13 January 2011

Jackson, Mississippi MAJOR Bolide Meteor Fireball 11JAN2011 Update 13JAN2011

mississippi surveillance video meteor flash tues 11th jan 2011

posted on YouTube by MajorVideos1 | January 12, 2011  53views

Possible meteor down South (video)

45 sec - 3 hours ago
CNN takes a look at images of what could have been a meteor over the Southern states.

Meteor Flashes Across Alabama Sky (video)
A meteor visible from Oklahoma to the Florida panhandle flashed across the sky Tuesday night. (picture in video of green fireball is NOT from this event!)

From Readers of The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News:

Hello, I'm Hoyt Harris, news anchor at KATC (ABC) in Lafayette, LA. I just happened to be returning to the station last night when, exiting my car, I saw falling to Earth at a 45-degree angle, a green, glowing ball of light, with a tail behind it. My first thought was: "Kids, shooting leftover New Year's Eve foreworks." 
But as I entered the newsroom, our producer said we were receiving calls from viewers about "lights in the sky." I immediately posted a query on Facebook and within seconds, friends/viewers began commenting that they, too, had seen the same thing.

Hoyt Harris
KATC anchor
Lafayette, LA

Note: I will post more later. Please check back.  Thank You.  LunarMeteorite*Hunter

Two Bolides! Mississippi Bolide Meteor Fireball 11JAN2011 UPDATE

Jackson, Mississippi area was visited by AT LEAST two large green bolides on last night 1-1-11!

..."I was watching TV around 9 pm and heard rumbling outside, i walked out my back door just about the time a bright greenish light appeared in the northern sky heading west. It seemed to be a large meteor or something resembling one moving very fast across the sky.

It was a bit unnerving to see something that large and bright moving across the sky, then a few minutes later a second light appeared a little smaller than the first moving in same direction also with a low rumble following. "... Michael S. (contact info on record)
Thank you Michael S. and all for your kind reports!

Please help support my website; post a link to my site:  http://lunarmeteoritehunters.blogspot.com/ on your forum or news site or in the comments of other news reports related to this meteor event; thanks!

12 January 2011

Washington State Takes a Meteor Fireball Whack as Well??? 12JAN2011

Did you see that? (CLICK on Image)  (c)2011 LunarMeteorite*Hunter
Green Bolide in Washington State

Jan 12 2011, 10:40 PM
Guest874 (guest):Friends saw the green flashes in sky in seattle, wa around 3:30am.. also saw something explode in sky, no joke

Jackson, Mississippi MAJOR Bolide Meteor Fireball 11JAN2011 Breaking News

Orion the Hunter (C) 1997 Shinobu Takesako 

Major Bolide Meteor Fireball Event Detected!

12JAN2011 around 8:45CST  UTC 02:24

More Details to Follow. 

Mississippi, Alabama, North Carolina, Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Florida all have reports

Anyone with detailed info, security camera video, cell phone images or photos please email:
lunarmeteoritehunter@gmail.com  Thank you!

KATV and KTHV out of Little Rock AR are both talking about it

Ball of Fire Turns Out to be Meteor 
by WKRG Staff The mysterious flash of light that many of our viewers reported seeing earlier Tuesday night was caused by a meteor strike in Oklahoma. ...
What was Falling From the Sky Over Arkansas Tuesday Night?
The National Weather Service tells KARK they believe it may have been a meteor shower, although no such event was forecasted, according to earthsky.org. ...

Ball of fire turns out to be meteor near Oklahoma
Today's THV
The Sebastian County Sheriff's Office says it was a meteor and likely hit near Poteau Mountain, Oklahoma. We contacted amateur astronomer Steven Meeks who ...

Mysterious 'flash of light' causes uproar
Jackson Clarion Ledger
Drane said he was told by a weather expert the light might have been a stray meteor from a recent meteor shower. National Weather Service meteorologist Eric ...
Huge Fireball Spotted Over Southeast US
KATC Lafayette News
At roughly 8:50pm local time an apparent meteor was spotted by observers in Acadiana including KATC's Hoyt Harris. Hoyt and Acadiana were not alone in the ...

Meteor seen streaking across southern sky
Several viewers reported seeing a bright flash of light streaking across the sky Tuesday night.
Mysterious 'flash of light' causes uproar

"The majority of those who heard the boom were near the town of Hopewell just southeast of Crystal Springs."

A large event has occurred in the Jackson, Mississippi area in the US.

Katie wrote a new comment on your post "Breaking News UPDATE- 6 NEOs Asteroids, Close Appr... 
hey, I was sure where to post this. I have been searching for if anyone just saw what i saw!!! I am in Bossier City, Louisiana. I was walking my dogs at 9p.m. CST, and thought I was seeing a shooting star, until it got huge, continued to fall, and turned bright green! It fell behind our apartment complex, and I am guessing it hit the ground, because in that direction the sky lit up bright green. It was crazy, I've never seen anything like it, and I wanted to share.

Keah Simon wrote,
My kids and i were driving on the interstate 3-10 approaching Kenner, Louisiana about 8:45 p.m. this evening when i saw huge sea green colored ball with flames tailing. I instantly yelled "Look a shooting star!" Then realized it was a meteor. It came powerfully spiraling downwards towards the marsh below , to the left of us. It was astonishing ! Looking back in my mirror still surprised of what we witnessed, i saw the sky light upon, what must've been  ,the impact into the earth. We couldnt have been more then 2 miles away from it. It was absolutely beautiful.

virgogirl61981 wrote:
I was sitting outside smoking, and saw a blue streak n I look up within a split second I see a blue ball of fire and its gone! Scared me! I ran inside! Never seen anything like it! It was about 8:50 pm in waynesboro,MS on 1-11-11.

Jan 12 2011, 1:40 PM
Sherry Spruill Young: could the meteor that reportedly hit near the ar ok border tonight have caused a sonic boom? and does anyone know about what time it hit? something rattled windows and shook homes here in southeast ar, and nobody can find a cause.

Jan 12 2011, 2:01 PM
Sherry Spruill Young: A local tv station is reporting people as far away as Florida saw the meteor that reportedly hit near Poteau Mountain,OK
Jan 12 2011, 2:02 PM
Sherry Spruill Young: Other people are reporting a meteor hitting around the same time in Covington County Mississippi 

KATV and KTHV out of Little Rock AR are both talking about it

Anonymous wrote:
Saw a huge quick flash of light overhead that lit up St. Dominic's Hospital in Jackson, Mississippi about 8:45 pm tonight, 1-11-11. Until now, I thought it was just a huge flash of light from the rooftop of the building or some type of flash from the nearby interstate. It was a quick flash of bright white light on the ground and on the building. Guess it was a meteor. 

Breaking Major Meteor Event in Mississippi, USA Detected! 11JAN2011 12JAN2011

Green Meteor Seen (c) NICHD 2006
A large event has occurred in the Jackson, Mississippi area in the US. First to Post thanks to READERS of The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News!!

Katie wrote a new comment on your post "Breaking News UPDATE- 6 NEOs Asteroids, Close Appr... 
hey, I was sure where to post this. I have been searching for if anyone just saw what i saw!!! I am in Bossier City, Louisiana. I was walking my dogs at 9p.m. CST, and thought I was seeing a shooting star, until it got huge, continued to fall, and turned bright green! It fell behind our apartment complex, and I am guessing it hit the ground, because in that direction the sky lit up bright green. It was crazy, I've never seen anything like it, and I wanted to share.

Jan 12 2011, 1:40 PM
Sherry Spruill Young: could the meteor that reportedly hit near the ar ok border tonight have caused a sonic boom? and does anyone know about what time it hit? something rattled windows and shook homes here in southeast ar, and nobody can find a cause.

11 January 2011

Germany Large Bolide Fireball 8JAN2011 Update 11JAN2011

Geislingen, Germany and Surrounding   
(click to on image enlarge)  (c) Google Earth 2011, LunarMeteorite*Hunter

Der Meteorit wird gesucht

Südwest Presse - ‎9 hours ago‎
Der helle Meteorit, der am Samstag am Abendhimmel über Geislingen zu sehen war, sorgt für Aufsehen - vor Ort und bei Meteoritenkundlern. ... (more in German; please use Google or Babel Fish translator)
Geislingen  The bright meteor, the Saturday evening sky was overlooked on Geislingen to provide a stir - on site and in meteorite science learning...

Search for Meteorite Underway!
Sorry at this time I cannot provide the translation due to copyright.  The Germans, Swiss (perhaps the Belgians with newly-trained meteorite rats, Dutch, Austrians, Poles, Italians, French, Russians and others) are or soon will be at the proposed fall location.  The German and Swiss teams are already in the area interviewing and searching. 

if you have any information that you would like to provide please email me:
lunarmeteoritehunter@gmail.com   Thank you!

Breaking News- Massachusetts Meteor Reported 10JAN2011

Breaking Meteor/Meteorite News
Reported by a reader from Massachusetts:

Guest268 (guest): 1-10-2011 Fireball spotted north of Merrimac MA Heading from a south direction split into 3 parts. around 9:00 PM EST
(email address on file) Thank you for your report! LunarMeteorite*Hunter

If anyone else has information or photos of this event please email me at LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com   Thank you!

Breaking News UPDATE- 6 NEOs Asteroids, Close Approaches for Earth on 1-1-11 11JAN2011

NOW 6 NEOs (Near Earth Objects)
to make close approach on 1-1-11
 - one recently discovered

(2009 BS5) Asteroid close approach 1-1-11 (c)NASA/JPL/Caltech

Expect an increase in fireball/bolide/meteor/meteorite activity for the rest of January 2011!

We have already had and will have more
  bright green fireballs-meteors-bolides
as we approach the date of 11JAN2010, TODAY!!!  and until the end of the month.

Cameras/ cellphones ready? Please email if you capture one.   LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com

 Three to watch are Asteroid 2009 BS5 and 2011 AH5 with lunar distances (LD) of 3.4
(1 305 600Km = ~811262 miles,  NOT exactly real close but close enough):
8.8 m - 20 m

(2011 AH5) 2011-Jan-130.00863.417 m - 38 m25.99.77

1 AU = ~150 million kilometers
1 LD = Lunar Distance = ~384,000 kilometers


(2011 AN1) 2011-Jan-100.01425.57.8 m - 17 m27.77.13
(2009 BS5) 2011-Jan-110.00873.48.8 m - 20 m27.45.56
(2010 XC25) 2011-Jan-110.158461.7180 m - 400 m20.817.58
(2011 AC3) 2011-Jan-110.066926.097 m - 220 m22.217.89
(2000 AZ93) 2011-Jan-110.047718.6210 m - 470 m20.57.86
(2007 AA9) 2011-Jan-110.171066.598 m - 220 m22.29.30
(2005 EE) 2011-Jan-110.099838.8170 m - 370 m21.07.42
152563 (1992 BF) 2011-Jan-120.180170.1310 m - 690 m19.77.32
(2011 AH5) 2011-Jan-130.00863.417 m - 38 m25.99.77
(2009 TP) 2011-Jan-130.184871.952 m - 120 m23.56.58
(2011 AB3) 2011-Jan-170.092936.150 m - 110 m23.65.48
(2001 BA16) 2011-Jan-180.182370.918 m - 41 m25.89.97
(2007 CA27) 2011-Jan-200.138453.9160 m - 360 m21.115.77
(2010 XB24) 2011-Jan-220.164363.9110 m - 250 m21.98.58
(2002 BN) 2011-Jan-220.189973.9220 m - 490 m20.417.30
(2003 YO3) 2011-Jan-260.162863.3490 m - 1.1 km18.716.61
(2001 CQ36) 2011-Jan-310.125548.877 m - 170 m22.78.75
(1999 CG9) 2011-Jan-310.094836.924 m - 53 m25.24.45

NEOs of January 2011 Credit: NASA/JPL 2011
For more information please visit the NASA /JPL NEO site http://neo.jpl.nasa.gov/ca/

10 January 2011

Germany Large Bolide Fireball 8JAN2011 10JAN2011

Very bright GREEN fireball Saturday, 01/08/2011 17:51 GMT in Germany
Map of the intersecting lines of sight from the end point (c) Mark Vornhusen  2011
  I do not have their permission to post their 2 spectacular photos or video -
Links: http://www.meteoros.de/php/viewtopic.php?p=33984

Video (with VLC Player Watch): 

If someone has more information (newspaper stories, eye-witness reports, etc.), videos or photos of this event please contact me: lunarmeteoritehunter@gmail.com

Thank you Gary Fujihara in Hawaii for the news tip.