Showing posts with label Brandon Manitoba Canada Meteor Bolide 8MAR2011. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brandon Manitoba Canada Meteor Bolide 8MAR2011. Show all posts

09 March 2011

Brandon, Manitoba Canada Meteor Bolide 8MAR2011

Brandon, Manitoba Canada huge meteor seen last night 3:30 am 8MAR2011
Mar 9 2011, 9:09 AM Tokyo Timestamp
Guest697 (guest) wrote:
Huge, huge meteor seen last night at around 3:30 central time. Over Brandon, Manitoba Canada.Air Raid sirens were briefly heard right after impact. And many police roaming through the streets. Enormous meteor,flash of light upon impact in the form of a ring of light.
j mantriniman (contact email on file)

Jesse wrote more in email:

.... "Just to clarify, there was no meteor impact that occured directly in Brandon but surely at a distance. That was just where I was at the time, it seemed as though the meteor was really close due to the apparent visual size of the object. It was massive. Its movement in terms of velocity was certainly peculiar (slow to fall) -whereas a regular shooting star would fly across the sky in perhaps 1 sec, this object took at least 3-4 seconds from the time i spotted it in the sky until impact. My body was facing north, the meteor came in from right (and judging from the peculiar velocity, moving away or towards myself) and then impacted on the left. (Right being east, left being west. The air raid sirens that went off soon after was not an actual cause for alarm, but i assume a test to confirm proper function in the case of perhaps more falling debris, etc. The sirens were on for maybe 5 seconds. My reasoning for being outside at that time (which was approximately 3:30am) is due to the fact that I am studying Astronomy at the University of Brandon and have taken great interest in this whole ordeal. Had I been quick enough with my recording device, I would have video footage but alas I do not. This is all the information I have at this time and will continue to investigate. Hopefully this has been of some help."
University of Brandon

Saskatoon, Sk
me and my friend saw the same thing at approx the same time in Saskatoon, Sk. She thought it was a plane crashing, but it did not appear that way to me. it was massive, i've never seen anything like that in my life before. Truly amazing. I've been looking all over the web to find info on it and this is the first thing I found. - Anon.

The Pas, Mb 
I'm glad to read that others were out at that time to witness the fireball.
It seemed to come from the east and headed west. I couldn't believe it....... I thought it was going to crash right behind where I live. (It was that big) It was fascinating to see. Also a bit startling and scary. I would like to know just where it landed?

The Pas, Manitoba, Canada... roughly 500kms north of Brandon, Manitoba, Canada...
... Two nights ago I was talking to my neighbour Barb and she told me she was making a trip out to our garbage collection spot (dumpster/trailor) after 3AM the night before (yes, she's a 'night owl') and when she turned her van around she saw a huge orange/red (flaming) meteor flying across the sky towards the south/southwest...we've also heard of truck drivers seeing the same thing that it really did happen... Barb will be posting her own eye witness account soon..
- Rob Kohn

Davidson, SK at around 2:50 a.m. local time
I saw a meteor from Davidson, SK at around 2:50 a.m. local time. I was travelling southbound on highway 11. It was so bright that my peripheral vision picked it up and I tracked it for about 3 seconds. It was clear that morning with the exception of cloud cover on the horizon. The meteor was moving north to south. I have seen several meteors before but nothing like this one. It was bright green in colour with bright red debris falling off the rear. It disappeared behind the cloud cover appox. 5 degrees off the horizon so I think it must have been big. The light was visible through the cloud cover but the light was no longer visible closer to the horizon.

Important! Anyone with more information, photos or video about this event please email me at

I have now called the Brandon Fire Department Dispatch and the person on duty last night said that there were no meteors reported to dispatch... 12:51pm -Tokyo

Morinville, Alberta arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor manitoba march 7th 3am.