17 October 2015

Japan Fireball Meteor 0435 JST 16OCT2015 - M20151016_043355_NN4_s0P 火球

Japan Fireball Meteor 0435 JST 16OCT2015
M20151016_043355_NN4_s0P 火球

Click on Image to Enlarge
Japan Fireball Meteor 0435 JST 16OCT2015
M20151016_043355_NN4_s0P 火球
c2015 Shimode / SonotaCo

SonotaCo Meteor Forum- 

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

Asteroid '2015 TB145' May Be Cometary in Nature" / Meteorite Fall Hits House in Uruguay - Video News Updates

Asteroid '2015 TB145' May Be Cometary in Nature" / Meteorite Fall Hits House in Uruguay - Video News Updates
Asteroid '2015 TB145' May Be Cometary in Nature" / Meteorite Fall Hits House in Uruguay
Posted to YouTube by nemesis maturity 1 view

Thank you Elias!

- Notes for viewers- these clips were used for illustration only-
#1-At 1'02-1'21 video clip is of the Japanese Hayabusa re-entry vehicle return to Earth in Australia 13JUN2010.

#2. At 1'41-1'48 video clip is of a bright fireball seen over New York, Ohio, and Pennsylvania 17FEB2015.

#3.-At 2'01-2'21 video clip of the Peekskill, NY Meteor of 09OCT1992.

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

16 October 2015

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 17OCT2015

Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
Lapland, Finland / Norway Daytime Fireball Meteor 14OCT2015
Alert! HUGE Asteroid '2015 TB145' Set to 'Skim Past Earth' ???with Highly Uncertain Orbit!
NEO Asteroids Close Approaches October 2015 updated! 13 asteroids for OCT!

Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
8 hours ago - Maldonado, Uruguay Meteorite Fall Hits House 18SEP2015! Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Maldonado, Uruguay Meteorite .

26 magnificent meteor shower pics
This year's Orionid meteor shower can be seen from Oct. 20 in both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. Let's have a look at some other-worldly ...

Planets, Meteor
Spaceweather.com Realtime Image Gallery
Venus, Jupiter, Mars, and meteor. Maybe a Psi Aurigids? From Keller, Washington at 0542hrs on October 15th. Canon SX50 ISO2500 Exposure 13 ...

Gabriel Rodrigues Hickel
October 16 at 8:26am
[1510.04147] Dynamic Radio Spectra from two Fireballs

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 16OCT015

Lapland, Finland / Norway Daytime Fireball Meteor 14OCT2015
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
Lapland, Finland / Norway Daytime Fireball Meteor 14OCT2015 Note-pre-post -- updates pending. Esko Lyytinen:, Finland reports, "We had a daytime ...

Car-Sized Meteor Breaks Up Over Bay Area Skies
KPIX - CBS Local
Car-Sized Meteor Breaks Up Over Bay Area Skies. Car-Sized MeteorBreaks Up Over Bay Area Skies. Categories: Worldnow Archive · 0 Comments ...

Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
8 hours ago - Maldonado, Uruguay Meteorite Fall Hits House 18SEP2015! Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Maldonado, Uruguay Meteorite ...

Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 15OCT015
Maldonado, Uruguay Meteorite Fall Hits House 18SEP2015
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 14OCT015
California Meteor Events 13OCT2015

Meteorito Cae Por Primera Vez En Uruguay y Rompe Un Techo
Latinos Post en Español
Un meteorito atravesó la ciudad de Maldonado, ubicada al sureste de Uruguay, a una velocidad de 250 kilómetros por hora, y cayó en el techo de un ...

Composite images of 2015 Perseid meteor shower
UK Meteor Observation Network
Every year we observe large number of meteor showers totaling over 20,000 meteors. Perseid meteor shower is probably the most observed shower, ...

Many Southern California Residents Tweet Seeing Meteor Streak Across Sky
A lot of people in the Southland reported seeing what looked like a meteor streak across the sky on Tuesday night. Suzie Suh reports.

Bright green meteor seen flying across Southern California skies
Signs of the Times
A lot of people in the Southland reported seeing what looked like a meteor streak across the sky on Tuesday night. There were tweets from all the way ...

Tonight's Meteor Shower Expected To Be One Of The Year's Best
CBS Sacramento - CBS Local
Tonight's Meteor Shower Expected To Be One Of The Year's Best. Tonight's Meteor Shower Expected To Be One Of The Year's Best. Categories: ...

Meteorite falling over Osaka, Japan AMAZING New HQ Footage
Meteorite falling over Osaka, Japan AMAZING New HQ Footage ... Plasma orbs in Chelyabinsk in the time of meteorite impact, enhanced & detailed, ... FAKED EVENT! HOAX!

Josep Maria Trigo Rodríguez
October 14 at 9:25pm
MAÑANA OS ESPERO EN MI CHARLA "LA LLUM DELS METEORS I BOLES DE FOC": Será organizada por la AASCV a las 20h en el claustro del Monestir de Sant Cugat: http://www.astronomia.cat/

Josep Maria Trigo Rodríguez
September 29 at 10:38pm
FLUJOS DE AGUA EN MARTE Y SU INTERÉS ASTROBIOLÓGICO: Me permito invitaros a visitar mi SciLog en Investigación y Ciencia describiendo los últimos descubrimientos del orbitador Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO). Por favor, compartid la públicación desde el botón del Facebook de mi blog: http://www.investigacionyciencia.es/blogs/astronomia/45/posts/flujos-de-agua-salada-en-marte-y-su-enorme-inters-astrobiolgico-13587

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

15 October 2015

Lapland, Finland / Norway Daytime Fireball Meteor 14OCT2015

Lapland, Finland / Norway Daytime Fireball Meteor 14OCT2015
Note-pre-post -- updates pending

Esko Lyytinen:, Finland reports, "We had a daytime fireball in Lapland just yesterday, 14OCT2015;
May have also been seen in Norway:"

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

Alert! HUGE Asteroid '2015 TB145' Set to 'Skim Past Earth' ???with Highly Uncertain Orbit!

30OCT2015 Latest update see-
Now Updated! 15OCT2015 Alert! HUGE "Large enough" Asteroid '2015 TB145' Set to 'Skim Pass Earth' ???! with Highly Uncertain Orbit!  

PANIC NOT REQUIRED, ONLY AWARENESS! - Since its discovery on 10OCT2015, more telescopic and other observations have now determined that this asteroid with a diameter of 290 m - 650 m poses NO risk with an LD of 1.3LD, a 310,188 mile -- 499,200 kilometer miss THIS pass.
LunarMeteoriteHunter, Tokyo
HUGE "Large enough" Asteroid '2015 TB145' Set to 'Skim Pass Earth'???! with Highly Uncertain Orbit!
Posted to YouTube by nemesis maturity 1,063 views
Published on Oct 14, 2015
NASA on Alert as HUGE "Large enough" Asteroid '2015 TB145' Set to 'Skim Pass Earth' with Highly Uncertain Orbit
The orbit has now been better resolved; there is certainly NO danger this pass..

A 500 metre wide asteroid will skim past earth at 78,000 mph.
According to NASA’s Near Earth Object Program the enormous lump of rock will pass within 300,000 miles (1.3 LD) - a tiny distance in astronomical terms - of Earth on October 31.
The Minor Planet Center has classified 2015 TB145 as "Potentially Hazardous Asteroid."

During closest approach to Earth the asteroid will reach about apparent magnitude 10, and will be observable to amateur astronomers with small telescopes. At peak brightness, It will be best seen in the Northern hemisphere.

The asteroid was first observed on 10 October 2015 by Pan-STARRS at an apparent magnitude of 20 using a 1.8-meter Ritchey–Chrétien telescope. On 31 October 2015 the asteroid will pass about 0.0019 AU (280,000 km; 180,000 mi) from the Moon and then pass about 0.0032 AU (480,000 km; 300,000 mi) from Earth.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2015_TB145


2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

Hyogo, Japan Fireball Meteor 15OCT2015 - 火球2015年10月15日21h35m29秒

Hyogo, Japan Fireball Meteor 2135 JST 15OCT2015
Click on Image to Enlarge
Hyogo, Japan Fireball Meteor 2135 JST 15OCT2015
c2015 司馬康生
SonotaCo Meteor Forum-

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 15OCT015

Maldonado, Uruguay Meteorite Fall Hits House 18SEP2015 ...
8 hours ago - Maldonado, Uruguay Meteorite Fall Hits House 18SEP2015! Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Maldonado, Uruguay Meteorite Fall

California Meteor Events 13OCT2015
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
Photos or videos may be emailed to LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com. Initial MeteorSighting Reports- Event 2. 13OCT2015 Matthew Dixon, CA, ...

Orionid meteor shower highlights October skies in SWFL
The News-Press
Last month's supermoon eclipse would have been a hard act to follow, if the skies had been a little clearer in our area. Fortunately, there will be more ...

Many Southern California Residents Tweet SeeingMeteor Streak Across Sky
A lot of people in the Southland reported seeing what looked like ameteor streak across the sky on Tuesday night. Suzie Suh reports. Subscribe now ...

Many Southern California Residents Tweet Seeing Meteor Streak Across Sky
CBS Los Angeles - CBS Local
A lot of people in the Southland reported seeing what looked like ameteor streak across the sky on Tuesday night...

Full spectrum shooting star
View larger to see the meteor's color. | Meteor in front of constellation Taurus. Notice the dipper-shaped Pleiades and V-shaped Hyades below them.

26 magnificent meteor shower pics
Debris left behind by the Halley comet will bring the magnificent Orionid meteor shower visible from Earth beginning Oct. 21. This year, the shower can ...

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

14 October 2015

Maldonado, Uruguay Meteorite Fall Hits House 18SEP2015

Maldonado, Uruguay Meteorite Fall Hits House 18SEP2015
 A 712 gram meteorite penetrated the roof of a house in Maldonado, Uruguay on 18SEP2015; this is the first meteorite ever reported found in Uruguay. Information of this fall was released earlier today, 13OCT2015.

Please use Google Translate if you do not read Spanish or Portuguese; thank you-

A meteor through the roof of a house in Uruguay at a speed of 250 kilometers per hour
Actualidad.RT.com Posted: October 14, 2015 2:08 GMT

Uruguay tiene su primer meteorito
Diario El País-10 hours ago
Los análisis primarios determinaron que la piedra es un fragmento de meteorito de 712 gramos, "rocoso tipo brecha (meteorite breccia, en ...

Confirmaron que un Meteorito impactó en una vivienda de la ciudad de San Carlos
maldonadonoticias.com- Publicado el Martes, 13 Octubre 2015 - 15:36
Un meteorito de 712 gramos de peso cayó sobre una vivienda de San Carlos, provocando diversos daños....

Un meteorito atraviesa el techo de una casa en Uruguay a 250 kilómetros por hora
Un meteorito atravesó a una velocidad estimada de 250 kilómetros por hora el techo de una casa en la localidad uruguaya de Maldonado (sureste), un hecho del que se han registrado menos de 15 casos en los últimos 100 años, informó hoy la Facultad de Ciencias de la Universidad de la República de Uruguay. ...

Un meteorito atraviesa el techo de una casa en Uruguay
EFEFUTURO.- Un meteorito atravesó a una velocidad estimada de 250 kilómetros por hora el techo de una casa en la localidad uruguaya de Maldonado (sureste)...

Meteorito de San Carlos
Un meteorito rompió un techo, una cama y un TV Led en San Carlos, Maldonado, Uruguay

Meteorito de San Carlos- FB Community
Información sobre el meteorito que cayó el 19 de Setiembre de 2015 en la ciudad de San Carlos, Maldonado y que atravesó el techo de una casa.

Este es el meteorito que cayó en San Carlos y atravesó el techo de una casa
Esta mañana la Facultad de Ciencias difundió imágenes del meteorito que en mes pasado cayó sobre una casa y atravesó el techo, provocando daños en la vivienda. ...

Astrónomos están seguros de que lo visto en Rocha fue un meteorito
El fenómeno llenó de estupor a muchos entre la noche del sábado y las primeras horas del domingo pasado. El astrónomo Gonzalo Tancredi no tiene dudas de que se trató de un meteoro, aunque aún están recabando elementos....

Possível meteorito cai em residência no Uruguai.
bramonmeteor.org - Por Marcelo Domingues em Notícias- Portuguese
Foi divulgado hoje, dia 14/10/2015, a queda de um meteorito no dia 18 de setembro sobre uma residência na cidade de San Carlos, departamento de Maldonado – Uruguai. ...

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 14OCT015

Asteroid 2015 TC25 Set to Pass between the Earth and Moon
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
Breaking News- UK Meteor Likely Seen by Hundreds Approx 22'10 GMT ... 'Doomsday meteor' to brush past Earth TODAY, NASA's Asteroid Watch ...

California Meteor Events 13OCT2015
Two California meteor events were seen at approximately 2150 PST and 2240 PST 13OCT2015.

Many Southern California Residents Tweet Seeing Meteor Streak Across Sky
CBS Local
LOS ANGELES (CBSLA.com) — A lot of people in the Southland reported seeing what looked like a meteor streak across the sky on Tuesday night....

American Sky Brightens Up Due To Fireballs
Daily News
It was also not a Taurid meteor because it went from west to east. However, the one seen over Arkansas was in all probability a Taurid meteor and ...

Meteorite impact turns silica into stishovite in a billionth of a second
Cambridge Network
The Barringer meteor crater is an iconic Arizona landmark, more than 1km wide and 170 metres deep, left behind by a massive 300,000 tonne ...

Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 13OCT015. Dozens say a meteor fell over SD Sunday night. Sioux Falls Argus Leader - 14 hours ago

Dozens say a meteor fell over South Dakota Sunday night
Signs of the Times
A handful of South Dakotans reported seeing a meteor in the southeastern part of the state. It has not been confirmed yet if a meteor actually hit.

When is the Orionid meteor shower? What time is it and how to watch it?
The Orionid meteor showers will be lighting up the night sky over the UK next week and stargazers can see them at their peak in the early hours of ...

Spaceweather.com Realtime Image Gallery
The Dragon awakes! Draconid meteor over the Blue Ridge Mountains Peaks of Otter Virginia. Comments. You must be logged in to comment.

Leonid Meteor Shower at Conway Observatory at Buckley Homestead
Town Planner
Watch the Leonid Meteor Shower on Sat, Oct 17 at Conway Observatory. If you know what the Leonid meteor shower is you probably want to find a ...


Josep Maria Trigo Rodríguez
October 14 at 6:05pm
RECUERDO MI POST SOBRE EVIDENCIA DE ACTIVIDAD MICROBIANA EN METEORITOS MARCIANOS. Siguiendo con la entrevista que me acaba de hacer Josep Ma. Mainat en RAC1. Compartidlo desde la web de Investigación y Ciencia, por favor.

¿Actividad microbiana en Marte a partir de meteoritos?
Algunos meteoritos podrían dar contener claves sobre la aparición de vida en otros planetas

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

California Meteor Events 13OCT2015

California Meteor Events Approximately 2150 PST and 2240 PST 13OCT2015
Ravi Jagtiani writes, "2 events over the same region (California), 50 minutes apart, following the same trajectory ESE to WNW.21:50 PST 13th October 2015 = 04:50 UTC 14th October 2015 22:40 PST = 05:40 UTC."
Check your security cameras!

YOUR meteor report is important.  If you came here looking for a report about a meteor and dont report it there is no data to view. Take 2 minutes and file your report.
Please file your meteor sightings please HERE-
Photos or videos may be emailed to LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com

Initial Meteor Sighting Reports-
Event 2
13OCT2015 Matthew Dixon, CA, USA/Smith River, CA USA 2300 less than 5 seconds Unknown, Facing South Bright illumination of surroundings, no color/sound, seen simultaneously 500 miles away by other party on phone As bright as full moon Unknown none

13OCT2015 Terrell Munson Vacaville CA USA 22:40/PST ~ 5 sec E-W Bright white/blue visible smoke trail Brighter than full moon None None

13OCT2015 Angela Jacobson Berkeley, CA 22:40 PST 4 seconds Right to left (south to north) White on tail, orange in middle, green on front Very bright and large-looked like it was under the cloud (hazy night) No Very bright and moving fast and then faded out


Event 1
13OCT2015 Scott Sonora,CA 2200 not exactly sure what the time was 2 seconds facing west came downright to left brilliant green fireball very bright, as moon or brighter no largest i have ever seen! size of a marble at arms length. I initially thought a plane was going down

13OCT2015 Brian Morrison Laguna Beach, California, USA 21:50 PST, P.M. 4 SE-NW Emerald green nucleas and tail, orange fragmentation Crescent moon Lots of fragmentation Observed in lower half of sky to the northwest. Nearly identical meteor, though smaller and dimmer, spotted to my south 20 minutes later.

13OCT2015 Tim Lee Fallbrook, CA 92028 USA 21:50 approx pdt 2 seconds Facing West, direction:ESE to WNW, appeared somewhere over pacific White, then Red, then Green, then White Bright white then brighter red & green then lesser bright white could not tell appeared to fall straight down, slightly left to right, so probably entered over ocean traveling mostly west

13OCT2015 Liz Chino Hills, Ca, USA 21:48 3 seconds Going down-Facing West White and yellow Sun-like brightness Off the tail "Big, flashing light dropping out of the sky"

13OCT2015 Gina West Los Angeles, CA 21:45 5-10 secs West white with orange and blue around Bright as moon yes below it very flickering ball

For ALL View Worldwide Meteor Reports "click here"http://thelatestworldwidemeteorreports.blogspot.jp/

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

Ishikawa, Japan Fireball Meteor 14OCT2015 - 火球 20151014_051254の画像

Ishikawa, Japan Fireball Meteor 0515 JST 14OCT2015
火球 20151014_051254の画像
Also recorded in Tokyo, Okayama, and Osaka

Click on Image to Enlarge
Ishikawa, Japan Fireball Meteor 0515 JST 14OCT2015  
火球 20151014_051254の画像

SonotaCo Meteor Forum-

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

13 October 2015

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 13OCT015

Dozens say a meteor fell over SD Sunday night
Sioux Falls Argus Leader‎ - 14 hours ago
Jason Rumpca of Beresford was driving to Sioux Falls from Pierre Sunday night when a ...

Maybe a meteor? 'Bright light' seen near Lake Andes
Sioux Falls Argus Leader
Could it have been a meteor? "Obviously, something did happen," said Brad Adams, observing program leader for the Sioux Falls National Weather ...

Asteroid 2015 TC25 Set to Pass between the Earth and Moon 13OCT2015

Alberta, Canada Fireball Meteor 06OCT2015

Orionids Meteor Shower guide for 2015
Dehli Times
The Oгionids meteoг showeг will be гeaching its peak this yeaг on Octobeг 22, 2015, in the eaгly moгning houгs — oг, to put it anotheг way, the meteoг ...

Orionid, Draconid, and Leonid Meteor Showers to Light up Sky over Next Two Months
French Tribune
The Orionid, Draconid, and Leonid meteor showers will take a center stage for over next two months and will set splendid sky shows. Experts, while ...

Golden Meteor Streaks Across the Milky Way Amazing Photo
A three-hour drive provided an amazing shot of a dazzling meteor for one dedicated astrophotographer. Photographer Thomas Milan took this image ...

Quadrantid Meteor Shower
Lowell Observatory
Family-friendly activities designed to teach visitors about the cause of meteor showers at 6 and 8 PM. Learn about the source of the Quadrantid Meteor ... JAN2016...

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

12 October 2015

Asteroid 2015 TC25 Set to Pass between the Earth and Moon 13OCT2015

Close Approach: Asteroid 2015 TC25 is Set to Pass between the Earth and Moon 13OCT2015
Update- 7, 9  10 new asteroids with 10LD or less just announced! updated and reposted 14OCT2015

More about all NEOs to pass near Earth in October 2015-

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

Australia Meteor 10OCT2015 w/ Loud Boom

Australia Fireball Meteor approx. 0210 AEST 10OCT2015 w/ Loud Boom

Check your security cameras!

YOUR meteor report is important.  If you came here looking for a report about a meteor and dont report it there is no data to view. Take 2 minutes and file.
Please file your meteor sightings please HERE-

Initial Meteor Sighting Reports-
10OCT2015 Bradley Dice Macksville, NSW,Australia 02.10am 5 to 6 seconds North Turned sky brilliant white for nearly 5 seconds and hit somewhere i did not see but there was crashing sound and the ground shoock for nearly 2 seconds same as the sun turned night to day did not see behind me from where it first light sky up and the time it took for me to pull over safely was nearly to minutes could not see anything but thats when i heard the loud distant boom and felt earth tremble as i stood in carpark trying to work out what just happened

10OCT2015 diana haynes raymond terrace nsw australia 2.08am aest 3 seconds 1minute west left to east right . facing north huge bright green sun yes length massive

For ALL View Worldwide Meteor Reports "click here"http://thelatestworldwidemeteorreports.blogspot.jp/

News Report-
Strange light in Coffs skies likely caused by 'space junk'
THE bright light that streaked across the sky above Coffs Harbour early on Saturday morning was probably a piece of space junk crashing back to Earth, astronomy groups say. ...  THERE IS LACK of  EVIDENCE to say that this was space trash! - LunarMeteoriteHunter, Tokyo

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

Texas Meteor 09OCT2015

Texas Meteor 1936 Central 09OCT2015
Check your security cameras!

YOUR meteor report is important.  If you came here looking for a report about a meteor and dont report it there is no data to view. Take 2 minutes and file.
Please file your meteor sightings please HERE-

Initial Meteor Sighting Reports-
On Friday October 9th at about 7:36 pm I saw as I was headed south on Burke ave in Pasadena, Texas, a meteor directly above me and headed in the same direction. From the time it became visible until it faded lasted about 4 seconds. It was a little brighter than Venus is this time of year, and moved extremely quickly. I would love to know if anyone else saw it...thanks!! -Aj.

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

Alberta, Canada Fireball Meteor 06OCT2015

Alberta, Canada Fireball Meteor 0650 MST 06OCT2015
w/ Fragmentation

Check your security cameras!

YOUR meteor report is important.  If you came here looking for a report about a meteor and dont report it there is no data to view. Take 2 minutes and file.
Please file your meteor sightings please HERE-

Initial Meteor Sighting Reports-
06OCT2015 Kenneth Vanderwell Slave Lake, AB Canada 06:50/mst 3 secs N-S, Left to Right, facing east. White long thin streak across sky against eastern horizon, no sound noted. Was still dark out, bright like a sparkler. Some parts of the streak burnt out before others, obviously fragments burning at different rates. Was driving east on highway 2 out of Slave Lake, saw the streak above the Mitsue Hills.

06OCT2015 Rod Wilson Edmonton, AB, Canada 6:50 am a few seconds. East, slightly south of east; facing east. easily brightest meteor ever seen, from about 25 to 15 degrees above horizon; split into perhaps 10 pieces at halfway point. sparkling bright against a fairly light sky. Totally fragmented at halfway point. No.
06OCT2015 Marc Schulz Calgary 06:50 am MST 3 or 4 sec Straight down towards earth. I was facing east. white, no sound, broke into pieces About moon brightness, it was just before dawn yes None

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 12OCT015

Watch the Leonids meteor shower at Buckley Homestead
The Leonids meteor shower occurs when the Earth passes through the ... at Buckley Homestead in Lowell is a great place to watch themeteor shower.

Science Briefs: Left-behinds from Halley's comet bringmeteor shower this month
Charlotte Observer
Miami Herald. i. The Orionid meteor shower seen in 2015, in Florida: They shower will return this month. Miami Herald. Compiled by John Bordsen.

Waiting for Halley
The Guardian
... the first known periodic comet still delights stargazers every October with the coming of the annual Orionids meteor shower, as we coast through a ...

Are deserts actually scars on the earth caused by meteor impacts?
No. If you look at it in a techinical way, the entire Earth is a scar caused by meteor impacts, because of the way that the earth was formed, so if you look ...

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

11 October 2015

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 11OCT015

Great Opportunity for sky gazers as 3 Different Meteorshowers taking place in October
NYC Today
This month, three different meteor showers will take place providing some excellent opportunity to people to check out the night sky. The three meteor ...

About that doomsday asteroid that was supposed to hit Earth today...
In February 2013, a meteor streaked through the skies of Russia's Ural ... The space agency said the meteor was a small asteroid and its explosion ...

Orionids Meteor Shower Peaks On October 22, 2015
The Orionids meteor shower will be reaching its peak this year on October 22, 2015, in the early morning hours — or, to put it another way, the meteor ...

No doomsday asteroid today
The space agency said the meteor was a small asteroid and its explosion was the equivalent to 300,000 tons of TNT, which caused glass to shatter in ...

How frequent are micro-meteor collisions with the ISS?
Please read our guidelines and FAQ before posting. Answer questions with accurate, in-depth explanations, including peer-reviewed sources where ...

Taurid meteor shower 'fireballs'
The Taurid meteors, sometimes called the “Halloween fireballs,” show up each year between mid-October and mid-November. The shower should ...

Upcoming Meteor Showers In The Adirondack Night Sky
Adirondack Explorer
We call them shooting stars, and they never fail to make us catch our breath in surprise and wonder. But they're not stars at all. Those bright, brief ...

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

10 October 2015

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 10OCT015

How to Watch the Draconid Meteor Shower
New York Times
Thursday night will present an opportunity throughout the Northern Hemisphere to see the annual Draconid meteor shower hit its peak. Don't expect ...

Wish for clear skies: Meteor showers might be visible in Alaska
This October has some excellent opportunities to check out the night sky. Three different meteor showers are occurring. None are quite as stellar as ...

All eyes on the sky: A meteor shower will be visible over Ireland tonight
Yahoo News UK
David Moore from Astronomy Ireland told TheJournal.ie that there will be “shooting stars going off all over the place”. He also said that the best time to ...

Dark skies to light up for meteor-watching and astro-photography events
Cumbria Crack
Weather permitting, it is hoped the 'Orionids Meteor Shower Show' will offer star-gazers the chance to see some of the most spectacular shooting stars ...

Weather & Moon To Cooperate For Possible View Of Unique October Meteor Shower
Jewocity.com (press release) (blog)
“The Draconid meteor shower produced awesome meteor displays in 1933 and 1946, with thousands of meteors per hour seen in those years”, says ...

Orionid 2015 news: Watch out for Orionid's peak activity this month
Draconid meteor showers recently concluded its peak last Thursday, Oct. 8, and now, sky watchers will just have to wait for another meteor display that ...

Draconid meteor shower: What you need to know
Los Angeles News
The rare opportunity for skywatchers comes Thursday and Friday with the annual Draconidmeteor shower, which is caused by the remains of a comet ...

Draconid Meteor Shower Visible Tonight
Abilene & San Angelo News
If you missed it last night here is what you need to know for tonight's Draconid meteor shower. What is this exactly? It is caused from a comet raining ...

Orionids meteor shower peaks on October 21, 2015
Free Star Charts
The annual Orionids meteor shower peaks this year on October 21st and the prospects are very good with the first quarter Moon will not significantly ...

2015 Draconid Meteor Shower
2015 Draconid Meteor Shower. www.timeanddate.com. A handy guide to when, where and how to watch the Draconids. Read More ...

Draconid Meteor Shower Tonight
You'll have a chance to see some “shooting stars” with the annual Draconid meteorshower. The meteor shower is caused by the remains of a comet ...

Draconid meteor shower continues peak Friday night
GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (WOOD) — The temperamental Draconidmeteor shower will continue its peak Friday night. This shower usually only ...

Skywatchers, keep an eye out for the spectacular Draconid meteor showers on Oct 8 and 9
Daily News & Analysis
The meteor display is caused by the remains of a comet raining down on earth. The shower originates from the constellation Draco in the far northern ...

Draconid Meteor Shower Peaks October 8
NASA Blogs
A Draconid disappears behind a tree in this image taken by a Canadian all sky camera (Credit: UWO Meteor Physics Group).. The Draconids are an ...

Annual Draconid Meteor Shower to Set Mesmerizing Night Show on October 8, 9
NY City News
Stargazers should take out sometime to view two celestial events that happen in October. The first is the Draconid meteor shower, which will peak on ...

NASA confirms giant meteor hurtling towards us will be 'near Earth event'
The Sun (subscription)
Experts have suggested it should pass the moon's orbit of the earth tomorrow and while they are unsure of the meteor's exact size, it could be anything ...

Star Struck: Draconid Meteor Shower Peaks Tonight, Tomorrow
Skywatchers have a chance to see some "shooting stars" tonight with the annual Draconid meteor shower. The meteor display, which peaks overnight ...

Watch Leonid Meteor Shower from Conway Observatory
LOWELL | Watch the Leonid Meteor Shower on Oct. 17 at Conway Observatory near Buckley Homestead County Park, 19120 Chase St., where a dark ...

Draconid meteor shower at peak Oct. 8-9: Stargaze at nightfall to see Draconids
Attention skywatchers: the Draconid meteor shower is at peak Oct 8-9 with Oct. 8 being the best performance. Popular Mechanics said to be sure and ...

Meteor Activity Outlook for October 10-16, 2015
American Meteor Society
Late in the week the waxing crescent moon will enter the evening sky but will not interfere with meteor observing. The estimated total hourly meteor ...

Look up for Draconids Meteor Shower
Kelly Beatty of Sky and Telescope magazine talks about a meteor shower now underway.

Meteor showers
(NEW YORK) -- Get ready for prime time sky gazing Thursday night when the annual Draconid meteor shower hits its peak. The meteor shower occurs ...

Enjoy the Draconid meteor show this Oct. 8 and 9
Irene W. Pennington Planetarium - WordPress.com
Skywatchers have a chance to see some "shooting stars" this week with the annual Draconid meteor shower. The meteor display, which peaks ...

Draconid Meteor Shower To Light Up Sky
CBS Local
Thursday evening into early Friday will be when you can catch the Draconid meteor shower, according to EarthSky.org. Stargazers in the US, Canada, ...

A Helpful Explainer on All the Rocks That Fly Through Space
Test Tube
There are many names for all the different space rocks flying around our solar system: asteroid, comet, meteor, meteorite, etc. Can you define each of ...

Draconid Meteor
Spaceweather.com Realtime Image Gallery
Draconid meteor shower is said to be feast or famine. Tonight was famine. Caught one out of 800+ frames, but one is better than zero ...

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!