Showing posts with label Pracownia Komet i Meteorow. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pracownia Komet i Meteorow. Show all posts

01 March 2010

Hungary (Europe) Bolide Fireball 28FEB2010 1MAR2010

Meteor Örkényről (Fazzi Daniella -

posted on YouTube by idokeptv 1MAR2010

Bolide Hungary -zablesk v PO 28.02.2010

posted on YouTube 1MAR2010 by Petkoj18

00:07 - Yesterday
Fényes tűzgömb és robbanás Magyarország felett 2010. február 28-án 23 óra 25 perc körül. Djhesa időképes észlelő videója. ... bolida meteor tűzgömb ...

01:08 - Yesterday
... sabinov meteorit bolit bolid zablesk februar 2010 2012 ...

01:01 - Yesterday
For a discussion about this subject visit

Meteorit a borsodi égbolton?
Borsod Online - ‎21 分前‎
A villanások és különös fényjelenség okozója vélhetően egy meteorit lehetett - tájékoztatta a Borsod Online-t Egyedné Novodonszki Éva BAZ Megyei ...

English machine translation:
Meteorite in Borsodi Sky (Hungary Bolide Fireball 28FEB2010)?
Borsod Online
The flashes of light and special fényjelenség likely cause was a meteorite - Borsod Online was informed of the units of Novodonszki Eve BAZ County Police sajtószővívője.A villanásokról and dörgéssel settlement also involved in several interesting phenomena were announced almost simultaneously Sunday 23:20 minutes from the County Police. Informed of the disaster of unknown phenomenon, which began an investigation of the surprisingly bright celestial flashes ügyben.A Borsod Budapest, Szabolcs but could see many Sunday night.

Tajomný vesmírny objekt vystrašil Slovákov - ‎33 分前‎
Vec sme zaevidovali as najväčšou pravdepodobnosťou išlo o meteorit," povedal Aktuá hovorca ministerstva obrany Vladimír Gemela. ...
Meteorit látogatott hozzánk
Paraméter - ‎1 時間前‎
Vasárnaról hétfőre virradó éjjel 23:20 perc körül először hatalmas fényjelenség jelentkezett - kivilágosodott a horizont, majd néhány másodperc után ...

Tajomny vesmirny objekt vystrasil Slovakov
Aktuá -
Vec sme zaevidovali as najvacsou pravdepodobnostou islo o meteorit," povedal hovorca ministerstva obrany Vladimir Gemela. ...

Mi lehetett a rejtélyes éjszakai robbanás?
Új Szó Online - ‎1 時間前‎
A legnagyobb valószínűség szerint egy, a Föld légkörében felrobbant, majd a súrlódás miatt elégett, a szokásosnál nagyobb méretű meteorit vagy esetleg ...

ZÁHADA: Tajomná žiara nad Slovenskom! - ‎2 時間前‎
Podľa veliteľa vzdušných síl SR šlo s najväčšou pravdepodobnosťou o meteorit nad severnou, resp. východnou časťou Slovenska. “Nebola to žiadna raketa, ...


Hungary fireball Information from Hungary

Antal wrote:

There are a number of eyewitnesses of this Fireball. Most of them are ordinary citizens without much knowledge about what to look at...
Still, some of them can be useful, there are some security camera images and weather camera catches, too. Unfortunately my two meteor cameras are in the south where it was cloudy in that hour. Actually a cold front cloud system travelled above Hungary and most eyewitnesses have seen the phenomenon as a flash like light increase over the clouds.
If you find it useful I can translate the existing observations from here:
some more video links:
Best Regards,

Szilard, A Reader in Germany, wrote this:
Observations about the fireball (in Hungarian) and some videos (in international language :-)) here:,_meteorok/20100301-tuzgomb-magyarorszag-felett.html

It was really bright ( - 15 mag ??). More details later. As I heard, it was visible from all the airplanes which were in the air over Hungary at that moment.

best wishes,

A Reader in Poland wrote:

Regarding this bolide over Hungary there some information you may find interesting on the Polish Fireball Network [Pracownia Komet i Meteorow] website:

translation of the text:

On the 28th of February (22:24:46 UT according to Juraj Tóth) over Slovak and Hungarian border bright bolide was seen. As per Slovak people interested in astronomy, it is estimated to exceed –10 magnitudo. It lasted ~5 seconds and three times during it green lights were noticed. In the eastern part of Slovak Republic some noises were heard.

Two people from Tarnów in Poland also noticed that sky lightened. Polish fireball station in Szamotuły (managed by Maciej Reszelski) recorded lightened of the southern sky.
