) the Timeline coincidence is quite baffling

24/12/2011 Jan Boertien Emmen, The Netherlands 17.25 app. 2 minutes Right to Left Yellow/white large tail with fire(20x object) Moon In the large tail sometimes fire pieces small film off bad quality

24DEC2011 Julien Mainz, Germany 1730 UTC+1 over 30 sec WSW-ESE yellow, white / no sound heard Very bright (as the moon) yes Never seen that before, very bright and big, a vapor trail behind was visible, it disappeared behind buildings. For a shooting star it was very big and slow but for an aircraft it was way too fast!

24DEC2011 Angelika Humbert Griesheim, Germany 17:30 CET 25sec W-E White, blue, bright Moon fragments, 4 seems to burn

24.12.2011 Stefan Meckenheim 17:22:00 25 sec. N-S Yellow-oragnge bright Yes no

24DEC2011 Kevin Platzer Mindelheim, Germany 17:32:00 20 sec W-E yellow/red moon No Fragment Noting

24DEC2011 Chris Steinsel, Luxembourg 17:28 CET 30 sec W orange/red brighter than Venus some, very small it was definitely Santa Claus!  :)

24DEC2011 Elvin Metz, France 17:45 pm 30 sec W-E No sound, the ball was big and very bright, with a very long tail of different colors Sun Yes I noticed small parts falling of while going towards east

24DEC2011 François W Peruwelz, Belgium 17h20 15-20sec E right to left white hight yes amazing!

24Dec2011 Gretchen Kuchta Brucken(Pfalz), Germany 17:30:00 Over 1 minute W-E Large yellow/orange ball with tail and fragments Brighter than moon Yes many fragments Left a trail like a plane in the sky. Something was definitely burning.

24DEC2011 Andy Montfort 17:25 CET 10 sec-20 sec Travelling from south to nord. didn't stop in the sky, but disappeared behind the trees. Red/orange color without sound A bit brighter than the moon Didn't see there where falling part off Pretty long lightstream

24DEC2011 Karolina Dudelange, Luxembourg 17:30:00 20sec W-E One bright yellow/orange object with long tail, sparkle fire. Constant speed. No sound. Moon, warm colors Lot of parts coming off Something burning, probably not a plane because of horizontal path.

24/12/2011 massimo Como, Italy 17:30:00 30-40 SECONDS W-E long yellow/orange tail. body brighter. No sound very bright long tail of fragments never seen something similar; I even thought it was a plane in flames. It seemed very close.

24.12.2011 Diego&Juanita Moenchengladbach-rheydt, Germanz 17:30:00 around 30 seconds direction east. no sound, wide and long bright yellow comet shaped brighter than Venus no parts falling of, but a wide stripe Looked as it was not flying too high, it seemed more as an airplane in flames from our point of view

24DEC2011 LolaG Luxembourg 17:30:00 90 sec E-W Yellow, long tail moon moon Video

12/24/2011 Ulrich Schäffer Bensheim/Hesse/Germany 17:40 CET 10 s - disappeared behind Bergstrasse mountains Direction: East yellow and white light. Span about 10 degrees. Moved quickly. No sound. between venus and moon multiple fragments - 5-10 pieces. one large one at the top Bearing: east

24DEZ2011 Frank Grajetzky 59174 Kamen Germany ~17:30? 10-20sec SW/SE light rumble full moon yes, 4-5 It went from SW over S to SE Before moving out of view it fell apart. Somehow I had the impression that it was quite near and round about 30° above horizon.

24.12.2011 Bernd and Nadine Gerchsheim, Germany 17:23  GMT+1 more than 30 seconds W-E bright white similar to the moonlight - Quite amazing.We were deeply impressed. And this at Chrismas evening- we also thought of "Star of Bethlehem".

24DEZ2011 Nepomuk GIessen 17:20 MEZ 15sec W-E orange red white moon No it looked like the Christmas Star

24DEC2011 ROGER SIEUW 7910 WATTRIPONT BELGIUM +/- 5.25 pm (GMT+1) About 15 sec from W to NE/E Long Yellow trail of fire Brighter than moonlight, more yellow/orange color No Was just going to enter my car

24.12.2011 Jürgen Lux Kaiserslautern, Germany ca. 17:25 seen for 5-10 sec east of Fischbach very brigh with white, yellow, red tail very bright (at least as bright as moon) no never seen such a bright observation before

24DEC2011 Nathalie Huncherange, Luxembourg +/- 17.30 30 sec - 1m east to west no sound, white very bright, moon no no

24DEC2011 Benno Reinhard Vaihingen, Enz, Germany 17:20:00 about 30 sec S,N changed from bright white to orange/red bright like a plane landing started with one shining point, broke apart to 2,3 parts, later about 10 parts raining to earth at the horizon remembered me to pictures of the space shuttle crash in 2002

24.12.2011 Ramoner H. LAIVES, LEIFERS, ITALY 17:25 (Timezone +1) 10 sec (house blocked the vision) from W to E Bright Fireball, emitting sparks Venus emitting sparks no

24Dec2011 Sharma Luxembourg ville, Luxembourg 17:30 hrs CET 10 sec West to East white and yellow head with tail Very bright no parts falling...disappeared after following an arc path it was very bright and was not sure what it was. 4 of us saw if from terrace

12/24/2011 Ronnie Sawyer Kaiserslautern Germany 1720 15-25 right to left light orange, yellow, glittery moon no, was entact thinking space trash, I have seen comets, and meteor showers. This was not one of the two.

24Dec2011 Mark Christensen Mackenbach, Germany 1730 CET 45-60 seconds. From the western horizon it traveled directly east overhead until far east of me. Yellow and orange.  Could see disintegration as pieces fell off. Brighter than the moon. Many fragments. It looked like it broke up and stopped glowing, maybe pieces fell to the east of me (but at that height could be many miles).

24DEC2011 Alex D Euskirchen, Germany 17:29 MEWT 25 sec (i guess i saw the last 1/3 of its way, so it must have been about 1,5 min in total) from S to W in 50-100 km distance east from Euskirchen when i noticed it i thought i saw a glowing can with a tail of fire. when i opened the window (coz reflexion) the object was completely covered in flames and a few pieces fell off. Color was that of a normal fire, yellow/orange. I think i saw something glowing white before i opened the window, could be my imagination tho. same as a burning house (or two) Yes, there were about 5-10 parts falling off a once in a lifetime experience. i like to watch the sky, so i saw something similiar, but way smaler once. (duration 10 sec, fireball falling then burning up in atmosphere, same speed, same colour). this object was too slow for a meteor and way toooo fast for a plane, i guess it was about the speed of a satelite, maby a bit slower, but it was bigger than a satelite. i guess it was the size of a wagon (train). the vector and altitude were unique. it seemed like a landing plane, so the kinetic energy must have been enormous, wich means that it was a very massive object, not a rock or ice, but steel. I guess it is either a part of a space station or a massive piece of space junk. in any case, it was stunning. a nice little xmas present from the heavens ;)

24DEC2011 Andrea Hoehn Leimrieth/Thuringia/ GER 17.30 EST at least 30 secs W-E / left to right yellow to orange/ no sound bright like the moon one bigger centrepiece with a few smaller pieces surrounding that Maybe the star of Bethlehem again?

24DEC2011 Mathias Debonne KORTRIJK 17:00 CET About 15 sec Right to Left Bright Yellow/Orange As bright as fireworks Don't know /

24DEC2011 Peter Kirkel / Saarland   GER ca. 17:30 longer than 30sec from east to west, nearly zenith position, slow movement Colors were  bright yellow, orange and white. first looked like ISS passing by,   then I could see a faint stream like seen on high-flying airplanes, this stream remained for few minutes at the sky. no sound brighter than venus It looked  like it´s been torn in fragments, did not see it exactly. No falling parts seen. never seen this before,  really amazing, perfectly matching for  X-mas when we were walking around in the fields with the children

24/11/2011 Chris Robinson Stuttgart 17: 28 20 seconds NW to SE Left to Right Bright mixture of white and yellow tail orange and red speckled head The tail was bright white A very long tail that spanned at least half the sky At first I thought it was a low flying jet because it seemed to have 4 separate trails.It seemed to stop quickly at this point it bcame obscured by clouds but th eglow of the trail filtered through the cloud.

24DEC2011 Danny Olson TOFTLUND, DENMARK 17:27 UTC+1h 30 W-E WHITISH YELLOW Nearly as Venus Fragments and spreading trail I have discovered that my sighting was of Expedition 30's Soyuz booster.

24.12.2011 Marko Fuchs Breitingen (near Ulm) South Germany, in between Stuttgart and Munich. approx 17:30 15 sec at least left-right / west-east Bright white, approx size in the sky of a fighter jet but about 20-30% faster I would say. No sound. Looked very close, saw it cover the whole sky, before it disappeared behind a low hill facing far west. As it disappeared it was starting to break up into fragments. Far east above cloud level, far east I would say below. Bright white Yes, as I faced east. A breathtaking sight!

12/24/2011 francis whiting langres france 17.25  cet 15 sec sw----ne white moon long tail fantastic!

24/12/2011 Siva Lübeck 17.3 45 sec. From Left to Right over the whole horizont white Yellow Orange 10x venus maybe baltic sea north over berlin? we try

12/24/2011 Buck Spangdahlem AB, Germany Approx 1530 More than 2 minutes, children saw it....we ran to watch, showed dad through separate room, run outdoors and then get neighbor to watch with us. Right to left Yellow ball, white....glowing orange, looked to be on fire.   Extremly bright, looked to be on fire. Yes!  Husband saw it split off into at least different pieces each with their own tail.  We saw them disintegrate among the trees behind our home. Awesome site!  Thought satellite or possibly a plane crash since we are on a military base, quite scary.

24DEC2011 Michael Thurn 79853 Lenzkirch GERMANY est. 17:30 10 -15 s est. W-O white yellow sun yes impressive - never seen before

24.12.2011 Gerhard Neinert 61381 Friedrichsdorf Germany 17:30 GMT+1 30sec started at SE Declination 70° going east no sound - white and red like the moon behind some clouds - not too bright but still eye-catching seemed to be hundreds of parts arround it - many sparks fireball with a lot of "sparks" arround and in its tail - visible for about 30seconds - turned dark red and vanished about 15° above the horizon (behind the clouds?) I'm still wondering why I could see this because at the time the sky was cloudy - was it beneath the clouds? ... or was it so bright that it shone through the clouds?

24DEZ2011 Michael Lörrach (BW), Germany ~ 17:30 MEZ (UTC +1:00) 10 - 15 sec. W-E no noice seems to burn no parts falling off This picture nearly describes what we saw: Img_16_9_450_32390328.jpg1474129217090178559.jpg

24th dec 2011 Fernie Kaiserslautern 1730 60sec or longer heading towards mainz Ball of white no sound bright like the sun looked like behind it All I could think is WTF what ever it was it was traveling fast and about 15 mins latter I heard a two booming sounds, what ever it was it sounded like it crashed! I never seen anything like this in my life!

24DEC2011 Brynn & Tommy Neuwied, Germany 17:30 Timezone CET 30 seconds From East to West and From Right to Left White ball, did not hear anything. Unnaturally lighter and brighter than the moon.   There was a tail, it did not look parts were falling off.   It looked like it was burning and the tail was very long and stayed in the sky for a considerable amount of time.  It was slow moving too.  (not like anything we have ever seen before.)

24DEC2011 Angela Munich, Germany Around 17.30 Less than 1 minute Left to Right White of a group of circa 7 stars. Not seperately, but more like in a bunch. Like falling star, but this time is around 7 stars at the same time. I don't think so. It happened so fast so I cannot take picture or video.

24.12.2011 Hana Pilsen, Czech Rep. 17.29 aprox. 20-25 sec. NW to NE glowing yellow ball with a long tail and followed by many other smaller balls with tails also. bright  and warm collors of sun Parts following the main one wow...amazing spectacle

24DEC2011 Jennifer Euerbach, Germany (Bavaria) 17:30 CET 30-45 seconds right to left white/yellowish very bright, like a fireball At first, no fragment. Just a big ball of fire. Then, after it made an arc over my head, it fell to the left and broke into a few pieces. Started like a big fireball coming from the right. I thought it was some kind of shuttle taking off, which made no sense. Then, as it came closer, the big fireball began to arc right over my head and I saw it had a long white tail. As it continued it's journey, it broke off into pieces and almost seemed to glitter as the white tail followed behind. And then, after it had passed over me, it began to fall to the left and eventually burned out or something. It was the most beautiful thing I ever saw. It was like those fake xmas ornaments with a star and a tail trailing behind it. Execept it was real. Just a beautiful fireball of white with a white tail arching across the clear black sky.

For All Sighting Reports:

MBIQ Data Sample for 23/24DEC Bolide Meteor Fireball Event Germany and Europe
Location of Fireball Sightings UNKNOWN at this time.
v.1 (c) LunarMeteorite*Hunter / Google Earth
Copy only with Citation and Link to this site

MBIQ Data Sample:
Egelsbach, Hessen arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 21DEC2011" by searching for meteorit 2011 dezember.
01:41:40 -- 8 minutes ago

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01:42:00 -- 8 minutes ago

Bielefeld, Nordrhein-Westfalen arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteorit 2011.
01:42:47 -- 7 minutes ago

Mertesdorf, Rheinland-Pfalz arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteorit 2011.
01:43:04 -- 7 minutes ago

Duisburg, Nordrhein-Westfalen arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Mölltaler will Meteoriten gesehen haben 15APR2009" by searching for meteorit gesehen.
01:43:29 -- 7 minutes ago

Ramstein-miesenbach, Rheinland-Pfalz arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for germany streak sky.
01:44:00 -- 7 minutes ago

Wiesbaden, Hessen arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor in germany 24.12.11.
01:44:53 -- 6 minutes ago

Apeldoorn, Gelderland arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteoriet 24.
01:44:23 -- 7 minutes ago

Sainte-savine, Champagne-Ardenne arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteorite 24 12 2011.
01:44:24 -- 7 minutes ago

Hattersheim, Hessen arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteorit 2011.
01:45:09 -- 7 minutes ago

Remscheid, Nordrhein-Westfalen arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteoriten 2011.
01:45:18 -- 7 minutes ago

Ingolstadt, Bayern arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for shooting star german sky.
01:45:28 -- 7 minutes ago

Frankfurt Am Main, Hessen arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 20DEC2011" by searching for meteorit 2011 dezember .
01:45:39 -- 7 minutes ago

Germersheim, Rheinland-Pfalz arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Miltitz, Germany Several Meteors 20NOV2011" by searching for meteor in german sky.
01:46:40 -- 6 minutes ago

Merl, Luxembourg arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteorit 2011 december.
01:47:37 -- 6 minutes ago

Leer, Niedersachsen arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Breaking News: ID, MT, WA, OR; BC, Canada Meteor Fireball 23DEC2011" by searching for meteoriten deutschland 24.12.2011.
01:48:20 -- 5 minutes ago

Arnsberg, Nordrhein-Westfalen arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Updated! Poland Meteorite Fall 30APR 2011 The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 4MAY2011" by searching for meteor in nrw 2011.
01:48:29 -- 5 minutes ago

Birmensdorf, Zurich arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteorite.
01:48:52 -- 5 minutes ago

Amsterdam, Noord-Holland arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteoriet 2011.
01:50:02 -- 5 minutes ago

Hellendoorn, Overijssel arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Breaking News: ID, MT, WA, OR; BC, Canada Meteor Fireball 23DEC2011" by searching for meteoriet 24 december 2011.
01:50:51 -- 4 minutes ago

Den Haag, Zuid-Holland arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 23DEC2011" by searching for 23-12-2011 meteoor.
01:51:57 -- 3 minutes ago

Krefeld, Nordrhein-Westfalen arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Aachen, Germany Meteor 16JUN2011" by searching for meteor report germany.
01:52:08 -- 4 minutes ago

Darmstadt, Hessen arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Soest, Germany / Holland Fireball Meteor 16OCT2011" by searching for meteor germany.
01:55:53 -- 1 minute ago

News Agencies citing The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News:

Any other sighting reports? Please report: Date and Time of event? Location name (town,city) where you were when saw the meteor? Start and Stop location in sky? Direction of movement? Duration of Event (seconds)? Brightness ( in comparison with Venus, Moon, Sun) color, sounds? Photos? Videos? See the Report Button at the top sidebar. Your reports make it possible for all to check what they saw as well. Thank you!
2011 The Year of Meteors!