Little Hungarian meteoritopera
Hajdú Online - 5 分 前 TYO6mar18: 17 minutes
The astronomers first version of the meteorite remained, although they could not provide evidence for a long time. Meteoritláz prevailed in the country, damage, ...
"Arra repült, arra repült" - a szlovák hegyekben lezuhant meteor nyomában
Latest In-Depth Report about 28FEB2010 Hungary /Slovakia Meteor (!!)
"We flew to fly" - the Slovak mountains crashed meteor trails
Origo- "If you landed, even up to several meters in diameter crater left behind After a meteorite, a huge flash csapódhatott after Sunday night ...
Original Link:
Google Translate Hungarian-English
Posted on YouTube
March 05, 2010
Image of Hungarian/ Slovakian region from meteor view (click to enlarge)
Kiszámították a meteoritbecsapódás lehetséges helyét
Meteorite searchers calculated the possible location (image of map)
The above assumption - if the meteor from the south-west direction, and exploded about 10 miles overhead, perhaps reaching the surface ... (more)
Biztos, hogy földet ért a vasárnapi tűzgömb
Meteor View* from above Bratislava, Slovakia and Budapest, Hungary looking towards Kosice, Slovakia; white line is projected path towards Kosice, Slovakia. Red circle line is 200 km distance measure from Budapest.
Meteor view* looking towards Koice, Slovakia from Miskolc / Bocs Region, Hungary
Emod, Bocs, Miskolc; any videos or witnesses?
Red Circle line represents 200 Km from Budapest, Hungary
Concentration still needs to be used to search for more video footage before security camera tapes are recycled! Seismic data alone may not be enough.
*"meteor view" is used to refer to viewing from the viewpoint of a meteor
6MAR2010 lunarmeteorite*hunter
Two newly posted videos:
Italian TV news