Showing posts with label BOOM. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BOOM. Show all posts

09 November 2015

Kouga, Eastern Cape, South Africa Boom Blue Flash a Meteor? 08NOV2015

Kouga, Eastern Cape, South Africa Boom Blue Flash a Meteor? 2100 Local 08NOV2015
MeteorRats Scramble for meteorites!
Check your security cameras!

Please report your meteor sightings to this website for posting- Remember IF you are looking for a report and no one reports then everyone lacks information; thank you.
If you have a video or photo of this event please email-

Initial Meteor Sighting Report-
08NOV2015 L. Fredericks Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape, South Africa 21:00 about 3-4 sec duration from streak across the sky to explosion and fragments fading away Facing south, direction of travel was E-W bright blue/white lights, first one flash then several consecutive flashes about a second later caused by the meteor exploding as it broke into pieces which is what caused the very bright flashes. sounded like fireworks going of, loud boom. Doubt there was any impact as the meteor exploded quite spectacularly as bright as lightning during thunderstorm but more blueish in colour definite fragmentation, glowing orange-red as it burnt out There was a search launched in the Patensie area by the Kouga municipality, which was later called off but even if the search is to be resumed i strongly doubt that anything will be found in the area. the explosion was kilometers high up in the air. in Port Elizabeth, which is about 60 Kilometers from Patensie, you had to look almost straight up to witness the explosion. eye witnesses believe there was an impact but that is probably because the explosion was seen before it was heard, since the meteor would have been travelling much faster than the speed of sound

08NOV2015 annalize patensie port elisabeth easten cape province south africa 21:00pm 3 seconds don't know bright lights/blue blue nowhere explosions heard 70kilos away could hear noice in jeffreysbay easern cape province south africa

News Reports-
Bang shakes Eastern Cape, Kouga municipality hunts for possible meteor
Times LIVE
A disaster management team from the Kouga municipality in the Eastern Cape has been sent to the Baviaans area to inspect what is believed to be ...

Was that big boom in the Eastern Cape a meteor strike?
Times LIVE
The Kouga municipality in the Eastern Cape is investigating rumours that a meteorite struck near the Patensie area on Sunday night.

Still no sign of mysterious Eastern Cape 'meteorite'
Still no sign of mysterious Eastern Cape 'meteorite'. 2015-11-09 13:46. Ahmed Areff, News24. A meteor the size of a minivan and weighing in at 70 ...

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

12 October 2015

Australia Meteor 10OCT2015 w/ Loud Boom

Australia Fireball Meteor approx. 0210 AEST 10OCT2015 w/ Loud Boom

Check your security cameras!

YOUR meteor report is important.  If you came here looking for a report about a meteor and dont report it there is no data to view. Take 2 minutes and file.
Please file your meteor sightings please HERE-

Initial Meteor Sighting Reports-
10OCT2015 Bradley Dice Macksville, NSW,Australia 02.10am 5 to 6 seconds North Turned sky brilliant white for nearly 5 seconds and hit somewhere i did not see but there was crashing sound and the ground shoock for nearly 2 seconds same as the sun turned night to day did not see behind me from where it first light sky up and the time it took for me to pull over safely was nearly to minutes could not see anything but thats when i heard the loud distant boom and felt earth tremble as i stood in carpark trying to work out what just happened

10OCT2015 diana haynes raymond terrace nsw australia 2.08am aest 3 seconds 1minute west left to east right . facing north huge bright green sun yes length massive

For ALL View Worldwide Meteor Reports "click here"

News Report-
Strange light in Coffs skies likely caused by 'space junk'
THE bright light that streaked across the sky above Coffs Harbour early on Saturday morning was probably a piece of space junk crashing back to Earth, astronomy groups say. ...  THERE IS LACK of  EVIDENCE to say that this was space trash! - LunarMeteoriteHunter, Tokyo

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

26 September 2014

Pensacola, Florida Early A.M Multiple BOOMs Report 25SEP2014

Pensacola, Florida Early A.M. Multiple BOOMs Report Meteor? 25SEP2014

Update-  I have called the Pensacola, Florida Police Department and the US Coast Guard and they have had NO reports of this event.  Anyone else???

Seeking INFORMATION / REPORTS -  IF you heard or saw something in the early AM in Pensacola, Florida please report or email me-

Report Received-
25SEP2014 Kevin M. Pensacola, Florida Early A.M. ? 2:00 to 4:00 am CST. 5 to 8 seconds did not see. Sleeping. Darn it. ?? ????? ???? We heard 3 distinct Sonic Booms woke from sleep and thought might be military testing in Gulf. But it was very different sound. It rattled house. Not usual. It was BOOM. 2 3 4, BOOM, BOOM, rumble. Sorry not much info if any?

2014 The Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!