Showing posts with label Vyšný Klátova Slovakia meteorite 28FEB2010. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vyšný Klátova Slovakia meteorite 28FEB2010. Show all posts

11 April 2010

Slovakia Fall updates and other meteorite news 11APR2010

J. Mäsiar: "Vieme, z ktorej časti Slnečnej sústavy k nám prišiel"

Žilinský večerník - ‎2010年4月6日 ‎
Meteorit nezhorel celý, slovenským astronómom sa podarilo jeho úlomky v blízkosti Košíc nájsť!,“ konštatuje J. Mäsiar. Z oblastí vzdialených niekoľko ...
J. Butcher: "We know from what part of the solar
system came to us' West večerník - 2010 年 4 月 6 日
burn all, Slovak astronomers succeeded in its chips
find near Kosice!, "says J. Butcher. In remote areas
more ...

Astronómovia budú zisťovať pôvod meteoritu Košice

TA3 - ‎2010年4月5日‎
Za posledných 200 rokov dopadol meteorit na územie Slovenska len 5-krát. V prípade posledného meteoritu Košice si však astronómovia trúfajú vypočítať aj to, ...
Astronomers will determine the origin of meteorite Košice
TA3 - 2010 年 4 月 5 日 Over the past 200 years hit the meteorite
territory of Slovakia only 5 times. In the latter case a meteorite Košice
But astronomers also calculated dare ...

Honnan tudják a geológusok, hogy egy kődarab meteorit vagy sem? - dr. Kovács ...

Baranya Ma - ‎2010年4月6日‎
Sokszor hihetjük azt, hogy amit valahol kint a szabadban találtunk, meteorit. Az előadás során egy Kínából származó meteorit segítségével ismerhetjük meg, ...
How did the geologists know that a stone meteorite
or not? - Dr. Kovacs ... Today Baranya - 2010 年 4 月 6 日
Many times we believe that
that somewhere out there in the open air have been found in meteorites. The performance
in a meteorite from China through you learn

Siaga Ketika Gempa

Serambinews - ‎2010年4月7日‎
Umur bumi sudah sangat tua, yaitu sekitar 4,56 miliar tahun, hal ini berdasarkan umur batuan meteorit tertua yang ditemukan oleh para ahli. ...
Standby Time of Earthquake Serambinews - 2010 年 4 月 7 日 Age of the Earth is very old, which is around 4.56 billion
year, this according to the age of the oldest meteorite rocks
found by experts. ...

Descopera cu 10 minuni naturale (Comunicat de Presă) - ‎2010年4月5日‎
Daca initial sa crezut ca este rezultatul impactului unui meteorit, oamenii de stiinta au descoperit intre timp ca simpla eroziue naturala a produs aceasta ...
Discover the 10 natural wonders (Press
Press) - 2010 年 4 月 5 日 If initially thought it
result of a meteorite impact, scientists
meanwhile discovered that natural erosion has produced this simple ...

06 April 2010

Meteorites from Slovakia Fall 28FEB2010 6APR2010

The Astronomical and Geophysical Observatory in Modra, Slovakia
:: Meteorite "Kosice" in Slovakia 28FEB2010
(c)2010 Astronomical and geophysical observatory in Modra
(NOTE: their server is currently overloaded with requests; this is a "near mirror" of their article until traffic returns to normal levels)

Meteorite “Kosice”, the fall in Slovakia

On February 28th at 22:24:46 UT a bright bolide enlightened the night sky over the Central Europe. Despite the late hour bunch of people were watching Olympics ice hockey finals on TV and eye witnessed astonishing celestial spectacle. The glare of the bolide illuminated streets and interior of apartments, at some places in Eastern Slovakia cannon-like burst or series of low frequency blasts were heard. Due to the bad weather, cloudy skies and scatter showers the Central European Fireball Network (operated by Dr. Pavel Spurny of the Czech Academy of Sciences) did not take direct optical records of the bolide and Slovak Video Network (operated by Dr. Juraj Toth of Comenius University in Bratislava) did not operate that night so that at first moment it seemed that there are no scientific records of this event. Fortunately fast photoelectric sensors on 7 automated fireball stations in the Czech Republic (6) and Austria (1) detected the illumination of the sky caused by the bolide which enabled to determine exact time and duration of the bolide and estimate its brightness. The bolide reached the maximum brightness at least -18 magnitude in one huge flare. In the morning few photographers took a picture of a possible scatter dust trail. Later on several surveillance camera data were published showing the moment when the night became a day for a second but only two videos from Hungary (Orkeny village, Fazzi Daniella and Vass Gabor; Telki village, contact persons Szarneczky Krisztian, Kiss Laszlo) actually captured the fireball itself. Thanks to calibration of videos by several members of the Hungarian Astronomical Association (MCSE - contributed (namely Igaz Antal) and trajectory analysis done by Dr. Jiri Borovicka of the Czech Academy of Sciences gave the hope that significant number of meteorite fragments reached the surface. He also calculated the impact area near town Kosice in Eastern Slovakia. The data from Local Seismic Network Eastern Slovakia (project led by Prof. Moczo of Comenius University) confirmed the fall location as well. The expedition consisting of scientists and graduate students of the Astronomical Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences (under the leadership of Jan Svoren), Comenius University in Bratislava (under the leadership of Juraj Toth), Czech Academy of Sciences (under the leadership of Pavel Spurny) started to sweep meadows and forests at the calculated area. The first meteorite was discovered by Juraj Tóth on March 20th. Until the March 28th, 64 meteorite fragments were found. The heaviest fragment weights 2.19 kg, the smallest pieces were only about 0.5 gram. The total mass recovered is equal to 3.917kg. Preliminary analysis implies that the recovered meteorite is classified as an ordinary H5 chondrite (Dr. J. Haloda, Czech Geological Survey). The ongoing data analysis will reveal also other parameters of this bolide as the meteorite atmospheric velocity, pre-atmospheric mass and initial orbit in the Solar System. According to Slovak laws, meteorites belong to the state. Collecting meteorites is allowed only to state or academic institutions from Slovak Republic. Credit: Juraj Toth, Jan Svoren, Pavel Spurny, Jiri Borovicka, Igaz Antal and Peter Veres. youtube videos of fireball:

(Orkeny village, Hungary, Fazzi Daniella and Vass Gabor),_meteorok/20100301-tuzgomb-magyarorszag-felett.html

(Dusan Vaverka, Brno city, Czech Republic)

(Telki village, Meszleny Tamas, Szarnecky Kristian, Kiss Laslo), caption from Hungarian RTL TV

(surveillance camera captured flare on a parking lot in Presov town, Slovakia)

Photos of Kosice Meteorites:

Information about the Observatory:


AGO-Astronomical observatory
P.O.Box 4
900 01 Modra
tel.: +421 336475261

Longitude: 17°,27402056 W

Latitude: 48°,37327278 N

Altitude: 531.10 m

31 March 2010

Meteorite Found in Slovakia from 28FEB10 Bolide 1APR2010

Foto: TASR/Lukáš Furcoň

Astronómovia našli pri Vyšnom Klátove zvyšky meteoritu - ‎49 分前‎
VYŠNÝ KLÁTOV. Slovenskí astronómovia objavili úlomky meteoritu, ktorý spadol na zem 28. februára krátko pred polnocou pri Košiciach. ...
Google Translate Slovak-English:

Megtalálták a Magyarország feletti tűzgömb lehullott darabját

Origo - ‎1 時間前‎
Volt olyan nap, hogy egy égi kő sem akadt a keresők hálójába, de két napon is több mint 20 meteorit került elő. Eddig 64 meteoritot találtak, ... [see original for photos and whole text]
Hungarian-English translation by ImTranslator 3.3.3-P
Found the Magyarország over fireball litterfall piece
Currently taking place in Bratislava on 28 February, a large vocal fireball fell to the ground to find remnants of notifying the international press conference - says the Hungarian Astronomical Association website. A month ago, has attracted great interest in our country over the saw, causing daytime meteor brightness. The direction of this phenomenon based on reports from hangrobbanásról and even then, it became clear that the land may be worth meteoritokat in Slovakia, near Kosice somewhere should be sought.
Timar Gabor, ELTE Department of Geophysics and Space sciences leader of the [origo] has been on 3 March, said Slovak and Hungarian seismology (earthquakes detector) station data, and the Seismological Institute, the Institute for Policy briefs Sunday evening in a fireball of a piece of land you get.
The accounts of subjectivity, and a few direct observations, however, because at first sight appeared to be very difficult to determine the exact location. What we set out to find, and we have heard many conflicting accounts. The home produced and released two direct-seen shots (and Telkiből Örkényből), however, the staff of the Czech Academy of Sciences, and Pavel Jiri Borovička Spurný could be distinguished from a 3x6-km area near Kosice, where leérhettek remaining debris after the explosion.
The meadows and forested hills separated on March 20 started with the Search for meteorites. Czech and Slovak astronomers, amateur and college students from Hungary began to átfésülni the easily accessible fields, where the winter grass is withered and fell typically offered the chance to find a black meteorite. Csatárláncban, 2 meters from each other along, meter by meter through the studied field, which proved to be an ideal place to research.
Slovak and Hungarian meteoritvadászok (MCSE)
Already first days Could two meteorites Also locate succession near. Impurities free clean black surfaces and localization Seeing immediately knew a searcher that meteorites found. The tiny few centimeter stones considers sat tussock top that was clear only top have been in thither, grasses below soil could not be such situation.
Addressed first found Meteorite an adjacent golf balls (photo: Juraj Toth)
The favorable weather over the next few days, continued the search. There was a day that is a heavenly stone in the search engines had not recruited, but two days more than 20 meteorites were found. So far 64 meteorites were found to have mass 3.9 kg, the maximum bit rate of 2.2 kg, the lowest half-gram. The Czech Geological Survey preliminary examination of the H5 type kondritokról, kőmeteoritokról say is, all of which is a half to one meter in diameter, the remains of meteors, which on February 28, entered our atmosphere, but 20-25 km high explosives, and broken pieces.

Západne od Košíc sa našlo 64 úlomkov meteoritu - ‎15 分前‎
Prvý meteorit, ktorý našiel Juraj Tóth z UK, bol analyzovaný na Fakulte matematiky, fyziky a informatiky UK, kde sa jednoznačne potvrdilo, ...
West of Kosice, Hungary found 64 fragments of meteorite
Division Director interplanetary Astronomical Institute Svoreň John today at a press conference that the total was found in the vicinity of the village Vyšný Klátov 64 meteorite fragments, the largest weighed 2.19 kg and the smallest 0.57 g. The first meteorite, found that George Toth of the University, was analyzed at the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics UK, where it is clearly established that the alien body. Total weighted debris found west of Kosice 3.92 kg. They searched 22 people for six days in the field spent 588 hours and passed around a large area of 20 km2. ...

Astronómovia našli pri Vyšnom Klátove zvyšky meteoritu - ‎3 時間前‎
Slovensko má prvý meteorit s rodokmeňom. Ide o meteorit "Košice", ktorý spadol polhodinu pred polnocou 28. februára pri obci Vyšný Klátov, západne od Košíc. ...

Nem UFO volt: Kassa mellett megtalálták a februári meteorit (bolida) darabjait

Paraméter - ‎2 時間前‎
Megtalálták a február 28-i bolida (tűzgömb) darabjait. Az leletre kelet-szlovákiai Felsőtőkés (Vyšný Klátov) közelében bukkantak rá szlovák csillagászok. ...

Západne od Košíc našli 64 úlomkov meteoritu - ‎2 時間前‎
Prvý meteorit, ktorý našiel Juraj Tóth z UK, analyzovali na Fakulte matematiky, fyziky a informatiky UK, kde sa jednoznačne potvrdilo, že ide o mimozemské ...

Na východní Slovensko dopadl meteorit, vědci našli jeho úlomky

Český rozhlas - ‎7 分前‎
Na východní Slovensko dopadlo hodinu před půlnocí 28. února několik desítek kilogramů kamene z vesmíru. Byly to úlomky meteoritu, který shořel v atmosféře, ...

Vo Vyšnom Klátove našli zvyšky meteoritu

Bleskovky - ‎9 分前‎
STARÁ LESNÁ – Slovensko má prvý meteorit s rodokmeňom. Ide o meteorit „Košice“, ktorý spadol polhodinu pred polnocou 28. februára pri obci Vyšný Klátov, ...

Slovakian Noviny-TV News Report
Press conference about meteorites (in Slovakian):

(in headline and in part #4) A bit slow in loading due to site traffic at the moment. Has footage showing a breccia!
Thank you István for your post!

A Felvidéken találták meg a „Kassa” meteort

Szent Korona Rádió - ‎43 分前‎
Elmondta: eddig összesen 64 darab meteorit került elő. A legnagyobb 12 centiméteres átmérőjű és 2,19 kilós, a legkisebb pedig 0,8 centiméteres és 0,57 ...

Slovensko ma raritu: Zvysky meteoritu s rodokmenom

Aktuá - ‎39 分前‎
Stara Lesna Slovensko ma prvy meteorit s rodokmenom. Ide o meteorit "Kosice", ktory spadol polhodinu pred polnocou 28. februara pri obci Vysny Klatov, ...