Showing posts with label Kosice Slovakia meteorite. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kosice Slovakia meteorite. Show all posts

04 May 2010

Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 4MAY2010 early

East Jakarta meteorite was as big as coconut : expert

ANTARA - ‎37 分前‎
Jakarta (ANTARA News) - The meteorite that fell from the sky at Duren Sawit, East Jakarta, on Thursday (April 25) is believed to have been the size of a ...

If you build tourism industry up north, they will come

Vancouver Sun - ‎3 時間前‎
The giant crater that is the centrepiece of the Parc national des Pingualuit, formed more than one million years ago by a falling meteorite, was only ...

New Geology Museum opens

Joburg - ‎3 時間前‎
And that a rare feature - the Vredefort Impact Structure near Parys in the Free State - is the oldest and largest meteorite impact crater in the world ...

Meteorit Duren Sawit Tak Sisakan Bahan Berbahaya

ANTARA - ‎3 時間前‎
Masyarakat tidak perlu khawatir pada meteorit itu. Menurut peneliti bidang astronomi Lapan Prof Dr Thomas Djamaluddin, meteorit tersebut tidak mengandung ...

Batu Meteor Dikembalikan ke Temanggung

ANTARA - ‎2 時間前‎
Penduduk menemukan dua buah meteorit, masing-masing dari salah satu titik di ladang tembakau seukuran kepala bayi dan di jalan desa seukuran kepalan tangan ...

Korban Meteor Menunggu Bantuan - ‎2 時間前‎
JAKARTA, — Lima keluarga yang rumahnya rusak akibat diterjang meteorit di Duren Sawit, Jakarta Timur, sampai saat ini masih kebingungan untuk ...

Korban Meteor: Kenangan Itu Kini Hilang - ‎4 時間前‎
Rumah Subari dan empat rumah lain hancur akibat meteorit yang jatuh pada tanggal 29 April pukul 16.00. Akibat kejadian itu, lima rumah menjadi korban. ...

¿Cuál es la posibilidad de que habitemos en otro planeta? - ‎12 時間前‎
Para demostrar qué tan resistentes son a la hipervelocidad de la reentrada de un meteorito hipotético a la Tierra, colocaron en lo alto de un cohete sonda ...

La météorite "Kosice" a illuminé la "nuit" slovaque - ‎1 時間前‎
En raison du mauvais temps, ciel nuageux et averses, le réseau européen de détection des météorites (European Fireball Network [1]) présent en Europe ...

Ces pierres tombées du ciel

L'indé - ‎12 時間前‎
L'âge du fer a commencé quand, à l'occasion de la chute d'une météorite en Norvège de plus de 7 tonnes, les hommes préhistoriques se sont servis de ce métal ...

Метеорит размером с футбольный мяч разрушил в Джакарте дом

ШАНС.RU - ‎9 時間前‎
Метеорит упал в четверг вечером на дом в столице Индонезии Джакарте - космический объект пробил крышу и пол двух этажей одного из домов на улице Делима-2, после чего тот обрушился, а взрыв метеорита нанес незначительные повреждения двум соседним зданиям, пишет РИА «Новости» со ссылкой на газету ...

Микробное дело

Журнал ИТОГИ - ‎11 時間前‎
И метеориты тоже, но в этом случае микробы попадают на Землю уже мертвыми. Видите кусочек камня - это обломок метеорита, возраст которого исчисляется миллиардами лет. Он значительно старше Земли. А бактерии в нем по форме ничем не отличаются от современных. Только они - окаменевшие. ...

Камък на 23 млн. години на изложение край Варна

Черно море - ‎4 時間前‎
Друг любопитен експонат от колекцията вулканичнви камъни ще е червеният метеорит, който се добива на 100 км от Измир и също внася екзотика в направата на ...

【科学】生命の起源に関与? オリオン大星雲の円偏光

MSN産経ニュース - ‎18 時間前‎
原始太陽系が特殊な光にさらされた結果、生命の素になるアミノ酸に偏りが生じ、これが隕石(いんせき) とともに飛来して地球上に生命が誕生した-というシナリオだ。(中本哲也) タンパク質をつくるアミノ酸には、右手と左手のように構造が同じなのに重ね合わせることが ...

26 April 2010

Meteor/Meteorite News 26APR2010- incomplete

Meteorit: Slovenský unikát

Svet komunikácie - ‎2010年4月21日‎
Meteorit "Košice", po oficiálnom schválení a katalogizovaní, bude 15. prípadom meteoritov s rodokmeňom, prvým na Slovensku. Od posledného pozorovaného pádu ...

Meteorit rozžiaril nebo nad Spojenými štátmi - ‎2010年4月19日‎
Niektorí sa domnievajú, že išlo o padajúci meteorit. Oslepujúce svetlo bolo možné pozorovať asi 15 minút a videli ho obyvatelia Wisconsinu, Illinois, ...

Oblohu nad středozápadem Spojených států ozářil meteorit - ‎2010年4月16日‎
Podle odborníků se však nejednalo o návštěvu mimozemské civilizace, ale o meteorit. Obyvatelé se obávali podivné záře na obloze. Náhodně se dokonce podařilo ...

Week in Review: Meteor-fragments hunt 'crazy

Dubuque Telegraph Herald
Sipiera, a meteor researcher with the Planetary Studies Foundation and Chicago's Field Museum was one of hundreds of people searching for fallen fragments ...

Check It Out
Israel National News
Sun, 25 Apr 2010 06:29 AM PDT
( The Jerusalem Geological Institute confirmed Sunday afternoon that the object that fell on the beach at Bat Yam on Shabbat was artificial and not a meteorite.

Searchers traipse through farm fields in search of meteorite fragments
Norwalk Reflector Sun, 25 Apr 2010 03:29 AM PDT
LINDEN, Wis. â Billions of years before April 14, two asteroids collided somewhere in outer space, sending a rock on a path that ultimately led to Kevin Wasleyâs farm field.

06 April 2010

Meteorites from Slovakia Fall 28FEB2010 6APR2010

The Astronomical and Geophysical Observatory in Modra, Slovakia
:: Meteorite "Kosice" in Slovakia 28FEB2010
(c)2010 Astronomical and geophysical observatory in Modra
(NOTE: their server is currently overloaded with requests; this is a "near mirror" of their article until traffic returns to normal levels)

Meteorite “Kosice”, the fall in Slovakia

On February 28th at 22:24:46 UT a bright bolide enlightened the night sky over the Central Europe. Despite the late hour bunch of people were watching Olympics ice hockey finals on TV and eye witnessed astonishing celestial spectacle. The glare of the bolide illuminated streets and interior of apartments, at some places in Eastern Slovakia cannon-like burst or series of low frequency blasts were heard. Due to the bad weather, cloudy skies and scatter showers the Central European Fireball Network (operated by Dr. Pavel Spurny of the Czech Academy of Sciences) did not take direct optical records of the bolide and Slovak Video Network (operated by Dr. Juraj Toth of Comenius University in Bratislava) did not operate that night so that at first moment it seemed that there are no scientific records of this event. Fortunately fast photoelectric sensors on 7 automated fireball stations in the Czech Republic (6) and Austria (1) detected the illumination of the sky caused by the bolide which enabled to determine exact time and duration of the bolide and estimate its brightness. The bolide reached the maximum brightness at least -18 magnitude in one huge flare. In the morning few photographers took a picture of a possible scatter dust trail. Later on several surveillance camera data were published showing the moment when the night became a day for a second but only two videos from Hungary (Orkeny village, Fazzi Daniella and Vass Gabor; Telki village, contact persons Szarneczky Krisztian, Kiss Laszlo) actually captured the fireball itself. Thanks to calibration of videos by several members of the Hungarian Astronomical Association (MCSE - contributed (namely Igaz Antal) and trajectory analysis done by Dr. Jiri Borovicka of the Czech Academy of Sciences gave the hope that significant number of meteorite fragments reached the surface. He also calculated the impact area near town Kosice in Eastern Slovakia. The data from Local Seismic Network Eastern Slovakia (project led by Prof. Moczo of Comenius University) confirmed the fall location as well. The expedition consisting of scientists and graduate students of the Astronomical Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences (under the leadership of Jan Svoren), Comenius University in Bratislava (under the leadership of Juraj Toth), Czech Academy of Sciences (under the leadership of Pavel Spurny) started to sweep meadows and forests at the calculated area. The first meteorite was discovered by Juraj Tóth on March 20th. Until the March 28th, 64 meteorite fragments were found. The heaviest fragment weights 2.19 kg, the smallest pieces were only about 0.5 gram. The total mass recovered is equal to 3.917kg. Preliminary analysis implies that the recovered meteorite is classified as an ordinary H5 chondrite (Dr. J. Haloda, Czech Geological Survey). The ongoing data analysis will reveal also other parameters of this bolide as the meteorite atmospheric velocity, pre-atmospheric mass and initial orbit in the Solar System. According to Slovak laws, meteorites belong to the state. Collecting meteorites is allowed only to state or academic institutions from Slovak Republic. Credit: Juraj Toth, Jan Svoren, Pavel Spurny, Jiri Borovicka, Igaz Antal and Peter Veres. youtube videos of fireball:

(Orkeny village, Hungary, Fazzi Daniella and Vass Gabor),_meteorok/20100301-tuzgomb-magyarorszag-felett.html

(Dusan Vaverka, Brno city, Czech Republic)

(Telki village, Meszleny Tamas, Szarnecky Kristian, Kiss Laslo), caption from Hungarian RTL TV

(surveillance camera captured flare on a parking lot in Presov town, Slovakia)

Photos of Kosice Meteorites:

Information about the Observatory:


AGO-Astronomical observatory
P.O.Box 4
900 01 Modra
tel.: +421 336475261

Longitude: 17°,27402056 W

Latitude: 48°,37327278 N

Altitude: 531.10 m

04 March 2010

Hungary Bolide Meteor 28FEB2010- New Fireball Video

meteorit hungary

RTL News report posted on YouTube by nagyfeco11

Meteor Becsapódás 2010. február 28.-án 23:25 órakor.
Hungary/ Slovakia meteor 28FEB2010 at 23:25.
posted on YouTube by kothaj 3MAR2010
Meteor robbant fel az ország felett – Tények riport (video)
01:37 - Today on 4MAR2010
TV2 News Report
Meteor robbant fel az ország felett – Tények riport

A hadsereg radarjai sem látták a fényes meteoritot, ami két napja lépett a föld légterébe majd felrobbant. Valószínűleg azért, mert sebessége akár százszorosa is lehetett egy repülőjének. Magyarországon többen látták a hatalmas villanást. Egyelőre a kutatók a pontos robbanás helyét igyekeznek kiszámolni, mert ott akár földre hullott meteoritdarabok is lehetnek. Miskolc, Kazincbarcika és Ózd környékén az erős villanás mellett robbanás hangját is lehetett hallani.

ImTranslator 3.3.3-P Hungarian-English Translation (use it for all of your translation needs)

The Army's radar could not see the bright meteorites, which came two days ago, the earth will explode airspace. Probably because they could have a speed of up to one hundred times repülőjének. Hungary saw a huge flash and more. For now, researchers try to calculate the precise location of an explosion, because there may be even fallen meteoritdarabok. Miskolc, Kazincbarcika Ozd and around the flash with a strong explosion was heard in the voice.
A csillagászok azt mondják: asztal nagyságú meteorit lehetett, olyan egy méter átmérőjű. Hogyha alacsonyan semmisült meg, mondjuk úgy 20-30 km magasságban, akkor van esély, hogy darabjai hullottak a földre. Hogy erre hol kerülhetett sor, azt majd a háromszögeléssel, a térbeli helyzet rekonstruálásával kerülhet sor.
Astronomers say the meteorite the size of table could be a one meter diameter. Low if destroyed, let's say 20-30 km altitude, there is a chance that the pieces fell to the ground. That this could be where it will be the triangulation of the three-dimensional reconstruction of the situation may be.

Ilyen fényes meteorrobbanás viszonylag ritkán, alig tucatszor látható a világon évente. Egy szlovák csillagász azt mondta a Tényeknek, hogy egy cseh meteorfigyelő radar rögzítette a képét. A tűzgolyó – szaknyelven bolid – Kassa közelében robbant szét. Ez alapján biztosak benne, hogy meteorit volt és nem UFO.
Such a bright meteorrobbanás relatively rare, hardly visible to the world a dozen times a year. A Slovak astronomer told the facts that a Czech meteorfigyelő fixed the radar picture. The fireball - technically boli - Kosice exploded near the vessel. On this basis, be sure that the meteorite was not UFO.

Utoljára ilyen látványos meteorit robbanást 2009 novemberében Dél-Afrikában láttak. Nappali fénybe borította a környéket több száz kilométeres körzetben.
Last spectacular meteorite explosion in November 2009 that South Africa had seen. Daylight covered the area several hundred kilometers.


COPY of posted on YouTube by 72kyros 4MAR2010

meteor meteorit meteorite hungary magyarország