Showing posts with label Weston meteorite. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Weston meteorite. Show all posts

07 January 2011

نيزك Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 7JAN2011

The hunt for the lunar core

Credit: Tom Story/ASU 
Caption: Patty Lin, a postdoctoral candidate in ASU's School of
 Earth and Space Exploration, holds Northwest Africa 5000, a lunar
 meteorite in the collection of the ASU Center for Meteorite Studies.
 Lin and her adviser professor Ed Garnero use seismology to study
 inaccessible regions of Earth's interior, a technique they are now 
applying on the moon to learn more about Earth's natural satellite. ...
Baltimore Sun (blog)
Mike Hankey, an amateur astrophotographer in north-central
 Maryland, set up his camera Tuesday morning to capture images
 of some of the Quadrantid meteors...

Meteor Activity Outlook for January 1-7, 2011 | American Meteor ...
This will be the best time of the month to view meteor activity as
 the moon will not interfere plus themeteor rates will be at their highest. ...

2011 Quadrantid Meteors: See What You May Have Missed
National Geographic
This year the Quadrantids peak featured rates of more than a
 hundred meteors an hour. The peak coincided with the dark new 
moon in Tuesday's predawn hours, ...

By رئيس التحرير
في وكالة الفضاء الأميركية 
 من أن نيزكا يتجاوز عرضه الميل يتجه نحو
 الأرض، حاليا ويشكل أكبر خطر تواجهه في تاريخها. وقالت صحيفة "إندبندنت" البريطانية، في...

Author to sign new book on historic scientists, Jefferson and Silliman
The Register Citizen Sun, 02 Jan 2011 22:04 PM PST
On Dec. 14, 1807, a meteorite blazed across the pre-dawn sky,

 appearing to be two-thirds the size of the moon. It was visible to early
 risers as far away as Vermont and Massachusetts, but it was over the
 town of Weston, that three loud explosions rent the air.
 Stone fragments fell in at least six places. ... (Weston meteor/meteorite)

Author: 1807 Weston meteorite critical moment for American science
Greenwich Time Sun, 02 Jan 2011 19:23 PM PST
Author Cathryn Prince of Weston sits on the shore of the Easton 

Reservoir, where meteorites were found in 1807. The discovery is 
the subject of her new book "A Professor, a President, and a Meteor:
 the Birth of American Science". ... (Weston meteor/meteorite)

Himachal: Space scientist to resolve Khaziyar Lake mystery in Chamba
Northern Voices Online (blog)
... district in Himachal as he have the evidences that the lake was created

 due to the striking of meteor from the space around thousands of years 
back. ... (unreliable report about an alleged crater in India)

Reports from Readers of Meteor/Meteorite News:

Guest657 (guest): I live in southern california and I just witnessed the
 strangest sight I have ever seen. I saw what I thought was a huge meteor
coming down toward the pacific ocean. Then the fireball split into 3
separate lights and continued at equal distance from each other, like
 fighter jets in a formation.
jrslandscaping:YES I saw the same thing it was hudge i actually got scared.
  I live in Menifee , CA i saw at about 730pm PST.

02 January 2011

Meteor/Meteorite News 3JAN2011

Frederick man claims to find meteor fragments
Frederick News Post (subscription)
By Meg Tully A man who witnessed a falling meteor last week says he has found parts of it. Al LaBrush was walking out of Danielle's restaurant in Frederick ...  

(Frederick, MD meteor; MA MD VA NY DC meteor 28DEC2010)

Fire in the sky: Weston meteor strike sparked scientific research
Author Cathryn Prince of Weston sits on the shore of the Easton Reservoir, where meteorites were found in 1807. The discovery is the subject of her new book ...  (Weston meteorite)

Native American Repatriation at 20

History News Network - ‎5 時間前‎
For example, a current call by several Plains groups for the return of Papamihaw Asiniy, a meteorite, has met with resistance by the Provincial Museum of Alberta ... (Alberta Canada meteorite story)

Meteor shower to be visible tomorrow
Hindustan Times
PTI A celestial phenomena awaits sky gazers in the New Year as a meteor shower is expected to put up a sparkling show in the night sky on Monday. ...

2011 Quadrantids meteor shower viewing times and information at ...
Information about the 2011 Quadrantids meteor shower including facts, viewing times, videos, local meet-ups, and much more!

Meteor Activity Outlook for December 18-24, 2010 « The Transient ...
The Meteor Activity Outlook is a weekly summary of expected meteor activity written by Robert Lunsford, Operations Manager of the American Meteor Society ...

elp allsky: Meteor News...Large Fireball Seen From Windsor Ontario ...
By elp allsky
Large Fireball Seen From Windsor Ontario CA JAN01, 2011... Email From Anonymous: saw a nice large fireball around 7:30 pm 1 jan.2011 from Windsor On..It was orange moving from mid sky to southeast.abuot 2 seconds of burn. ...

Quadrantid Meteor Shower and Solar Eclipse to Coincide On Tuesday ...
This Tuesday (Jan. 4) will be a busy day on the celestial calendar. Before sunrise, one of the most prolific displays of "shooting stars" will take place. ...

आज दिख सकती है उल्का पिंडों की खूबसूरत बारिश

नवभारत टाइम्स - ‎13 時間前‎
इस आकाशीय घटना के तहत उल्का पिंड लगातार तैयार होकर पृथ्वी पर गिरते हैं। पृथ्वी पर इनके गिरने की गति करीब 43 किलोमीटर प्रति सेकंड होती है और यह 100 से 90 किलोमीटर की ऊंचाई पर आकर खत्म हो जाती है। स्पेस पॉपुलराइजेशन असोसिएशन ऑफ कम्यूनिकेटर्स एंड एजुकेटर्स (स्पेस) के निदेशक सी. बी. देवगन ने कहा कि यह सालाना आकाशीय घटना 1 जनवरी से 10 जनवरी के बीच होती है। उल्का पिंडों की यह बारिश 3 और 4 जनवरी को होगी। उन्होंने बताया कि यह उल्का ...

01 January 2011

Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 1JAN2011

Blinded to Science
Housatonic Times
On Dec.
14, 1807, a meteorite blazed across the pre-dawn sky, appearing to be two-thirds the size of the moon. It was visible to early risers as far away as Vermont ...

Meteors scream over Maryland for past two nights (blog)
The latest apparent meteor sighting occurred around 9:30 pm Wednesday and set Twitter alight with wondrous didja-see-thats??! "Whoa," reported Chris Noonan ...

Solar Eclipse and Meteor Shower to Launch 2011 Skywatching Season
By Joe Rao The year 2011 promises to be a dazzling one for skywatchers, and it hits the ground running with a partial solar eclipse and meteor shower. ...