Showing posts with label Hawley. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hawley. Show all posts

13 August 2017

The Perseids Have Begun in Hawley, TX 10/11AUG2017

The Perseids Have Begun in Hawley, TX 10/11AUG2017
Perseids Meteor Shower composite photo from the night of 10/11AUG2017
The camera is pointed towards the North/East sky.
by Kevin Palivec, Hawley, Texas Allsky

(Click on Image to Enlarge)
Perseids Meteors Composite from night of 10/11AUG2017
photo by Kevin Palivec, Hawley, Texas Allsky
(c) 2017 Kevin Palivec, All Rights Reserved

Thank you Kevin! awaiting the final composite!  Dark skies!

2017 The FOURTH Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

11 July 2017

Hawley, TX Bolide Meteor 11JUL2017

Hawley, TX Early Morning Bolide Meteor 05:59 CDT 11JUL2017
Long fast meteor over North Central Texas this morning! off to the South of Hawley, TX.
Hawley, TX Early Morning Bolide Meteor 05:59 CDT 11JUL2017
c2017 Kevin Palivec
video link on FB-

2017 The FOURTH Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

03 October 2016

Hawley, Texas Fireball Meteor 02OCT2016

Hawley, Texas Fireball Meteor 0402 UTC 02OCT2016

Hawley, Texas Fireball Meteor 0402 UTC 02OCT2016
c2016 Kevin Palivec / Sandia Sentinal Allsky Network

2016 The THIRD Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

31 October 2014

Hawley, Texas Fireball Meteor 30OCT2014

Hawley, Texas Fireball Meteor 1030 UTC 30OCT2014
"click on image to enlarge"
Hawley, Texas Fireball Meteor 1030 UTC 30OCT2014
v.1 c2014 LunarMeteoriteHunter / Google Earth
:click on image to enlarge"
Hawley, Texas Fireball Meteor 1030 UTC 30OCT2014
Credit- Sandia Sentinel Allsky, Keven Palivec
Hawley, Texas Fireball Meteor 1030 UTC 30OCT2014
Credit- Sandia Sentinel Allsky, Keven Palivec

Initial Meteor Sighting Reports-

30OCT2014 Melissa Dawn Rowell Marlin, Texas 3:40 am central Maybe a few seconds S-N Shooting fireball. Started out white then burst into green sizzling fire. Didn't hear a sound because I was driving. Brighter than a normal shooting star, but not bright as the sun. Not that I could tell It was to to west of me shooting south to north. I have seen two others. All a little different. This one shot in a straight line at close to a 45 degree angle. It started out close to a white to light bluish color and halfway down if burst into a green flash and seemed to sizzle as it feel a second or so more the appeared to burn out.

30OCT2014 Kevin Palivec Hawley, Texas USA 03:34 am Cst 4 seconds north / north north east N/a Black and White camera little more than moon yes terminal burst and training fragment and flames

2014 The Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

27 July 2014

Hawley, Texas Two Meteor Events 26/272014 videos

Hawley, Texas Two Meteor Events 26/27JUL2014 with videos

 Two interesting events last night and this morning on my Sandia Sentinel Hawley, TX station allsky cams.-- Kevin Palivec, Hawley, TX Sandia Sentinel Allsky
 First at 07:27:18 UT was a very bright fireball just to my north that lit up the sky. It appears to have come in at a Very steep angle. 07:27:18 UT

 Second was a double meteor, also to my north, at 11:08:56 UT.
This event was also captured by the OKC Sandia Sentinel AllSky, James Beauchamp.

Check your security cameras!

Please file your meteor sightings please HERE-

Please help get the word about this event so that we might recover security camera video or cell phone captures; spread the word about this website via Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Reddit, GLP, SOTT and your favorite forums; contact your local news outlets and tell them about this website; thank you!

2014 The Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

13 August 2013

Breaking News - Hawley, TX Bolide Fireball Meteor 13AUG2013 - Perseid?

Breaking News -
Spectacular! Hawley, TX  Bolide at 00"50 CDT on 13AUG2013 with a duration of about four seconds.
This should have been captured in OKC, and perhaps NM. It has now been confirmed that it was not captured in OKC due to heavy overcast conditions.  If anyone witnessed this event please file a meteor sighting report-
  If you find this website and meteor event of interest please post a link on FaceBook, Twitter, Reddit, YouTube or your favorite forum; thank you! Please post the main site link and visit often-

"click on image to enlarge"
Hawley, TX Bolide Fireball Meteor 06'50 UTC 13AUG2013
Color Direct-view Video Capture
Copyright- Kevin Palivec / Hawley, TX Sandia Sentinel All Sky
All Rights Reserved - No Copy without prior permission.
contact email

Hawley, TX Bolide Fireball Meteor 06'50 UTC 13AUG2013
Copyright- Kevin Palivec / Hawley, TX Sandia Sentinel All Sky
All Rights Reserved - No Copy without prior permission.
"click on image to enlarge"
Hawley, TX Bolide Fireball Meteor 06'50 UTC 13AUG2013
Copyright- Kevin Palivec / Hawley, TX Sandia Sentinel All Sky
All Rights Reserved - No Copy without prior permission.
Hawley, TX Bolide Fireball Meteor 06'50 UTC 13AUG2013
Copyright- Kevin Palivec / Hawley, TX Sandia Sentinel All Sky
All Rights Reserved - No Copy without prior permission.
"click on image to enlarge"
Hawley, TX Bolide Fireball Meteor 06'50 UTC 13AUG2013
B/W Direct-view Video Capture
Copyright- Kevin Palivec / Hawley, TX Sandia Sentinel All Sky
All Rights Reserved - No Copy without prior permission.
Hawley, TX Bolide Fireball Meteor 06'50 UTC 13AUG2013
Copyright- Kevin Palivec / Hawley, TX Sandia Sentinel All Sky
All Rights Reserved - No Copy without prior permission.

Witness report-
It was the hi-lite of our three-ish nites! were about 150 miles S/SW from Hawley' strait down, 45* to the flash at the horizon! Green lead with a thick purple to gold tail burned into our retinas! About the third most impressive sky event I've seen. We were actually surprised we didn't hear the crackle or impact. ThePappawheelie

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

01 September 2012

MASSIVE Daytime Bolide Meteor Event Detected Over Hawley, TX and OKC, OK 31AUG2012

MASSIVE Daytime Bolide Meteor Event Detected Over Hawley, TX and OKC, OK ~14:31:24 CDT 31AUG2012

Kevin Palivec of Hawley, Texas (Central Texas Allsky) has detected a massive bolide event over his location at ~14:31:24 CDT (GMT-5) 19:31:24 ut 31AUG2012 using his forward scatter detector.  This is an usually large radio signal event.  Congrats and thanks to Kevin for his 7/24/365 dedication!

UPDATED Audio/Video Added- Take a listen!!! 
Video below.
Composite of Camera/ Audio / Screen Display
(c) Kevin Palivec
(click on image to enlarge)
Unusually Large Forward Scatter Radio Signal Detected
19:31:24 ut 31AUG2012 Hawley, TX
(c) 2012 Kevin Palivec Hawley, Texas
(click on image to enlarge)
Radar OKC, OK
19:31:08 ut 31AUG2012
(c) James Beauchamp
2012 THE Year of Meteors!

17 November 2011

Hawley, Texas SW Horizon Fireball Meteor 16NOV2011

Hawley, Texas SW Horizon Fireball Meteor 03:35 AM 16NOV2011
Hawley, Texas SW Horizon Fireball Meteor 03:35 AM 16NOV2011
/ Hawley, TX Sentinel Allsky -Kevin Palivec

Hawley, Texas SW Horizon Fireball Meteor Capture 03:35 AM 16NOV2011 
Hawley, TX Sentinel Allsky -Kevin Palivec

Any sighting reports?
Date and Time of event? Location name (town,city) where you were when saw the meteor? Start and Stop location in sky? Direction of movement? Duration of Event (seconds)? Brightness ( in comparison with Venus, Moon, Sun) color, sounds? Photos? Videos? please email Your reports make it possible for all to check what they saw as well. Thank you! 2011 The Year of Meteors!

03 June 2011

Breaking News- Hawley, TX Meteor 2JUN2011

Hawley, TX Meteor FireBall event 6/02 9:31pm CDT
Hawley, TX Meteor FireBall event 6-02 9:31pm CDT
(c) 2011 Hawley, TX Sentinel Allsky
Kevin Palivec
Hawley, TX Meteor FireBall event 6-02 9:31CDT
(c) 2011 Hawley, TX Sentinel Allsky
Kevin Palivec
Hawley, TX Meteor FireBall event 6-02 9:31pm CDT
(c) 2011 Hawley, TX Direct View Camera
Kevin Palivec
Hawley, TX Meteor FireBall event 6-02 9:31pm CDT
(c) 2011 Hawley, TX Direct View Camera
Kevin Palivec