02 August 2017

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 02AUG2017

Asteroid bigger than Chebylinsk meteor which injured 1500 heading towards earth
The collision-course space rock is believed to be bigger than the Chebylinsk meteor which exploded above Russia, damaging thousands of buildings ...

Announcement from Planetary Science Research Discoveries [PSRD]
More on the Building Blocks of Planet Earth -- Isotopic data from meteorites are used in the search
for Earth-forming materials.

Meteor lights up sky in Washington State, USA
A fireball lit up the sky above Washington State on July 30 and was seen by hundreds of witnesses. This...

How To Catch The Perseids And Beat The Almost-Full Moon
Whenever August comes around, the most reliable meteor shower in Earth's night skies is sure to come too: the Perseids. An elliptical trail of dust ...

APOD: 2017 August 1 - Perseid Meteors over Turkey
Astronomy Picture of the Day - NASA
Explanation: The Perseid Meteor Shower, usually the best meteor shower of the year, will peak late next week. A person watching a clear sky from a ...

Minnesota's Biggest Meteor Shower is Back
Minnesota's New Country
The most visible meteor shower in the Minnesota sky is back this August, featuring more than 80 'shooting stars' per hour. The Perseid meteor shower ...

There's 2 eclipses happening in August and you may be able to catch the lunar one in Singapore
Another notable event is the Perseids meteor showers that happens on August 12 and 13. However, due to Singapore's brightly lit, urban environment, ...

In August, watch this meteor shower named for a saint
Catholic News Agency
But every August, Catholics have the chance to see a meteor shower ... The Perseids meteor shower, also called the “tears of St. Lawrence,” is a ...

Witness meteor shower at Kolomoki State Park
Early County News
Kolomoki Mounds State Park is hosting a Night Paddle to witness the Perseid meteor shower on Aug. 12. This meteor shower will be a grand celestial ...

When you can watch spectacular meteor shower - and a partial solar eclipse
South Wales Argus
First up, the annual Perseids meteor shower peaks during August, and despite some interference from moonlight which will blot out the fainter ...

The Perseid Meteor Shower is beginning
Southgate Amateur Radio Club
This week, Earth is entering a stream of debris from Comet 109P/Swift-Tuttle, source of the annual Perseid meteor shower. Specks of dusty debris ...

Stars Above: Solar eclipse and meteors grace August skies
Montreal Gazette
A stunning solar eclipse and the annul Perseid meteor shower along with a parade of planets promise to put on quite a sky show for onlookers.

August Solar Eclipse & the Perseid Meteor Shower
Northeastern Ontario
Looking Up: August Solar Eclipse & the Perseid Meteor Shower. By Gary Boyle • August 1, 2017. After a full day of enjoying nature and the great ...

Lunar eclipse on August 7-8 visible from PH
Manila Bulletin
If the sky permits, the famous Perseids meteor shower will be observed with its peak in the late evening and early morning hours on August 12-13.

Shooting stars: How to photograph the night sky
This brief guide will get you started on shooting the upcoming Perseid meteor shower, the Milky Way, and "Deep sky objects" like galaxies.

Fireball! Mysterious Object Streaks Across Washington State Skies (VIDEO)
Sputnik International
"Right now I can't say with 100 percent certainty that it was a meteor," Mike Hankey, operations manager for the AMS, told Inverse. "I'm more like 95 .

2017 The FOURTH Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

15 July 2017

Oman Meteorite Returned to Oman From UK

Oman gets its meteorite back
Oman Tribune-Jul 5, 2017
The Sultanate received a historic meteorite found in 1954 in the central desert of the Governorate of Al Wusta, when it was handed over to its ...

Oman takes possession of prized meteorite
Muscat Daily-Jul 8, 2017
A team from Oman has taken possession of a prized meteorite which was found in the Al Wusta desert in 1954 and taken to the UK for ...

2017 The FOURTH Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

13 July 2017

Tavn Tavn Tata, Morocco Meteorite Fall 12JUL2017

Tavn Tavn Tata, Morocco Meteorite Fall 12JUL2017
Reported by Aziz Habibi, Morocco 12JUL2017
edited by LMH
UPDATE- One Moroccan person hunting for the meteorite has died due to heatstroke in 50 degree temps. 14JUL2017 R.I.P.

UPDATE- The meteorite appears to be an Ordinary Chondrite, possibly an LL6 based on photos of a cut surface. 13JUL2017

UPDATE- At least two meteorites have been found thus far, 3KGs and 1KGs! 13JUL2017

Tavn Tavn Tata, Morocco Meteorite from Fall 12JUL2017
via Aziz Habibi
A bolide was seen on 07/12/2017 at approximately 23.30 local time. The fall of a meteorite/s was the Tavn Tavn Tata region in Moroc. Witnesses heard the sound of the body colliding with the ground. At this time a large number of researchers and astronomers, as well as others interested in these stones, are now searching the area of the fall for meteorites. According to our sources is likely to have exceeded the weight of 5000 kg before entering the atmosphere.

سقوط نيزك ضخم بنواحي اسافن اقليم طاطا مع سماع دوي اصطدامه بالارض ،ولحد الساعة توجه عدد كبير من الباحثين الفلكيين وكذا المهتمين بهذا النوع من الاحجار إلى مكان سقوطه وحسب مصادرنا يرجح ان يتجاوز وزنه5000كلغ قبل دخوله الغلاف الجوي ،وتعتبر هذه الظاهرة عادية حسب الفلكيين يمكن وقوعها في أي لحظة وكانت اخرها في سنة 2013بروسيا عندما اصطدم نيزك تشيليابنسك والذي تجاوز وزنه 10000طن قبل دخوله الغلاف الجوي للأرض.

2017 The FOURTH Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 13JUL2017

Long Slow Meteor
Space Weather Gallery
Most of the time Meteors are quick zippy things! This morning over north central Texas we had a long slow lazy meteor. I caught this lazy fireball as it ...

No, a huge asteroid probably won't wipe out humanity
Yahoo News UK
... the 17- to 20-meter diameter Chelyabinsk meteor which hit Russia in February 2013, smashing windows and injuring 1,400 people in the process.

Driven by the Global Capitalist Economy, an Era of 'Biological Annihilation' Has Arrived
teleSUR English
... been seen since three-quarters of life on Earth, including the non-avian dinosaurs, were wiped out 66 million years ago by a giant meteor impact.

Group breaks ground for John Glenn Astronomy Park
Lancaster Eagle Gazette
... when he and Hocking Hills naturalist Pat Quackenbush were conducting an astronomy program on the Perseid meteor shower for about 100 people ...

2017 The FOURTH Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

11 July 2017

Hawley, TX Bolide Meteor 11JUL2017

Hawley, TX Early Morning Bolide Meteor 05:59 CDT 11JUL2017
Long fast meteor over North Central Texas this morning! off to the South of Hawley, TX.
Hawley, TX Early Morning Bolide Meteor 05:59 CDT 11JUL2017
c2017 Kevin Palivec
video link on FB- https://www.facebook.com/kevin.palivec/videos/10203520446567617/

2017 The FOURTH Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

08 July 2017

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 08JUL2017

END OF WORLD WARNING: Watch biggest explosion EVER on Moon as NASA warns we could be
Daily Express
A METEOR with the explosive power of TEN cruise missiles has struck the Moon – sparking a massive explosion visible with the naked eye.

Meteor strikes moon sparking massive explosion visible with naked eye
A METEOR with the explosive power of TEN cruise missiles has struck the Moon – sparking a massive explosion visible with the naked eye.

Meteor brighter than moon seen over Devon coast
Meteor brighter than moon seen over Devon coast.

Meteor's late night flash remains talk of small SA town after blaze of light seen
ABC Online
Six days after a suspected meteor shook Streaky Bay and very briefly lit up parts of South Australia's night sky, the event remains the talk of the town.

Streaky Bay's vision of the meteor on Friday June 30th
The bright light in the sky from the meteor is clearly seen in this footage from CCTV at Streaky Bay shot from Mitre 10 and IGA.

Watch: Security camera captures fireball over Australia
Earlier this week, Australia's The Advertiser reported that the fireball had been tracked by the Desert Fireball Network. A spokesperson for DFN said ...

High-Silica 'Halos' Shed Light on Wet Ancient Mars
Jet Propulsion Laboratory- May 30, 2017
Pale "halos" around fractures in bedrock analyzed by NASA's Curiosity
Mars rover contain copious silica, indicating that ancient Mars had liquid water for a long time....

Curiosity Peels Back Layers on Ancient Martian Lake
Jet Propulsion Laboratory- June 1, 2017
NASA's Curiosity Mars rover mission has provided an unprecedented level of detail about an ancient lake environment on Mars that offered favorable conditions for microbial life....

NASA's Asteroid-Hunting Spacecraft a Discovery Machine
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
June 5, 2017
NASA's Near-Earth Object Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (NEOWISE) mission has released its third year of survey data, with the spacecraft discovering 97 previously unknown celestial objects in the last year. Of those, 28 were near-Earth objects, 64 were main belt asteroids and five were comets....

NASA Finds Evidence of Diverse Environments in Curiosity Samples
Jet Propulsion Laboratory- June 9, 2017
NASA scientists have found a wide diversity of minerals in the initial samples of rocks collected by the Curiosity rover in the lowermost layers of Mount Sharp on Mars, suggesting that conditions changed in the water environments on the planet over time....

Opinion: These visitors from space could kill us
In fact, simulations run by scientists confirm that in the past 500 million years, just two or three comets may have struck Earth, causing powerful meteor ...

NASA Scientists Shares Various Strategies For Detecting Asteroids Impact
Pc-Tablet Media
Though scientists still hesitate to come to terms with deadly huge asteroids, the Chelyabinsk meteor strike in Russia, in the year 2013 have become a ...

UA Astronomer Talks Russian Meteor Strike, Asteroid Science and UA's OSIRIS-REx Mission - Duration: 4:24. The University of Arizona 1,023 views.

A Meteor Has A Speed Of 87.0 M/s When 800 Km Above...
A meteor has a speed of 87.0 m/s when 800 km above the Earth. It is falling vertically (ignore air resistance) and strikes a bed of sand in which it is ...

70 Years After Famed Crash at Roswell, the Truth Is Still Out There
CBS 8 San Diego
Many remain mysterious while others are explained, like a 10-ton meteor that exploded over Russia and caused panic when it hit Earth in 2013.

Looking up at the Night Sky: St. Maarten's Backyard Astronomy for July 8 & 9
The Daily Herald (press release)
Tycho is an impact crater, formed by the ancient collision of the moon with a meteor. The crater itself is rather small, but its ejecta rays are amazingly ...

Radio Meteor Observation Bulletin No. 287 of June 2017 (58 K) is available now as
http://www.rmob.org/rmobtext/rmob1706.txtMore information and the visual presentation of the hourly forward scatter
counts can be found on

2017 The FOURTH Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

07 July 2017

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 07JUL2017

END OF WORLD WARNING: Watch biggest explosion EVER on Moon as NASA warns we could ...
Despite the meteor's tiny proportions – about the size of a small boulder and the weight of an average 10-year-old boy – the impact damage was ...

Clanfield conference will have universal appeal to South's brightest astronomers
Petersfield Post
Black holes, Higgs Bosom and meteor science will be some of the hot topics that speakers from Clanfield Observatory and the universities of ...

Meteor Activity Outlook for July 8-14, 2017
American Meteor Society
Since the brilliant moon lie above the horizon most of the night, it will be difficult to observe meteor activity. The moon's glare will effectively obscure all ...

2017 The FOURTH Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

06 July 2017

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 06JUL2017

Measuring the Meteoroid Environments of the Planets with Meteo rDetectors on Earth
with data from the Canadian Meteor Orbit Radar, we reveal that Mars has apex, helion, anti-helion, and toroidal sporadic sources, much as Earth does.

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 05JUL2017
Lunar Meteorite Hunters - blogger
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 05JUL2017. NASA is planning to crash a probe into an asteroid to protect the planet. Digital Trends

NASA's Asteroid-Smashing Spacecraft Could Save Earth
Objects larger than 0.6 miles—like the Chelyabinsk meteor, caused by an approximately 22-yard near-Earth asteroid—can have devastating effects.

The end of Chilean Meteorites ??
Chile is on the way to limit or forbid meteorite recovery expeditions.

Asteroid strike that wiped out the dinosaurs triggered giant leap forward in frog evolution
New research shows that 88% of frog species alive today owe their existence to the meteor impact that wiped the planet clean of most terrestrial life 66 ...

Delta Aquarids Meteor Shower
Shelby Ohio Weather
Delta Aquarids Meteor Shower. The Delta Aquarids is an average shower that can produce up to 20 meteors per hour at its peak. It is produced by ...

The Perseids Meteor Shower will light up the skies on Aug. 12
YourHub - The Denver Post
This August, the Northern Hemisphere will get a major celestial treat in one of the largest meteor displays of the year. The Perseids Meteor Shower ...

Discover Michigan: Let the stars guide your travels
C&G Newspapers
“We get the communities of Mackinaw, St. Ignace, Petoskey and Harbor Springs to compete in seeing which can get darkest during the meteor shower ...

2017 The FOURTH Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

05 July 2017

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 05JUL2017

NASA is planning to crash a probe into an asteroid to protect the planet
Digital Trends
When such an impact does occur — as it did in 2013 when a meteor injured 1,500 people in Chelyabinsk, Russia — it's a sudden reminder of the ...

Video emerges of fireball streaking across South Australia sky
Hundreds of people took to social media after witnessing the bright light. "What I can only guess was a meteor passed over Henley Beach," one wrote ...

New video emerges of meteor flashing across South Australian sky
The fireball lit up the darkness in Port Lincoln, just before midnight on Friday.

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 04JUL2017
Lunar Meteorite Hunters - blogger
New research shows that nearly 90 per cent of frog species alive today owe their existence to the meteor impact that wiped the planet clean of most .

Fireballs in the Sky
Fireballs in the Sky is an innovative Australian citizen science program that invites people around the world to learn about fireballand meteorite ...

2017 The FOURTH Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

04 July 2017

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 04JUL2017

Clouds of frosted meteor smoke now rippling over Europe
Southgate Amateur Radio Club
This week in parts of Europe, nightfall has brought something different: an electric-blue glow caused by clouds of water-frosted meteor smoke rippling ...

DOOMSDAY WARNING: Nasa to smash spaceship into ASTEROID to knock it off course
... 1963 treaty about nuclear explosions in space, think of it an a kinetic weapon travelling at 5-10% the speed of light knocking a meteor out of the way.

NASA Is Testing A Spacecraft That Protects Earth From Oncoming Asteroids By Smashing Into Them
Ever since scientists first theorised that a meteor strike could have been possible for the extinction of the dinosaurs, the worry has been that a similar ...

NASA Spacecraft Would Smash Into an Asteroid as a Dry Run for Saving the Planet
Popular Mechanics
A meteor strike in Chelyabinsk, Russia, occurred in 2013 when an asteroid about 20 meters in diameter unexpectedly exploded over the city of 3.5 ...

NASA to create space probe to save Earth from asteroid impact
Czech researchers recently revealed that they had seen increased meteor activity close to Earth. The rise led the scientists to believe there was a ...

90% of frog species descended from meteor survivors
Latest News
Research led by the University of Texas at Austin shows that 88 per cent of frog species owe their existence to the devastating meteor that collided ...

Global catastrophe: Meteor impact that wiped off the dinosaurs, allowed frogs to evolve, 66 million ...
International Business Times AU
The new study has revealed that 88 percent of the frog species alive today owe their existence to the meteor impact, 66 million years ago. The impact ...

The meteor strike that wiped out the dinosaurs paved the way for FROGS: 90% of the amphibians ...
Daily Mail
New research shows that nearly 90 per cent of frog species alive today owe their existence to the meteor impact that wiped the planet clean of most ...

Stargazers could see 25 meteors per hour light up the night sky this month
Daily Post North Wales
Stargazers are in for a treat this summer with a solar eclipse set for August and moon phases and two meteor showers in July. The moon's phases ...

Stars Above: July cosmic sprinkles and stars
Montreal Gazette
Shooting stars, from the Southern Delta Aquarid meteor shower, promise to peak in the early hours before dawn. With its famed sister shower, the ...

The end of Chilean Meteorites ??
Chile is on the way to limit or forbide meteorite recovery expeditions.
As the law is still a proposal, we can contact senator Guido Girardi (ggirardi@senado.cl) to suggest how must be a really good law to protect meteorites and promote a responsible recovery and study of all pieces.
Don’t forget this opportunity to help Chile have the best meteoritics law of this planet !

2017 The FOURTH Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

03 July 2017

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 03JUL2017

Earth Defenseless Against Minor And Major Asteroid Impacts, Expert Warns: 'Sooner Or Later' We ...
The Inquisitr
To provide proper perspective, the Chelyabinsk meteor that detonated in the atmosphere over Russia in February 2013 damaged buildings and ...

NASA's DART to test an asteroid defense technique
Blasting News
In 2013, the Chelyabinsk meteor, a 25-meter rock, burst apart in the skies over the southern region of the Ural Mountains, breaking windows and ...

Fireball seen in Eyre Peninsula skies
Port Lincoln Times
South Australian Astronomical Society vice president Paul Curnow said it was most likely a meteor that came from the northwest and most likely would ...

Meteors > Today's Meteors
This is the daily calendar of activity of known meteor showers. The calculated zenithal hour rate (ZHR) is the estimated amount of meteors per hour for ...

Perseid's Meteor Shower and Astronomy Night Campout
Visit Mendocino County
Mendocino Magic Perseids Meteor Shower and Astronomy Night Campout. Come enjoy a night of stars , meteors, and talks with guest astronomers at ...

There are more astronomical wonders than an eclipse this summer
Wichita Eagle
The Perseids is the premier meteor shower of the season. The Earth will begin passing through a comet's debris field in July, but you can see the most ...

2017 The FOURTH Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

02 July 2017

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 02JUL2017

Earth's on a collision course for an asteroid
The Times (subscription)
Brian May, the lead guitarist of Queen, has put the “rock” back into rocker. Having returned to college and gained a PhD in astrophysics, he helped to ...

NASA has found 16000 asteroids near Earth. Don't panic.
If a 140-meteor asteroid, which is large enough to destroy a city, were discovered today and the math of its orbit predicted a collision in a few months, ...

Two Asteroids, One The Size Of A House And Just Discovered, Do Close Flybys Of Earth On ...
The Inquisitr
For example, the Chelyabinsk Meteor that disintegrated in the skies over Russia in February 2013 was estimated to be only 20 meters (66 feet) in ...

NASA is building computer models of possible asteroid impact scenarios
Gephardt Daily
The meteor that exploded in the sky above the Russian city of Chelyabinsk in 2013 — shattering windows and shaking buildings — served as a ...

Tunguska Eyewitnesses Describe What It's Like To Live Through AMeteor Strike
109 years ago today, a meteor crossed paths with Earth and blew apart in the air above a remote area of northern Russia, near the Tunguska River, ...

NASA celebrating Asteroid Day with special broadcast
The object was technically a meteor-the name given to small rocks, or meteoroids, when they enter Earth's atmosphere and burn up-and caused more ...

How a Speck of Light Becomes an Asteroid
June 30 is International Asteroid Day. Have you ever wondered how asteroids are discovered? Here's the story.

Did you see a bright, fast-moving light over Adelaide last night?
The Advertiser
What people saw was a very bright fireball, that was tracked by the Desert ... Desert Fireball Network observatory at Mt Ives, south of Lake Gairdner.

South Aussies mystified as blazing fireball tears through sky
Yahoo7 News
... captured on a security camera at Port Lincoln. Experts are not sure if it's a meteor or a piece of space junk. Nor are they sure where, or if, it landed.

Sparkly Meteors and 7 More Can't-Miss Sky Events in July
National Geographic
The Southern Delta Aquarid meteor shower promises to add some glitter to the night sky in July, with as many as 25 meteors per hour during its peak.

Umpqua Star Gazer: Saturn puts on a show in July
Two meteor showers interact to provide “Shooting Star” fans a few good mornings of meteor watching. Set your alarm for 2 a.m. PDT on July 29 and ...

2017 The FOURTH Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

01 July 2017

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 01JUL2017

NASA is building computer models of possible asteroid impact scenarios
The meteor that exploded in the sky above the Russian city of Chelyabinsk in 2013 -- shattering windows and shaking buildings -- served as a wakeup ...

On Asteroid Day, UN space agency urges international planning for potential impact threat
UN News Centre
Among most recent NEOs entering the Earth's atmosphere, a large fireball disintegrated in the skies over Chelyabinsk on 15 February 2013.

In the field of asteroid research, UNL is playing an important part to help prevent 'Game Over'
Omaha World-Herald
In February, another meteor produced a bright green “fireball” over Milwaukee. There have been more dramatic episodes. In 1908, an asteroid ...

Happy Asteroid Day! Simulator Lets You Create Collision With Earth to See What Would Happen
“We have also incorporated recent research and insight from the Chelyabinsk fireball that hit Russia in 2013. This has improved the accuracy of the ...

Asteroid Day 2017 - finding rogue comets, diverting them from collision with Planet Earth
Fox News
During my astronaut training, I explored the depths of Arizona's Meteor Crater, hiked the floor of Texas' Odessa impact crater, and took in the view from ...

Meteor Watch Day
Meteor Watch Day. Closed. So if the skys are clear tonight it is Meteor watch day. Enjoy Meteor Watch day as you scan the night skies in search of ...

Perseid Meteor Shower
Houston Museum Of Natural Science
The early meteors of this annual meteor shower hit and graze along the top of our atmosphere, forming long tails and beautiful "shooting stars" ...

Our Celestial Coast: What to Look For in July
Coastal Review Online
The Delta Aquarids meteor shower will be at its peak on the morning of July 30. The shooting stars will appear to originate from the constellation ...

2017 The FOURTH Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

30 June 2017

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 30JUN2017

Asteroid impact effects and their hazards for human populations
Rumpf, C.M., Lewis, H.G. and Atkinson, P.M., 2017. Asteroid impact effects and their immediate hazards for human populations.

Asteroid Day: Watch NASA Live Broadcast on How it is Defending Earth From a Space Collision
The object was technically a meteor—the name given to small rocks, or meteoroids, when they enter Earth's atmosphere and burn up—and caused ...

The terrifying simulation that reveals what happens when an asteroid hits Earth's atmosphere at ...
Daily Mail
While the chance of a devastating event like the 2013 Chelyabinsk meteor blast may be rare, millions of objects are known to be floating through ...

The World is More Worried About Death by Asteroid Than Ever
The Chelyabinsk meteor event, in which a 20-meter asteroid hit Russia on February 15, 2013, was a major wake=up call for much of the world.

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 29JUN2017
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News - blogger
Asteroids Are Coming: Do You Know Where Your Children Are? Forbes Most recently, on February 15, 2013, a 59-foot, 10,000-ton meteor moving at ...

4.5 billion-year-old meteorite found in back garden
Researchers at the Leiden's Naturalis Biodiversity Center announced on June 26th the discovery of a 500 gram (1 pound)meteorite that could help ...

4.5 billion-year-old meteorite found in back garden
A meteor that exploded over Russia's Ural mountains and sent fireballs blazing to earth has set off a rush to find fragments of the space rock which ...

Astronomical Research in Southern England'
... and the Universities Portsmouth, Southampton and Sussex will talk about topics such as Black Holes, Higgs Boson, meteor science, and more.

UW Planetarium Offers Plenty of Shows and Related Activities During July
University of Wyoming News
From constellations to meteor showers to visible planets, this program acts as a guide to these remarkable events and where to find them. -- “Gaia ...

Northern Michigan offers ample stargazing opportunities
Traverse City Record Eagle
This summer's docket features the Bootid, Delta Aquarid and Perseid meteor showers alongside various moon phases — including the Thunder Moon.

2017 The FOURTH Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

29 June 2017

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 29JUN2017

Asteroids Are Coming: Do You Know Where Your Children Are?
Most recently, on February 15, 2013, a 59-foot, 10,000-ton meteor moving at about 40,000 miles an hour burst in a blinding flash 14 1/2 miles over ...

Asteroids are humanity's greatest challenge and we are NOT ready to defend against the 'very high ...
Daily Mail
A meteor that blazed across southern Urals in February was the largest recorded ... Much of the meteor landed in a local lake called Chebarkul.

Experts Say Collision of Asteroids With Earth Will Be Unavoidable
Edition Time
Czech and other scientists had counseled about the 144 fireballs given out by a meteorshower. Another meteor the Taurid showed an improved ...

On Asteroid Day, check out a 65-million-year-old meteorite in Mumbai
It will showcase three rare meteor samples. "They will be on display from 11.30 am to 5 pm," said Arvind Paranjpye, planetarium director. We have a ...

What was with the funky 'line' cloud over Puget Sound Tuesday?
KOMO News (blog)
According to NASA, the cloud's ice crystals form from meteor dust. "At these altitudes, water vapor can freeze into clouds of ice crystals," said Sarah ...

Seeing Stars
Or just put on Archive's 'Nothing Else' and start planning your trip in time for the Star Party on 16 July or to go see the Perseid Meteor Shower on 13 .

2017 The FOURTH Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

Dutch scientists fete rare meteorite find 2017

Dutch scientists fete rare meteorite find 2017

Some more details on this one: the meteorite in question is an Ordinary Chondrite, an L6, which is provisionally named Broek in Waterland (this name still has to be approved, so is not official yet). The classification was done by Leo Kriegsman and me at Naturalis (the Dutch National Museum of Natural History) in Leiden.

It is a witnessed fall that happened in the very early local evening of January 11th, 16:09 UT (17:09 local time, sun only 3 degrees below the horizon - too early for our all-sky network unfortunately). There are many visual reports but only one video so far, from a car dashcam from Belgium some 165 km distant from the fall site, which shows the fireball going down almost vertically. The azimuth of the fireball on that video matches the find locality well. Weather radar and military flight radar have been checked, but nothing registered.

The stone weighs 530 grams and is fully fusion crust covered. It impacted on the roof of a garden shed near the village of Broek in Waterland, which is in a rural area just north of Amsterdam. The owners of the shed discovered it the next day when they saw roofing tile sherds lying around, then discovered the hole in the roof and the stone lodged in it. It took some 3 weeks before the news of this reached us, through Niek de Kort of the Royal Dutch Astronomy Association who was contacted by the finders. Leo and me then visited the fall locality on February 3 and identified it as a meteorite.

There is only one stone: we have meticulously searched a large area around the impact location with a team of volunteers in the weeks afterwards, but found nothing. Part of the area is a peat swamp and there is a lot of open water there ("Waterland" in Dutch translates the same in English, and there is a reason the village is named thus...).

It is only the 6th preserved meteorite of our small country in 177 years time.
Some more pictures of the new meteorite are here:

Dr. Marco Langbroek
web: http://meteorieten.langbroek.org

2017 The FOURTH Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

28 June 2017

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 28JUN2017

In the Netherlands, a meteorite struck the roof of the shed
www.MICEtimes.asia (press release)
В Голландии метеорит пробил крышу сарая The Dutchman from a private home found an unusual stone, which previously struck the roof of his barn ...

Netherlands meteorite sheds light on origin of the solar system
A meteorite, which landed in Holland could help scientists understand the origin of the solar system.

Meteor fireball seen across Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana skies
If you saw a bright flash of light moving through the Monday morning sky, you're not alone! On Monday morning, the American Meteor Society received ...

cctv capture meteor.
Antihelion fireball meteor capture with cctv over southern hemisphere night sky date:27.06.2017 at 02.24 am local time Singapore..approx peak date ...

NASA Celebrates International Asteroid Day with Special Broadcast
NASA will mark the worldwide observance of International Asteroid Day at 9 a.m. PDT (noon EDT) Friday, June 30, with a special television program featuring the agency's Planetary Defense Coordination Office and other projects working to find and study near-Earth objects (NEOs). The program will air on NASA Television and the agency's website.

Nuclear Bomb Sized Meteor Explosion in Siberia June 1908
The Tunguska event was a large explosion that occurred near the Stony Tunguska River, in Russia, on the morning of 30 June 1908. The explosion ...

Meteor Alert!!!!
ALERT, ALERT, NEW Meteor Event Seen Over Ontario, New York, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Ohio - Duration: 1:48. NEWS CHANNEL 428 9,418 ...

2017 The FOURTH Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

27 June 2017

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 27JUN2017

Dutch scientists fete rare meteorite find

Meteor in the Netherlands, was the same age as the Solar system
www.MICEtimes.asia (press release)
Polukilogrammovy fragment struck the roof of the shed in the village of Brooke (province of North Holland) on January 11. The owners of buildings ..

Dutch scientists celebrated discovery of the sixth meteorite found in recent history.
Dutch scientists celebrated discovery of the sixth meteorite found in recent history. Dutch scientists celebrated on Monday the discovery of only the ...

Meteor sighted in the sky over the Hunter Region
Newcastle Herald
There were reports overnight of a meteor spotted in the skies over the Hunter Valley about 9pm. Geoscience Australia also received reports of tremors ...

Hunter Valley Meteor - Reports of Giant Fireball in Sky in the Region
Hunter Valley Meteor - Giant Fireball, Tremors reported in Hunter Valley and Central Coast of NSW June 26 2017, reports Geoscience Australia.

Fireball Reports In KY, Other States - LEX18.com | Continuous News and StormTracker Weather
LEX18 Lexington KY News
According to the American Meteor Society, there were 31 reports of a fireball meteor in Kentucky, Tennessee, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and West Virginia.

Fireball spotted across Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana skies
WLWT Cincinnati
On Monday morning, the American Meteor Society received dozens of reports of a fireball meteor sighted across Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana skies.

Space discovered under Ames 26 years ago was new frontier for OK geography
Enid News & Eagle
Astrobleme comes from Greek and means “star wound,” according to britannica.com - and the term is appropriately applied when talking about meteor ...

Scientists Finally Solve Mystery Of Bright Nights
Science World Report
First Posted: Jun 26, 2017 05:01 AM EDT. Spectacular Perseid Meteor Shower Can Be Seen Across the Night Skies. A Perseid Meteor flashes across ...

Russia Bolide Meteor Event 21JUN2017
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News - blogger
Update- Russia Bolide Meteor Event 21JUN2017. Moskovsky Komsomolets Rusya Gazetesi – Rusça Gazete – Gazete Oku "It looks like an ordinary ...

'Spectacular' fireball seen in Whanganui sky 'probably piece of space junk'
New Zealand Herald
The fireball came over Durie Hill and was heading west. It seemed so close that she expected to hear pieces hit the water. "It was awesome. It was just ...

Meteorite As Old As Earth Can Tell Us How Solar System Formed
International Business Times
As such a rock burns up in Earth's atmosphere, it is called a meteor or a shooting star. It's only the rock that is left over from the fiery entry and lands on ...

Night Sky for July by Royal Observatory Greenwich astronomer
London News Online (blog)
There are also two meteor showers that reach their maxima this month. They're caused by comets which leave trains of gas and dust behind them as ...

Events in 2017 2081-2017 KML
Fireball event
IMO received 31 reports about a fireball seen over WV, KY, TN, OH, IN and IL on Monday, June 26th 2017 around 04:56 UT.

2017 The FOURTH Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

26 June 2017

Update- Russia Bolide Meteor Event 21JUN2017

Moskovsky Komsomolets Rusya Gazetesi – Rusça Gazete – Gazete Oku
"It looks like an ordinary car": was there an explosion in the suburbs by a meteorite
Barybinsky meteorite is very similar to Borodino

On June 23, 2017 at 17:55, views: 7295
GAZETEOKU.ORG--  Google translation from Russian-
In the Moscow region on the night of June 22 an event of a planetary scale occurred. Residents of Chelyabinsk survived it quite recently, in 2013, but in the Moscow region this has not happened since 1812. During the Patriotic War, a fairly large meteorite fell on the 4th redoubt of Russian troops fighting near Borodino.June 21, 2017 - a new guest from the sky. Then, 205 years ago, no one was injured from the heavenly wanderer, but now the victim has fallen from a meteorite that fell near the village of Barybino of the Domodedovo district. 28-year-old local resident Vasily Zheleznov got a slight concussion from a strong UFO explosion in the forest.

Photo: Vasily Zheleznov.

In addition to Zheleznov about the fall and explosion of the car in the Emergency Situations Ministry, two more reported - a Muscovite who was in Barybino in the country, and a member of the transport company in the capital, who was resting with colleagues opposite the fishing base between the towns of Barybino and Rastunovo.Yesterday we already talked about this incident. On Friday, another two witnesses called and reported that they also saw and heard the fall and the explosion over Barybino and also called the rescuers. One of the neighbors Vasily Zheleznova told us the following: "I smoked on the balcony and saw something fell and caught fire. I thought at first that the plane had fallen. Just in case, he called the Ministry for Emergency Situations, but he did not run there himself. Late it was already, and it is not enough that there ... "
And here is what Valery Sukhoi, an employee of a transport company from Moscow, told us. Which on that night was resting with colleagues on the backwaters, opposite the fishing base between Barybino and Rastunovo: "We were sitting with friends, frying shish kebabs, when suddenly something flew over us, we all grabbed the phones to photograph, but managed to shoot only the train . The object flew from the side of Akulinino. " According to Sukhoi, they, after some time, also called the Emergency Ministry, where they were told that they had already received similar calls from other residents.

As the head of the Laboratory of Cosmochemistry and Meteorology of the GEOKHI RAS Dmitry Budyukov told us, according to eyewitness accounts, the UFO is very similar to an ordinary car - a large fragment of an asteroid or comet flying to the ground. "In principle, this is a common phenomenon, but not for the Moscow region - there are no evidence of a meteorite fall since 1812 (Borodino meteorite is stored in our museum). And as far as the victims are concerned, the inhabitant of the village Barybino, if he does not write, is the first in the history of our region. He really could be shocked by a loud crash from the explosion - it can be compared to a strong cotton from the fighter. If a person was in 3-4 minutes walk from the place of the fall, then the state described by him is quite understandable. "

A group of enthusiastic scientists plans to visit the site of the fall of a UFO near Domodedovo on Sunday, they expect to find traces of a meteorite there. "MK" will monitor the progress of the investigation of this mysterious case. By the way, the Ministry of Emergency Measures officially dropped the meteorite."
by Natalya Vedeneeva

Thank you Ravi Jagtiani, India, for your help with researching this case.

2017 The FOURTH Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 26JUN2017

Scientists collect fresh meteorites fallen in Sudan's White Nile State
Sudan Tribune
... of Mineral, Osman Abu Aqla, said the team collected some fragments of the meteor in Alabbasiya area of Kosti locality in the State of the White Nile.

وزارة المعادن بالسودان تتحصل على شظايا نيزك سقط جنوبي البلاد
Africa News
الخرطوم 25 يونيو 2017 قالت وزارة المعادن بالسودان، الأحد، إنها تمكنت من الحصول على شظايا نيزك سقط هذا الأسبوع بمنطقة نائية بولاية النيل الأبيض جنوبي ...

Meteor Streaks Over South Florida Night Sky
CBS Miami - CBS Local
Meteor Streaks Over South Florida Night Sky.

Experts Warn Dangers Of Earth Getting Struck By Asteroids Ahead Of Asteroid Day On June 30
Science Times
The researchers mentioned that an undiscovered branch of the Taurid meteor shower could produce hundreds of asteroids which are dozens of ...

meteor shower surveys
Vox Charta
Recent works have shown the importance of choosing a low similarity threshold value of meteoroid orbits, some pointing out that the recent meteor ...

meteor networks
meteor networks. ASGARD Web Log - NASAs All Sky Fireball Network Warped meteor showers hit Earth at all angles March 8, 2017

2017 The FOURTH Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

25 June 2017

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 25JUN2017

Small Asteroid Enters Over Russia Likely Meteorites w
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News - blogger
В Домодедово упал метеорит Сергей Барыбино 3,393 views According to the video information provided by the viewer to the

Meteor shower from Moon's "debris"
Astronomy Stack Exchange
Did we ever witness a "meteor shower" which was actually dust or debris of some kind from our own Moon? the-moon meteor meteorite ...

A look at five biggest meteor crashes of all time
Economic Times
On September 28, 1969, a meteor exploded over the town of Murchison in Australia. The explosion left smoke rings in the air and left 700 kg of ...

Laser-targeting A.I. Yields More Mars Science
Artificial intelligence is changing how we study Mars.
A.I. software on NASA's Curiosity Mars rover has helped it zap dozens of laser targets on the Red Planet this past year, becoming a frequent science tool when the ground team was out of contact with the spacecraft. This same software has proven useful enough that it's already scheduled for NASA's upcoming mission, Mars 2020....

Fail of the Week: Tracking Meteors with Weather Radio
The fact that meteor trails reflect radio signals is well-known; hams use “meteor bounce” to make long-distance contacts all the time. And using ...

Asteroid strike could destroy our cities , astrophysicist warns
The Nation
The meteor exploded above the Earth, leveling 80 million trees across an area of 800 square miles. China to send people to live on asteroids.

What IS this mystery object in the sky? Stargazers left baffled after 'red fireball' lights up the night ...
Daily Mail
A 'red fireball' that lit up Australian skies has left locals baffled and debating the mystery object. Several Perth residents reported the sighting on ...

Five Disturbing Scientific Developments
The Navhind Times
The third disturbing development is alert raised by astronomers who are studying meteor showers. They believe that not every meteorite which could ...

Perseid Meteor Shower
University of Waterloo
According to NASA meteor expert Bill Cooke, the Perseids are perhaps the most popular meteor shower of the year. Typical rates are about 80 ...

What's Up in July: Saturn, Jupiter and Venus among the highlights
Press Herald
The Southern Delta Aquarid Meteor Shower will peak during the morning of Sunday, July 30. The moon will be first quarter, which means that it will set ...

Perseid Meteor Shower Stargazing Evenings
The Lennox & Addington Dark Sky Viewing Area proudly presents 'The Perseid Meteo rShower' Stargazing Evenings with Joe Gilker on August 11th ...

Events in 2017 2055-2017 KML
Fireball event
AMS received 3 reports about a fireball seen over São Paulo on Friday, June 23rd 2017 around 23:50 UT. D. Sound. 3 no. C. Sound. 3 no. Frag. 1 no.

2017 The FOURTH Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

24 June 2017

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 24JUN2017

Is an asteroid about to hit Earth? Making sense of life in a hostile universe
Fox News
This Saturday at roughly 2:38 AM Eastern Time an asteroid bigger than a football stadium will whiz past Earth at 28,000 miles per hour and almost certainly not hit us. But that won’t be the end of it. The 755-foot-diameter projectile is set to return every

Surprise asteroid strike could destroy our cities, astrophysicist warns
The Independent
... an event similar to the 1908 meteoroid explosion over the Tunguska region of Russia could happen again. The meteor exploded above the Earth, ...

The statistical likelihood that asteroids will destroy us all in 10 million years
Only a few, like the famous “Meteor crater” in Arizona, are visible to the untrained eye, but scientists have learned to recognize impact craters even if ...

Meteor shower from Moon's "debris"
Space Exploration Stack Exchange
Did we ever witness a "meteor shower" which was actually dust or debris of some kind from our own Moon? the-moon meteorites meteoroid meteors ...

Interview with visual comet discoverer Shigeki Murakami
- Shigeki Murakami. He believes that visual comet hunters could survive and his advice to others is: "See stars by heart". ...

Perth skywatchers stunned by fireball streaking across the sky
The West Australian
A meteor is one possible explanation but an aircraft contrail has been offered up as another possible explanation and then there is the chance it's a ...

Meteor last night
Last night (June 22nd) I was walking around with some friends around 11 and we saw a large blue/purple streak of light coming from outer space....

Small Asteroid Enters Over Russia Likely Meteorites w/ Video
Posted: 22 Jun 2017 07:11 PM PDT
Small Asteroid Enters Over Russia Likely Meteorites w/ Video 21JUN2017 According to the video information provided by the viewer to the television channel Dozhd, the meteor flew over the Domodedovo region of the Moscow region and burned in the upper atmosphere at an altitude of 80-90 km above the Earth. ...

Mars Rover Opportunity on Walkabout Near Rim
NASA's senior Mars rover, Opportunity, is examining rocks at the edge of Endeavour Crater for signs that they may have been either transported by a flood or eroded in place by wind....

Meteor Jam 7
Meteor echoes from livemeteors.com, with accompaniment. This graphic represents a meteor coming into the atmosphere. This was a very ...

Meteor Echoes Live Stream: livemeteors.com
Meteor Echoes Live Stream: livemeteors.com Live Meteors No views · • NASA Live - Earth From Space Live Feed : ISS live Nasa stream video of Earth ...

Can magnetic space tugs clean up space junk?
New Atlas
Because they travel at tens of thousands of miles per hour, even the smallest object can strike with the force of a meteor, and if a large one should hit a ...

Galaxy Glow in the Dark Stars Celebrates National Meteor Day!
June 30th is National Meteor Day or also know as Meteor Watch Day. It is observed annually on this day. If the weather is permitting thousands of ...

2017 The FOURTH Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

23 June 2017

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 23JUN2017

Small Asteroid Enters Over Russia Likely Meteorites w/video
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News - blogger
В Домодедово упал метеорит Сергей Барыбино 3,393 views According to the video information provided by the viewer to the television channel ...

Asteroid will DEFINITELY hit Earth and could wipe out London, expert warns
The Tunguska meteor was so big it would wipe out London completely. Prof Fitzsimmons added that experts have detected roughly 90 per cent of ...

Could asteroids bombard the Earth to cause a mass extinction in 10 million years?
Only a few, like the famous "Meteor crater" in Arizona, are visible to the untrained eye, but scientists have learned to recognise impact craters even if ...

Murders on Canadian island triggered by meteor shower
The Boston Globe
A meteor shower in 1941 signaled a sign to one of the Inuit people that he was Jesus; another man declared he was God. People who didn't buy it?

[Bi6.ebook] Meteor Showers Annotated Practical Astronomy Free Download.pdf
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[Bi6.ebook] Meteor Showers Annotated Practical Astronomy Free Download.pdf. [Bi6.ebook] Meteor Showers Annotated Practical Astronomy Free ...

Meteor Activity Outlook for June 24 – 30, 2017
International Meteor Organization
Later in this period the waxing crescent moon will enter the evening sky but will not interfere with meteor observing, especially during the more active ...

Russian man claims he was hit in the head by a meteorite --HOAX!

2017 The FOURTH Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!