Showing posts with label 11JAN2011 Mississippi large meteor event. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 11JAN2011 Mississippi large meteor event. Show all posts

14 January 2011

Major Breaking News...NASA Revising Size And Weight of Mississippi Bolide 1-1-11 Upward...14JAN2011

ELP Allsky - Jim Gamble reports:

Major Breaking News...NASA Revising Size And Weight of Mississippi Bolide Upward...13JAN2011 Announces Fall Zone

NASA Huntsville has confirmed that the bolide which exploded over Mississippi on Jan 11, 2011 is a "meter class" object yielding an explosive equivilent of roughly 80 tons of TNT and weighing over a metric ton at detonation. Original estimates put the object's size at 21 inches diameter and weighing 171 kilograms. In an ELPALLSKY interview with the Director of NASA's Meteoroid Environment Office in Huntsville AL, Dr. Bill Cookeat 16:45 MST 01/13/11, Cooke says "the meteor exploded at a high altitude and likely scattered fragments over a large area". Cooke also said "infrasound signatures from the event place the debris fall zone over Jackson Mississippi". This coincides with the original thinking of Dirk Ross Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News of Tokyo, Japan who theorized Jackson, Mississippi as the potential fall zone just after the event time of 20:45 CST on 1/11/11.

Thanks Dr. Cooke and Jim Gamble.
Bill Cooke NASA Blog

13 January 2011

Readers of Meteor/Meteorite News 11JAN2011 13JAN2011

From Readers of Meteor/Meteorite News:

Jan 12 2011, 2:42 PM
Sherry Spruill Young: filled out report, must get to bed. have work in the morning!

Jan 12 2011, 3:18 PM
drtanuki: Sara Zacarias email me please

Jan 12 2011, 10:41 PM
drtanuki: YES,Already other reports. Thank you.Please do fill out the AMS official fireball report and please email me so that I have your contact

Jan 13 2011, 3:41 AM
Guest858 (guest):Went to get a smoke right before "V" came on TV. Really scared the heck out of me to see a huge bright flash in the sky. I live in Pearl River Mississippi.

Jan 13 2011, 4:15 AM
Guest370 (guest):What I saw last night before 9 p.m. from Battles Wharf, Alabama could best be described as a single shot "roman candle" firework.Greenish and very bright with trailing sparks. That's what it appeared to be when it kept going - then I realized it was a HUGE meteor.

Jan 13 2011, 4:40 AM
(guest): I was walking with my husband last night in biloxi, ms around 8:45pm. I saw something that looked like a firework falling above the rooftop. I pointed it out to my husband just as it went behind the roofs. Then there was a huge flash that looked like lightening. So awesome!

Jan 13 2011, 9:48 AM
Sherry Spruill Young: So I'm wondering, are ALL of the reports from the Southern US last night from a single event, or were there 2 events?

Jan 13 2011, 9:56 AM
Sherry Spruill Young: I've seen numerous reports that a meteor struck near Poteau, OK,which is about 150 miles NNW of me,and also the MS event, which is about 150 miles ESE of me.

Jan 13 2011, 9:57 AM
Sherry Spruill Young: Yet all of the 100 or so residents of the community in which I live heard the boom. It rattled windows and shook homes. Having grown up in south Texas, I'm familiar with sonic booms, and that's the best way I can describe what I heard.

Jan 13 2011, 11:35 AM
Guest872 (guest):Clinon, Louisiana,Jan 11,2011, approx 9:00 PM saw bright flash of light, seemed to traveling north to south. Thought it was a lightening strike but no clouds. My wife and I both saw it through our front picture window.

Jan 13 2011, 11:35 AM
Guest872 (guest):That was Clinton,Louisiana.

Jan 13 2011, 12:29 PM
Bill McKinney: IF someone has a small private plane I would be happy to fly Poteau Mountain and find the meteorite crater. At the present time Poteau Mountain has snow on it from top to bottom. Poteau Mountain runs from Heavner, OK to North of Waldron, AR. The Mountain is about 40 miles long and goes from about 380 feet to 2,600 ft. in elevation and it runs west to east. The slopes are steep and the AR side is a Wilderness Area with only one road on top.

12 January 2011

Breaking Major Meteor Event in Mississippi, USA Detected! 11JAN2011 12JAN2011

Green Meteor Seen (c) NICHD 2006
A large event has occurred in the Jackson, Mississippi area in the US. First to Post thanks to READERS of The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News!!

Katie wrote a new comment on your post "Breaking News UPDATE- 6 NEOs Asteroids, Close Appr... 
hey, I was sure where to post this. I have been searching for if anyone just saw what i saw!!! I am in Bossier City, Louisiana. I was walking my dogs at 9p.m. CST, and thought I was seeing a shooting star, until it got huge, continued to fall, and turned bright green! It fell behind our apartment complex, and I am guessing it hit the ground, because in that direction the sky lit up bright green. It was crazy, I've never seen anything like it, and I wanted to share.

Jan 12 2011, 1:40 PM
Sherry Spruill Young: could the meteor that reportedly hit near the ar ok border tonight have caused a sonic boom? and does anyone know about what time it hit? something rattled windows and shook homes here in southeast ar, and nobody can find a cause.