15 June 2012

Breaking News, MBIQ Detects, Ontario, Canada / Ohio / Michigan / Meteor Fireball 14JUN2012 with Video

Breaking Meteor News - MBIQ Detects Ontario & Quebec, Canada / Ohio / Michigan / New York/ Meteor Fireball ~21:54 14JUN2012 - video recorded!

Meteor video capture over Grand Rapids,MI: 14JUN2012 woodtv.com

We need you meteor/fireball sighting reports and video (check your security cameras if you have video, photo or artwork email lunarmeteoritehunter@gmail.com ; thank you:

Please help by getting the word out about this website and this story to Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, TV and Radio, your favorite forums.  Thank you! 
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News by LunarMeteorite*Hunter, Tokyo, Japan

Over 325 Sighting Reports!
For all sighting reports see:

Initial Sighting Reports:

14JUN2012 Alexandre Gatineau, Québec, Canada 21:53:00 5 sec S-W Green moon no Big green ball falling from the sky at high speed

14JUN2012 Ben Dawson London, ON, Canada 9:45 PM EST (GMT-5) <2SEC E-W bright white moon trail none.

14JUN2012 Zahra Toronto (Mississauga) Ontario Canada 21:50EST 3 seconds N bright white, yellow same as sun yes not sure what it was but it was awesome!

14JUN2012 Andrei Venter London Ontario 21:54 Eastern Standard Time 2-3 seconds Facing northeast went down to the left Greenish and fire seemed to disappear  no sound was inside Bright enough to draw my attention from the TV and look outside No Seemed to catch fire

14JUN2012 CHANTAL FRADETTE Ontario, Canada Eastern ~ 21:55 3-5 sec North Yellow and green light Bright flash similar to a camera Could not tell Amazing to have seen one :)

14JUN2012 Brian MacGillivray Naughton, ONTARIO, CANADA 2155 Looking through a window, crossed the frame in about 1 second SE-NW (left to right, facing south) blue and orange Bright colours but didn't light up the sky at dusk Didn't see any Seemed to be very, very close - not like a shooting star.

14JUN2012 Yana Toronto, Ontario, Canada 21:50:00 4/8/2012 Facing North, travelling West Bright Blue Fading to White before losing visibility Brighter than Venus Not sure Big bright blue ball with long blue/white tail, the biggest one that I've ever seen.

14JUN2012 Yolanda Mak Toronto, Ontario, Canada 17:50:00 10 seconds North North West to West North Yellow, red, green, white. HUGE!!!! Less than moon but HUGE! Yes, fragmentation, long tail, big blasts. North West sky looking from downtown Toronto.

14JUN2012 Tammy Kitchener, ont 21:52:00 5 seconds West...right to left White orb  with blue shimmery outline...fell quickly Brighter than the moon Didnt notice... Was very quick, trees got in line of view during decent....was headed in waterloo, ont, canada direction

14JUN2012 David Longueuil, Québec, Canada 21:50 EST 6-8 sec NW towards NE Greyish and blue colored tail Very bright sky was not completely black and the meteor was seen anyways. Towards the end, then the view was blocked. I was looking towards Polaris (north) from a 4th floor balcony.

14JUN2012 Randy Leonard Saxonburg, PA USA 2150 hours Eastern time 3 or 4 secs NW to W and descending large trail changing from white to bright green bright, thick and amazing shade of green before going below treeline no but pretty far off amazing

14JUN2012 Kari Prigge Napoleon, OH, USA 21:54:00 3 seconds Facing north, E-W Green, white Moon White sparks N/A

14JUN2012 Samuel Barnes Marten River Ontario Canada 21 55 eastern standard time 6-10 seconds traveling east to west bright white head with long tail changing from red to green to red very very bright no wish I had a camera

14JUN2012 JODI STONEY POINT, ON. CANADA 09:50 EST 4 sec E-W  facing N GREENISH-FIRE TRAIL moon no different from a "falling star" because of the colour.

14JUN2012 Bruce Ottawa, Ontario, Canada 21:51:00 EST 3-5 secs SE;NE 326 D from
my location white thru Green very bright, sky was pre dusk not seen as the sun had just set in the west the sky was bright no stars could be seen and this was very visible

14JUN2012 Laura Burlington, Ontario, Canada 21:51:00 3 seconds I was facing north west and the object was traveling from right to left. bright white object. May have had a blue tail. Twice as bright as the average firework before it explodes. None that I could tell. I've never seen anything falling so low. Lost stight of it when it vanished behind the houses across the way.

14JUN2012 Kristen Tecumseh, Ontario , canada 2158 pm 2 sec North Green Bright as a green traffic light No? Flashed 3 times

14JUN2012 Tina Ottawa, Ontario, Canada 2145h EDT 5 seconds SW to NW Large blue/green head with a trail of red/orange Very bright against a sky at dusk no parts falling It appeared to not make it to the horizon, and the size though far away would have been close to that of an full size passenger jet just a few miles out

14JUN2012 Adam Brauer Tonawanda NY USA 2150 5 seconds NW sky headed north south west white shooting star, explosion of green and white and what looked like a dust cloud that remained 15mins moon yes impressive. dust cloud remained in the sky and you actually could see it change shape and eventually disappear.

14JUN2012 Jeff Brooklin,Ontario Canada 2155 5 sec nnw, appeared to track straight down light green and white with smoke trail remaining a few minutes after ball left sightline bright as lightning appears debris in tail, smoke trail appeared to be large

14JUN2012 Meaghan TORONTO, ONTARIO, CANADA 21:57 North American Eastern Time Zone 5 sec right to left.  I was facing North White and green Extremely bright - definitely as bright as the moon I didn't notice fragmentation none

14JUN2012 Sue Bowmanville 21:55:00 10-15 sec. N-W Orange then Green Sun left a trail for 20-30 sec after none

14JUN2012 Kevin Doherty London Ontario Canada approx 22:00 5 seconds maybe east to west looking north many bright colours sun no no photo. first time i've seen one that large and close to earth

Over 325 Sighting Reports!
For all sighting reports see:

MBIQ Data:
Toronto, Ontario arrived from google.ca on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for shooting star 06/14/2012.
11:00:43 -- 2 minutes ago

London, Ontario arrived from google.ca on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteorite london ontario.
11:06:23 -- 1 minute ago

Oshawa, Ontario arrived from google.ca on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for did i just see an asteroid falling in ontario.
11:07:11 -- 1 minute ago

Maple, Ontario arrived from google.ca on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for green fireball toronto.
11:08:30 -- 46 seconds ago
plus another 100++ search queries.

2012 THE Year of Meteors!

NEO Asteroid 2012 LZ1 Fear Mongering and Profiteering

NEO Asteroid 2012 LZ1 Fear Mongering on Internet

NEO asteroid 2012 LZ1 is NOT going to hit the Earth and will not even be visible except by telescope.  The internet is buzzing with hype about pending doom. There have been several hundreds of persons searching this website in the past hour for associated information and "pending strike"; relax please... this one is a clear miss!

 2012 LZ1 will pass at 14.2 Lunar Distance (LD), this is 14.2 times the distance between the Earth and the Moon.  It is NOT a close call.  The estimated diameter of 2012 LZ1 is 310-690 meters.
-LunarMeteorite*Hunter, Tokyo

Great Report about 2012 LZ1
Bright Near-Earth Object 2012 LZ1
We just updated the blog with info and animation of bright neo 2012 LZ1:
Ernesto Guido, Nick Howes & Giovanni Sostero

If you do have a meteor sighting please file a meteor/fireball sighting report:

Website and video that is promoting "scary" and etc: http://events.slooh.com/


AU = ~150 million kilometers
1 LD = Lunar Distance = ~384,000 kilometers
(2012 KM11) 2012-Jun-140.094336.732 m - 70 m24.65.93
(2012 LZ1) 2012-Jun-140.036414.2310 m - 690 m19.716.99
(2012 LP1) 2012-Jun-150.084833.057 m - 130 m23.411.65
(2012 HN40) 2012-Jun-150.118246.0220 m - 490 m20.413.79
329395 (2002 AC) 2012-Jun-160.159862.2740 m - 1.7 km17.826.71
137120 (1999 BJ8) 2012-Jun-160.176968.8670 m - 1.5 km18.014.88
(2011 KR12) 2012-Jun-190.131851.3140 m - 310 m21.410.10
(2004 HB39) 2012-Jun-200.160562.577 m - 170 m22.78.88
(2012 LF4) 2012-Jun-200.035213.734 m - 77 m24.47.08
(2008 CE119) 2012-Jun-210.181170.521 m - 46 m25.53.22
308242 (2005 GO21) 2012-Jun-210.044017.11.4 km - 3.1 km16.413.27
(2012 LG4) 2012-Jun-220.052620.553 m - 120 m23.510.84
(2012 LU) 2012-Jun-230.01485.827 m - 59 m25.05.52
(2011 AH5) 2012-Jun-250.167065.017 m - 39 m25.95.84
(2012 FA14) 2012-Jun-250.032212.575 m - 170 m22.75.28
(2004 YG1) 2012-Jun-250.089034.7140 m - 310 m21.411.34
(2010 AF3) 2012-Jun-250.119046.316 m - 36 m26.16.54
(2008 YT30) 2012-Jun-260.071527.8370 m - 820 m19.310.70
(2010 NY65) 2012-Jun-270.102339.8120 m - 270 m21.715.09
(2008 WM64) 2012-Jun-280.144956.4200 m - 450 m20.617.31
(2010 CD55) 2012-Jun-280.197576.864 m - 140 m23.16.33
(2004 CL) 2012-Jun-300.111343.3220 m - 480 m20.520.7

2012 THE Year of Meteors!

14 June 2012

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 14JUN2012

You Can Thank A Meteorite For The Red Color Of Tomatoes
Business Insider Wed, 13 Jun 2012 11:52 AM PDT
More than 600 million years ago, a meteorite slammed into Earth, wiping out the dinosaurs, and, on a less morbid note, giving tomatoes their distinct red color.

Red Tomatoes Explained: Blame Meteor
Why are tomatoes red? The same reason dinosaurs were killed off, say scientists. The massive meteorite that struck Earth 60 to 70 million years ago created ...

2012 THE Year of Meteors!

MBIQ Detects Sweden / Denmark Meteor Fireball 14JUN2012

MBIQ Detects Sweden / Denmark Meteor Fireball 14JUN2012

If you witnessed this event please kindly file a meteor sighting report; thank you!

Initial Sighting Reports:
14JUN2012 Trina Jönköping, Sweden 1:00 GMS1 It went across the entire sky, perhaps around 20 seconds. South to East Very bright white and red.With a long tail. Very bright It looked like a sparkling white ball of light, with a very long red tail. Amazing!

14JUN2012 Mads Larsen Brøndby, Denmark 100 15 seconds or so left to right bright light with a blury red tail same as the northern star it broke in to two 2 or 3 seconds before impact looks like it was heading for the ocean between Denmark and Sweden

MBIQ Data:
Eskilstuna, Sodermanlands Lan arrived from google.se on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor over sweden june 14 2012.
08:01:35 -- 30 minutes ago

Holb�k, Sjelland arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor shower june 14.
08:19:22 -- 20 minutes ago

2012 THE Year of Meteors!

13 June 2012

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 13JUN2012

New program invites citizen science on the cosmos
Australasian Science Mon, 11 Jun 2012 20:19 PM PDT
A $145,000 Inspiring Australia â Unlocking Australia's Potential grant will allow the general public to get involved with Curtin University*s most ambitious meteorite project. Byline:Â Curtin University Abstract:Â Public can take part in meteorite research. Footnote: The website for the program was not live at the time of publication but soon will be at http://science.curtin.edu.au/outreach ...

Medford Won't Turn Out Lights For Stargazers
OPB News
AP | June 12, 2012 11:11 am | Medford, OR Stargazers in Medford will have to head out of town to find the nighttime darkness they need to watch this summer's Perseid meteor shower. The Mail Tribune reports that the City Council voted last week to drop ...

Chabot Space & Science Center Reports Record Breaking Attendance For Venus Transit
PR Newswire (press release)
Visitors in the Center gather to witness the ray of light streaming through the skylight in beautiful and precise alignment with the Rotunda's architectural design July 28 visitors will get a good view of the Southern Delta Aquarids Meteor Shower, ...

New evidence that extraterrestrial impact killed off the mammoths
Los Angeles Times
Melted glass buried deep within the Earth at sites around the world confirms the theory that a comet or meteor struck the planet nearly 13000 years ago, triggering the Younger Dryas Ice Age, killing off the mammoths and other megafauna in North America ...

What wiped out woolly mammoths? Lots of culprits
Others have suggested that a meteor strike might have drastically altered the climate in North America about 12900 years ago, wiping out most of the large mammals there, the so-called " Younger Dryas impact hypothesis." Now an analysis of thousands of ...

Scientists discover evidence that meteorite storm hit the Earth 13000 years ...
Daily Mail
By Daily Mail Reporter Scientists have found compelling evidence that a meteoritestorm hit the earth more than 12000 years ago, and is likely to have been responsible for the extinction of a prehistoric people and giant animals including mammoths.

2012 THE Year of Meteors!

12 June 2012

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 12JUN2012

MBIQ Detects BC, Alberta, Washington Meteor Fireball 11/12JUN2012
By Lunar Meteorite * Hunter
MBIQ Detects BC, Alberta, Washington Meteor Fireball 11/12JUN2012 MBIQ Data: Kelowna, British Columbia arrived from google.ca on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for just saw a big comet in the sky june 11 2012.
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News

Study finds new evidence supporting theory of extraterrestrial impact
EurekAlert (press release)
"The very high temperature melt-glass appears identical to that produced in known cosmic impact events such as Meteor Crater in Arizona, and the Australasian tektite field," said Kennett. "The melt material also matches melt-glass produced by the ...

Meteor Activity Outlook for June 9-15, 2012 « The Transient Sky ...
By Carl Hergenrother
The following is a slightly edited version of Bob Lunsford's excellent weekly summary of meteoractivity. The original version can be found at the American Meteor Society's site. June is another slow month for meteor activity. There are no major ...
The Transient Sky - Comets, Asteroids...

2012 THE Year of Meteors!

MBIQ Detects BC, Alberta, Washington Meteor Fireball 11/12JUN2012

MBIQ Detects BC, Alberta, Washington Meteor Fireball 11/12JUN2012
Details will be posted once sighting reports become available.  If you witnessed this event please  file a meteor sighting report; thank you.

Initial Sighting Report:
11JUN2012 matt Calgary, Alberta 23:10 2-3 seconds facing west, left to right (S-N) Red/Orange/Yellow Silent brighter than venus Yes, many fragments appeared decently close

11JUN2012 Pierce Wolf Calgary, Alberta 11:10 approx? 4-5 seconds Traveling left to right facing west Bright orange, yellow color.  No sound significantly brighter then venus.   Not from what I could see Massive tail, closest/brightest meteor i've ever seen.

MBIQ Data:
Kelowna, British Columbia arrived from google.ca on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for just saw a big comet in the sky june 11 2012.
14:17:35 -- 4 minutes ago

Calgary, Alberta arrived from google.ca on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for asteroid sighting 2012 calgary.
14:15:02 -- 7 minutes ago

For all sighting reports see:

2012 THE Year of Meteors!

MBIQ Detects Florida Meteor 11JUN2012

MBIQ Detects Florida Meteor 11JUN2012
Meteor Bot Internet Query (MBIQ) bot has detected a meteor over Florida ~2132 EDT 11JUN2012.  Details will be posted once sighting reports become available.  If you witnessed this event please  file a meteor sighting report; thank you.

Initial Sighting Report:
11JUN2012 anthony/w/voughn milton, FL 9:32:pm/or later dont know what duration but. it was moving pretty fast/ about 300/270 or something maybe faster. seen it for 10 seconds/12 seconds. i think left to right red blue bright blue and red. no parts falling off couldnt really see it. there was clouds in the way. was gonna get the druidx to take a picture of it but wasnt fast enough to get it/. i really dont know what it was but had a bad feelin/about it.thinkin it was just a random meteor

MBIQ Data:

Bradenton, Florida arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor showers 2012 june 11 florida.
12:14:29 -- 1 hour 26 mins ago

Gainesville, Florida arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Florida Bright Green Meteor 5SEP2011" by searching for shooting star florida.
12:28:15 -- 1 hour 13 mins ago

Milton, Florida arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 11JUN2012" by searching for monday june 11 2012 meteor.
13:13:48 -- 28 minutes ago

For all sighting reports see:

2012 THE Year of Meteors!

NEOs Close Calls June 2012

NEO Activity and Accompanying Debris May Produce Bolides, Fireballs and Meteors in June 2012.

(2012 LJ) 2012-Jun-10 00042  1.6LD  20m-46m 25.6  18.84
Data in table below subject to update as more NEOs are discovered yet this month; check back or check NASA`s site. Thanks!  LunarMeteorite*Hunter - Tokyo


AU = ~150 million kilometers
1 LD = Lunar Distance = ~384,000 kilometers

(2012 LT) 2012-Jun-110.01335.217 m - 38 m26.08.13
(2012 KM11) 2012-Jun-140.094336.732 m - 70 m24.65.93
(2012 HN40) 2012-Jun-150.118246.0220 m - 490 m20.413.79
329395 (2002 AC) 2012-Jun-160.159862.2740 m - 1.7 km17.826.71
137120 (1999 BJ8) 2012-Jun-160.176968.8670 m - 1.5 km18.014.88
(2011 KR12) 2012-Jun-190.131851.3140 m - 310 m21.410.10
(2004 HB39) 2012-Jun-200.160562.577 m - 170 m22.78.88
(2008 CE119) 2012-Jun-210.181170.521 m - 46 m25.53.22
308242 (2005 GO21) 2012-Jun-210.044017.11.4 km - 3.1 km16.413.27
(2012 LU) 2012-Jun-230.01465.729 m - 64 m24.85.53
(2011 AH5) 2012-Jun-250.167065.017 m - 39 m25.95.84
(2012 FA14) 2012-Jun-250.032212.575 m - 170 m22.75.28
(2004 YG1) 2012-Jun-250.089034.7140 m - 310 m21.411.34
(2010 AF3) 2012-Jun-250.119046.316 m - 36 m26.16.54
(2008 YT30) 2012-Jun-260.071527.8370 m - 820 m19.310.70
(2010 NY65) 2012-Jun-270.102339.8120 m - 270 m21.715.09
(2008 WM64) 2012-Jun-280.144956.4200 m - 450 m20.617.31
(2010 CD55) 2012-Jun-280.197576.864 m - 140 m23.16.33
(2004 CL) 2012-Jun-300.111343.3220 m - 480 m20.520.75

2012 THE Year of Meteors!

11 June 2012

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 11JUN2012

07.06.2012 Russian Missile Test Launch over Caucasus very bright

Uploaded to YouTube by zevuart 2012/06/07 30,339 views
 At first this was reported as a meteor seen over Turkey, Cyprus, Lebanon and Israel.  Later it was confirmed that it was a Russian ICBM test launch.

Methane on Mars could come from meteorites, not life
Mainz, Germany (dpa) – The methane found on Mars derives largely from meteorites that have collided with the red planet and thus not from life, according to the results of a study conducted at the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry in the German city ...

Lower Midwestern USA Fireball June 5, 2012 | American Meteor ...
The American Meteor Society has received 35 reports of a bright fireball over much of the lower Midwestern states including Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, ...

Meteor Activity Outlook for June 9-15, 2012 | American Meteor Society
This weekend the moon will pose a problem to meteor observers but this can be overcome if you observe during the evening hours before the moon rises or face ...

Meteor Crater to get updated security system | meteor, crater ...
Just because the Odessa Meteor Crater has been estimated to be about 63500 years old doesn't mean the museum's technology has to match the main ...

2012 THE Year of Meteors!

10 June 2012

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 10JUN2012

MBIQ Detects Meteor California / Nevada 30MAY2012
Meteor Bot Internet Query (MBIQ) bot just detected a meteor event in California and Nevada. No sighting reports at this time, only computer detected event which ...

The black market for meteorites
Boston Globe
Writing at the website of the excellent BBC Radio program “The Naked Scientists,” Audrey Tempelsman looks at the global trade in meteorites, and finds a shadowy, globe-spanning gray market. The price for a meteorite can reach $1000 per gram, ...

بقايا نيزك شكل غريب في سماء المناطق السورية 7 6 2012‎ - YouTube
بقايا نيزك شكل غريب في سماء المناطق السورية 7 6 2012. SyrianRevolutioner. Subscribe Subscribed Unsubscribe. Loading ...

Unidentified shining object's speed was too slow for meteor – Lebanese expert
Information-Analytic Agency NEWS.am
“Judging from what you see in the YouTube clips it does not appear to be a meteor or any astrological phenomenon. For example, the speed at which the object was traveling was too slow for a meteor,” the newspaper quotes the expert.

2012 THE Year of Meteors!

09 June 2012

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 09JUN2012

Worldwide asteroid warning system urged
Craters serve as a Martian chronicle Scientists to hold bake sale for NASA Saturday "Meteorologists in some countries already present astronomical information (eg,meteor showers, space station sightings), as well as information on pollen and ...

Meteor in the skies of Lebanon: Thursday, June 7, 2012 - Earth ...
http://www.tayyar.org/Tayyar/Multimedia/Photos/PhotoAlbum.htm?AID=27272 The same ...

Red tomatoes thanks to meteorite
PhysOrg Fri, 08 Jun 2012 05:26 AM PDT
(Phys.org) -- The meteorite which crashed into the Earth 60 to 70 million years ago, wiping out dinosaurs, had probably given us nice red tomatoes as well. This can be deduced from a tomato genome analysis, published on 30 May in Nature.

Strange bright object spotted over Saudi
Emirates 24/7
Some said it could be a UFO while others believed it a meteor. The spotting came amidst reports that Russia was testing an intercontinental rocket. A U-Tube film lasting more than two minutes showed the bright white object was travelling at high speed ...

Mysterious spiral of light prompts speculation over its nature
The Daily Star
“Luminous objects and meteor bursts appeared over north Lebanon, Marjayoun, the Bekaa and the Syrian-Turkish border,” the LBCI network reported that. The trail of light was also reported in Armenia, Turkey and Cyprus. Coming only a day after Venus' ...

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 08JUN2012
By Lunar Meteorite * Hunter
A prominent Israeli astronomer said the object flew above Lebanese territory and is not a meteor. The UFO was also clearly visible in Palestinian territories. A similar sighting in Norway three years ago turned out to be a failed missile test.
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News

Space science expert discusses alleged meteor shower
“According to the latest analyses, the luminous objects and [presumably] fiery meteors which appeared on Thursday evening… are not the fire balls that usually accompany meteor showers,” Saad told LBC television station. He added that the radiation ...

What people saw in sky cannot be clearly determined – Armenian expert (VIDEO)
Information-Analytic Agency NEWS.am
“It could have been a meteor, or a UFO,” Hovhannisyan maintained. According to him, and despite the absence of official information, what was seen is characteristic of a ballistic missile. To note, the Russian Defense Ministry on Thursday successfully ...

Meteor that carved 30mile crater on Mars reveals buried layers ...
The find, by the European Space Agency's Mars Express orbiter, has lent weight to the idea that Mars was once very different to the dead orb we see now.

بقايا نيزك شكل غريب في سماء المناطق السورية 7 6 2012‎ - YouTube
بقايا نيزك شكل غريب في سماء المناطق السورية 7 6 2012. freesyria2011free. Subscribe ...اكتشاف بقايا نيزك في صحراء الربع ...

2012 THE Year of Meteors!

08 June 2012

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 08JUN2012

Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Breaking News , نيزك ...
By Lunar Meteorite * Hunter
7JUN2012- شهابسنگ ,, نيزك. Meteor Bot Internet Query (MBIQ) bot just triggered on a possible event seen in Lebanon, Cyprus and Turkey. Confirmed "Event" at 20:50 Beirut Local Time. Appears to be a fuel dump from a rocket launch!
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News

Astronomy Association chief: 'UFO' spotted in Lebanon
... which was seen throught Israel's skies on Thursday night was spotted at an altitude of 80 kilometers dozens of kilometers north of the Lebanese border. The object has not been identified but it has been stated that it is not a meteor. (Yaron Druckman)

Police lines flooded with reports of unidentified object
Jerusalem Post
Meanwhile, Lebanese news website Naharnet reported glowing objects spotted over the Lebanese-Israeli border and the Lebanese-Turkish border. The Israeli Astronomical Association said the object was 80 kilometers high and was not a meteor.

Israelis nationwide report seeing UFO
A prominent Israeli astronomer said the object flew above Lebanese territory and is not a meteor. The UFO was also clearly visible in Palestinian territories. A similar sighting in Norway three years ago turned out to be a failed missile test.

Sentry cameras pick up asteroid impacts for astro–geology study
Science Network Western Australia
Speaking at a public lecture on the origin of meteorites at Curtin University recently, applied geology Professor Philip Bland says expanding the existing Desert Fireball Network could help create a geological map of the solar system.

Israelis nationwide report seeing UFO
Hundreds flood police with reports of UFO in nation's skies; Astronomical Association chairman says object isn't a meteor, flew above Lebanon. Similar sighting in Norway in 2009 turned out to be failed missile test Mystery in Israel's skies: Hundreds ...

Lebanon: Unidentified objects – meteors
They quoted scientists who claimed the "explanation was scientific" and that the object was most likely a "large meteorite." The LBCI network reported that: "Luminous objects and meteor bursts appeared over north Lebanon, Marjaayoun, the Bekaa and the ...

Henbury Meteorite Craters - YouTube
2 min
Loading comment... Loading... pulpit rock lookout 3:23. Watch Later Error pulpit rock lookoutby ...

OK, it's a meteor, science concedes 56 years later
Arizona Daily Star (blog)
Daniel Barringer, subject of today's "100 Days of Science," died in 1929, long before science accepted his claim that a big round hole in the ground in Northern Arizona was caused by a meteor. Definitive proof did not come until 56 years after ...

2012 THE Year of Meteors!

Breaking News , نيزك -MBIQ Detects Lebanon / Israel / Turkey / Cyprus Bolide Meteor Fireball? or Failed Missile Launch? 7JUN2012

Breaking News -MBIQ Detects Lebanon/ Israel / Turkey / Cyprus Bolide Meteor Fireball?- NOT  .... Failed Missile Launch!!! 7JUN2012- شهاب‌سنگ ,
Meteor Bot Internet Query (MBIQ) bot just triggered on a possible event seen in Lebanon, Cyprus and Turkey.  Confirmed "Event" at 20:50 Beirut Local Time.

Appears to be a fuel dump from a rocket launch!!!
-LunarMeteorite*Hunter - Tokyo
Kapustin Yar Test Site to Beirut, Lebanon distance is approximately 1800km.
Exact flight path is not known.
(CLICK on image to enlarge)
(c) LunarMeteorite*Hunter / Google Earth
This has been identified as a Russian Topol ICBM test from the Kapustin Yar test site.
Dr Marco Langbroek 
 - SatTrackCam Leiden, the Netherlands.
Station (b)log: http://sattrackcam.blogspot.com

Initial Sighting Reports:
07JUN2012 Sietske Galama Beirut  20:50 BEIRUT TIME A good 15 seconds before it ;fizzled out in a spiral movement In the northern sky, a little under the Big Dipper Mainly a white wedged shaped cloud with a light at the point. Like the light of a landing plane (we thought intially it was a plne as we are on a landing route) No, left smoke (we assume) It was a wedge shaped cloud, with a light at the point. We thought initially it was a landing plane entering a cloud. It lit that wedge-shaped cloud fomr some 10 seconds,and then suddenly the light tunred a couple of spirals and disappeared. A smoke ring appeared.

07JUN2012 Eric Northern Afghanistan 2300 AFT 60 sec left to right direction. I was facing north west white light and blue tint light moon brightness no Just wanted to report that this was NOT a meteor. It looked almost 100% identical to the incident in DEC 2009 of the failed Russian missle. It was a light with a trail, moving fast, then started a small swirl and shortly turned into a bright light, starting small and growing bigger. The light formed a cone on the west side, and a ball on the east side of the center point. My guess, failed missle.

Please Check security camera videos for this event. Help by getting the news of this event posted to Facebook, Twitter,YouTube, your favorite forum, TV and Radio; please include a link to this website so that reports can be filed; THANK YOU! 
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News, LunarMeteorite*Hunter -Tokyo

We need your sighting reports videos and photos; please file a report:


Iran News:

English translation from Farsi by Google Translate:


English translation from Farsi by Google Translate:

Israel News Report with photo:

Glowing Objects, Fiery Meteors Appear in Sky above Lebanon

MBIQ Data (Lebanon confidence level 85+%):
Beirut, Beyrouth arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteorite today.
03:51:31 -- 20 minutes ago

Beirut, Beyrouth arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for turkey sky asteroid.
03:52:22 -- 19 minutes ago

Beirut, Beyrouth arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for falling meteroid.
03:52:36 -- 20 minutes ago

Beirut, Beyrouth arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Beirut, Lebanon Meteor? 16OCT2011" by searching for lebanon meteor.
03:53:00 -- 19 minutes ago

Bahrain arrived from google.com.bh on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Beirut, Lebanon Meteor? 16OCT2011" by searching for lebanon meteor .
03:58:50 -- 14 minutes ago

Al Akoura, Mont-Liban arrived from google.com.lb on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Beirut, Lebanon Meteor? 16OCT2011".
04:01:04 -- 12 minutes ago

Beirut, Beyrouth arrived from search.yahoo.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Beirut, Lebanon Meteor? 16OCT2011" by searching for lebanon meteror.
04:01:48 -- 12 minutes ago

Beirut, Beyrouth arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteors in the sky tonight.
04:07:06 -- 7 minutes ago

Avgorou, Famagusta arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for something in the sky tonight 7 june 2012.

For all sighting reports see:

2012 THE Year of Meteors!

07 June 2012

Vesta Video in "Color" - NASA/JPL 6JUN2012

Vesta in "Color" - NASA/JPL

Vesta's Coat of Many Colors
This animation of Vesta is made from images taken with Dawn's framing camera. Many of the images were taken at different viewing angles to provide stereo for use in determining the topography.Video from NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology

We have found samples of Vesta from meteorites found here on Earth, including Howardites, Eucrites, Diogenites and others.

2012 THE Year of Meteors!

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 07JUN2012

Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Vesta Video in "Color ...
By Lunar Meteorite * Hunter
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News. Fireballs, Meteors, Bolides, Meteorites, Comets, Asteroid Impact,Meteorite Quest, Recent Meteorite Falls & Related News. Make a meteor report. *.blogspot...
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News

Meteorite hunters donate rare rock specimen to university for research
Arizona Daily Wildcat Wed, 06 Jun 2012 01:13 AM PDT
Meteorite hunter Robert Ward has donated a piece of one of the rarestmeteorites ever found to the UA Lunar and Planetary Laboratory to possibly help answer questions regarding the earliest forms of life.

Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: France Meteor Fireball ...
Fireballs, Meteors, Bolides, Meteorites, Comets, Asteroid Impact,Meteorite Quest, Recent ...France Meteor Fireball 23:27 local time 27/UTC 28MAY2012 ...

Ray Bradbury Dies at 91
Hollywood Reporter
His story The Meteor, about aliens who landed in the Arizona desert, was filmed as It Came from Outer Space, and was an inspiration to Steven Spielberg when he was creating Close Encounters of the Third Kind. With his eclectic imaginative energies, ...

Pre-dawn eclipse "swallows" part of the moon
U-T San Diego
And in a bit of sweet luck, Lee says, "My wife serendipitously snapped a photo with her iPhone and caught a meteor streaking below the Full Moon." Liz Phillips caught a photo of a meteor flashing by during Monday's eclipse. Liz Phillips.

2012 THE Year of Meteors!