Showing posts with label Marvin Kilgore. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marvin Kilgore. Show all posts

15 April 2012

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 15APR2012

Meteor showers to light up desert sky
The Desert Sun
Any dark, starry night is a special stargazing adventure, but on April 21 you may be privy to a spectacular meteor shower when “Lyrids” decorates the dark sky under a new moon. Point your car east through the lush date palm and citrus groves of the ...

Staying Alive BBC Space 2of6 سقوط نيزك على الأرض Asteroid Impact ...
Staying Alive BBC Space 2of6 سقوط نيزك على الأرض Asteroid Impact Earth. Staying Alive BBC Space 2of6 سقوط نيزك على الأرض Asteroid Impact Earth ...

The beautiful and mysterious Fukang pallasite meteorite
Daily Mail
But cutting the Fukang meteorite open yielded a breathtaking sight. Within the rock, translucent golden crystals of a mineral called olivine gleamed among a silvery honeycomb of nickel-iron. The rare meteorite weighed about the same as a hatchback when ...

2012 THE Year of Meteors!

19 September 2011

Meteor/Meteorite News 19SEP2011

39-pound Meteorite Unearthed in Kansas
First Coast News
As owner of the Kansas Meteorite Museum, he's searching a six-mile stretch of Kiowa County known for "Brenham Meteorites," named for the little town of Brenham once located here, the site of a huge meteor explosion. "The idea is this all came in at one...

Man makes meteorites his life's work
Arizona Republic
He got out of the truck, walked to the roadside and saw a smooth, black chunk of rock off the pavement - an unmistakable piece of a meteorite. His wife spotted another piece, and a few hours later his son-in-law found a third. ...

'Dinosaur-killing asteroid wiped out ancient birds'
Hindustan Times
PTI The catastrophic meteor strike that killed dinosaurs on Earth some 65 million years ago may also have wiped out ancient birds, scientists say. Paleontologists who examined fossils of ancient birds found that many of the archaic birds died off at ...

Invaders from Vesta!
Discover Magazine (blog)
In the last paragraph of the Vesta post, I said we have samples of Vesta that fell asmeteorites. As it happens, they had a sample of one of those rocks at the show! Here it is: Other such meteorites have been found on Earth as well, and are generally ...

Greenland rocks unlock golden shower secrets
The researchers from the University of Bristol in the UK say their experiments with material from Isua, southwest Greenland, provide evidence of a meteor bombardment some 3.9 billion years ago which laced the planet's crust with tons of dead-star ...