18 March 2009

Meteorite News 18MAR09

Travel for rock of ages
Leader Community Newspapers Wed, 18 Mar 2009 14:25 PM PDT
INTREPID traveller, avid collector, philanthropist, meteorite hunter.

Meteorite lands in Bella Vista - for a day
NWAnews.com Wed, 18 Mar 2009 05:29 AM PDT
A 4.6-billion-year-old, 50-pound meteorite landed in Bella Vista on Monday. (Benton County Daily Record)

NASA scientists isolate clues to the secret of life
New Kerala Wed, 18 Mar 2009 03:42 AM PDT
Washington, March 18 : NASA scientists analysing meteorite dust have discovered new clues to a long-standing mystery about how life works on its most basic, molecular level.

Clues To A Secret Of Life Found In Meteorite Dust
Science Daily Tue, 17 Mar 2009 18:28 PM PDT
NASA scientists analyzing the dust of meteorites have discovered new clues to a long-standing mystery about how life works on its most basic, molecular level.

17 March 2009

Staten Island, NY Loud Boom 17MAR09

What Was That?
By MIKE GRAHAM wpix.com
March 17, 2009
Staten Island residents had themselves saying "what was that loud boom" last night. Whatever the noise was, it was heard in at least six neighborhoods and rattled nerves and windows at about 7:55p.m. Monday.
Calls to 911 came flooding in and police and firefighters responded but could not solve the mystery of the explosion-like blast. Con Edison said there were no reports of transformer explosions or outages despite the fact that the noise could be heard for miles. Police believe it is possible that fireworks could be to blame. Strange doings indeed in the metropolitan area as last week Westchester and Rockland county residents reported seeing a bright yellow streak in the skies north of the city. Some theorize that may have been a meteorite fireball.


Staten Island residents report loud boom
March 17, 2009 NEW YORK -
Staten Island residents are trying to figure out what caused a loud boom that was heard in at least six neighborhoods. The explosion-like blast rattled windows of homes at about 7:55 p.m. Monday. It could be heard for miles. Police and firefighters responded to numerous calls to 911, but the loud noise remained a mystery on Tuesday. Police say they found no explosion anywhere in the borough and Con Edison reported no outages or transformer explosions. Police speculated it was caused by fireworks. Last week, witnesses reported big booms of a different sort. A brilliant yellow streak was seen in the skies north of the city, in Westchester and Rockland counties. Some residents believed it was a meteorite fireball.

Meteorite News 16MAR-17MAR09

Meteor dust: Clues to secrets of life
Moldova.org Tue, 17 Mar 2009 11:09 AM PDT
U.S. space agency scientists say they've discovered meteor dust contains clues to a long-standing mystery: how life works at its most basic, molecular level.We found more support for the idea that biological molecules, like amino acids, created in space and brought to Earth by meteorite impacts help explain why life is left-handed, said Daniel Glavin of the National Aeronautics and Space ...

Molecules From Space May Have Affected Life On Earth
Universe Today Tue, 17 Mar 2009 11:00 AM PDT
A decade ago researchers analyzed amino acids from space, brought to Earth in meteorite which landed in Australia, finding a prevalence of âleft-handedâ amino acids over their âright-handedâ form. Now, a new study of dust from meteorites supports this finding, and offers new clues to a long-standing mystery about how life works on its [...]

Unidentified object from sky hits vehicle in Cottonwood
Anderson Valley Post Tue, 17 Mar 2009 09:56 AM PDT
A meteorite may have been what smashed into the windshield of a Cottonwood couple's sport utility vehicle late last month, destroying much of the dashboard and melting some of the glass.

Meteorite hunter: Find near Aquilla nets $10,000
Waco Tribune-Herald Mon, 16 Mar 2009 21:32 PM PDTBy Ken Sury

Asteroid to Fly By Earth Wednesday 17MAR09


Asteroid to Fly By Earth Wednesday
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
March 17, 2009
PASADENA, Calif. -

A small asteroid will fly past Earth early tomorrow morning (Wed., March 18). The asteroid, 2009 FH, is about 50 feet (15meters) wide. Its closest approach to Earth will occur at 5:17 a.m. PDT(8:17 a.m. EDT, 12:17 UTC) at an altitude of about 49,000 miles (79,000kilometers)."This asteroid flyby will be a good viewing opportunity for both professional and amateur astronomers," said Don Yeomans of the Near-Earth Object Office at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif. "The asteroid poses no risk of impact to Earth now or for the foreseeable future."NASA detects and tracks asteroids and comets passing close to Earth. The Near Earth Object Observation Program, commonly called "Spaceguard,"plots the orbits of these objects to determine if any could be potentially hazardous to our planet.For more information, visit: http://neo.jpl.nasa.gov/

Media contact: DC Agle/JPL 818-393-9011


Space Weather News for March 17, 2009
ASTEROID BUZZES EARTH: Newly-discovered asteroid 2009 FH is flying past Earth tonight only 85,000 km (0.00057 AU) away. That's a little more than twice the height of a geosynchronous communications satellite. Experienced amateur astronomers in North America can photograph the 20-meter-wide space rock racing through the constellation Gemini after sunset on March 17th. It should be about as bright as a 14th magnitude star.

Please visit http://spaceweather.com for an ephemeris and updates.

This is the second time in March that an asteroid has flown so close to Earth. On March 2nd, 2009 DD45 passed by only 72,000 km away. Measuring some tens of meters in diameter, 2009 DD45 and 2009 FH are approximately Tunguska-class objects, meaning they pose no global threat but could cause local damage if they actually hit Earth. In years past, asteroids of this size often passed unnoticed, but recent improvements in asteroid surveys have resulted in growing numbers of space rocks caught in the act of near-Earth flybys.

16 March 2009

Daylight Fireball Pattaya/Chonburi, Thailand 15MAR09

18.42 Thailand time (early twilight) there was a daylight fireball in the direction of Pattaya or Chonburi (both N of here - pattaya 18 km, and Chonburi about 90 km)Track about 10˚ long, about 20˚ above the horizon, sloping about 20˚ down to the east. Appeared slow, visible tail very short - unspectacular. First evening stars appeared shortly after the event.

Source: Stuart Saunders-Meteorobs

15 March 2009

Astronomers Without Borders Launches New Website 14MAR09

Milky Way under the Iranian Night Sky by www.twanight.org (c)2009
Boundaries vanish when we look skyward We all share the same sky

The star-filled night fascinates us all. People have gazed upward at it in wonder and awe for thousands of years. Regardless of earthly differences in culture, nationality or religion, the heavens are a common meeting ground for all of Earth's inhabitants. The boundaries we place between us vanish when we look skyward. Whoever, whatever or wherever we are, we all share the same sky.
Sharing is an integral part of appreciating the cosmos. Amateur astronomers regularly take their telescopes to public sites and invite others to join them in their exploration of the skies. The veterans relive the thrill of discovery alongside these new space explorers. This passion to share the night sky crosses international borders and cultures as well. The heavens transcend political, ethnic and religious differences. The tensions of everyday life seem to drain away before the wonder and enormity of the skies, and those standing in darkness with heads turned upward never ask people beside them about their origins or beliefs. In that moment, differences are forgotten and we are one beneath the sky we share.It is this bond between people that Astronomers Without Borders hopes to foster. A brief message or the gift of a small telescope can grow into lasting bonds, goodwill and friendships that reach around the world. Understanding replaces ignorance and suspicion. Media images are superceded by the faces of real people. Relationships, support and personal connections supplant stereotypes.
Astronomers Without Borders is people meeting among the heavens. It is only natural to do so. After all, we all share the same sky.

14 March 2009

Renewed Interest in in Asteroid Defence 14MAR09

Near Miss Renews U.N. Interest in Asteroid Defence By Thalif Deen, Inter Press Service, http://www.ipsnews.net/news.asp?idnews=46089

NEO News (03/12/09) UN Report on NEO Threat Mitigation http://planetarydefense.blogspot.com/2009/03/neo-news-031209-un-report-on-neo-threat.html

NEO News (03/07/09) Newsworthy NEAs: 2009DD45 & 2008TN166http://planetarydefense.blogspot.com/2009/03/neo-news-030709-newsworthy-neas.html

Surprise Asteroid Buzzed Earth Monday, National Geographic, March 2, 2009, http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2009/03/090302-asteroid-earth.html

EDITORIAL COMMENT Cosmic Near-miss, Times of India,MArch 11, 2009http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/Opinion/EDITORIAL-COMMENT--Cosmic-Near-miss/articleshow/4253466.cms

Source: Paul Heinrich

Swedish Fireball of Jan 17 Meteorite Fell in Denmark 13MAR09

Meteoritten, som er blevet fundet på Lolland, er på størrelse med en blomme, og den smuldrer let.

Forsvundet dansk meteorit er dukket op
Af Elisabeth Astrup og Morten Garly Andersen

Mange danskere i den sydøstlige del af landet observerede i januar en meteor på nattehimlen. Nu er dele af den fundet.
Dele af den meteor, der midt i januar oplyste aftenhimlen i blandt andet de sydøstlige dele af Danmark, er fundet. Det bekræfter Henning Haack, lektor ved Geologisk Museum over for politiken.dk.
Dele af meteoren, meteoritter, er formentlig fundet på Lolland.
17. januar kunne meteoren ses på himlen fra nordtyskland, sydsverige og de sydøstlige egne i Danmark.
Troede den var landet i Østersøen Ud fra de mange henvendelser, som eksperter har modtaget om meteoren har eksperter hidtil vurderet, at meteoritterne var landet et sted i Østersøen syd for Lolland-Falster.
  Meteorer er sten, som kommer ind i Jordens atmosfære, og som på grund af deres høje hastighed trækker lysende ildspor efter sig på himlen.

Meteor över Skåne slog ner i Danmark 13MAR09

Meteor över Skåne slog ner i Danmark
Delar av den meteor som många människor i södra Skåne, sydöstra Danmark och norra Tyskland såg den 17 januari har påträffats på Lolland, skriver danska tidningen Politiken på nätet.

18 januari 2009 Bröderna fångade meteoren på film 17 januari 2009 Spektakulärt fenomen lyste upp Sydsverige
Delarna, meteoriter, har påträffats på Lolland bekräftar lektor Henning Haack vid Geologiskt museum i Köpenhamn.Hittills har man på grundval av de många uppgifter från allmänheten som kommit in trott att meteoriden störtade i havet söder om Lolland-Falster.

Vägde flera ton
Till TV 4 Nyheterna Öresund säger Haack att fyndet väger ungefär 30 gram – att jämföra med de flera ton som meteoren tros ha vägt då den trädde in i atmosfären. Fyndet gjordes av en tysk meteoritjägare som i tre veckor intervjuat ögonvittnen och sedan ägnat en vecka åt att leta efter nedslagsplatsen. Delarna ska nu ställas ut på Geologisk museum. Det är första gången sedan 1951 som en meteorit hittats i Danmark.

News Source: http://www.expressen.se/1.1497429
Meteor över Skåne slog ner i Danmark
Publicerad: 2009-03-13 18:10

13 March 2009

Upcoming International Meteor Conference-Croatia Sep 24-27, 2009

International Meteor Conference
Porec, Croatia, September 24-27, 2009
This year, the International Meteor Conference (IMC) will take place from September 24 to 27 in Croatia, at a beautiful location on the coast of the Adriatic Sea, located on the Istrian Peninsula. The IMC is one of the highlights of the meteoric year and a unique opportunity to meet like-minded people from all over the world and to exchange experiences. In particular, you have the opportunity to present your own results or those of your observing group by giving a presentation. In that case, you will see the paper of your presentation published in the proceedings that will be compiled after the event.
Participation in the 2009 IMC costs 160 euro for IMO (International Meteor Organization) members. This sum includes full board in the conference hotel, all sessions, the conference excursion, a 2009 IMC T-shirt, and the conference proceedings. Early registrants get a reduction of 10 euro. You can register by filling out the electronic registration form and paying the registration fee, or making a prepayment of at least 75 euro.
Registration and Conference information: http://www.imo.net/imc2009

11 March 2009

Rummager's galactic find turns out to be stolen meteorite 11MAR09

Photo of postcard by Mike Jensen- Jensen Meteorites

Rummager's galactic find turns out to be stolen meteorite
by Jim Stingl
Posted: Mar. 11, 2009
This story begins not in a galaxy far away, but at a Milwaukee rummage sale a few years ago. Tom Lynch paid $10 for an odd hunk of metal he figured might be copper or bronze with potential salvage value.
He had no idea it had dropped from space into the Arizona desert some 50,000 years ago...(more)

Cosmos May Produce Meteors Starting March 12th 11MAR09

The first fragments of shattered satellite Cosmos 2251 are about to reenter Earth's atmosphere. According to US Strategic Command, fragment 1993-036PX will reenter on March 12th, followed by 1993-036KW on March 28th and 1993-036MC on March 30th. These are probably centimeter-sized pieces that will disintegrate in the atmosphere, posing no threat to people on the ground.

more... http://spaceweather.com/

Mystery in Brazílian Sky Calls Attention of Scientists 11MAR09

Brazílian Sky Calls Attention of Scientists
Brasília em Tepo Real 10/03/2009 07h01m

-translation by Babelfish
An identified flying object illuminated for some seconds in the night Saturday in the DF and Goiás. Scientists investigate the phenomenon and they do not discard that a meteorite has entered in the atmosphere.
Scientists try to unmask the mystery around the torch of light in green tone that cut the sky of the capital of the country in the Saturday night. Inhabitants of the Federal District described a flying object not identified (Ovni) with a different brightness and behavior of an airplane.
Astronomers believe to be a meteorite or dissolute piece of the Lulin comet. Equipment of the University of Brasilia (UnB) had not yet registered a north-eastern explained signal of Goiás, where inhabitants also say to have witnessed a phenomenon similar to the testified one for the brasilienses.
More in the
Post office

Original story:
Mistério no céu de Brasília chama atenção de cientistas
"Brazílian Sky Calls Attention of Scientists"
Brasilia em Tepo Real
10/03/2009 07h01m

Um objeto voador não identificado iluminou por alguns segundos a noite de sábado no DF e em Goiás. Cientistas investigam o fenômeno e não descartam que um meteorito tenha entrado na atmosfera terrestre.
Cientistas tentam desvendar o mistério em torno do facho de luz em tom verde que cortou o céu da capital do país na noite de sábado. Moradores do Distrito Federal viram um objeto voador não identificado (Ovni) com brilho e comportamento bem diferentes de um avião.
Astrônomos acreditam se tratar de um meteorito ou pedaço desgarrado do cometa Lulin. Equipamentos da Universidade de Brasília (UnB) registraram um sinal ainda não explicado no nordeste de Goiás, onde habitantes também dizem ter presenciado um fenômeno parecido com o testemunhado pelos brasilienses.
Leia mais no Correio


Source: Gabriel, Brazilian Society of Meteorite Study, Brazil
Thank you, Gabriel!

Second Loud Boom in NY 10MAR09

Another mystery boom wakes people in region
A second loud boom may have rattled windows in parts of Rockland County yesterday - and its origin remains as mysterious as the explosive noise that blew through southern Westchester County over the weekend.The Journal News - Mar 10 5:37 PM

10 March 2009

Westchester County, New York Meteor? 9MAR09

Doppler image of NY 7MAR09 meteor debris by Marc Fries

Meteorite may have hit Westchester County, NY
Pocono Record
Mon, 09 Mar 2009 11:58 AM PDT
WHITE PLAINS, N.Y. (AP) -- Thought your neighbor's party was getting way out of hand?

What's that sound? Possible NY Meteorite
News Channel 34
Mon, 09 Mar 2009 07:16 AM PDT
White Plains, N.Y. (AP) - Thought your neighbor's party was getting way out of hand? A loud "boom" heard in Westchester County over the weekend might have been a meteorite.

Big Boom In White Plains May Have Been Meteorite
New York
Mon, 09 Mar 2009 06:00 AM PDT
Thought your neighbor's party was getting way out of hand? A loud "boom" heard in Westchester County over the weekend might have been a meteorite. The sound early Saturday has been likened to a window-rattling explosion.

Meteorite May Have Hit Westchester County
WCBS 880
New York
Mon, 09 Mar 2009 05:54 AM PDT
Thought your neighbor's party was getting way out of hand?

Possible meteorite in Westchester County
Mon, 09 Mar 2009 05:52 AM PDT
A loud "boom" heard in Westchester County over the weekend might have been a meteorite. The sound early Saturday has been likened to a window-rattling explosion.

Loud boom over Westchester might have been meteor
The Journal News
Mon, 09 Mar 2009 05:40 AM PDT
The loud boom heard throughout southern Westchester early Saturday morning might have been a meteorite tearing through the atmosphere at thousands of miles per hour.

09 March 2009

Meteor? sighting over Fort St. John, B.C.,Canada 9MAR09

Strange sighting in the sky above Fort St. John
Energetic City.CA
Monday, March 2, 2009

There's no official confirmation yet of anything unusual in the area but residents east of Fort St. John report seeing something strange falling from the sky on Saturday afternoon.
Vincent Miller says he saw it at 1:17pm , while travelling north at on road 239...
[Hear audio]
Mr. Miller says it all happened very quickly but it looked like it came down less than five miles away.
However, he's heard no reports of any sitings of debris on the ground.
He puts his farm about 14 miles straight east of Fort St. John, British Columbia, Canada, on the north side of the Beatton River.

Exploring the Pingualuit Impact Crater 7MAR09

Photo by Charles O`Dale for the Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society

April, 9, 2009

Exploring the Pingualuit Impact Crater

by Charles O’Dale, Ottawa Centre (codale0806@rogers.com)


The Pingualuit Impact Crater, located in northern Quebec at N 61° 16´ W 73° 40´, was the first structure in Canada for which an impact origin was proposed. The structure is classified as a simple crater, 2.8 km in diameter and 400 m deep. It is slightly larger than the smallest crater on the Moon that is observable from our planet (Meen 1951). The inner slopeof the 3.4-km-diameter rim averages 30° and the outer slope averages 10°. The rim extends to a diameter of ~4.6 km and continues gradually outward to merge with the surrounding terrain at ~6.6 km. The peak of the rim is ~160 m above the inner lake level and 120 - 150 m above the regional terrain. The lake within the crater, with a depth of over 250 m, is one ofthe deepest in North America. It is also one of the clearest in the world with a transparency of over 35 m. Dating using the isotope ratio 40Ar-39Ar (Grieve 2006) gives the impact structurean age of 1.4 ± 0.1 Ma. The Pingualuit Impact Crater was formerly named New Quebec Crater and, previous to that, Chubb Crater.
NOTE: Whole article is to be published soon and I will add more photos later.

08 March 2009

West, TX Meteorite hunter donates rare find 6MAR09

Meteorite hunter donates rare find
10:47 AM PST on Friday, March 6, 2009
By KGW Staff
PORTLAND -- A meteorite hunter from Portland is donating part of a recent find to Portland State University.

Video: Fireball during Texas marathon
Meteor fireball in sky
Meteorite donated to PSU

You may have seen the video of the fireball captured during a marathon last month near Austin, Texas.
When Patrick Thompson heard about it, he decided to spend eight days looking for parts of the meteor and he was successful. After searching on foot an average of 25 miles a day, he ended up finding 14 fragments of the meteorite.
For Thompson, it’s a true treasure.
“There's something about it, something about putting your hands on a rock and being the first person to touch it,” he said. “It came from space. These things are floating around up there, every time you see a shooting star, you're kind of reminded of the fact that these things are coming to earth, bombarding us all the time.”
Scientists said because Thompson’s latest meteorite finds are so fresh, the rocks are especially valuable.
Thompson said he plans to sell some of the rocks after donating at least one of them to PSU.

Student`s Science Fair Project on Earth Microbes 6MAR09

Students show off science projects
by Garrett Andrews
Herald Staff Writer
Article Last Updated; Friday, March 06, 2009

Speaking only slightly louder than the buzz of several hundred other student-scientists inside the reverberating concrete walls of the La Plata County Fairgrounds, Pagosa Springs eighth-grader Kendra Schlom explained her answer to the determining question of human existence: How did life on Earth originate?
She was discussing her entry in the San Juan Basin Regional Science Fair, a project that supports the idea that a meteorite could have transported early microbes to Earth.

In her project, titled "Finding the Origin," Kendra located the highest survivable temperatures for several primitive microbes and tested to see if these microbes could survive the temperatures a meteorite sustains when entering the Earth's atmosphere and crashing into the surface. She used basalt tiles to simulate chondrite meteorites.
Kendra and her father, a mechanic at Wolf Creek Ski Area, took an acetylene torch to samples of varying thicknesses, to analyze the time it takes the heat to completely penetrate the samples.
"From this information, I think that microbes could survive, because the temperature never exceeded the limit of what they could survive in," she said. "I believe that even if we went into lower thicknesses, they could survive, as long as the meteor is a quarter inch or thicker."
If she's right, then it's theoretically possible that these lone microbes ignited the evolutionary process that produced all of life as we know it.
Kendra, who hopes to study quantum physics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology after high school, was one of 209 entries in this year's fair. About 20 winners will travel to the state science fair in Denver later this month.
Fair coordinator Jeff Hatfield said that as scores in science, technology and math continue to slide, events like science fairs become more important.
"CSAP scores and other assessment data show that we really need to ramp this up a bit. The fair is when you can actually get kids to dedicate their time to an actual science project. They're doing all the learning on their own.
"The bottom line is that we want these kids to be strongly rooted in science and technology," he said.
Not all the other projects had such divine implications as Kendra's, but most reflected hours of original study.
Bayfield eighth-grader Denvir Clarke placed bacteria in petri dishes and studied over time the effects of various germ-killing household cleaning products.
"I found that my hypothesis was wrong," she said near the end of a run-through of her presentation.
"Antibacterial soap is less effective at killing bacteria than regular soap."
Standing near a prototype of his invention was Kolton Miller, an eighth-grader at Mancos Middle School. He rushed through the features of the Bear-icade self-opening bear-proof trash can with the panache of a salesman, eagerly maintaining eye contact and gesturing with his hands, even as he went on bear-related tangents.
"I'm aware there's already a bear-proof trash can on the market today. The difference is, my trash can is more convenient," Kolton said.
With the Bear-icade, there's no more manual locking and unlocking. The device automatically locks after the lid is lifted and closed, and is disengaged by the extending arm of a garbage truck. Best of all, Kolton said, area bears stay safe and out of trouble.
Upstairs, the four judges for the earth sciences category pored over the merits of the nine projects assigned to their section. Consulting geologist Mary Gillam, retired geophysicist James Albright, consulting geotechnical engineer Barb McCall and school psychologist Patrick Callahan were unanimous in supporting Kendra for first place in her division.
Her idea provoked discussion at a table of professionals.
"It was an unusual approach to an ambitious topic," said Gillam.
Said McCall: "It could be the answer to life's biggest question. Right here in Durango."
The contestants each went through two rounds of judging and some were called back. The judges put Kendra on the spot during her presentation, asking about the effects of kinetic energy on the microbes, and she took their questions in stride and admitted when she didn't know.
All of the entries were good, the judges said.
"She was just far more expansive," said Albright.