Showing posts with label Roseville/Sacramento. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Roseville/Sacramento. Show all posts

05 April 2011

Roseville/Sacramento CA Meteor? 9:45pm PST 4APR2011

Roseville/Sacramento, California Meteor? 9:45pm PST 4APR2011
I did see a large object i the sky at around 9:45pm PST. I found it odd though as it had no trail and was unusually bright. Brighter than any star in the sky by far. I haven't ever seem anything like this actually and I stargaze often. I thought I saw a faint red glow beneath it but I can't be sure. I am in Roseville/Sacramento CA and it was headed in a direction slightly northwest as far as I could tell. It was moving very quickly and houses blocked my view so I only saw it for a moment. At first I thought it was a man made object since it was so bright, without a trail, and seemed very close in proximity but it happened so fast I can't be sure. Also it was moving at an unsually sharp angle as well. I would guess it was almost completely perpendicular to the ground. If I was underneath it I would say it was moving at an acute angle from the most vertically north point, not making an arc so much as a dive. I don't want to guess on the degrees but it seemed around 45 from my perspective. I'm not an expert but an angle that steep seems to suggest something that is already in the atmosphere and which is in a collision course for ground. 
Please update me if you can, I'd love to know more about this event. 
Thank you, -Aubrey

Windsor Ca, around the same time
I believe I saw this same meteor from Windsor Ca, around the same time. Very bright, moving towards the northwest. It passed just to the south of the constellation Orion. From my vantage point, it was dropping at about 35 degree angle to the horizon and lasted about three seconds. Largest meteor I have seen in about 15 years.
Thanks, Carl 

Windsor, California April 4, just before 10pm
On Monday April 4, just before 10pm, I saw a large meteor from my house in Windsor California. After letting my dog out into my backyard, I was looking at the WSW sky and witnessed a greenish meteorite with some hints of red. It was shedding a few sparks behind it. I watched it travel from the SSE towards the NW at somewhat slower than average speed for meteors I have seen. I watched it for about three seconds before it dropped out of view behind a house next door. Probably the brightest meteor I have seen in the last fifteen years. I did not hear any sound or boom during or in the minutes following the sighting. My dog had her nose to the ground and did not see it.

If anyone else has seen this please email  Thank you!