20 April 2012

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 20APR2012

meteor shower
The Lyrids aren't known for their flashy shows, but this year they're getting some help. The height of the showers is expected Sunday morning before dawn, and darker skies will make viewing more exciting.

Meteor Showers and Shooting Stars: Formation, Facts and Discovery
Watching a meteor shower on a clear, dark night is an unforgettable experience. This cosmic show makes even the most hardened astronomer gaze in awe at the thousands of streaking light strobes that pierce the night sky for an impressive celestial ...

Chicago meteor ushers in peak stargazing season
Chicago Tribune
It's safe to say interest in the Lyrids — and in the upcoming prime stargazing season — is building after the meteor burned brighter and longer than most others. "That would be a big plus," said Dan Joyce, an astronomer at Triton College and member ...

Lyrid Meteor Shower: Shooting Stars, and New Moon Helps
ABC News
Quadrantid Meteors Shower the Sky Watch Video NASA Discovers Two Earth-Sized Planets Watch Video Fireball Flashes Across Western Skies Watch Video Be alert; most meteors streak by in a second or less, sometimes in clusters. The best way to see them is ...

This Week's Sky at a Glance
Sky & Telescope
The weak but unpredictable Lyrid meteor shower should reach maximum activity in the hours before dawn Sunday morning. There will be no Moon. You might see a dozen Lyrids per hour under ideal dark-sky conditions before the beginning of dawn.

Meteorite Hunter Ruben Garcia | Video | wbir.com
3 min
pubId=29901534001 Meteorite Hunter Ruben Garcia Ruben Garcia and his dog prospect a 40 ...

Meteor Shower to Illuminate Saturday Night's Sky
By Donna Evans A Geminid meteor. Photo by Jimmy Westlake posted on http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/asteroidwatch/meteor.cfm. Jimmy Westlake Saturday's meteor shower should be one of the best and brightest, according to Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

Meteor Shower Mania: How Well Do You Know 'Shooting Stars ...
Meteor showers can be awesome night sky sights, but how well do you know your shooting star facts? Take this SPACE.com quiz and find out!

Lyrid Meteor Shower to Peak This Weekend; May Be Best in Years
A dark, moonless night should offer the best view in years for a sky show known to offer occasional surprises, an astronomer says.

Meteor Activity Outlook for April 14-20, 2012 | American Meteor Society
It must be remembered that meteor activity is rarely seen at the radiant position. Rather they shoot outwards from the radiant so it is best to center your field of ...

The 3D Lyrid Meteor Shower NASA Science
Astronomers and astronauts are joining forces for an unusual astrophotography experiment during the peak of the Lyrid meteor shower on April 21st.

How high up are meteors when they begin to glow?
The Lyrid meteor shower is this week! There's more about it – how and when to best see it - here Meteors are usually dust particles left behind by comets – bits of debris that enter Earth's atmosphere from space. At what altitude do these meteors ...

2012 THE Year of Meteors!

19 April 2012

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 19APR2012

The 3D Lyrid meteor shower
"The annual Lyrid meteor shower peaks on April 21-22," says Bill Cooke, the head of NASA's Meteoroid Environment Office. "We're going to try to photograph some of these 'shooting stars' simultaneously from ground stations, from a research balloon in ...

NASA Marshall Expert Dr. Bill Cooke Available to Discuss Lyrid Meteor Shower
Space Ref (press release)
Dark skies and a new moon are predicted to set a spectacular stellar stage for the upcoming Lyridsmeteor shower. The Lyrids will brighten the sky April 21 and are visible to the naked eye all over the globe. The best view is expected just prior to the ...

Time to hit the shower Lyrid meteor shower Technology & science ...
The week ahead promises to be a perfect time to observe meteors. That's great news since the Lyridmeteor shower peaks on Sunday, but any night this week ...

Lyrid Meteor Shower: Tips to See April's 'Shooting Stars'
That's great news since the Lyrid meteor shower peaks on Sunday (April 22), but any night this week should be a good night to see meteors. Meteors are visible every night of the year, but some nights are better than others. The best nights are those ...

Duke Teaching Observatory
The Independent Weekly
This night promises an optimal viewing of the Lyrids, the first meteor shower that mankind identified. Visible to the naked eye, the Lyrids usually average around 10 meteors per hour from twilight on, but are known for unpredictably producing ...

Midwestern USA Fireball April 11, 2012 | American Meteor Society
A fireball is a meteor that is larger than normal. Most meteors are only the size of tiny pebbles. A meteor the size of a softball can produce light equivalent to the ...

Meteor Spotted Over Wisconsin Wednesday Night | WISN Home ...
Residents in Wisconsin, Illinois and Michigan reported seeing a meteor streak across the sky Wednesday night.

'Amazing' meteor dazzles stargazers across Midwest
In a few days - barring cloud cover - the night skies will present one of the more arresting displays of meteors streaking through space.

elp allsky: NASA "UP ALL NIGHT" For The 2012 LYRID METEOR ...
By elp allsky
In 2011 the bright moon overshadowed visibility for many meteor showers, but now Lady Luna has decided to share the stellar stage. For the 2012 Lyrids meteor shower, a new moon will set darker skies that are ideal for meteor watching.
elp allsky

The Next Tunguska? UFO Crashes in Siberia (Video)
According to a video on YouTube, a fireball appeared in the sky over the Irkutsk region of Siberia and crashed in a tremendous explosion on Friday night. So far, details are sketchy, but this picture is claimed to be a snapshot of the object as it ...

Amid Delight About Story of Glowing UFO (or Meteorite) Falling Into Bantam Lake, Others Push Connecticut Officials to ...
Litchfield County Times Wed, 18 Apr 2012 04:25 AM PDT
LITCHFIELD As the buzz about the glowing green object that reportedly fell into Bantam Lake around 2 a.m. Tuesday entered day twoâand went internationalâthe lark of a UFO story took on a more serious tone and also saw its silly side embellished.

Week Two on the Bantam Lake UFO (or Meteorite): No, the Dead Fish Weren't From This, Yes, 'Smoking Gun' Is ...
Litchfield County Times Wed, 18 Apr 2012 04:24 AM PDT
A Perseid meteor is shown in this AP photo taken during the 2009 shower. Photo by Kevin Clifford/AP.

Week 2 in Bantam Lake UFO (or meteorite): reports of dead fish unrelated, 'Smoking Gun' investigating
New Haven Register Wed, 18 Apr 2012 03:07 AM PDT
LITCHFIELD â Dead fish in the water, plans by a Smoking Gun group to investigate and questions about the dangers, or not, of meteorites is week two in what is thought of as the Bantam Lake UFO story.

2012 THE Year of Meteors!

Calendar of Brazil Meteorite Falls

Calendar of Brazil Meteorite Falls
compiled by Dirk Ross for presentation
The 5th International Meeting of Astronomy and Astronautics
Campos dos Goytacazes, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil, April 19-21, 2012

Calendar of Brazilian Meteorite Falls

Angra dos Reis *stone  January 1869 Rio de Janeiro Angrite
Campos Sales  January 31, 1991 Ceara L5


Itapicuru-Mirim  March 1879  Maranhao  H5



Varre-Sai  June 19, 2010  Rio de Janeiro  L5
Uberaba  June 29, 1903  Minas Gerais  H5
Ibitira  June 30, 1957 Minas Gerais  Eucrite

Parambu  July 24, 1967  Ceara  LL4

Patrimonio  August 6, 1950  Minas Gerais  L6
São Jose do Rio Preto  August 14, 1962  São Paulo H4
Putinga  August 16, 1937  Rio Grande do Sul  L6

Rio Negro  September 21, 1934  Parana  L4
Santa Barbara  September 26, 1873  Rio Grande do Sul  L4

Serra de Magé  October 1, 1923  Pernambuco  Eucrite
Marilia  October 5, 1971  São Paulo  H4
Iguaracu  October 1977  Parana  H5

Macau  November 11, 1836  Rio Grande do Norte  H5

Sete Lagoas  December 15, 1908  Minas Gerais H4
Conquista December 1965 Minas Gerais  H4
Ipiranga  December 27, 1972  Parana  H6

Unknown Month
Mafra  1941 Santa Catarina L3
Avanhandava  1952  Sao Paulo H4
Paranaiba  1956  Mato Grosso do Sul L6

Meteoritical Bulletin database

2012 THE Year of Meteors!

18 April 2012

Meteorites of Brazil- An Overview - Brasil Meteorite Map

Meteorites of Brazil- An Overview
Presentation notes by Dirk Ross
The 5th International Meeting of Astronomy and Astronautics-
Brazil Conference 2012, held in Campos dos Goytacazes, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil, on April 19-21, 2012.
Meteorites of Brazil
(Click on Image to enlarge)
v.1 c 2012 Dirk Ross / Google Earth
Meteorite Falls of Brazil
(Click on image to enlarge)
v.1 c 2012 Dirk Ross / Google Earth
Brazil Meteorite Falls by State Ranking
Minas Gerais  5 Falls
Parana  3 Falls
Sao Paulo 3 Falls
Ceara  2 Falls
Rio de Janeiro  2 Falls
Rio Grande do Sul  2 Falls
Mato Grosso do Sul  1 Fall
Santa Catarina  1 Fall
Rio Grande do Norte  1 Fall
Pernambuco  1 Fall
Maranhao  1 Fall
Total 22 Meteorite Falls

Brazil Meteorite Finds by State Ranking
Minas Gerais  15 Finds
Bahia 5 Finds
Goias  5 Finds
Rio Grande do Sul  5 Finds
Santa Catarina  3 Finds
Ceara  1 Find
Maranhao  1 Find
Para  1 Find
Rio de Janeiro  1 Find
Parana  0
Sao Paulo 0
Mato Grosso do Sul  0
Rio Grande do Norte  0
Pernambuco  0
Unknown Brazil Location 3 Finds
Total 40 Meteorite Finds

Brazil Meteorites Total by State Ranking
Minas Gerais  15 Finds/5Falls     Total 20
Rio Grande do Sul  5 Finds /2 Falls Total 7
Bahia  5 finds/ 0 Falls                      Total 5
Goias  5 Finds/ 0 Fall                       Total 5
Santa Catarina  3 Finds/ 1 Fall        Total 4
Ceara   1 Find /2 Falls                      Total 3
Parana  0 Finds/3 Falls                    Total 3
Sao Paulo  0 Finds /3 Falls       Total 3
Rio de Janeiro   1 Find /2 Falls        Total 3
Maranhao  1 Find/ 1 Fall                  Total 2
Mato Grosso do Sul  0 Find/ 1 Fall   Total 1
Rio Grande do Norte  0 Find/ 1 Fall Total 1
Pernambuco  0 Find/ 1 Fall              Total 1
Para  1 Find/ 0 Fall                           Total 1
Unknown Brazil Location                  Total 3
40 Finds/ 22Falls
Total 62 Meteorites
Meteoritical Bulletin Database   http://www.lpi.usra.edu/meteor/metbull.php     

Brazilian Meteorites -
62 Meteorites… including 22FALLS…. 40FINDS ---- 4 -5 Impact Craters
Stony…31…OC27…1Angrite…2Eucrite…1NAK Martian
Stony Irons…1PAL
Approximately 1/3 of Brazils meteorites have be found in Minas Gerais State 21 mets.  A reason for the high number of finds is due to mining activities and miners searching for minerals.

Some Famous Brazilian Mets-
Governador Valadares-find 1958 Martian*Nakalite find 158g
Angra dos Reis –stone-Angrite fell 1869 1500gr
Santa Catharina- 1875 find Iron*IAB-ung -7 Metric Tonnes
Ibitira-1957 fall  mnmict Eucrite – 2.5kg
Campos Sales L5  fall 1991 23.68kg
Metric Tons!
1. 7 MT  Santa Catharina—Iron Ranks #14  Worlds largest Iron meteorite is Hoba at 66T.
2. 5.36 MT Bengego—Iron Ranks #17
3. 2 MT Campinorte--Iron
4. 1.92 MT Santa Luzia--Iron
5. 628 Kg Itapuranga--Iron
6. 305 Kg Nova Petropolis--Iron
7. 300 Kg Putinga—L6
Most recent fall- June 19, 2010 Varre-Sai L5 2.5kg
compiled by  9APR2012 Dirk Ross, Japan

Meteorite Literature Resources-

Meteoritical Bulletin Database

Meteorite Identification-

Meteorites General Introduction-


Brazil -Portugese
Meteoritica Info

Research Papers

M. E. Zucolotto, L.L. Antonello
67th Annual Meteoritical Society Meeting (2004)
pdf 5089


Rocks from Space, 1998- by O. Richard  Norton

Meteorites and their Parent Bodies, 1999- by Harry Y. McSween

Catalogue of Meteorites 5th Edition, 2000-by Monica M. Grady

The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Meteorites, 2002-by O. Richard Norton

Brazilian Stone Meteorites, 1980-by Klaus Keil and Celso B. Gomes

Meteorite Magazines-

Meteorite Magazine

Meteorite Times

Online-Meteorites News

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Fireball Reports

2012 THE Year of Meteors!

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 18APR2012

它被称为福康陨石其内部结构是叫做橄榄石的黄金晶体矿石镶嵌在银白色镍铁蜂窝体上这个非常罕见的陨石重量相当于一辆掀背式小客车发现于2000年中国新疆的戈壁地区 ...

April dark skies promise a bevy of "shooting stars"
Astronomy Magazine
By Richard Talcott — Published: April 17, 2012 The Lyrid meteor shower peaks under a dark sky before dawn April 22. With no Moon in the sky, observers with clear skies can expect to see up to 20 meteors per hour. Astronomy: Roen Kelly Enjoying a ...

2012 April 11 - Meteor (West view) - YouTube
16 sec
Meteor spotted above Madison, WI on evening of April 11, 2012. Meteorenters picture at ...

meteorites fallen in Japan 日本に落ちた隕石 YouTube
meteorites falling in Japan 日本に落ちた隕石 陨石在日本落下 النيازك التي سقطت في اليابان 일본에서 떨어지는 운석 UFO 飞碟جسم غامض unidentified flying object ...

UFO Fireball Gives Arizona News Team the Jitters (Video)
A UFO, not behaving like a meteor, streaked across the skies of Arizona, causing many to call police. And for a local news team to head out of the studio to investigate. What was it? In a sign that mainstream media is beginning to pay serious attention ...

5 Things You Need to Know Today: April 18
Shooting Stars: Lyrid annual meteor shower should peak this weekend, April 21 and 22, at a time when dark skies make for great viewing in the Northern Hemisphere. The Lyrid meteor shower is best viewed between midnight and dawn on the 22, experts say.

2012 THE Year of Meteors!

17 April 2012

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 17APR2012

Solar system mystery `solved`
Zee News
Washington: Planetary scientists claim they may have discovered how "chondrules", tiny particles found in meteorites, formed at the beginning of the solar system, thus solving the decades-old cosmic conundrum. Chondrules are spherical particles of ...

Meteor spotted in four states - Video on msnbc.com
Video on msnbc.com: For some people, the sky lit up green and white, but others saw blue, yellow and red. NBC's Brian Williams reports.

Video: Did you see 'amazing' meteor on Wednesday night? | Green ...
A bright green light prompted hundreds of people from Wisconsin, Illinois, Michigan and Iowa to ...
Meteor streaks across the Chicago sky, ushers in peak stargazing ...
In a few days — barring cloud cover — the night skies will present one of the more arresting ...

Lyrid Meteor Shower Peaks This Week
by Mike Wall, SPACE.com Senior Writer An annual meteor shower peaks this weekend, a time when dark skies should make for great viewing opportunities in the Northern Hemisphere. The Lyridmeteor shower is expected to reach maximum intensity overnight ...

Meteor showers appears on Sunday
Viet Nam News
HA NOI - Stargazers are in for a treat this week with a meteor shower expected to be seen early Sunday morning throughout Viet Nam, said Dang Vu Tuan Son, chairman of the Viet Nam Amateur Club of Astronomy. The annual meteor shower named Lyrids is ...

Likely meteor strikes Midwest skies
During this time the National Weather Service received a number of calls about a meteor soaring across the sky. Meteorologist Tim Seeley of the National Weather Service said the Lyrids, a shower of debris from Comet Thatcher that has shown across the ...

Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Texas Fireball Meteor ...
NOTICE: For the next 30 days postings and sighting reports will be delayed in posting. Sorry for the inconvenience; updates as possible. Regular posting will ...

2012 THE Year of Meteors!

16 April 2012

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 16APR2012

Meteor Activity Outlook for April 14-20, 2012 « The Transient Sky ...
By Carl Hergenrother
Meteor activity picks up a bit during April as two major showers are active during the month. The first of these, the Lyrids, are active from the 16th through the 25th, with a pronounced maximum on the 22nd. The Eta Aquariids start appearing ...
The Transient Sky - Comets, Asteroids...

Out of this world, quite literally: The beautiful and mysterious Fukang meteorite
Daily Mail Sat, 14 Apr 2012 18:04 PM PDT
When it slammed into the surface of Earth, there was little sign of the beauty that lay inside. But cutting the Fukang meteorite open yielded a breathtaking sight.

Likely meteor star strikes the skies of the Midwest ...
Chicago news from Chicago's Very Own WGN-TV! Chicago news, weather, sports ...

20012 THE Year of Meteors!

Texas Fireball Meteor 15APR2012

Texas Fireball Meteor ~23:05 15APR2012
Please check your security camera videos for a capture; anyone with a photo or art work of the event please email me; drtanuki@gmail.com 
We need your sighting reports to confirm this event; please submit a sighting report.  Thank you!
Report your meteor sighting
Meteor/Fireball Report Form
(click here to report a meteor / fireball)  

15APR2012 Kaila Butler-Giamporcaro Sunrise Beach Village, TX 23:05:00 4 seconds S-N, facing W Whitish yellow, like a giant shooting star, could see a breakup of a 'tail' trailing behind it brighter than any star in the sky, less bright than the sun yes like a giant star was falling out of the sky and could have hit the house across the lake from us, but burned out right before it did

15APR2012 david cooper The Grove Texas, between Gatesville Tx & Temple Tx 23:15:00 1/2 Second SW Left to Right Green About like a road flare Just a Greeen Tail My first thought was an aerial flare at Ft Hood, however altitude was too great and movement too fast to be a flare, beautiful! Have never seen a meterorite that color or intensity!

15APR2012 Luke Berthot Belton, TX 2300 Maybe 3-4 seconds I was facing West, it came down at approx 30 degree angle from straight down in the West/Southwest sky, coming from the SW direction toward W. Green/Yellow, very fast moving, looked like it flashed and possibly broke up while still in the air and then I didn't see any more fireball Very bright in the night sky, I would say brighter than the moon but not as bright as the sun. Yes, looked solid for a couple of seconds, then a flash and looked like it broke up. It looked very close to where I was, I was driving West on Highway 190 towards Killeen and it looked like it would have impacted to the South of 190, somewhere between Belton and Killeen.

15APR2012 Steven Austin, TX, USA 23:05:00 5 sec Facing west, meteor drooping sky azimuth toward West Green core with NICE sparking trail bright (green) star yes, many sparking burning pieces on the tail fast moving, intense burn, burn faded 20 degrees above horizon

For ALL of the sighting reports: 

2012 THE Year of Meteors!

15 April 2012

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 15APR2012

Meteor showers to light up desert sky
The Desert Sun
Any dark, starry night is a special stargazing adventure, but on April 21 you may be privy to a spectacular meteor shower when “Lyrids” decorates the dark sky under a new moon. Point your car east through the lush date palm and citrus groves of the ...

Staying Alive BBC Space 2of6 سقوط نيزك على الأرض Asteroid Impact ...
Staying Alive BBC Space 2of6 سقوط نيزك على الأرض Asteroid Impact Earth. Staying Alive BBC Space 2of6 سقوط نيزك على الأرض Asteroid Impact Earth ...

The beautiful and mysterious Fukang pallasite meteorite
Daily Mail
But cutting the Fukang meteorite open yielded a breathtaking sight. Within the rock, translucent golden crystals of a mineral called olivine gleamed among a silvery honeycomb of nickel-iron. The rare meteorite weighed about the same as a hatchback when ...

2012 THE Year of Meteors!

5th International Meeting of Astronomy and Astronautics - Brazil April 19-21, 2012

  The 5th International Meeting of Astronomy and Astronautics will be held in Campos dos Goytacazes, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil, on April 19-21, 2012.
   The Louis Cruls Astronomy Club of Brazil has yet again taken the initiative of organizing the 5th International Meeting of Astronomy and Astronautics and this time it's going to be an amazing set of interesting events, packed with this rendezvous. According to the latest news from Brazil, a special opening event will take place on April 19, at 9:00h, at the the Trianon Theater located in Campos dos Goytacazes. Further the meeting will include exhibitions, Digital Mobile Planetarium sessions, astronomy clubs exhibits, International Competitions, Star Party and many more.This sounds really interesting and I guess anyone wouldn't mind gathering such a variety of experiences in one of the most beautiful cities in the world together with both local and international astronomy folk.

All the presentations, workshops and exhibits will be held in IFF (Instituto Federal Fluminense -http://www.iff.edu.br) on April 20 and 21 in the same city. It is reported that the program "Um Passeio pelo Céu"(http://www.tvlitoral.com.br) will make a complete coverage of the event, which sounds great because you can have access to the happenings of event, even if you do end up missing the chance of taking part, in the worst case scenario.

There have been free registrations until the 07th of April 2012 and am not sure about the availability of that any longer. But you can obtain more information at http://meeting.passeiopeloceu.org/index-meeting5.html
Additionally you can visit Louis Cruls Astronomy Club blog: http://calc.zip.net The event is being organized by Louis Cruls Astronomy Club and have the support of Instituto Fedreal Fluminense , Astronomers Without Borders, UNAWE, UNESCO office in Brazil, Diário da Rússia   http://www.diariodarussia.com.br ,the program StarPeace and Global Teacher Training Program .
The UNAWE program in Brazil from December 2010 has the support ofthe UNESCO office in Brazil.

The president of the organizing committee of the 5th International Meeting of Astronomy and Astronautics is Dr. Marcelo de Oliveira Souza .
April 19th - Dia 19 de abril
9:00h – Opening Ceremony - Abertura

10:00h - My astrophotography work in "The World At Night" – Meu trabalho de Astrofotografia no “The World at Night” - Tamas Ladanyi (TWAN project)

11:00h - “Astrophotography in Brazil, the victory of passion” - “Astrofotografia no Brasil, a vitória da paixão” - José Carlos Diniz (NGC 51 and CANF)

14:00h - “Living the Idea“ – “Vivendo a ideia” - Johannes Stübler (AWB – Austria)

15:00h - “Living in the desert and the E-ELT, ESO's newest challenge” – “Vivendo no deserto e o E-ELT, o mais novo desafio do ESO” - Dimitri Gadotti (ESO)

16:00h – Coffee Break - Intervalo

16:15h – “Jorge Marcgrave in Dutch Brazil: his founder role in Astronomy of Brazil and of the New World” - "Jorge Marcgrave no Brasil holandês: seu papel fundador na astronomia do Brasil e do Novo Mundo" - Oscar Matsuura (IAG/USP retired researcher, associate researcher of MAST/MCT and HCTE/UFRJ)

19:00h – Sky Observation and Cultural Activities

April 20th - 20 de abril
9:30h – “Mars Direct: Humans to the Red Planet within a Decade” – “Direto para Marte: Seres Humanos em Marte dentro de uma década” -UmaHu Robert Zubrin (Mars Society)

10:30h – Report of the First Brazilian Crew in Mars Desert Research Station – Relato da Primeira Tripulação Brasileira na Estação de Pesquisa no Deserto sobre Marte

10:45h – “Meteor/Meteorite Soup” – “Sopa de Meteoro/Meteorito” - Dirk Ross (Yamaguchi University and AWB)

12:00h – Lunch - Almoço

14:00h – “Sun – Past, Present and Future” – “Sol – Passado, Presente e Futuro” - Eugênio Reis Neto (MAST/MCTI)

15:00h – “Variabel Stars Project during CUREA programa at Mount Wilson Observatory” - Projeto Estrelas Variáveis durante o programa CUREA do Observatório Monte Wilson – Jônatas Chagas Ramos (CALC/IFF)

15:00h – “Teacher’s MEC Portal exemplified by the site “Astronomy, Astronautics and Space Science at the School” - Portal do Professor do MEC exemplificado pelo site temático “Astronomia, Astronáutica e Ciências Espaciais na Escola” - Norma Reis (MEC)

16:00h – Coffee Break - Intervalo

16:15h - Workshops*

19:00h – Sky Observation and Cultural Activities

April 21th - Dia 21 de Abril
9:00h - Apresentação de Trabalhos

10:30h – “Russia in Space - Vision and Challenges” – “A Rússia no espaço – Visão e Desafios” - Gennady Saenko (ROSCOSMOS)

11:15h – “The Popularization of Astronomy in non-formal Education Spaces” - A divulgação da Astronomia em Espaços não Formais de Educação – Douglas Falcão (MAST/MCTI)

14:00h – “Educational experiences in Uruguay (formal and non-formal)” - Experiencias educativas en Uruguay (formal y de divulgacion) - Andrea Sanchez-Saldias (Departamento de Astronomia-Facultad de Ciencias – Universidad de La Republica – Uruguay)

15:00h – “New trends in Rocket Technologies” - “As Novas Tendências em Tecnologias de Foguetes” – Oswaldo Loureda (ACRUX)

16:00h – Coffee Break - Intervalo

16:15h – “Outreach of astronomy in Sri Lanka” – “Atividades de popularização da Astronomia no Sri Lanka” - Jasinghege Don Prasanna Deshapriya (Astronomical Society of University of Colombo)

16:45h – “End of World in 2012” – “O fim do Mundo em 2012” – Marcelo de Oliveira Souza (UENF and CALC/IFF)

17:15h – Closure - Encerramento


*The title of the workshops:

Meteors, Meteorites and Fireballs – Meteoros, Meteoritos e Fireballs-
Dirk Ross

Practical advice for astronomical landscape imaging - Conselhos práticos para imagens paisagem astronômico

Is it possible to inhabit other planets outside our solar system? - Es posible habitar otros planetas fuera del Sistema Solar?

“Workshop about the Sun” - “Oficina sobre o Sol” - Eugênio Reis

Projeto Construção e Lançamento de Foguete a Água – Oswaldo Loureda

2012 THE Year of Meteors!

14 April 2012

Staying Alive BBC Space 2of6 سقوط نيزك على الأرض Asteroid Impact Earth

Staying Alive BBC Space 2of6  سقوط نيزك على الأرض Asteroid Impact Earth

Published on 14 Apr 2012 by ogerhkalid قدرة الله عز وجل views0

2012 THE Year of Meteors!

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 14APR2012

Bantam Lake UFO story prompts a push for state officials
Foothills Media Group
And the only rational explanation put forward so far speculates that the object was a meteorite that fell as part of meteor showers documented by the National Weather Service. According to a report posted by The Associated Press, authorities said they ...

Basketball-size meteor lights up northern sky
CHICAGO • Dan Joyce was headed west with a buddy and a big telescope, hoping to take advantage of the "beautiful night" when a slash of brilliant green shot across the evening horizon. "This thing just split the sky," said Joyce, an astronomer at ...

Star-crossed encounter with the night sky
Highland Park News
Turns out the green streak of light I saw was a shooting star, a meteor crossing the night sky. And, according to the witnesses who also saw it, it was a real humdinger. Brightest one he ever saw, some night sky stalker told the press.

B-N residents spot likely meteor Wednesday night
(Photo By NASA/Getty Images) BLOOMINGTON – A few Central Illinois residents were among dozens of amateur astronomers that reported seeing a large meteor over Illinois skies Wednesday night. According to reports on the website ...

Smoking Gun Research Agency in Connecticut Is Tracking Bantam Lake "UFO" Story ...
Litchfield County Times
"Although we are based in Orange, our field work covers all of Connecticut, and though we presently agree with the opinion that it was likely a meteor, it is never-the-less interesting and worth investigating," the message said.

Wethersfield, Connecticut's Meteorite Magnet
Hartford Courant Fri, 13 Apr 2012 09:25 AM PDT
Few residents these days remember the time when space invaders landed in Wethersfield.

Hundreds report seeing bright fireball in the sky
Elgin Courier News
Skywatchers across the Chicago area reported seeing a streaking fireball in Wednesday night's sky so intense that some thought they had witnessed a fiery plane crash on the city's southeast side. Reports of the fireball began coming in about 8:25 pm, ...

Meteor spotted in 4 states | MNN - Mother Nature Network
People witnessed the meteor in Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan and Iowa.

NASA: Meteor was size of basketball doing about 36000 mph
What isn't so common is when a fireball drops meteorites, Cooke said. That on average happens about once in a person's lifetime, and the last time a meteorite fell in the Chicago area was March 2003, when fragments fell in Park Forest.

Green flash of a meteor slices Midwestern skies
Columbus Dispatch
He was on Rt. 30 near DeKalb, Ill., when the meteor streaked ahead of him about 8:15 pm CDT. “Oh, my God, this thing lit up the sky real good,” Joyce said. “It went below Venus. I think it was six times brighter. It was an intense green.

Video: Did you see 'amazing' meteor on Wednesday night?
Green Bay Press Gazette
A camera on the roof of the Atmospheric, Oceanic & Space Sciences Building at the University of Wisconsin in Madison captured this video of a meteor on Wednesday night. The camera faces west. Watch the left side of the screen.

Meteor over Madison caught on camera
One belongs to the All Sky Camera Network in Mineral Point and the other to the UW-Madison SSEC/AOS. A NASA scientist says the meteor was about the size of a basketball when it hit the atmosphere and it was traveling between 10 and 15 miles per second.

Meteor Startles Astronomers
French Tribune
It has been unveiled by a new report that Dan Joyce, an astronomer at Triton College, along with a buddy has seen a green coloured meteor across the evening horizon, while watching the beautiful night on Wednesday. According to the report's say, ...

Anybody see this meteor last night?
Dubuque Telegraph Herald
Dozens of stargazers in Iowa, Illinois, Wisconsin and Michigan reported seeing a meteor about 8:20 pm One witness said the fireball was moving faster than a plane and the fire appeared to get brighter as it traveled. The people who spotted the meteor ...

April's meteor shower brings spring constellations 0
Paris Star
The Lyrids meteor shower peaks April 21. The best time to see the shower is after midnight in the east from a dark location. You could see up to 20 meteors per hour. Some are also visible April 16-25. At the same time, spring constellations have also ...

Fireball in broad daylight? April 2 Texas sighting confirmed; Meteor seen in ...
Washington Post (blog)
By Steve Tracton Nighttime fireball observed over the city of Groningen in 2009 ( NASA ) Early last week (April 2), thousands of people in and around San Antonio, Texas reported seeing what one eyewitness described as a piece of the sun falling from ...

Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: The Latest Worldwide ...
By Lunar Meteorite * Hunter
And the only rational explanation put forward so far speculates that the object was a meteorite that fell as part of meteor showers documented by the National Weather Service. According to a report posted by The Associated Press, authorities ...

Meteor sightings reported in Iowa and Illinois | WQAD ...
People in Illinois, Iowa, Wisconsin and Michigan reported seeing a meteorfireball in the sky ...

Meteor streaks across the Chicago sky, ushers in ...
In a few days — barring cloud cover — the night skies will present one of the more arresting ...

UFO mystery: Latest sighting in Siberia
The object could either be a part of a large meteorite, or satellite wreckage. Speculations that it could be a piece of the failed, recently launched North Korean carrier rocket have been dismissed. Neither could it be a piece of any other aircraft as...

13 April 2012

Unknown Siberia Event Occurred, Bolide or ??? 06APR2012

Unknown Siberia Event Occurred, Bolide or ??? 06APR2012
An image from Russia's "Vesti" Channel via RT News
NOTE: The photo HAS NOT been verified; I suspect that the photo is unrelated. Photo appears to be of a fuel dump from a rocket.-LunarMeteorite*Hunter
An unidentified glowing object is said to have crashed down from the skies in Russia’s Siberia, causing a powerful explosion. A search for the mysterious item is underway amid speculations of what on Earth it could be.
Witnesses describe seeing a bright glow covering the sky, followed by a shining object falling with a strange clanging sound and disappearing in the distance with a blast.
The unidentified object supposedly fell in the taiga forest of the Irkutsk region, 15 kilometers from the nearest village of Vitim, on Friday night. (more)

Vesti.RU story(Russian):

Another large event in the same area Wikipedia entry:
Vitim Event 25SEP2002
The Vitim event or Bodaybo event is believed to be an impact by a bolide or comet nucleus in the Vitim River basin. It occurred near the town of Bodaybo in the Mamsko-Chuisky district of Irkutsk Oblast, Siberia, Russia on September 25, 2002 at approximately 10:00 p.m. (local time). The event was also detected by a US military missile-defense satellite.
Some attempts were made to define the magnitude of the explosion. U.S. military analysts calculated it was between 0.2–0.5 kilotons, while Russian physicist Andrey Olkhovatov estimates it at 4–5 kilotons.
Information about the event appeared in the mass media and among scientists after only a week. Initially no one was able to understand the magnitude of the explosion. A small expedition, sent by the Institute of Sun–Earth Physics (Irkutsk), tried to find a meteorite within about 10 km from Bodaybo town (people told them– "it has fallen beyond the nearest mountain!").
Some people suggest that this phenomenon is similar to the Tunguska event of 1908.

2012 THE Year of Meteors!