Showing posts with label Marcelo de Oliveira Souza. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marcelo de Oliveira Souza. Show all posts

13 June 2014

Campos dos Goytacazes, Brasil Daytime Bolide Meteor 11JUN2014 - Video

Campos dos Goytacazes, Brasil Daytime Bolide Meteor 15:35h 11JUN2014
Size of a VW Car!!! 1-2 tons upon entry!
Likely Produced Meteorites! 
My congratulations to Phâmela Lopes, Guilherme Franco for their dedication and success in capturing this daytime event!  And a big thanks to Dr. Marcelo de Oliveira Souza for his fine supervision and guidance with the implementation of the Sandia Sentinel All Sky system in Brasil!
---LunarMeteoriteHunter, Tokyo
"click on image to enlarge"
Campos dos Goytacazes, Brasil Daytime Bolide Meteor 15:35h 11JUN2014
Phâmela Lopes, Guilherme Franco Camera Operation, Instituto Federal Fluminense (IFF)
Campos dos Goytacazes, Sandia Sentinel Allsky
Dr. Marcelo de Oliveira SouzaUENF , Project Coordinator
Louis Cruls Astronomy Club
Video - Campos dos Goytacazes, Brasil Daytime Bolide Meteor 15:35h 11JUN2014
Phâmela Lopes, Guilherme Franco Camera Operation, Instituto Federal Fluminense (IFF)
Campos dos Goytacazes, Sandia Sentinel Allsky

2014 The Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

19 May 2012

Brasil Installs Latin America`s First Allsky Camera System Network

Brasil Installs Latin America`s First Allsky Camera System Network May 2012

Professor Marcelo de Oliveira Souza and students Lucas Ferreira de Araujo, Jassiel Silva, Guilherme Franco of the Federal Fluminense University (IFF-Guarus) with Allsky Camera and meteorites.
Photo Credit:
Professor Marcelo Oliveira (a direita) e os alunos do Clube de Astronomia Luis Cruls, Lucas Ferreira, Jassiel de Araújo Silva e Guilherme Franco atuam no projeto.
Camera All Sky - IFF de Guarus ganha equipamento para monitorar o céu

YouTube Published on 17 May 2012 by UmPasseiopeloCeu 13 views
Report produced by INTER TV - reportagem produzida pela INTER TV

Newspaper News Story:

No limit on Sky Field
by Priscilla Alves
Any flying object that crosses the sky field will now be properly identified. This is possible thanks to the All Sky Camera (All-Sky) Guarus installed on the campus of the Federal Fluminense (IFF-Guarus). The equipment will record possible meteors that cross the sky and will allow calculations to find the exact spot where the object falls. ...

Sem limites no céu de Campos

2012 THE Year of Meteors!

14 May 2012

5th International Meeting of Astronomy and Astronautics Brasil 2012

5th International Meeting of Astronomy and Astronautics Brasil April 19-21, 2012 - TV Video Reports

Posted on YouTube UmPasseiopeloCeu  2012/04/22 22views
Report about the 5th International Meeting of Astronomy and Astronautics produced by InterTV - Reportagem da InterTv sobre o 5o Encontro Internacional de Astronomia e Astronáutica

Especialistas divergem sobre objeto visto em céu do ES

Posted on YouTube UmPasseiopeloCeu 2012/04/22 52 views
Report produced by TV Gazeta. Reportagem produzida pela TV Gazeta.

Flagrante: Pedaço de nave espacial lançada há 27 
anos cruza céu de Campos (RJ)

Posted on YouTube on 23 Apr 2012 by CAMFWAYNE5 112 views
Um cinegrafista amador registrou o momento em que uma bola de fogo atravessou o céu de Campos, no norte do Estado. Trata-se de lixo espacial. O fenômeno é raro e fascinou as testemunhas. O objeto caiu no oceano entre a América do Sul e a África e fazia parte de uma nave americana lançada ao espaço há 27 anos.

More videos of the conference to be posted as they are made available.
-LunarMeteorite*Hunter, Tokyo

More Photos and Story about the Brasil Conference:

GAM 2012 - again meeting an NC from another country, and much more ..........

Posted by: Joh.Stuebler in AWB Blog

2012 THE Year of Meteors!

21 April 2012

Mira mira (olha) Mira! -- Astronomers Without Borders

Marcelo de Oliveira Souza, Campos do Goytacaçes,  Clube de Astronomia Louis Cruls, CEFET
Finds what the meteorite looks like!
Photo Credit: Prasanna Deshapriya, Sri Lanka
(click on image to enlarge)
Astronomers Without Borders (AWB)
One People, One Sky


2012 THE Year of Meteors!

2012  Año de los meteoritos

15 April 2012

5th International Meeting of Astronomy and Astronautics - Brazil April 19-21, 2012

  The 5th International Meeting of Astronomy and Astronautics will be held in Campos dos Goytacazes, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil, on April 19-21, 2012.
   The Louis Cruls Astronomy Club of Brazil has yet again taken the initiative of organizing the 5th International Meeting of Astronomy and Astronautics and this time it's going to be an amazing set of interesting events, packed with this rendezvous. According to the latest news from Brazil, a special opening event will take place on April 19, at 9:00h, at the the Trianon Theater located in Campos dos Goytacazes. Further the meeting will include exhibitions, Digital Mobile Planetarium sessions, astronomy clubs exhibits, International Competitions, Star Party and many more.This sounds really interesting and I guess anyone wouldn't mind gathering such a variety of experiences in one of the most beautiful cities in the world together with both local and international astronomy folk.

All the presentations, workshops and exhibits will be held in IFF (Instituto Federal Fluminense - on April 20 and 21 in the same city. It is reported that the program "Um Passeio pelo Céu"( will make a complete coverage of the event, which sounds great because you can have access to the happenings of event, even if you do end up missing the chance of taking part, in the worst case scenario.

There have been free registrations until the 07th of April 2012 and am not sure about the availability of that any longer. But you can obtain more information at
Additionally you can visit Louis Cruls Astronomy Club blog: The event is being organized by Louis Cruls Astronomy Club and have the support of Instituto Fedreal Fluminense , Astronomers Without Borders, UNAWE, UNESCO office in Brazil, Diário da Rússia ,the program StarPeace and Global Teacher Training Program .
The UNAWE program in Brazil from December 2010 has the support ofthe UNESCO office in Brazil.

The president of the organizing committee of the 5th International Meeting of Astronomy and Astronautics is Dr. Marcelo de Oliveira Souza .
April 19th - Dia 19 de abril
9:00h – Opening Ceremony - Abertura

10:00h - My astrophotography work in "The World At Night" – Meu trabalho de Astrofotografia no “The World at Night” - Tamas Ladanyi (TWAN project)

11:00h - “Astrophotography in Brazil, the victory of passion” - “Astrofotografia no Brasil, a vitória da paixão” - José Carlos Diniz (NGC 51 and CANF)

14:00h - “Living the Idea“ – “Vivendo a ideia” - Johannes Stübler (AWB – Austria)

15:00h - “Living in the desert and the E-ELT, ESO's newest challenge” – “Vivendo no deserto e o E-ELT, o mais novo desafio do ESO” - Dimitri Gadotti (ESO)

16:00h – Coffee Break - Intervalo

16:15h – “Jorge Marcgrave in Dutch Brazil: his founder role in Astronomy of Brazil and of the New World” - "Jorge Marcgrave no Brasil holandês: seu papel fundador na astronomia do Brasil e do Novo Mundo" - Oscar Matsuura (IAG/USP retired researcher, associate researcher of MAST/MCT and HCTE/UFRJ)

19:00h – Sky Observation and Cultural Activities

April 20th - 20 de abril
9:30h – “Mars Direct: Humans to the Red Planet within a Decade” – “Direto para Marte: Seres Humanos em Marte dentro de uma década” -UmaHu Robert Zubrin (Mars Society)

10:30h – Report of the First Brazilian Crew in Mars Desert Research Station – Relato da Primeira Tripulação Brasileira na Estação de Pesquisa no Deserto sobre Marte

10:45h – “Meteor/Meteorite Soup” – “Sopa de Meteoro/Meteorito” - Dirk Ross (Yamaguchi University and AWB)

12:00h – Lunch - Almoço

14:00h – “Sun – Past, Present and Future” – “Sol – Passado, Presente e Futuro” - Eugênio Reis Neto (MAST/MCTI)

15:00h – “Variabel Stars Project during CUREA programa at Mount Wilson Observatory” - Projeto Estrelas Variáveis durante o programa CUREA do Observatório Monte Wilson – Jônatas Chagas Ramos (CALC/IFF)

15:00h – “Teacher’s MEC Portal exemplified by the site “Astronomy, Astronautics and Space Science at the School” - Portal do Professor do MEC exemplificado pelo site temático “Astronomia, Astronáutica e Ciências Espaciais na Escola” - Norma Reis (MEC)

16:00h – Coffee Break - Intervalo

16:15h - Workshops*

19:00h – Sky Observation and Cultural Activities

April 21th - Dia 21 de Abril
9:00h - Apresentação de Trabalhos

10:30h – “Russia in Space - Vision and Challenges” – “A Rússia no espaço – Visão e Desafios” - Gennady Saenko (ROSCOSMOS)

11:15h – “The Popularization of Astronomy in non-formal Education Spaces” - A divulgação da Astronomia em Espaços não Formais de Educação – Douglas Falcão (MAST/MCTI)

14:00h – “Educational experiences in Uruguay (formal and non-formal)” - Experiencias educativas en Uruguay (formal y de divulgacion) - Andrea Sanchez-Saldias (Departamento de Astronomia-Facultad de Ciencias – Universidad de La Republica – Uruguay)

15:00h – “New trends in Rocket Technologies” - “As Novas Tendências em Tecnologias de Foguetes” – Oswaldo Loureda (ACRUX)

16:00h – Coffee Break - Intervalo

16:15h – “Outreach of astronomy in Sri Lanka” – “Atividades de popularização da Astronomia no Sri Lanka” - Jasinghege Don Prasanna Deshapriya (Astronomical Society of University of Colombo)

16:45h – “End of World in 2012” – “O fim do Mundo em 2012” – Marcelo de Oliveira Souza (UENF and CALC/IFF)

17:15h – Closure - Encerramento


*The title of the workshops:

Meteors, Meteorites and Fireballs – Meteoros, Meteoritos e Fireballs-
Dirk Ross

Practical advice for astronomical landscape imaging - Conselhos práticos para imagens paisagem astronômico

Is it possible to inhabit other planets outside our solar system? - Es posible habitar otros planetas fuera del Sistema Solar?

“Workshop about the Sun” - “Oficina sobre o Sol” - Eugênio Reis

Projeto Construção e Lançamento de Foguete a Água – Oswaldo Loureda

2012 THE Year of Meteors!