08 April 2010


Our Real Plans for an Armageddon Asteroid Scenario

Asylum (blog)
We cut right to the chase and asked if we were all going to die by meteor. "There are a few options for NEO deflection," Weeden explained, some of which ...

Mercury makes best evening appearance

Indiana University
The Lyrid meteor shower will peak during the hours before dawn on April 22. For observers in North America, 15 to 25 meteors per hour should be visible in a ...

奄 美大島の赤尾木湾は隕石孔であるか | ResearchGATE

You are trying to access the full-text version of 奄美大島の赤尾木湾は隕石孔で あるか. At the present time this paper is not available within ResearchGATE. ...

Greenwood Finds History of Lunar Water in Meteorite
The Wesleyan Argus Fri, 02 Apr 2010 14:50 PM PDT
Forty years since the first moon landing, a University professor has used samples from that historic mission to make a giant leap forward in the search for water on the moon.

Giant Fireball Hoax | Video Search Engine Fooooo

Giant Fireball Meteorite Hoax | The mobile phone operator behind a hoax meteorite strike in Latvia will have to pay the Governme... | Video Search ...
Is it a ?

A strange sound, melted snow, and a rock that wasn't there before, all have a Colorado couple wondering what exactly landed in their yard ...

NarTube - over edmonton november 20th 08 530 pm watch video, clips,

meteor over edmonton november 20th 08 530 pm URL: Embed: www . NarTube . com Just, There is no comment Share | URL: Embed: www . NarTube . com ...

Saudi Gazette - City, provinces to get treat of meteor showers: Pagasa

MANILA – A meteor shower in late April will give stargazers a treat as the Lyrids meteor shower makes its appearance from April 22 to predawn of April 23. ...
Can anyone tell me what meteor showers are best visible in the ...

I know there are periodic meteor showers, but I do…
2010 April 01 – Meteor Showers - Meteor Shower - Meteors - April ...

In the beginning of every year there is little meteor shower activity before April, except for the Quadrantids in January. In April, three meteor showers ...
Shooting for Shooting Stars

Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Then, factor in that the weather and city-lighting conditions where most people live are less than conducive for meteor viewing, and few people are even ...

2010 Major Meteor Showers

Jet Propulsion Laboratory
The Ballistic Missile Defense Organization's Midcourse Space Experiment satellite imaged this peak of the 1997 Leonid Meteor Shower from above 29 meteors ...

Meteor shower in store for Jordan holidaymakers

Imaginative Traveller (press release)
The Perseid meteor shower usually takes place between August 8th and 14th and has been occurring for nearly 2000 years. Over 60 meteors per hour can streak ...

Comet trail may have caused last ice age

There is "compelling evidence" the main comet has been breaking apart ever since, leading to meteor streams known as the Taurid Complex, Napier wrote in the ...

07 April 2010

Reporting Meteors? Pennsylvania / Michigan Fireball 7APR2010

American Meteor Society

American Meteor Society
Fireball Report Form, Have you seen an extremely bright meteor? Share your sighting with others across the globe by filling out our fireball report form.
View the meteor reports here!

RE: [Meteorite-List] Michigan Fireball 10:15pm reported
I show two reports stating due north of Buffalo. If this is correct, then
the ASGARD camera network may have captured it (a la Grimsby).

Re: [meteorite-list] Michigan Fireball
reported by LAWISFICTION
I was wondering if I am the only one who saw the blue ball streaking through the sky just after 10:00pm here in Western Connecticut.. it also had a red tail and looked like it was a northwest trajectory ... this had a glimmering red tail ... is this the same meteor as seen in Michigan ???

": I just saw a huge meteor falling in Michigan about 10:15 tonight. It had a giant blue ball with a red tail. It fell north of 30 mile road around I94 or west of 94. Anyone else see anything?

Another fireball reported in PA
Wednesday, April 7, 2010 11:32 AM
Just got a call from an eye witness, saw a large fireball travelin from southeast to northwest @ 10:10 pm...No sonic boom reports yet...

PENN fireball report
on Meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Just got a call from an eye witness, saw a large fireball travelin from southeast to northwest @ 10:10 pm...No sonic boom reports yet...

7APR10 824 Anastasia

Rare Sight: Asteroid to Hide Easily Spotted Star Tuesday

The sight of a relatively bright star suddenly vanishing as a faint asteroid crosses in front of it, and then just as suddenly reappearing several seconds later is an exceedingly rare and startling celestial occurrence. But it's happening in the predawn hours on Tuesday and lucky skywatchers across parts of Canada and the western United States may have a chance to see it. ...

Florida couple questions green fireball under 1500 feet: Meteor or ...

Green fireball illustration. FXhome.com Related Articles Florida MUFON MUFON YouTube Report a UFO MUFON Store Center for UFO Studies - IUR DVD special A ...

06 April 2010

Meteorites from Slovakia Fall 28FEB2010 6APR2010

The Astronomical and Geophysical Observatory in Modra, Slovakia
:: Meteorite "Kosice" in Slovakia 28FEB2010
(c)2010 Astronomical and geophysical observatory in Modra
(NOTE: their server is currently overloaded with requests; this is a "near mirror" of their article until traffic returns to normal levels)

Meteorite “Kosice”, the fall in Slovakia

On February 28th at 22:24:46 UT a bright bolide enlightened the night sky over the Central Europe. Despite the late hour bunch of people were watching Olympics ice hockey finals on TV and eye witnessed astonishing celestial spectacle. The glare of the bolide illuminated streets and interior of apartments, at some places in Eastern Slovakia cannon-like burst or series of low frequency blasts were heard. Due to the bad weather, cloudy skies and scatter showers the Central European Fireball Network (operated by Dr. Pavel Spurny of the Czech Academy of Sciences) did not take direct optical records of the bolide and Slovak Video Network (operated by Dr. Juraj Toth of Comenius University in Bratislava) did not operate that night so that at first moment it seemed that there are no scientific records of this event. Fortunately fast photoelectric sensors on 7 automated fireball stations in the Czech Republic (6) and Austria (1) detected the illumination of the sky caused by the bolide which enabled to determine exact time and duration of the bolide and estimate its brightness. The bolide reached the maximum brightness at least -18 magnitude in one huge flare. In the morning few photographers took a picture of a possible scatter dust trail. Later on several surveillance camera data were published showing the moment when the night became a day for a second but only two videos from Hungary (Orkeny village, Fazzi Daniella and Vass Gabor; Telki village, contact persons Szarneczky Krisztian, Kiss Laszlo) actually captured the fireball itself. Thanks to calibration of videos by several members of the Hungarian Astronomical Association (MCSE - www.mcse.hu) contributed (namely Igaz Antal) and trajectory analysis done by Dr. Jiri Borovicka of the Czech Academy of Sciences gave the hope that significant number of meteorite fragments reached the surface. He also calculated the impact area near town Kosice in Eastern Slovakia. The data from Local Seismic Network Eastern Slovakia (project led by Prof. Moczo of Comenius University) confirmed the fall location as well. The expedition consisting of scientists and graduate students of the Astronomical Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences (under the leadership of Jan Svoren), Comenius University in Bratislava (under the leadership of Juraj Toth), Czech Academy of Sciences (under the leadership of Pavel Spurny) started to sweep meadows and forests at the calculated area. The first meteorite was discovered by Juraj Tóth on March 20th. Until the March 28th, 64 meteorite fragments were found. The heaviest fragment weights 2.19 kg, the smallest pieces were only about 0.5 gram. The total mass recovered is equal to 3.917kg. Preliminary analysis implies that the recovered meteorite is classified as an ordinary H5 chondrite (Dr. J. Haloda, Czech Geological Survey). The ongoing data analysis will reveal also other parameters of this bolide as the meteorite atmospheric velocity, pre-atmospheric mass and initial orbit in the Solar System. According to Slovak laws, meteorites belong to the state. Collecting meteorites is allowed only to state or academic institutions from Slovak Republic. Credit: Juraj Toth, Jan Svoren, Pavel Spurny, Jiri Borovicka, Igaz Antal and Peter Veres. youtube videos of fireball:


(Orkeny village, Hungary, Fazzi Daniella and Vass Gabor)


(Dusan Vaverka, Brno city, Czech Republic)


(Telki village, Meszleny Tamas, Szarnecky Kristian, Kiss Laslo), caption from Hungarian RTL TV


(surveillance camera captured flare on a parking lot in Presov town, Slovakia)

Photos of Kosice Meteorites:

Information about the Observatory:




AGO-Astronomical observatory
P.O.Box 4
900 01 Modra
tel.: +421 336475261

Longitude: 17°,27402056 W

Latitude: 48°,37327278 N

Altitude: 531.10 m

04 April 2010

4APR2010 Meteor/Meteorite News

Grimsby Meteor – The Search for Alien Rocks – Writing Book Two ...

By ideagirlconsulting
grimsby meteor sept 25 2009 - ontario canada Yvonne and Tony Garchinski are the proud new owners of five tiny meteorite fragments ...

Meteor Crater in Arizona to be converted to dump

The Spoof (satire)
Meteor, AZ. Tragically the residents of Arizona are running out of room for garbage disposal. Their preference is to send garbage overflows to Texas, ...

April meteor showers and a bevy of planet sightings

Washington Post
Stray meteors that may be spotted April 16-25 are probably Lyrids. The International Meteor Organization says the Lyrid meteor shower's peak, probably weak, ...

Video (Meteorite) Smashes Through Roof of Doctor's Office

www.universetoday.com A meteorite came through the roof of a doctor's office in Lorton, Virginia, USA. No one was hurt, but a hole was punched ...

Meteorite and meteoroid: New comprehensive definitions 5APR2010

Meteorite and meteoroid: New comprehensive definitions
Alan E. RUBIN 1* and Jeffrey N. GROSSMAN 2
1 Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, University of California, Los Angeles, California 90095–1567, USA
2 U.S. Geological Survey, 954 National Center, Reston, Virginia 20192, USA
*Corresponding author. E-mail: aerubin@ucla.edu
Copyright © 2010 The Meteoritical Society

Meteorites have traditionally been defined as solid objects that have fallen to Earth from space. This definition, however, is no longer adequate. In recent decades, man-made objects have fallen to Earth from space, meteorites have been identified on the Moon and Mars, and small interplanetary objects have impacted orbiting spacecraft. Taking these facts and other potential complications into consideration, we offer new comprehensive definitions of the terms "meteorite,""meteoroid," and their smaller counterparts:
A meteoroid is a 10-μm to 1-m-size natural solid object moving in interplanetary space. A micrometeoroid is a meteoroid 10 μm to 2 mm in size.
A meteorite is a natural, solid object larger than 10 μm in size, derived from a celestial body, that was transported by natural means from the body on which it formed to a region outside the dominant gravitational influence of that body and that later collided with a natural or artificial body larger than itself (even if it is the same body from which it was launched). Weathering and other secondary processes do not affect an object's status as a meteorite as long as something recognizable remains of its original minerals or structure. An object loses its status as a meteorite if it is incorporated into a larger rock that becomes a meteorite itself.
A micrometeorite is a meteorite between 10 μm and 2 mm in size. Meteorite–"a solid substance or body falling from the high regions of the atmosphere" (Craig 1849); "[a] mass of stone and iron that ha[s] been directly observed to have fallen down to the Earth's surface" (translated from Cohen 1894); "[a] solid bod[y] which came to the earth from space" (Farrington 1915); "A mass of solid matter, too small to be considered an asteroid; either traveling through space as an unattached unit, or having landed on the earth and still retaining its identity" (Nininger 1933); "[a meteoroid] which has reached the surface of the Earth without being vaporized" (1958 International Astronomical Union (IAU) definition, quoted by Millman 1961); "a solid body which has arrived on the Earth from outer space" (Mason 1962); "[a] solid bod[y] which reach[es] the Earth (or the Moon, Mars, etc.) from interplanetary space and [is] large enough to survive passage through the Earth's (or Mars', etc.) atmosphere" (Gomes and Keil 1980); "[a meteoroid] that survive[s] passage through the atmosphere and fall[s] to earth" (Burke 1986); "a recovered fragment of a meteoroid that has survived transit through the earth's atmosphere" (McSween 1987); "[a] solid bod[y] of extraterrestrial material that penetrate[s] the atmosphere and reach[es] the Earth's surface" (Krot et al. 2003).

(Received 05 May 2009; revision accepted 14 September 2009)

10.1111/j.1945-5100.2009.01009.x About DOI


03 April 2010

4APR2010 Slovakia/Hungary Meteorite Hunt- Continued

Starosta o padnutom meteorite: Mal by sa volať Veľkoklátovský!

AdamOnline - ‎3 時間前‎
„Teší ma, že sa meteorit našiel pri našej dedine. Možno sa aj pôjdem pozrieť do záhrady, či niečo nenájdem,“ povedala Filoména Bernátová. ...

Nový meteorit s rodokmenem se jmenuje Košice

Osel.cz - ‎15 時間前‎
V nedávných dnech se podařilo najít další meteorit s rodokmenem. Tentokrát to bylo na Slovensku po spolupráci slovenských, maďarských i českých odborníků. ...

02 April 2010

Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 3APR2010

Smithsonian discusses the rare, recent Lorton Meteorite
The Free Lance-Star - ‎7 時間前‎
18, 2010, a very rare astronomical event occurred in our area as a meteorite crashed through the roof of a medical office building on Richmond Highway in ...

Man on run after theft of space rock from Dungeness resident
Peninsula Daily - ‎6 時間前‎
By Tom Callis DUNGENESS -- A man who allegedly stole a rare meteorite from a Dungeness resident more than a year ago is on the run, according to the Clallam ...

Massive comet shower may have caused cool-down era
Vancouver Sun - ‎4 時間前‎
Many scientists have argued in recent years that a huge meteorite impact centred around Hudson Bay smashed the retreating Laurentide glacier and triggered a ...

Hour-long hailstorm may have caused 1000-year freeze, say scientists

Microscopic ''nanodiamonds'' produced by massive shocks and only found in meteorites or impact craters have also been discovered dating back to the disaster ...

Massive comet striking Canada may have triggered prehistoric extinctions

Vancouver Sun
Many scientists have argued in recent years that a meteorite impact centred around Hudson Bay smashed the retreating Laurentide glacier and triggered a ...

Suspected meteorite slams into Colorado yard
KOAA Colorado Springs - Pueblo Thu, 01 Apr 2010 06:51 AM PDT
How it got there and exactly where it came from are just two of the questions surrounding a mystery in Rist Canyon, Colorado. Tuesday night Bonnie Hebberts thought for a second she heard the wind. "I just heard a big swoosh like wind." And then it stopped. Bonnie and husband Roger thought nothing more of it until this morning when Roger walked outside. "It had to have fallen right straight down ...

Akprind Mau Kembalikan Batu Meteorit Rebutan
Media Indonesia - ‎2010年3月29日‎
TEMANGGUNG--MI: Pihak Akprind (Akademi Perindustrian) Yogyakarta berniat mengembalikan batu meteorit yang pernah jatuh di Desa Wonotirto, Kecamatan Bulu, ...

Bruchstücke eines Meteoriten gefunden
Radio Slovakia International - ‎2010年4月1日‎
Astronomen entdeckten Bruchstücke des Meteoriten, der am 28. Februar unweit vom ostslowakischen Košice herabgefallen ist. Es geht um den ersten slowakischen ...

Chandra Wickramasinghe: Eram os vermes astronautas?
Revista Época - ‎10 時間前‎
Daí a importância do anúncio, em 1996, da descoberta na Antártica de um meteorito marciano com traços microscópicos que lembrariam fósseis – o que ainda não ...

Hungary/Slovakia Meteorite Hunt Continues 2APR2010

Magyar csillagászok kulcsszerepe a kutatásban

RTL - ‎21 時間前‎
Sárneczky Krisztián szerint a magyar csillagászoknak óriási szerepük volt abban, hogy meglett a meteorit. „Csak Magyarországról készültek közvetlen ...

Translation Hungarian-English ImTranslator 3.3.3-P
"It's pretty great sensation, I think, an amateur astronomer's career occurs once these" - he said Sárneczky Krisztián.Látta a meteor, and then the hands can comprehend a piece. According to the Hungarian Krisztian Sárneczky astronomers had a huge role in that existence of a meteorite. "Only Hungary recordings made directly to the existence of any such meteorról key issue was to find these meteoritokat" - Krisztian Sárneczky said the Hungarian Astronomical Association titkára.A had seen pictures of the sites were able to determine the impact coordinates on the basis of the location of the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Kosice csillagászok.A close Felsőtőkésnél marked the landing point, a roughly 3x6 km area, is so precise that the first research on success. Csatárláncban combed through the area, five Hungarians took part. So far, 64 units were found, the smallest félgrammos the largest of more than two pounds. Astronomers must know that India can get them for exhibition and research. The world is a meteor, the thirteenth, which will be used to say it, the kind of track before being moved into the earth's atmosphere.

Central Florida bolide of 30 March 2010 2APR2010

Central Florida bolide of 30March 2010

Reports and confirmation coming in yet from north of Sebring and Gainesville; potentially in the Melbourne and Jacksonville areas of Florida.

Will be updated as news becomes available. Please check back.


Eureka - we've found it!

Donegal Democrat
The same thought occurred to all three at once: “Had they stumbled on the meteor that streaked through the skies over south Donegal on Febuary 3? ...

PAGASA: Meteor shower visible April 22-23

GMA news.tv
A meteor shower in late April will give stargazers a treat as the Lyrids meteor shower makes its appearance from April 22 to predawn of April 23. ...

Couple suspect meteorite hit front yard north of Fort Collins
The Fort Collins Coloradoan Wed, 31 Mar 2010 04:13 AM PDT
LARIMER COUNTY - Roger and Bonnie Hebbert know how quiet it is in Rist Canyon. It is one of the big reasons they live there. ...

Did A Giant Comet Cause Catastrophe In 11000 BC?

One recent meteorite is known which may have come from this giant comet progenitor: the Tagish Lake meteorite, which fell over Yukon Territory in January ...

Meteor strike in Leigh Park study has a deep impact on learning

Portsmouth News
By Sion Donovan Children imagined what it would be like if a meteor struck Leigh Park for a science project. Hundreds of meteors strike the earth every day ...

31 March 2010

Meteorite Found in Slovakia from 28FEB10 Bolide 1APR2010

Foto: TASR/Lukáš Furcoň

Astronómovia našli pri Vyšnom Klátove zvyšky meteoritu

SME.sk - ‎49 分前‎
VYŠNÝ KLÁTOV. Slovenskí astronómovia objavili úlomky meteoritu, ktorý spadol na zem 28. februára krátko pred polnocou pri Košiciach. ...
Google Translate Slovak-English:

Megtalálták a Magyarország feletti tűzgömb lehullott darabját

Origo - ‎1 時間前‎
Volt olyan nap, hogy egy égi kő sem akadt a keresők hálójába, de két napon is több mint 20 meteorit került elő. Eddig 64 meteoritot találtak, ... [see original for photos and whole text]
Hungarian-English translation by ImTranslator 3.3.3-P
Found the Magyarország over fireball litterfall piece
Currently taking place in Bratislava on 28 February, a large vocal fireball fell to the ground to find remnants of notifying the international press conference - says the Hungarian Astronomical Association hirek.csillagaszat.hu website. A month ago, has attracted great interest in our country over the saw, causing daytime meteor brightness. The direction of this phenomenon based on reports from hangrobbanásról and even then, it became clear that the land may be worth meteoritokat in Slovakia, near Kosice somewhere should be sought.
Timar Gabor, ELTE Department of Geophysics and Space sciences leader of the [origo] has been on 3 March, said Slovak and Hungarian seismology (earthquakes detector) station data, and the Seismological Institute, the Institute for Policy briefs Sunday evening in a fireball of a piece of land you get.
The accounts of subjectivity, and a few direct observations, however, because at first sight appeared to be very difficult to determine the exact location. What we set out to find, and we have heard many conflicting accounts. The home produced and released two direct-seen shots (and Telkiből Örkényből), however, the staff of the Czech Academy of Sciences, and Pavel Jiri Borovička Spurný could be distinguished from a 3x6-km area near Kosice, where leérhettek remaining debris after the explosion.
The meadows and forested hills separated on March 20 started with the Search for meteorites. Czech and Slovak astronomers, amateur and college students from Hungary began to átfésülni the easily accessible fields, where the winter grass is withered and fell typically offered the chance to find a black meteorite. Csatárláncban, 2 meters from each other along, meter by meter through the studied field, which proved to be an ideal place to research.
Slovak and Hungarian meteoritvadászok (MCSE)
Already first days Could two meteorites Also locate succession near. Impurities free clean black surfaces and localization Seeing immediately knew a searcher that meteorites found. The tiny few centimeter stones considers sat tussock top that was clear only top have been in thither, grasses below soil could not be such situation.
Addressed first found Meteorite an adjacent golf balls (photo: Juraj Toth)
The favorable weather over the next few days, continued the search. There was a day that is a heavenly stone in the search engines had not recruited, but two days more than 20 meteorites were found. So far 64 meteorites were found to have mass 3.9 kg, the maximum bit rate of 2.2 kg, the lowest half-gram. The Czech Geological Survey preliminary examination of the H5 type kondritokról, kőmeteoritokról say is, all of which is a half to one meter in diameter, the remains of meteors, which on February 28, entered our atmosphere, but 20-25 km high explosives, and broken pieces.

Západne od Košíc sa našlo 64 úlomkov meteoritu
DNES.sk - ‎15 分前‎
Prvý meteorit, ktorý našiel Juraj Tóth z UK, bol analyzovaný na Fakulte matematiky, fyziky a informatiky UK, kde sa jednoznačne potvrdilo, ...
West of Kosice, Hungary found 64 fragments of meteorite
Division Director interplanetary Astronomical Institute Svoreň John today at a press conference that the total was found in the vicinity of the village Vyšný Klátov 64 meteorite fragments, the largest weighed 2.19 kg and the smallest 0.57 g. The first meteorite, found that George Toth of the University, was analyzed at the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics UK, where it is clearly established that the alien body. Total weighted debris found west of Kosice 3.92 kg. They searched 22 people for six days in the field spent 588 hours and passed around a large area of 20 km2. ...

Astronómovia našli pri Vyšnom Klátove zvyšky meteoritu

SME.sk - ‎3 時間前‎
Slovensko má prvý meteorit s rodokmeňom. Ide o meteorit "Košice", ktorý spadol polhodinu pred polnocou 28. februára pri obci Vyšný Klátov, západne od Košíc. ...

Nem UFO volt: Kassa mellett megtalálták a februári meteorit (bolida) darabjait

Paraméter - ‎2 時間前‎
Megtalálták a február 28-i bolida (tűzgömb) darabjait. Az leletre kelet-szlovákiai Felsőtőkés (Vyšný Klátov) közelében bukkantak rá szlovák csillagászok. ...

Západne od Košíc našli 64 úlomkov meteoritu

DNES.sk - ‎2 時間前‎
Prvý meteorit, ktorý našiel Juraj Tóth z UK, analyzovali na Fakulte matematiky, fyziky a informatiky UK, kde sa jednoznačne potvrdilo, že ide o mimozemské ...

Na východní Slovensko dopadl meteorit, vědci našli jeho úlomky

Český rozhlas - ‎7 分前‎
Na východní Slovensko dopadlo hodinu před půlnocí 28. února několik desítek kilogramů kamene z vesmíru. Byly to úlomky meteoritu, který shořel v atmosféře, ...

Vo Vyšnom Klátove našli zvyšky meteoritu

Bleskovky - ‎9 分前‎
STARÁ LESNÁ – Slovensko má prvý meteorit s rodokmeňom. Ide o meteorit „Košice“, ktorý spadol polhodinu pred polnocou 28. februára pri obci Vyšný Klátov, ...

Slovakian Noviny-TV News Report
Press conference about meteorites (in Slovakian):

(in headline and in part #4) A bit slow in loading due to site traffic at the moment. Has footage showing a breccia!
Thank you István for your post!

A Felvidéken találták meg a „Kassa” meteort

Szent Korona Rádió - ‎43 分前‎
Elmondta: eddig összesen 64 darab meteorit került elő. A legnagyobb 12 centiméteres átmérőjű és 2,19 kilós, a legkisebb pedig 0,8 centiméteres és 0,57 ...

Slovensko ma raritu: Zvysky meteoritu s rodokmenom

Aktuálne.sk - ‎39 分前‎
Stara Lesna Slovensko ma prvy meteorit s rodokmenom. Ide o meteorit "Kosice", ktory spadol polhodinu pred polnocou 28. februara pri obci Vysny Klatov, ...


Meteorite-like rock strikes near Rist Canyon, Colorado home
The Fort Collins Coloradoan Tue, 30 Mar 2010 14:32 PM PDT
Roger Hebbert got more than a cake for his 75th birthday this morning; he awoke to find what he believes is a meteorite that struck just 10 feet from his rural Rist Canyon home.
... (HOAX, ie not a meteorite)

Wanted: Debris from meteorite crash
Hamilton Spectator Tue, 30 Mar 2010 01:40 AM PDT
(Mar 30, 2010) - Phil McCausland still believes there are big rocks from last fall's spectacular meteorite in the fields of Grimsby....

Falling stars: NEAF and meteorites

Astronomy Magazine (blog)
Nickel testing — confirming nickel in meteorites (first question: How do we know if it is a meteorite or a “meteor-wrong”?). Classification of meteorites ...
April stars offer rare view of Mercury

Mankato Free Press - ‎20 時間前‎
The oldest known meteor shower, the Lyrids, will peak after midnight April 22. This shower occurs when the Earth crosses the orbit of comet Thatcher and ...

YouTube Video: meteorite
Maribo finding situation

06:03 posted on YouTube 30MAR10
Finding situation of the Maribo Meteorite. Fall 17.January 2009, Find 04.March 2009, Finder: Thomas Grau (ERFM)

30 March 2010


Space Weather News for March 29, 2010

"RADIO-ACTIVE" SUNSPOT: Over the weekend, big sunspot 1057 emitted a series of radio bursts that caused roaring sounds to issue from the loudspeakers of shortwave receivers. Visit today's edition of http://spaceweather.com
to hear a sample "roar" and to find out how you can build your own solar radio burst monitor.

FIRST FULL MOON OF NORTHERN SPRING: According to folklore, tonight's full Moon has a special name--the Worm Moon. It signals the coming of northern spring, a thawing of the soil, and the first stirrings of earthworms in long-dormant gardens. Step outside tonight and behold the wakening landscape. "Worm moonlight" is prettier than it sounds.

SHUTTLE SIGHTINGS: Space shuttle Discovery is set to launch to the International Space Station on April 5th. During the 13-day mission, the two spaceships will make a series of bright flybys over North America. Check the Simple Satellite Tracker for viewing opportunities: http://spaceweather.com/flybys

And don't forget, there's an application for that, too: http://simpleflybys.com

Also, IF you enjoyed this news report from Space Weather News and would like to receive automatic updates please sign up for free space weather alerts at http://spaceweather.com/services/

29 March 2010


Iron From the Sky: The Meteorite Hunters Video
Join The Meteorite Hunters, Mike Farmer, Greg Hupe, Robert Ward and Shauna, Dave Gheesling and others as they search for and find meteorites in Glorietta, New Mexico. Unearth one of the most incredible North American Meteorites Discoveries in history. ...

Unusually Low Flying Meteor -- Signs of the Times News

On March 19th at 11:19 Central Time, a meteoroid entered Earth's atmosphere over the southeastern United States and disintegrated in a flash as bright as the crescent Moon. To the human eye, it appeared to be a garden-variety fireball, ...

New Comet Found the Old Fashioned Way « The Transient Sky – Comets ...

By Carl Hergenrother
The Transient Sky – Comets, Asteroids, Meteors. Bringing you cool stuff about Comets, Asteroids, and Meteors. Home · About · Home > Comets > New Comet Found the Old Fashioned Way ...

Focus in on celestial events

Akron Beacon Journal
On April 22, the Lyrid meteor shower peaks. The 10 to 20 meteors an hour tend to be bright and often leave trails. On unpredictable occasions, up to 100 per ...

Meteor Activity Outlook for March 27-April 2, 2010 « The Transient ...

By Carl Hergenrother
The Meteor Activity Outlook is a weekly summary of expected meteor activity written by Robert Lunsford, Operations Manager of the American Meteor Society and contributor to this blog. The original unedited version of this week's Meteor ...

27 March 2010


村民发现罕见陨石 不给科研机构愿出售

资源网 - ‎12 時間前‎
陨石已经锈迹斑斑,外形受到了严重破坏,十分可惜。” 昨天,北京天文馆专家张宝林焦急地向记者介绍说,今年2月20日,福建省连江县马鼻镇士坎村村民发现了一块从天而降 ...
Rare meteorite found in the villagers do not give research institutions willing to sell
Resources Network - 12 hours ago
The "meteorite has been rusting, shape has been seriously damaged, a great pity." Yesterday, the Beijing Planetarium expert Zhang Baolin anxiously briefed reporters said that this year February 20, mabi Lianjiang County, Fujian Province ...

Izza Marsa na Mežaklo

zurnal24 - ‎8 時間前‎
... akademije znanosti uspelo izračunati izvor in orbito jeseniškega meteorita, kar je izjemen dosežek, saj je s tem postal 11. meteorit z znano krožnico. ...

La meteorite qui s'est ecrasee en 1934, pres de Bettrechies, est aujourd'hui... a la salle des fetes

La Voix du Nord - ‎6 時間前‎
En réalité, il semblerait que ce Constantin ait vu ce jour-là soit une conjonction de planète avec vraisemblablement un passage de météorites. L'évocation ...

Hooked on Science: Check your house for dust from a meteorite

Southeast Missourian - ‎2010年3月24日‎
Using a few materials from around the house you can check to see if space dust has made it into your backyard. STEP 1: Using the jar, have an adult collect ...

City group plans study tour to Lonar crater

Indian Express - ‎2010年3月25日‎
City-based Khagol Vishwa group will take students from Pune on a study tour to the Lonar meteorite crater in Buldana district in the first week of April ...

Amphoterite, Teil 1: NWA 2398

myheimat.de - ‎2010年3月23日‎
Über den genauen Ort und den Finder ist nichts bekannt, aber sehr oft sind es Nomaden, die sich mit den Meteoriten, die sie zufällig entdecken, ...

球 粒陨石 • Chinese Dictionary - Online Chinese-English Dictionary

Online Chinese Dictionary. Search in the dictionary in english, chinese, french, pinyin or with the Hand Writing Recognition.