The Quadrantid meteor shower is named for an extinct constellation, but the shooting stars that seem to sprout from it still arrive yearly, and the opening of the 2013 show will begin overnight Jan. 1 into Jan. 2. The Quadrantids is one of the lesser ...
Did April’s west coast meteor contradict the theory of meteorite evolution of life on Earth?
Fri, 28 Dec, 2012 01:24 PM PST
A meteor explosion over California and Nevada earlier this year has offered up evidence that may contradict the idea that the Earth was originally "seeded" by organic material from space.
المرجوا من الاعضاء الضغط على الاشتراك ليصلكم كل ما يهمكم ولمشاهدة المزيد زوروا قناتكم ولمشاهدة مواضيعي المرجو الدخو...
2012 THE Year of Meteors!
great blog alka, but the translation from english to urdu is not ok, its giving totally wrong translation to pakistani language urdu,
thank you alka, your blog is very nice and informative, i really like it and i find it very helpful, but the translation from your blog to pakistani language urdu is not correct, its wrong translation, can you plz correct it
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