Showing posts with label Geislingen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Geislingen. Show all posts

11 January 2011

Germany Large Bolide Fireball 8JAN2011 Update 11JAN2011

Geislingen, Germany and Surrounding   
(click to on image enlarge)  (c) Google Earth 2011, LunarMeteorite*Hunter

Der Meteorit wird gesucht

Südwest Presse - ‎9 hours ago‎
Der helle Meteorit, der am Samstag am Abendhimmel über Geislingen zu sehen war, sorgt für Aufsehen - vor Ort und bei Meteoritenkundlern. ... (more in German; please use Google or Babel Fish translator)
Geislingen  The bright meteor, the Saturday evening sky was overlooked on Geislingen to provide a stir - on site and in meteorite science learning...

Search for Meteorite Underway!
Sorry at this time I cannot provide the translation due to copyright.  The Germans, Swiss (perhaps the Belgians with newly-trained meteorite rats, Dutch, Austrians, Poles, Italians, French, Russians and others) are or soon will be at the proposed fall location.  The German and Swiss teams are already in the area interviewing and searching. 

if you have any information that you would like to provide please email me:   Thank you!