Showing posts with label Perth meteorite? house strike 4MAR2010. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Perth meteorite? house strike 4MAR2010. Show all posts

05 March 2010


Meteoritbecsapódás: Kárpátalján nem észlelték

Kárpáti Igaz Szó - ‎4 時間前‎
Teleszkópjainkon nem volt látható és műszereink sem jelezték légkörünkben a meteorit jelenlétét, de Kárpátalján korábban már nem egy hasonló eset volt. ...
[28Hungary2010 meteor- no new news]

Museum investigates Western Australia House Strike Meteorite? claims

METEORITE CLAIMS: WA Museum to investigate claims a meteorite has hit a house in Perth.
Source: PerthNow WA Museum curators will investigate claims a ...

Arctic crater microbes point to origins of life here, maybe Mars

National Post
Scientists studying an ancient meteorite crash site in the Canadian Arctic have detected traces of microbes that point to the key role played by impact ...

Astro Bob blog: Fireball over Duluth!

Duluth News Tribune
A bright meteor blazes across the Bowl of the Big Dipper several years back. Photo: Bob King Were you one of the lucky ones to see the brilliant, ...

Northland residents report flaming object in the sky
Duluth News Tribune - ‎14 時間前‎
Audrey Monicken, who lives on Duluth's Park Point, said she was watching television when she caught the sight. “I saw a flaming thing come down out of the ...

Day the dinosaurs met their match … thankfully for us

Tyrannosaurus rex died out after a giant meteorite hit Mexico. Picture: PA A new report from 41 international experts discounts an alternative theory that ...

恐竜は隕石で絶滅12か国のチームが結論 科学 YOMIURI ONLINE読売新聞

約6550万年前の白亜紀末に恐竜などが大量絶滅したのは、メキシコ・ユカタン半島に巨大な 隕石 ( いんせき ) が衝突したことが原因と結論づける報告を、東北大 ...

Batu Ruang Angkasa Raksasa Meledak di Antartika - ‎2 時間前‎
Bukti tersebut hadir dari akumulasi partikel meteorit kecil dan sebuah lapisan debu ekstraterestrial yang ditemukan di inti es Antartika. ...

Hatalmas űrkőzet robbanhatott fel az Antarktisz fölött - ‎9 時間前‎
Az eseményről a déli sarkvidék jégmagjaiban észlelt parányi meteorit részecskék és földönkívüli porrétegek árulkodnak. A kutatók szerint az antarktiszi eset ...

Science Magazine
Science Magazine (subscription)
Meteorit. Planet. Sci. 39, 1127 (2004). [CrossRef] [Web of Science] 33. ... B. Ivanov, Numerical modeling of the largest terrestrial meteorite craters. Sol. ... [abstract/order only]

Asteroid terminated dinosaur era in a matter of days

NatGeo News Watch (blog)
"Far from Chicxulub, the geologic record clearly shows a single large meteorite hit the Earth exactly at the K-Pg boundary. Thickening of the K-Pg boundary ...

Arctic crater microbes point to origins of life here, maybe Mars Thu, 04 Mar 2010 15:11 PM PST
Scientists studying an ancient meteorite crash site in the Canadian Arctic have detected traces of microbes that point to the key role played by impact craters in the evolution of life on Earth and co..

The meteor shower continues

Baltimore Sun (blog)
Felix Pie just led off the second exhibition game of the spring with a home run to right field off Jeff Niemann. That's the seventh home run by the Orioles ...
New study blames dinosaur deaths on big meteor strike

Earthtimes (press release)
By : dpa Nuremberg, Germany - A new German-led study has marshalled even more powerful evidence that a single meteor strike 65 million years ago led to the ...
Arctic crater microbes point to origins of life here

Vancouver Sun
Scientists studying an ancient meteorite crash site in the Canadian Arctic have detected traces of microbes that point to the key role played by impact ...

Ancient 'space blast' over Antarctica similar to Tunguska event of 1908
Sify - ‎20 hours ago‎
The study's authors think these spherules could be material eroded from a stony meteorite as it was heated up on its way through our atmosphere. ...

Biggest, Deepest Crater Exposes Hidden, Ancient Moon
Science Daily (press release) - ‎5 hours ago‎
Although the Apollo basin is ancient and covered with regolith, it still gives a useful view of the lower crust because the smaller meteorite impacts that ...

Un enorme meteorite esplose sull'Antartide
Diregiovani - ‎19 hours ago‎
Nel corso della conferenza si è inevitabilmente parlato di un parallelo con il meteorite di Tunguska, esploso nel 1908 al di sopra della Siberia, ...

A spasso coi Dinosauri
La Stampa (Torino Sette) - ‎3 hours ago‎
Poi l'estinzione, causata, si pensa, dall'impatto di un meteorite con la Terra. «Walking with Dinosaurs - The Live Experience» è una fortunata e assai ...

Antarktika'ya da METEOR düşmüş
Net Haber - ‎1 hour ago‎
Bilim adamlarının dünyanın en ıssız kıtası Antarktika'da yaptıkları son araştırmalar çarpıcı bulgular ortaya çıkardı. BİLİM adamları, Antarktika üzerinde ...
Meteors and helices promote community

Arizona State University
Dupont looks for reference to the Leonid meteor shower that took place in the early Tuesday morning of Nov. 17. Why this is important relates to why ...

Astronomy: A labor of love
Baylor Lariat Wed, 03 Mar 2010 21:32 PM PST
Dr. Guy Consolmagno, a meteorite curator at the Vatican Observatory, gave a lecture Tuesday titled "The Virtuous Astronomer: How the Work of Science is Shaped by the Virtues of Faith, Hope and Love."...