05 April 2011

NEOs Close Approach April 2011 Elevated Green Fireball Alert 4APRIL2011

Elevated Meteor Activity Projected- More Green Meteor Fireballs 
April 5 - April 15, 2011; 25APR-28APR.- 

Asteroid 2011 GP28 0.2 LD

0.5 LD Asteroid 2011 GW9 just found prior to
 one-half Lunar Distance pass from Earth.
Close enough!!

2011 The "YEAR of Green Fireballs" Continues!

Expect several more green fireballs to be seen from April 5 - April 15, 2011.
Three asteroids (2011 FT29) ,(2011 GZ2), (2011 FT53), will make a "close"
approach on 7APR-9APR and debris will be leading or trailing their passing.
12APR asteroid (2011 GE) will pass. I expect another asteroid or more will
be discovered by astronomers for a close approach for another event around 15APR2011.
  At the end of April, asteroids (2011 GJ3) , (2008 UC202), will give us even
more Green Meteor Fireballs between 25APR-28APR.
 There are at least another 10-15 NEOs to be discovered by astronomers yet
before the end of April so expect updates.
 - Do check back on this site.
  Have your cameras ready for a capture. Get outside to see if you can.
Hope we have some clear skies! Ready ??? 
Please get the word out on Facebook, Twitter, your favorite sites and
tell your friends or post on your websites or YouTube. There will be meteorites in April!!!
  If you see a meteor please email your report* LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com 
Thank you! YOUR reports ARE most important!
 LunarMeteorite*Hunter-Tokyo, Japan

NEW Pop-up Flyby Close! 6APR2011 UPDATE!
Watch for some "Balls"! 
Asteroid 2011 GP28 0.2 LD

Asteroid 2011GW9 0.5 LD

(2011 GP28) 2011-Apr-060.00060.2 LD3.6 m - 8.0 m29.414.82

(2011 GW9) 2011-Apr-060.00130.5 LD6.3 m - 14 m28.111.37


AU = ~150 million kilometers
1 LD = Lunar Distance = ~384,000 kilometers
(2004 XN50) 2011-Apr-040.147157.2480 m - 1.1 km18.731.02
(2010 TK19) 2011-Apr-040.169465.928 m - 63 m24.98.66
(2011 GB) 2011-Apr-050.111243.323 m - 52 m25.35.80
(2010 TK55) 2011-Apr-050.069327.047 m - 110 m23.712.49
(2009 HE60) 2011-Apr-060.081331.720 m - 44 m25.75.24
(2011 FT29) 2011-Apr-070.01616.222 m - 49 m25.419.11
(2011 GZ2) 2011-Apr-090.00692.716 m - 36 m26.115.60
(2011 FT53) 2011-Apr-090.01546.021 m - 47 m25.59.67
(2011 BE38) 2011-Apr-100.123348.0560 m - 1.3 km18.416.57
(2010 VB1) 2011-Apr-100.169966.158 m - 130 m23.36.81
(2011 GA3) 2011-Apr-120.068826.825 m - 55 m25.26.80
(2011 GE) 2011-Apr-120.01224.717 m - 38 m25.99.81
(2007 WC5) 2011-Apr-150.089334.89.2 m - 21 m27.38.07
(2011 FS29) 2011-Apr-150.033312.995 m - 210 m22.211.30
141484 (2002 DB4) 2011-Apr-150.160662.51.4 km - 3.1 km16.414.94
(2011 EW4) 2011-Apr-160.194175.563 m - 140 m23.16.87
(2011 FG41) 2011-Apr-160.083932.625 m - 57 m25.16.40
260141 (2004 QT24) 2011-Apr-170.140554.7590 m - 1.3 km18.313.24
(2010 UP) 2011-Apr-170.101239.433 m - 73 m24.65.09
(2011 GF) 2011-Apr-180.082932.3160 m - 360 m21.119.08
(2011 GD2) 2011-Apr-180.053520.823 m - 52 m25.38.74
(2011 FY22) 2011-Apr-210.165764.555 m - 120 m23.44.46
(2011 FS6) 2011-Apr-230.141054.939 m - 86 m24.24.92
(2011 EM51) 2011-Apr-230.046518.1110 m - 250 m21.99.83
(2010 HW20) 2011-Apr-230.069026.816 m - 36 m26.14.99
(2003 FF5) 2011-Apr-230.054421.262 m - 140 m23.26.36
(2004 HQ1) 2011-Apr-240.105341.060 m - 130 m23.210.80
(2011 DV) 2011-Apr-250.099938.9210 m - 470 m20.56.62
(2011 GJ3) 2011-Apr-260.01857.215 m - 34 m26.25.66
(2010 TU5) 2011-Apr-270.090435.2430 m - 970 m18.918.72
(2008 UC202) 2011-Apr-270.02288.96.0 m - 13 m28.24.00
Source: JPL/NASA for more information: http://neo.jpl.nasa.gov/ca/
If you see a meteor please email LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com 
Thank you! YOUR reports ARE most important!

*(please cut and paste the below into you email and answer the following questions)
Date/Time –
your location when viewed (city, country) –
location in sky for the start and end of the meteor with angle from the horizon for the
start and end) – 
direction you were facing and meteor was moving right or left? – 
color(s) – 
meteor direction of travel – 
duration (secs) – 
brightness (bright as Venus, Moon, Sun?) –
any sounds (sizzle or booms) –
fragmentation were pieces falling off ? –
and other comments that you think are important –
Your Name and contact information (contact information will remain confidential;
 if you wish to have your name not published please let me know; thank you!) -
 LunarMeteorite*Hunter-Tokyo, Japan

OK, In the Strewnfield? 2011 Space APE Odyssey 5APR2011

 2011 Space APE Odyssey 5APR2011

photo (c) 2011 Paco Bertolani (used with permission!)
Beta: I told you we should have brought the magnets! ....
磁石 忘れたの
Alpha: YOU forgot the detectors and I`ve had ENOUGH of this bit! Where did we leave the bike?

photo (c) 2011 Paco Bertolani (used with permission!)
Meanwhile, now in the strewnfield....another troupe moves in wearing suits.

Roseville/Sacramento CA Meteor? 9:45pm PST 4APR2011

Roseville/Sacramento, California Meteor? 9:45pm PST 4APR2011
I did see a large object i the sky at around 9:45pm PST. I found it odd though as it had no trail and was unusually bright. Brighter than any star in the sky by far. I haven't ever seem anything like this actually and I stargaze often. I thought I saw a faint red glow beneath it but I can't be sure. I am in Roseville/Sacramento CA and it was headed in a direction slightly northwest as far as I could tell. It was moving very quickly and houses blocked my view so I only saw it for a moment. At first I thought it was a man made object since it was so bright, without a trail, and seemed very close in proximity but it happened so fast I can't be sure. Also it was moving at an unsually sharp angle as well. I would guess it was almost completely perpendicular to the ground. If I was underneath it I would say it was moving at an acute angle from the most vertically north point, not making an arc so much as a dive. I don't want to guess on the degrees but it seemed around 45 from my perspective. I'm not an expert but an angle that steep seems to suggest something that is already in the atmosphere and which is in a collision course for ground. 
Please update me if you can, I'd love to know more about this event. 
Thank you, -Aubrey

Windsor Ca, around the same time
I believe I saw this same meteor from Windsor Ca, around the same time. Very bright, moving towards the northwest. It passed just to the south of the constellation Orion. From my vantage point, it was dropping at about 35 degree angle to the horizon and lasted about three seconds. Largest meteor I have seen in about 15 years.
Thanks, Carl 

Windsor, California April 4, just before 10pm
On Monday April 4, just before 10pm, I saw a large meteor from my house in Windsor California. After letting my dog out into my backyard, I was looking at the WSW sky and witnessed a greenish meteorite with some hints of red. It was shedding a few sparks behind it. I watched it travel from the SSE towards the NW at somewhat slower than average speed for meteors I have seen. I watched it for about three seconds before it dropped out of view behind a house next door. Probably the brightest meteor I have seen in the last fifteen years. I did not hear any sound or boom during or in the minutes following the sighting. My dog had her nose to the ground and did not see it.

If anyone else has seen this please email LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com  Thank you!

Martindale, Texas Two Meteors ~8:00pm CST 4APR2011

Martindale, Texas Two Meteors ~8:00pm CST 4APR2011
found your website trying to find info on what we just saw.
my son goes outside every night before bed to look at the stars/moon/sky. he just came running into the house saying he saw a meteor. i didn't really believe him and was busy helping his sister get dressed. after a couple of minutes, i went outside and he said it was gone, but right then we saw another one. it was something flying downward leaving a short trail of smoke behind it, as if burning into the atmosphere--appeared to be moving slowly which makes me think it was coming from very high up--looked pretty large. we are in martindale, texas (about 10 miles east of IH 35 between austin and san antonio), and were looking to the southeast. the one he said he saw before, was due south. - Dina   Dina thank you! 

Dina wrote more later:
well, the second one was just a couple of minutes before eight p.m. cst. the one he saw before was maybe five? minutes before that. i'm not sure which direction the first one was moving--can ask him tomorrow, but the second one appeared to be moving straight down--towards the horizon. as far as size, it is hard to gauge because it looked to be pretty far away. brightness--not very--it was still light outside--it looked like a ball of smoke (reddish or pink inside), with a short trail of white smoke following it--about the color of airplane contrails, but it was definitely not an airplane. i'm sorry i'm not very good at judging distances, so how high in the sky i could not really say--it started much higher than an airplane would fly, but our view was obsured by the trees across the river in its' descent. atticus said he thought he heard impact, but i didn't hear it. i heard some pounding sounds, but they were repetitive--most likely far away music or some kind of carpentry. never saw any fire or heard anything about it on the news. sorry i couldn't be more specific. i will talk to atticus more about it tomorrow, and see if he remembers anything else. have a good night! day? i guess it is tomorrow in tokyo. happy hunting!

If anyone else saw a meteor(s) please let me know time, location, etc. 
LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com  Thank you!

Pune, India Meteor - shooting star huge trail April 4 2011

Pune, India shooting star huge trail 11.30 PM April 4 2011
I stumbled upon your blog when searching for shooting star. just want to report my sighting
My location is at .. Pune India and the time of my sighting was 11.30 PM April 4 2011. I saw a huge trail (biggest i have ever seen) in the sky in north west direction
Uday   Thank you so much Uday from Pune!

More From Uday:

Details as requested

Date/Time – april 4 , 2011 11.25 PM IST (gmt + 5.30)
your location when viewed (city, country) – Pune, India 
location in sky for the start and end of the meteor with angle from the horizon for the
start and end) –  center to down in north east hemisphere
direction you were facing and meteor was moving right or left? – right
color(s) –  bright blue in exterior and dark blue in interior
meteor direction of travel –  downwards as explained in direction above
duration (secs) –  4
brightness (bright as Venus, Moon, Sun?) – more than moon
any sounds (sizzle or booms) – nopes
fragmentation were pieces falling off ? – nopes
and other comments that you think are important – Huge trail and visible core (almost like shown in movies) the core was very big and for a moment i though it might have landed on earth..

I hope this information is useful. i am not a scientist but still i have tried my best to give accurate information :)

Cheers !

IF anyone else in Pune, India saw this meteor please send your detailed report
LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com  Thank you!

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 5APR2011 News With Lots of Ketchup

Black-Market Trinkets From Space
New York Times
LOOTED A 60-gram fragment of the Gebel Kamil meteorite. The ads are for chunks of meteorites, bits of asteroids that have fallen from the sky and are as prized by scientists as they are by collectors. As more meteorites have been discovered in recent ...

Illegal Meteorite Trade Surges, Angering Geologists
Yet sadly, geologists the world over are lamenting the surge in illegal sales of asteroids andmeteorites on websites like eBay. The New York Times reports that “the black market has exploded in size mainly because of a rush of new meteorites arriving ...

Australian Aboriginal Astronomy: Meteors, Meteorites, and ...
By Aboriginal Astronomy Project
When it enters the earth's atmosphere, we call it a meteor. If it survives its trip to the ground, we call it a meteorite. Most meteors are fragments of celestial bodies that have collided (such as asteroids), or debris from comets as ...
Australian Aboriginal Astronomy - http://aboriginalastronomy.blogspot.com/

meteor - National Geographic Education
meteor is a streak of light in the sky caused by a meteoroid passing through Earth's atmosphere.

Meteor Activity Outlook for April 2-8, 2011 « The Transient Sky ...
By Carl Hergenrother
Meteor activity picks up a bit during April as two major showers are active during the month. The first of these, the Lyrids, are active from the 16th through the 25th, with a pronounced maximum on the 22nd. ...

Alien Microbes Attack! Dangers Of Science News That Isn't Science Or News
NPR (blog)
The Journal of Cosmology where the meteor microbe article appears is not the place where major discoveries are usually announced in science. Just a little digging shows it's more than a little marginal. And while Richard Hoover is a reputable reseacher ...

NASA: Mysterious Fireball Season Set to Light Up Night Sky
Spring has arrived in the Northern Hemisphere, which means that birds are chirping, flowers are blooming — and fireballs are lighting up the sky, NASA says. For some mysterious reason, the number of fireballs — dramatic meteors that blaze brighter ...

Meteor Activity Outlook for April 2-8, 2011 | International Meteor ...
Meteor activity picks up a bit during April as two major showers are ... It must be remembered thatmeteor activity is rarely seen at the radiant position. ...

NASA probe aims to unlock Mercury's secrets
Scientists believe enormous volcanic eruptions produced many of Mercury's expansive plains, which are littered with meteor craters, and say its strong magnetic field appears to be generated by a molten iron core. MESSENGER, a 1067-pound (485-kilogram) ...

Lyrids meteor shower visible April 21
Philippine Star
By Helen Flores (The Philippine Star) Updated April 03, 2011 12:00 AM 0 MANILA, Philippines - Filipino sky gazers can watch out for the Lyrids, the oldest known meteor shower, this month, the state weather bureau said. The Philippine Atmospheric ...

Canadian radar helps keep astronauts safe from space rocks
Montreal Gazette
"Operational decisions are made every day based on what our radar detects," says Peter Brown, a Western astronomy professor and one of the operators of the Canadian Meteor Orbit Radar. NASA uses the real-time data provided by the radar to track the ...

Sugar-grain sized meteorites rocked the climates of early Earth and Mars ...
Imperial College London
Bombardments of 'micro-meteorites' on Earth and Mars four billion years ago may have caused the planets' climates to cool dramatically, hampering their ability to support life, according to research published today in the journal Geochimica et ...

Spring is fireball season
What are the signs of spring? They are as familiar as a blooming Daffodil, a songbird at dawn, a surprising shaft of warmth from the afternoon sun.

Wetumpka Crater Commission finds new funding
Wetumpka is already known for it's unique New Year's Eve meteor drop, playing off the city's history of being hit by a meteor 84 million years ago. But Marilee Tankersley and other members of the Wetumpka Crater Commission have plans to take that ...

Public asked to help shed light on sky's display
Radio New Zealand
The Carter Observatory is asking people who saw lights in the sky overnight on Tuesday to log their sighting to help determine whether it was a meteor or space junk. The Wellington observatory has received a large number of reports from Auckland to the ...

'Desk-sized' meteor streaks across New Zealand's night sky
Herald Sun
By staff writers and wires IT wasn'ta bird a plane or a UFO, but authorities say a meteor spotted last night in New Zealand skies could have been the size of a desk. Reports of the bright flashing light were received from Auckland and as far south as ...

Astronomers use words like 'awestruck' to describe seeing Messenger's Mercury ...
al.com (blog)
If it is ice, no one is sure how it survives on the planet closest to the Sun, Solomon said, but he theorized it might be thrown up from the interior by meteor strikes or by outgassing from Mercury's interior. Solomon did explain why Mercury appears so ...

Fireball in the Sky over Nebraska 3/23 (TX,OK 23MAR2011)

posted on YouTube by   | 作成日: 2011/03/25 237 views
It's a story that a lot of people are talking about on our Facebook page.
What was first called in as a plane crashing to the ground, in the end, turns out to be a meteor.
Around 9 p.m. Wednesday, emergency crews were called to Ayr, Nebraska after residents in the area reported seeing something on fire falling from the sky.
Adams County (Nebraska) Sheriff's Department officials say they didn't find anything when they got to the scene.
No homeowners are reporting finding any meteorites on their property, either.
(Note this is most likely the same event covered on Meteor/Meteorite News labeled as TX/OK Meteor 23MAR2011.  NOTE: The "Ayr meteor" was on 23MAR2011 NOT 24MAR2011. - LunarMeteorite*Hunter)

5APR2011 News with a Lot of Ketchup
Readers, Sorry for the delay in posting the news reports but have been very posting about recent meteors and green fireballs.  The TX/OK meteors of 23/24MAR2011 required much time to study and to work.  Have a great day!  Best Always, -LunarMeteorite*Hunter - Tokyo

Philippines Big Shooting star Meteor? 4APR2011

Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News Site Query Indicates possible event:

Quezon, Nueva Ecija, Philippines Big Shooting star 10:10pm April 4, 2011
Quezon, Nueva Ecija, Philippines arrived from google.com.ph on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for Big Shooting star in the sky on April 4, 2011 around 10:10pm.

If anyone witnessed this event please email me with the details.  Thank you! - Tokyo

04 April 2011

Two Meteors over Puerto Rico 3APR2011 The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News

Rio Grande, North Coast of Puerto Rico ~8:30 PM 3APR2011
Last night April 3,2011 around 8:30 PM saw two balls of fire I am assuming they were meteors traveling east to west in Rio Grande, North Coast of Puerto Rico . They were not to high in the sky and were about 10 seconds in spacing between them. Thought the were part of an air show that is going on this weekend in Ceiba but these were traveling to fast to be an airplane and were glowing in fire all around. Interested to know if anybody else saw them.
Miguel  Thank you Miguel!

If anyone else saw these meteors in Puerto Rico please email your report: