12 March 2011

Slovenia Fireball Meteor 2011.03.11_01.56.26 ± 1 U.T.

 Slovenia Fireball 2011.03.11_01.56.26 ± 1 U.T.

Slovenia Fireball 2011.03.11_01.56.26 ± 1 U.T
(c) 2011 Ferruccio Zanotti
IMTN ( Italian Meteor and TLE Network )
Complete path (J2000)
RA start: 312.542
Decl : 29.819
RA end: 320.555
Decl : 25.236
Time of transit: 1.96
Trail duration: 0.00
No fragmentation
No flare
Apparente Max Magnitude: -3 ± 0.5
Zenithal Magnitude: -8.3 ± 1.5
Meteor Stream: SPO
Note: first point elevation: 12° second point elevation:4°
First order spectrum: NO
Color shot: YES

Trajectory projection
(c) 2011 Ferruccio Zanotti
IMTN ( Italian Meteor and TLE Network )

Original Source:


Clear Sky
Ferruccio Zanotti
IMTN ( Italian Meteor and TLE Network )

10 March 2011

Tempe/ Phoenix, AZ Large Fireball 3:30 am PST 10MAR2011

Tempe AZ Large Fireball 3:30 am 10MAR2011
Guest544 (guest) wrote:
Chris M. saw: around 3:30 am, Tempe AZ, March 10,2011 spotted Large blue fireball with long red tail falling... was real fast and awesome! I couldn`t believe my eyes while on a smoke break after studying for a midterm. Lasted ~1.5 - 2 second as far as i could see it. After that,the trees blocked my view. Chris please email me.  Thank you! - Tokyo

Phoenix, AZ bright blue 3:30-ish am 10MAR2011
I actually just now saw a meteor like you described over Phoenix, AZ. It was incredibly fast moving and bright blue with a long red tail. This occured March 10, 2011 at about 3:30-ish am. Amazing! As I stood, it appeared to be moving N, can't speculate whether east or west. Lasted around 1.5, maybe 2 seconds as far as i could see it before losing it in the trees. - Anon.
Thank you both for your report!

Anyone else with info or photos? 

Saskatchewan Canada Meteor 1:40am 9MAR2011

Strongfield Saskatchewan Canada Meteor 1:40am  March 9,2011
I had to check the internet to see if anyone had seen a meteor the morning of March 9,2011 in Saskatchewan and came across the one in Manitoba instead. WOW!
At 1:40am I saw a meteor south of Strongfield Saskatchewan Canada.
It was absolutely huge and very close to earth, I strongly feel it did hit somewhere.
The front of the meteor was yellow then orange then it turned to red, where the tail started it was the brightest blue you could image, it was beautiful.

Italy Fireball Meteor 2011-03-08_234228 UT

Italy Fireball Meteor 2011-03-08_234228 UT

(c) 2011 IMTN (Italian Meteor and TLE Network)
 Ferruccio Zanotti

(c) 2011 IMTN ( Italian Meteor and TLE Network )/ Ferruccio Zanotti

observer Nico Montigiani ( IMTN )


Ferruccio Zanotti
IMTN ( Italian Meteor and TLE Network )

09 March 2011

New Zealand Large Meteor? 2:02 am 9MAR2011

Ohangai, South Taranaki, New Zealand Large Meteor? 2:02 am 9MAR2011
I saw a very large meteor? last night at 2:02am New Zealand time (9th march), it came in almost straight down slightly to the left by maybe 10-15 degrees, it was as good as i can tell by lining up my posititon and its position on google earth exactly North West of my position at Ohangai, South Taranaki.
It was bright orange with small duller cold spots and had a reddish streak abought 15 degrees long.
It came in very fast and did not expode in the air or seem to decrease in size.
I thought it was close because of the size but i waited about 15 minutes and there was no boom that i could hear.
It looked so close that i honestly thought that i was about to die.
Sincerely, D Downs
Thank you Daniel !
Anyone else see this event?  Please email LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com

Brandon, Manitoba Canada Meteor Bolide 8MAR2011

Brandon, Manitoba Canada huge meteor seen last night 3:30 am 8MAR2011
Mar 9 2011, 9:09 AM Tokyo Timestamp
Guest697 (guest) wrote:
Huge, huge meteor seen last night at around 3:30 central time. Over Brandon, Manitoba Canada.Air Raid sirens were briefly heard right after impact. And many police roaming through the streets. Enormous meteor,flash of light upon impact in the form of a ring of light.
j mantriniman (contact email on file)

Jesse wrote more in email:

.... "Just to clarify, there was no meteor impact that occured directly in Brandon but surely at a distance. That was just where I was at the time, it seemed as though the meteor was really close due to the apparent visual size of the object. It was massive. Its movement in terms of velocity was certainly peculiar (slow to fall) -whereas a regular shooting star would fly across the sky in perhaps 1 sec, this object took at least 3-4 seconds from the time i spotted it in the sky until impact. My body was facing north, the meteor came in from right (and judging from the peculiar velocity, moving away or towards myself) and then impacted on the left. (Right being east, left being west. The air raid sirens that went off soon after was not an actual cause for alarm, but i assume a test to confirm proper function in the case of perhaps more falling debris, etc. The sirens were on for maybe 5 seconds. My reasoning for being outside at that time (which was approximately 3:30am) is due to the fact that I am studying Astronomy at the University of Brandon and have taken great interest in this whole ordeal. Had I been quick enough with my recording device, I would have video footage but alas I do not. This is all the information I have at this time and will continue to investigate. Hopefully this has been of some help."
University of Brandon

Saskatoon, Sk
me and my friend saw the same thing at approx the same time in Saskatoon, Sk. She thought it was a plane crashing, but it did not appear that way to me. it was massive, i've never seen anything like that in my life before. Truly amazing. I've been looking all over the web to find info on it and this is the first thing I found. - Anon.

The Pas, Mb 
I'm glad to read that others were out at that time to witness the fireball.
It seemed to come from the east and headed west. I couldn't believe it....... I thought it was going to crash right behind where I live. (It was that big) It was fascinating to see. Also a bit startling and scary. I would like to know just where it landed?

The Pas, Manitoba, Canada... roughly 500kms north of Brandon, Manitoba, Canada...
... Two nights ago I was talking to my neighbour Barb and she told me she was making a trip out to our garbage collection spot (dumpster/trailor) after 3AM the night before (yes, she's a 'night owl') and when she turned her van around she saw a huge orange/red (flaming) meteor flying across the sky towards the south/southwest...we've also heard of truck drivers seeing the same thing that night....so it really did happen... Barb will be posting her own eye witness account soon..
- Rob Kohn

Davidson, SK at around 2:50 a.m. local time
I saw a meteor from Davidson, SK at around 2:50 a.m. local time. I was travelling southbound on highway 11. It was so bright that my peripheral vision picked it up and I tracked it for about 3 seconds. It was clear that morning with the exception of cloud cover on the horizon. The meteor was moving north to south. I have seen several meteors before but nothing like this one. It was bright green in colour with bright red debris falling off the rear. It disappeared behind the cloud cover appox. 5 degrees off the horizon so I think it must have been big. The light was visible through the cloud cover but the light was no longer visible closer to the horizon.

Important! Anyone with more information, photos or video about this event please email me at 

I have now called the Brandon Fire Department Dispatch and the person on duty last night said that there were no meteors reported to dispatch... 12:51pm -Tokyo

Morinville, Alberta arrived from google.ca on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor manitoba march 7th 3am.

Recent Meteor/Meteorite News 9MAR2011

Huge Impact Crater Found in Remote Congo
National Geographic
The find brings the number of known meteor craters on Earth to 182. The so-called Luizi structure was first described in a German geological report from 1919. But without further fieldwork, it was impossible to say for sure that the 10.5-mile-wide ...

Piece of meteor found near Krizevci
Croatian Times
A piece of a meteor was found near the central Croatian town of Krizevci, the first extra-terrestrial item to come down on Croatia in the last 60 years. A black stone weighing 292 grams was found on February 20, following the impact of a larger rock ... (photo shown is NOT the one found; it is a lunar meteorite from Antarctica)

It's official: The first Israeli meteorite has been discovered
Haaretz Daily Tue, 08 Mar 2011 14:21 PM PST
Since he was a four-year-old in Hungary, Gabriel Shaked of Kibbutz

 Afikim has been looking for meteorites on the ground. A year-and-
a-half ago, he found what he was looking for in the Arava's Timna region....

MeteoriteChina - 百姓陨石
www.meteoritechina.com - Report the Special Meteorites Possessed by Common People in China Iron-Stone Meteorite. The Largest Iron-stone Meteorite in China ... (Claim of world largest achondrite found with photos?????)

The Great Fireball Network
Watching the skies is much more than a hobby with astronomer Bill Cooke -- it's an obsession.

隕石に地球外生命の化石かNASA研究者 科学 YOMIURI ONLINE読売新聞
【ワシントン支局】米航空宇宙局(NASA)マーシャル宇宙飛行センターのリチャード・フーバー博士が、地球外の微生物とみられる化石を隕石(いんせき)の中に発見した ...

Some of Mars' Missing Carbon Dioxide May be Buried
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
At that site, a meteor impact has exposed rocks from deep underground, inside Leighton crater. In their report of that discovery, Joseph Michalski of the Planetary Science Institute, Tucson, Ariz., and Paul Niles of NASA Johnson Space Center, Houston, ...

Scientists Skeptical of Meteorite Alien Life Claim
Did a NASA researcher find signs of alien bacteria in meteorites? Colleagues highly doubt it.

导读美国宇航局一位天体生物学家理查德胡佛Richard Hoover近期宣布他在一块陨石中找到了细菌化石对于这一发现美国《探索》杂志网站专栏作者菲尔普莱Phil Plait撰文提出 ...

Bugs From Space? Forget It
Science AAAS
by Richard A. Kerr on 7 March 2011, 6:14 PM | Permanent Link | 0 Comments HOUSTON, TEXAS—Planetary scientists gathered here for the annual Lunar and Planetary Science Conference are greeting news of life in a meteorite with dismay. ...

NASA Refutes Alien Discovery Claim
Discovery News
... for conspiracy theorists to chew over (and they probably will, for months), but as you may have already guessed, something wasn't quite "right" about Richard Hoover's announcement of an extraterrestrial discovery inside samples of meteorites...

Does 'Revelstoke' meteorite hold evidence of extra-terrestrial life?
Back on April 1, 1965 the story about a meteor shower over Revelstoke made the front page, but just barely, tucked in right at the bottom of the page. By Aaron Orlando - Revelstoke Times Review Why meteor fragments totalling just one gram that were 

Meteorite with abundant nitrogen for life on Earth?
PhysOrg.com (press release)
Research on the Grave Nunataks 95229 meteorite produced unexpected amounts of ammonia, containing nitrogen, a building block of life. Credit: NASA (PhysOrg.com) -- A chemical essential for building the first life forms on Earth has been found in 

Observational astronomy/meteor observing - Wikiversity
meteor or shooting star is a streak of light seen in the sky. It is caused by a small particle of interplanetary material (a meteoroid) hitting the ...

Astronomy Picture of the Day
Berthoud Recorder
Larger bits appear initially as a bright meteor. Baseball-sized rocks and ice-balls streak through our atmosphere daily, most evaporating quickly to nothing. Significant threats do exist for rocks near 100 meters in diameter, which strike the Earth 

Strange life signs found on meteorites-NASA scientist
By Deborah Zabarenko WASHINGTON, March 6 (Reuters) - A NASA scientist reports detecting tiny fossilized bacteria on three meteorites, and maintains these microscopic life forms are not native to Earth. If confirmed, this research would suggest life in 

Meteorite with abundant nitrogen for life on Earth
Natural History Museum
A chemical essential for building the first life forms on Earth has been found in abundance in an Antarctic meteorite, say scientists in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences this week. The team from Arizona State University and...

Has Evidence Of Alien Life Been Found In Meteorites?
NPR (blog)
The email went on to explain that Dr Hoover is publishing an article claiming discovery of fossilized bacteria in meteorites. If true the result would mean life formed elsewhere in the solar system. I was, of course, immediately intrigued but being in 

A well-travelled meteorite
Astronomy Now Online
Analysis of a pea-sized chunk of meteorite dating back to the dawn of the Solar System provides the first evidence that dust particles bound up in these ancient rocks are well-travelled and have experienced a range of environments. 

Scientists Find Extreme Oxygen Isotope Variation In Meteorite
PR Newswire (press release)
HOUSTON, March 3, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- NASA research on a meteorite has provided new evidence that the inner planets formed from materials spread far and wide in the early solar system, and not just from nearby matter. 

Meteorite chunk offers clues to solar system evolution
False-color compositional X-ray image of the rim and margin of a 4.57 billion-year-old calcium-aluminum-rich inclusion from the Allende meteorite. Analysis of oxygen isotope abundances clued scientists in to the huge distances this chunk of rock 

ISS and Space Shuttle Pass over Earth 7MAR2011 Italy

Viewing station FerraraSE :

ISS and Space Shuttle Pass over Earth 7MAR2011 Italy - Looped .GIF
(c) 2011 Ferruccio Zanotti

IMTN- Italian Meteor and TLE Network
All Rights Reserved

video xvid: http://www.ciph-soso.net/FE2008/M20110307_175215_Ferrara_SE.avi

ISS and Space Shuttle Pass over Earth 7MAR2011 Italy
(c) 2011 Ferruccio Zanotti
IMTN- Italian Meteor and TLE Network
All Rights Reserved
IMTN- Italian Meteor and TLE Network
Original Post;

08 March 2011

Hawley, Texas Meteor Fireball 8MAR2011

Caught a large meteor last night 8MAR2011 in my eastern sky around 7:01 UT 1:01CST
This meteor should have been visible over Oklahoma and north Texas as well.
(c) Kevin Palivec, Hawley TX Sentinel Allsky 2011

Hawley, Texas Meteor Fireball 7:01 UT 1:01CST 8MAR2011 
(c) 2011 Kevin Palivec

Composite image of Hawley, Texas Meteor Fireball 7:01 UT 1:01CST 8MAR2011
(c) 2011 Kevin Palivec

Meteoriet door dak TNT Post Kryptonstraat / Meteorite hits building the netherlands Video Meteor/Meteorite News

Meteoriet door dak TNT Post Kryptonstraat /
 Meteorite hits building the netherlands

YouTube user has removed the video.
posted on YouTube by   on Mar 7, 2011 6views

On friday march 4th a small meteorite hits through the ceiling of a officebuilding at the Kryptonstreet in Ede, The Netherlands. 30 people working at time of impact in the building, no one gets hurt. Meteorite was sent to European Space Agency. (c) copyright Videovalley. All rights reserved.

Iron Meteorite? Appears to be metal- maybe space trash or aircraft part??? - Tokyo

"It looks very artificial and not at all like a fresh iron meteorite. Piece of
(corroded) machinery of some sort."
- Marco
Marco (asteroid 183294) Langbroek
Dutch Meteor Society (DMS)

3 UK Meteor Events 6MAR2011 7MAR2011

Two Events 7MAR2011
Coventry, UK bright blue/white bolide ~10:15 pm 7Mar2011
Coventry, UK fainter orange blob 10:29 pm 7Mar2011
Hi, I saw a bright blue/white bolide here in Coventry, UK this evening at about 10:15 pm (approx). It was not far above the horizon and the flash probably covered an angular extent of 5 degrees or so. I thought I heard a sound accompanying it, but my friend who also witnessed it did not hear any sound.
At 10:29 pm (more accurate) I saw a much fainter orange blob zoom right across the sky. At first I thought it was a jet, but it took only 2 seconds to cover more than 90 degrees extent and if it had been a plane it was relatively high. A simple computation reveals that it was way too fast to be any known commercial or military jet.
The slightly odd thing is that one object seemed to fall straight to the ground over near the horizon. The other went right across the sky.
Bill. 7-Mar-2011
Thank you Bill!

Birmingham, UK green ball of light  Time??? Monday 7th March
Just seen a green ball of light with a long trail Monday 7th March - could have been a meteorite and looked almost like a firework was but was heading towards the ground - Birmingham, UK- Anon.

Winchester UK green ball  22:08 7 March 2011
7 March 2011
Saw a green ball descend in the Western sky tonight, 7 March 2011, at about 22:08, in Winchester UK, local time. First was sure it was fireworks, that's a strong and bright it was, but no sound. Did anyone else in the UK see it? Regards, RAW
Thank you RAW!
I think the “one event 8 Mar 2011” Winchester UK 22.08 is wrong..I think RAW has the wrong date as its only 6.20 am Wed 8th March UK time as I type this.. ) Thank you!  It is now corrected!

Leamington Spa, UK bright white streak ~10:15pm 7Mar2011
TomG (guest):Leamington Spa, UK bright white streak ~10:15pm 7Mar2011 I saw a bright white streak more or less overhead heading in a westerly direction.It seemed fairly low and I thought I heard a sound too. This would appear to be the same event as Bill in Coventry. Tom - 07Mar2011

Winchelsea Beach, East Sussex green fireball last night 7.3.11 at aprox 10pm
Jason Lyward: i see a green fireball last night 7.3.11 at aprox 10pm heading west i was in winchelsea beach east sussex

Maidenhead (Berkshire) 10:30-10:45 on the 7th March 2011
I saw a bright white star-like object falling what looked to be in a Westerly direction of Maidenhead (Berkshire)at around 10:30-10:45 on the 7th March 2011 also. Looked like it was travelling towards the ground. Flickering very fast.
Cheers, Rob

Wheathampstead, Hertfordshire 10:15pm Monday evening 7th March 
Myself & my mother also saw an extremely bright meteor in Wheathampstead, Hertfordshire. It was around 10:15pm Monday evening 7th March whilst driving her home. It was the brightest I/we have ever seen. It lasted for a second or possibly even two & came in at a 90 degree angle with a bright fireball at the front and a long trail. The reason I am on this website is I wanted to see if anybody else saw it, which you guys obviously did. 
Darin R. from Hertfordshire

Richmond, Surrey distant mass with a trail of fire 6pm on Sunday 6MAR2011
My partner says he and a neighbour saw a distant mass with a trail of fire hurtling through the sky over Richmond, Surrey around 6pm on Sunday 6th March

Breaking News -Tablas Island, Philippines- fiery and swift ball of fire/ tremor 10am 7MAR2011 (GMT+8)

Tablas Island, Romlon, Philippines 7MAR2011 Event
(c) 2011 LunarMeteorite*Hunter / Google Earth
Breaking News!!!
Rare Event- Tablas Island, Romblon in Central Philippines, fiery and swift ball of fire falling followed by a tremor ~10am on March 7, 2011 (GMT+8)
Eddie G. Fetalvero wrote
Eddie G. Fetalvero. At about 10am on March 7, 2011 (GMT+8), a loud explosion was heard in our island (Tablas Island) in the province of Romblon in Central Philippines. It was followed by a tremor.
Fishermen on sea saw a fiery and swift ball of fire falling from sky (daytime). Some forests were burned. Some debris fell into the sea. The impact site is now being identified by authorities.
Anybody who can explain this phenomenon?
Why that so loud explosion and strong tremor?
Perhaps a volcano erupted? Any reports?

Eddie G. Fetalvero replied:
There was no report of volcanic eruption or plane crash.
Based on the police reports (up to this time they have been gathering accounts of witnesses), the loud explosion was heard all over the island followed by a tremor. Reverberations of explosion were observed on GI roofings.  A cogonal upland area was reported ablazed.  Initial impressions point to a meteor, "bulalakaw" in the local dialect. Its size was believed to be bigger than the usual shooting stars.
Please email me at LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com  I will try to answer your questions.  Thank you for you report!

Anyone else from the RP that saw something? Please advise of Philippine local press reports! please email; thank you!

Email Comment from Reader:

This seems to explain a major proton event in the atmosphere being reported by several researchers who are interested in earthquake prediction (normally using ELF/ULF events). 
There were other posts, but this is typical.

On Monday, Mar 7, 2011, at 22:50 America/Detroit, David Thomson wrote:
> There is a strong proton event occurring right now. Haven't seen anything
> this strong in several years. It also looks like a major X class flare is
> brewing. Watch for the rounded hump in the x-ray flux a few hours before it
> blows.

> Dave

Kreigh Tomaszewski

07 March 2011

Asteroid 2011 EY11 Passes Close Today Meteor/Meteorite News

 This NEO NOT read as 2011 EViL
Asteroid 2011 EY11 will pass 0.3 LD (Lunar Distance=~384,000 kilometers) from Earth today, 7MAR2011. This asteroid was discovered March 5, 2011.  It is estimated to be 5.4-12 meters in diameter.
We MAY get some meteors produced from debris following this asteroid and Asteroid 2011 EC12.
Watch for green fireballs through 9MAR2011.
- LunarMeteorite*Hunter, Tokyo
(c) JPL/NASA/CalTech 2011/ LunarMeteorite*Hunter


AU = ~150 million kilometers
1 LD = Lunar Distance = ~384,000 kilometers
(2011 EY11) 2011-Mar-070.00090.35.4 m - 12 m28.411.86
(2011 EC12) 2011-Mar-080.00863.317 m - 38 m26.015.29
Source: NASA/JPL http://neo.jpl.nasa.gov/ca/

Please take a look at other recent posts by either clicking the Moon in header or this link:

Fort Worth, Texas Meteor Large Blue Ball Meteor 8:17 CST 6MAR2011

Fort Worth, Texas Meteor  Large Blue Ball Meteor ~8:30 pm 6MAR2011
Guest487 (guest) wrote:
hi i live in fort worth and about 8:30pm i saw a kind of large blue ball of light shooting downward it only lasted about 2 or 3 seconds not sure what it was ??? can anybody tell me something about what i saw? i saw this today 3/06/2011
 Please email me and I will answer your questions; also I need to ask you some questions about what and where you saw it.  Thank you! -- Tokyo

Garland, Texas arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Fort Worth, Texas Meteor Large Blue Ball Meteor 6MAR2011" by searching for meteor green

Dallas, Texas arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for falling blue light in sky fort worth.

Early, Texas arrived from bing.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Breaking News - NY, NJ, PA, VA, DC CT DE MD Meteor 1MAR2011" by searching for meteor march 6 2011.

Grapevine, Texas arrived from bing.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: West Texas- 1700 Gram Meteorite Found 12APR09" by searching for meteroite texas 3/6.

Hurst, Texas arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Fort Worth, Texas Meteor Large Blue Ball Meteor 8:17 CST 6MAR2011" by searching for meteor texas.

Arlington, Texas arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for light in sky last night March 6 2011 DFW.

Also Seen (according to El Paso Allsky):
Abilene, Texas
Ovalo, Texas
Euless, Texas
Carrollton, Texas

Markers indicate locations Meteor was seen 6MAR2011
 (c)LunarMeteorite*Hunter/Google Earth 2011

8:17 pm CST Meteor / Hawley, Texas Allsky
(c) Kevin Palivec

8:17 pm CST (02:17 UT) Meteor / Hawley, Texas Allsky
(c) Kevin Palivec

Early, Texas; Abilene, Texas; Ovalo, Texas; Euless, Texas; Carrollton, Texas; Garland, Texas; Dallas, Texas
We NEED your location, the start and end positions in sky and time. PLEASE EMAIL if you saw this event. We need video from security cameras or police cars; anyone??
 Thank You!
If anyone has witnessed this event please email: lunarmeteoritehunter@gmail.com

New Zealand Large Meteor 6MAR2011

Red Beach, north of Auckland, New Zealand large yellow/orange meteor 10:22pm local 6MAR2011
Hey there. Just found your page when I was looking up info about meteorites last night.
I am in Red Beach, which is 25 miles north of Auckland in New Zealand. Last night at 10:22pm local time I saw a relatively large yellow/orange meteorite fly across the sky travelling in a north western direction. It was going extremely fast and appeared as if it was disintegrating. It was in the sky for a good 5 seconds from what I saw. It took a while to disappear. Not sure if this is related or not, but i've never seen any meteorites like that before.
Jase Lee

Thank you Jase!  If anyone else has witnessed this event or others please email: