10 January 2011

Meteor/Meteorite News 10JAN2011

Anomalous Green Fireballs: Unclassified? | Mysterious Universe
Years ago, I recall how one evening a friend and I had been driving along due South near Hendersonville, North Carolina, when suddenly the sky flashed a ... (Green Fireballs!)

Meteorite For Sale On EBay For $4K
(NewsCore) - A meteorite from Australia's Northern Territory is listed for sale for US$4000 (AU$4030) on eBay, The Sunday Territorian reported. ...

Das Innere des Asteroiden Vesta
Raumfahrer.net - ‎9 時間前‎
Als Indiz für diese Annahme gelten einige Meteoriten, welche auf der

 Erde gefunden wurden. DieseMeteorite der HED-Gruppe, einer
 Untergruppe der ...

09 January 2011

Meteor/Meteorite News 9JAN2011

Lichens call this space rock home

by Astro Bob
Like you, I’m a member of various online discussion groups. One of my favorites is the Meteorite-list
 , a group of individuals more than 950 strong strung across the planet, who are fascinated by space rocks. The “metlist” includes scientists as well as hobbyists and is THE place to get a question answered about meteorites. ...

January Issue of Meteorite Times Now Up

HIDDEN HISTORY: Watch out for meteorites!
The Daily News Online (blog)
Instead, authorities determined it was a meteorite, a chunk of rocky space debris that had passed through the earth's atmosphere. ...

Asteroida pędzi ku Ziemi. Czy grozi nam Armageddon?

Gazeta Współczesna - ‎2011年1月6日‎
Ok. 40-metrowy meteoryt wybuchł tuż nad rosyjską tajgą. Spowodował gigantyczny pożar ok. 2 tys. km kwadratowych lasu. Naukowcy są powściągliwi w ... (asteroid 99942, (2004 MN4) Apophis)

From Readers of
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News:
(Timestamp is in Japan Standard Time)

Jan 8 2011, 7:24 AM
Guest729 (guest):Never seen this in my life! Over Leuven,Belgium, lasted over a minute before it disappeared!

Jan 8 2011, 10:35 AM
ELPALLSKY (guest):Congrats on 100K !!Keep up the great work.

Jan 8 2011, 12:16 PM
drtanukiBelgium please explain what you saw, time, date and place... thank you.

Jan 8 2011, 12:18 PM
Guest820 (guest)I saw a large fireball with blue, green, red and white tail moving east to west in Florida while I was driving down I95 December 23 about midnight near Daytona. Did anyone else see it. I've never seen anything like it.Beautiful! I have no idea what it would be called. Comet,meteor?

Jan 8 2011, 12:18 PM
Guest820 (guest):Thanks,

Jan 8 2011, 6:01 PM
Guest125 (guest):Just spotted what looked like 2 asteroids. at 8.30am , 01/08/11 here in limerick, mid west ireland. Its partially cloudy. they were moving downward at a very slow pace.they had a red/orange tail that eventualy faded and shrinked into small lines

Jan 9 2011, 2:07 PM
Guest840 (guest):Anyone here,,about 1 1/2 hours ago hear,,a sonice boom over WA.State usa?  it was 3short loud boom's

Spokane, WA Bolide Meteor Fireball 19FEB2008 Video Posted 9JAN2011

Previously unseen video of Spokane, WA bolide of 19FEB2008 posted on the web and YouTube today.

posted on YouTube by lisburntrader | January 08, 2011  2views

KXLY4 News
original posting http://video.kxly.com/watch.php?id=10336

Meteor/Meteorite News 8JAN2011

Man recalls local meteorite
Danville Commercial News
He was in Arkansas where he spends the winter months with his daughter, and an article about ameteorite had brought back memories of his childhood days on ... 
(Paragould Meteorite 800 pounds fell in Arkansas, Feb. 1, 1930)

elp allsky: Meteor News...Bright Long Duration Fireball Over W NM ...
By elp allsky
ELPALLSKY has captured the fireball... Initial composite image below. Thank you Chris! The Fireball appears in the upper left and lasted roughly 5 seconds. Preliminary view shows the meteor WNW of El Paso, TX. More to come. ...

Nepal Astronomical Society(NASO): Night Sky: January 2011
By Nepal Astronomical Society NASO
Quandrantid meteor shower could exhibit the fascinating flashes of its shooting stars that peak in northeastern sky on 04 January before dawn as they emanate from the northern region of Bootes (herdsman). Meteor shower obtain their ...

Ancient NT meteorite in eBay sale
The meteorite is owned by a seller from West Virginia in the United States. It weighs 1.8kg and has a listed price of $US4000 - plus $15 to post it overseas ...

Mysterious orb seen in sky over Ealing
Ealing Gazette
A 'FIREBALL' travelling through the night sky has ignited neighbours' curiosity about the presence of unexplained phenomena in our atmosphere. ...

Great Photos from a Celestial Double-Header
Sky & Telescope
At 2:43 am Eastern time on January 4th, several hours after the meteors peaked, a small fireball that flashed through the camera's field and left a glowing ... (Mike Hankey, Astro Mike)

07 January 2011

نيزك Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 7JAN2011

The hunt for the lunar core

Credit: Tom Story/ASU 
Caption: Patty Lin, a postdoctoral candidate in ASU's School of
 Earth and Space Exploration, holds Northwest Africa 5000, a lunar
 meteorite in the collection of the ASU Center for Meteorite Studies.
 Lin and her adviser professor Ed Garnero use seismology to study
 inaccessible regions of Earth's interior, a technique they are now 
applying on the moon to learn more about Earth's natural satellite. ...
Baltimore Sun (blog)
Mike Hankey, an amateur astrophotographer in north-central
 Maryland, set up his camera Tuesday morning to capture images
 of some of the Quadrantid meteors...

Meteor Activity Outlook for January 1-7, 2011 | American Meteor ...
This will be the best time of the month to view meteor activity as
 the moon will not interfere plus themeteor rates will be at their highest. ...

2011 Quadrantid Meteors: See What You May Have Missed
National Geographic
This year the Quadrantids peak featured rates of more than a
 hundred meteors an hour. The peak coincided with the dark new 
moon in Tuesday's predawn hours, ...

By رئيس التحرير
في وكالة الفضاء الأميركية 
 من أن نيزكا يتجاوز عرضه الميل يتجه نحو
 الأرض، حاليا ويشكل أكبر خطر تواجهه في تاريخها. وقالت صحيفة "إندبندنت" البريطانية، في...

Author to sign new book on historic scientists, Jefferson and Silliman
The Register Citizen Sun, 02 Jan 2011 22:04 PM PST
On Dec. 14, 1807, a meteorite blazed across the pre-dawn sky,

 appearing to be two-thirds the size of the moon. It was visible to early
 risers as far away as Vermont and Massachusetts, but it was over the
 town of Weston, that three loud explosions rent the air.
 Stone fragments fell in at least six places. ... (Weston meteor/meteorite)

Author: 1807 Weston meteorite critical moment for American science
Greenwich Time Sun, 02 Jan 2011 19:23 PM PST
Author Cathryn Prince of Weston sits on the shore of the Easton 

Reservoir, where meteorites were found in 1807. The discovery is 
the subject of her new book "A Professor, a President, and a Meteor:
 the Birth of American Science". ... (Weston meteor/meteorite)

Himachal: Space scientist to resolve Khaziyar Lake mystery in Chamba
Northern Voices Online (blog)
... district in Himachal as he have the evidences that the lake was created

 due to the striking of meteor from the space around thousands of years 
back. ... (unreliable report about an alleged crater in India)

Reports from Readers of Meteor/Meteorite News:

Guest657 (guest): I live in southern california and I just witnessed the
 strangest sight I have ever seen. I saw what I thought was a huge meteor
coming down toward the pacific ocean. Then the fireball split into 3
separate lights and continued at equal distance from each other, like
 fighter jets in a formation.
jrslandscaping:YES I saw the same thing it was hudge i actually got scared.
  I live in Menifee , CA i saw at about 730pm PST.http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2011-01/asu-thf010611.php