How to watch tomorrow's meteor shower created by a bizarre comet that's unlike anything else in ...
Yahoo News
The Delta Aquarid meteor shower is not as spectacular as next month's Perseidmeteor shower, but it's still worth checking out. You'll need to have ...
How to watch tomorrow's meteor shower created by a rogue comet that could be from another solar ...
Business Insider
Perseid AP Photo/Paul WhiteA Perseid meteor streaks across the sky. Next month we will see one of the best Perseid meteor showers in years.
US company takes first steps towards mining asteroids in space
A United States asteroid mining company has taken a major step forward
in its mission to extract minerals in space.
Blue Moon 2015: Coming Days to Yield Rare Lunar Event,Meteor Shower : Science : University ...
University Herald
As an added bonus, sky watchers will also be treated to a meteor shower, Malano told CNN. The Southern Delta Aquarids will be visible from July 28 ...
NASA's Curiosity Rover Inspects Unusual Bedrock
Jet Propulsion Laboratory- July 23, 2015
Rover examines geological contact zone near 'Marias Pass'
Silica-rich rocks identified nearby with laser-firing instrument
Test of rover's drill prepares for next use on Mars rock ...
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 27JUL2015
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News - Blogger
YOUR meteor report is important. If you came here looking for a report about a meteor and dont report it there is no data to view. Take 2 minutes and . ...
Meteor/Fireballs Seen Over 5 States in US - Ireland Meteor w
Recent Discussions on The Crisis Forums
Meteor/Fireballs Seen Over 5 States in US - Ireland Meteor w/ Fragmentation & Sonics (Vid)
Best view of meteor shower to start Tuesday
GMA News
PAGASA acting administrator Vicente Malano said the meteor shower may be best observed from July 28 to 31 and may peak before midnight July 29 ...
Filmmakers Accidentally Capture Awesome Meteor Explosion?
Shattering The Matrix
Filmmakers Accidentally Capture Awesome Meteor Explosion While shooting some timelapses, we saw a huge bright flash in the sky. It even lit up the ...
Perseids Meteor Shower - Any events in AZ?
Astronomy Forums
Hey everyone, I just heard there will be a viewing event at the Lost Dutchman park for the Perseids meteorshower and was wondering if anyone ...
Delta Aquarid meteor shower July 28-31, 2015: Peak time, live stream Slooh camera | Christian ...
The eagerly-anticipated Delta Aquarid meteor shower is expected to be at its peak from between July 28 all the way to the end of the month on the ...
Meteor Realtime Image Gallery
Meteor Taken by Johnnie Nicholson on July 26, 2015 @ London, Ky, USA. Click photo for larger image. Camera Used: NIKON CORPORATION ...
Alpha Capricornid meteor shower will become stronger than any current annual shower in 100 years
Strange Sounds
The alpha capricornid meteor shower is improving every year and should become the largest annual fireball storm in 100 years. Watch amazing alpha ...
Celebrating Conway 250th Perseid Meteor Showers
Tin Mountain Conservation Center
Join the star wizard, Matt Krug, for an exploration of the summer skies while we enjoy the many shooting stars of the Perseid meteor showers. Bring a ...
Delta Aquarids meteor shower viewing.
Are there any good spots outside of Nashville to view the meteor shower?
Observatory Park to Host Stargazing Event for Perseids Meteor Shower
City of Gaithersburg
The Perseids meteor shower is an annual astronomical event, so called because it appears as if the meteors are coming from the constellation ...
Perseids Meteor Shower event Aug. 14 at Ritz-Carlton Lake Tahoe - San Francisco skiing ...
Tahoe Star Tours will host a special mountainside star gazing event that corresponds with the Perseid Meteor Shower on Friday, Aug. 14, at The ...
Perseid Meteor Shower Party
KIWA-FM 105.3 -
The Perseid Meteor Shower is one of the best known meteor showers in the Northern Hemisphere. It will soon be time again for this annual event.
Local Restaurant to Host Meteor Shower Party | East Hampton, NY Patch
Townline, along with Professors Mike Inglis and Sean Tvelia of the observatory, will offer a guided tour of the night sky and the Delta Aquarids Meteor ...
2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!
28 July 2015
27 July 2015
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 27JUL2015
IN AR TN MI OH Meteor/s 25JUL2015
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News - Blogger
YOUR meteor report is important. If you came here looking for a report about a meteor and dont report it there is no data to view. Take 2 minutes and ...
Meteor/Fireballs Seen Over 5 States in US - Ireland Meteor w
Before It's News
(Before It's News). Meteor/Fireballs Seen Over 5 States in U.S – Ireland Meteor w/ Fragmentation & Sonics. IN AR TN MI OH Meteors 25JUL2015 ...
Vesta's Potassium-to-Thorium Ratio Reveals Hot Origins
Planetary Science Institute- July 22, 2015
Tucson, Ariz. -- Studies of materials on the surface of Vesta offer new
evidence that the giant asteroid is the source of howardite, eucrite and
diogenite (HED) basaltic meteorites, supporting current models of solar
system evolution and terrestrial planet formation, a new paper by Planetary
Science Institute researcher Tom Prettyman says. ...
NASA's New Horizons Team Finds Haze, Flowing Ice on Pluto
Flowing ice and a surprising extended haze are among the newest discoveries
from NASA's New Horizons mission, which reveal distant Pluto to be an icy
world of wonders. ...
It's meteor season! | Today's Image | EarthSky
Meteor season 2015 is underway, with several showers doing on now and the Perseids gearing up for a great show in a moon-free sky in mid-August....
Delta Aquarid meteor shower: Watch spectacular shooting stars live online
International Business Times UK
For those wishing to see the meteor shower from the comfort of their own home, the Slooh Community Observatory is set to host a live stream from ...
Egypt observes Delta Aquaid Meteor shower Monday
The Cairo Post
CAIRO: The Delta Aquarid Meteor shower is to peak in Egypt's skies starting from Monday until July 30, the National Research Institute of Astronomy ...
Townline BBQ in Sagaponack to host party for Delta Aquaridmeteor shower | Newsday
It's time for a meteor-shower party. Townline BBQ in Sagaponack will host one on July 28, from 9 to 11 p.m., with professors from Montauk Observatory ...
2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News - Blogger
YOUR meteor report is important. If you came here looking for a report about a meteor and dont report it there is no data to view. Take 2 minutes and ...
Meteor/Fireballs Seen Over 5 States in US - Ireland Meteor w
Before It's News
(Before It's News). Meteor/Fireballs Seen Over 5 States in U.S – Ireland Meteor w/ Fragmentation & Sonics. IN AR TN MI OH Meteors 25JUL2015 ...
Vesta's Potassium-to-Thorium Ratio Reveals Hot Origins
Planetary Science Institute- July 22, 2015
Tucson, Ariz. -- Studies of materials on the surface of Vesta offer new
evidence that the giant asteroid is the source of howardite, eucrite and
diogenite (HED) basaltic meteorites, supporting current models of solar
system evolution and terrestrial planet formation, a new paper by Planetary
Science Institute researcher Tom Prettyman says. ...
NASA's New Horizons Team Finds Haze, Flowing Ice on Pluto
Flowing ice and a surprising extended haze are among the newest discoveries
from NASA's New Horizons mission, which reveal distant Pluto to be an icy
world of wonders. ...
It's meteor season! | Today's Image | EarthSky
Meteor season 2015 is underway, with several showers doing on now and the Perseids gearing up for a great show in a moon-free sky in mid-August....
Delta Aquarid meteor shower: Watch spectacular shooting stars live online
International Business Times UK
For those wishing to see the meteor shower from the comfort of their own home, the Slooh Community Observatory is set to host a live stream from ...
Egypt observes Delta Aquaid Meteor shower Monday
The Cairo Post
CAIRO: The Delta Aquarid Meteor shower is to peak in Egypt's skies starting from Monday until July 30, the National Research Institute of Astronomy ...
Townline BBQ in Sagaponack to host party for Delta Aquaridmeteor shower | Newsday
It's time for a meteor-shower party. Townline BBQ in Sagaponack will host one on July 28, from 9 to 11 p.m., with professors from Montauk Observatory ...
2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!
26 July 2015
IN AR TN MI OH Meteors 25JUL2015
IN AR TN MI OH Meteors 25JUL2015 - likely at least two events
Check your security cameras!
Initial Meteor Sighting Reports-
25JUL2015 Brittany agler Columbus, Ohio 24:00am 5 seconds South east to north west Short steak to long streak back to short streak with white and blue color then explodes Bright white and blue haze Exploded at the end In town driving, even happened very close in sky as I was at a stop light
25JUL2015 Mike Jackson, TN, USA 22:41, CST Maybe 2 second at the most As I was facing North, it traveled diagonally down and to the left from up-right Green, no sound It didn't light up the sky. It was probably as bright as the moon from its point, though since it wasn't as big it didn't light up the surrounding area like the moon does. Couldn't tell It was bright and large for a meteorite whatever it was. It wasn't very high in the sky, maybe 20-30 degrees from the ground. The green was very bright and clear.
25JUL2015 Brian Goodzey South Bend, Indiana, USA 23:35 Just about 3 seconds Looking south from top left to bottom right of view then burned out Yellow in color then blue when burning out. Didn't hear anything. About as bright as a weak firework No fragmentation. It wasn't too far away.
25JUL2015 Dawn Everton, Arkansas 22:35 pm CST approx. 3 seconds looking to the east it was traveling towards the north An orange ball of light arching downwards which turmed green before disappearing/going out very bright, but didn't light up the sky not that I could tell I didnt see where it started in the sky, I just happened to look up at the right moment. husband was looking at his phone and saw it in his peripheral vision
25JUL2015 Abby Portage Indiana United States 2230 pm About 5 seconds Direction of travel was from east to west, I was facing south. Mostly white in color, with some red. I saw flashing, no sound. A little brighter than the moon I did not see any parts falling I walked out back, and looked straight up, noticed the very bright flash of white and red followed by a bright white tail. Then the head of the meteor looked like it exploded, and that is when I saw the flash. It was amazing! Right place at the right time
2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!
![]() |
Click Image IN AR TN MI OH Meteors 25JUL2015 v.1 c2015 LunarMeteoriteHunter / Google Earth |
Check your security cameras!
YOUR meteor report is important. If you came here looking for a report about a meteor and dont report it there is no data to view. Take 2 minutes and file.
Please file your meteor sightings please HERE-Initial Meteor Sighting Reports-
25JUL2015 Brittany agler Columbus, Ohio 24:00am 5 seconds South east to north west Short steak to long streak back to short streak with white and blue color then explodes Bright white and blue haze Exploded at the end In town driving, even happened very close in sky as I was at a stop light
25JUL2015 Ron Yapp Ann arbor, Mich., USA 2347 EST 1.5 s E - W Large ball, fragmenting into 3 or 4 pieces,short burst of a tail, lasted for 1 -1.5 sec. Searchlight Fragments blew behind it Assuming it burned up in upper atmosphere, it was a large.object---larger than a house.
25JUL2015 Mike Jackson, TN, USA 22:41, CST Maybe 2 second at the most As I was facing North, it traveled diagonally down and to the left from up-right Green, no sound It didn't light up the sky. It was probably as bright as the moon from its point, though since it wasn't as big it didn't light up the surrounding area like the moon does. Couldn't tell It was bright and large for a meteorite whatever it was. It wasn't very high in the sky, maybe 20-30 degrees from the ground. The green was very bright and clear.
25JUL2015 Brian Goodzey South Bend, Indiana, USA 23:35 Just about 3 seconds Looking south from top left to bottom right of view then burned out Yellow in color then blue when burning out. Didn't hear anything. About as bright as a weak firework No fragmentation. It wasn't too far away.
25JUL2015 Dawn Everton, Arkansas 22:35 pm CST approx. 3 seconds looking to the east it was traveling towards the north An orange ball of light arching downwards which turmed green before disappearing/going out very bright, but didn't light up the sky not that I could tell I didnt see where it started in the sky, I just happened to look up at the right moment. husband was looking at his phone and saw it in his peripheral vision
25JUL2015 Abby Portage Indiana United States 2230 pm About 5 seconds Direction of travel was from east to west, I was facing south. Mostly white in color, with some red. I saw flashing, no sound. A little brighter than the moon I did not see any parts falling I walked out back, and looked straight up, noticed the very bright flash of white and red followed by a bright white tail. Then the head of the meteor looked like it exploded, and that is when I saw the flash. It was amazing! Right place at the right time
For all sighting reports-
2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!
Ireland Meteor Apprx. 0015 GMT 25JUL2015
Ireland Meteor Apprx. 0015 GMT 25JUL2015
w/ fragmentation and sonics!
Check your security cameras!
Initial Meteor Sighting Reports-
25JUL2015 Frank Pastor cliffony, County Sligo, Ireland 00:23 GMT about 4 seconds 20deg.above horizon looking East moving from south to north east . white and yellow with long tail and lots of fragments flying off the main fireball. Heard a boom about 2 minutes later from same direction. half as bright as the moon Lots of fragments spitting off the main fireball I have seen your standard "shooting stars" often but this was awesome.
25JUL2015 Joanne Hogg County Antrim, Northern Ireland 00.15 GMT 4 seconds Travelling east to west horizontally, I was facing roughly SW. Meteor passed left to right I saw a white blazing ball shaped object maybe 2/3 the diameter of the moon Like the sun Yes, there were numerous fragments behind the main ball It disappeared quickly, seeming to shrink in size rapidly , the fragments seemed to dissipate
25JUL2015 Leyla Simsek lucan,Dublin , Ireland 00. 05 5 seconds Right to left bright white with blue hue Bright flash Happened so fast it disappeared Was amazing to witness don't know if it was a meteor or a fallen star but it was very bright and fell very fast
2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!
w/ fragmentation and sonics!
![]() |
Click Image Ireland Meteor Apprx. 0015 GMT 25JUL2015 v.1 c2015 LunarMeteoriteHunter / Google Earth |
Check your security cameras!
YOUR meteor report is important. If you came here looking for a report about a meteor and dont report it there is no data to view. Take 2 minutes and file.
Please file your meteor sightings please HERE-Initial Meteor Sighting Reports-
25JUL2015 Frank Pastor cliffony, County Sligo, Ireland 00:23 GMT about 4 seconds 20deg.above horizon looking East moving from south to north east . white and yellow with long tail and lots of fragments flying off the main fireball. Heard a boom about 2 minutes later from same direction. half as bright as the moon Lots of fragments spitting off the main fireball I have seen your standard "shooting stars" often but this was awesome.
25JUL2015 Joe O'Mara Omeath, Louth, Ireland 00.15 GMT it was fragmenting in front of me and split into 4 definite pieces Facing north the meteor passed from SW to NE Pale blue almost white, extremely bright unlighted any star shining at the time As bright as a street light but did not illuminate the entire sky Yes it split into four parts, 2 trailed to the back while the rest continues a small bit further until it broke again into two no
25JUL2015 Joanne Hogg County Antrim, Northern Ireland 00.15 GMT 4 seconds Travelling east to west horizontally, I was facing roughly SW. Meteor passed left to right I saw a white blazing ball shaped object maybe 2/3 the diameter of the moon Like the sun Yes, there were numerous fragments behind the main ball It disappeared quickly, seeming to shrink in size rapidly , the fragments seemed to dissipate
25JUL2015 Leyla Simsek lucan,Dublin , Ireland 00. 05 5 seconds Right to left bright white with blue hue Bright flash Happened so fast it disappeared Was amazing to witness don't know if it was a meteor or a fallen star but it was very bright and fell very fast
For all sighting reports-
2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 26JUL2015
Ireland Meteor 25JUL2015
Portal to the Universe
Home » News & Blogs » Ireland Meteor 25JUL2015. Bookmark and Share · Lunar Meteorite Hunters · Ireland Meteor 25JUL2015. 25 Jul 2015, 13:07 ...
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 25JUL2015
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News - Blogger
They soon found themselves stopped along Meteor Road looking in the woods and seeing lots of uniforms. “We were not permitted to go by the . ...
Meteor shower is a highlight of August skies - Lifestyle - Ohio
Akron Beacon Journal
August is the time for the Perseid meteor shower. This year's peak will be on the early morning of Aug. 13. It's been somewhat disappointing in the last ...
Peseid Meteor Shower Star Party
Montauk Observatory
Peseid Meteor Shower Star Party. presented by Montauk Observatory. 8:00 PM Thursday, August 13, 2015. Ross School East Hampton, Tennis ...
Everything you need to know: Delta Aquarid meteor shower
Democratic Underground
Late July 2015 presents the extended peak of the Delta Aquarid meteor shower – though under the glaring night of the almost-full waxing gibbous ...
RVCC Planetarium to host Perseid meteor shower watch |
As part of its anniversary celebration, the Raritan Valley Community College Planetarium in Branchburg will host a Perseid Meteor Shower Watch, ...
Filmmaker captures exploding meteor...
Daily Mail
While making a time-lapse film of the night sky over Santa Cruz, filmmaker Marc Donahue captured this amazing footage of an exploding meteor. ...
Delta Aquarids Meteor Shower, July 28 and 29
Borrego Sun
The Delta Aquarids meteor shower will happen on July 28 and 29. Twenty meteors per hour are expected after. ...
2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!
Portal to the Universe
Home » News & Blogs » Ireland Meteor 25JUL2015. Bookmark and Share · Lunar Meteorite Hunters · Ireland Meteor 25JUL2015. 25 Jul 2015, 13:07 ...
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 25JUL2015
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News - Blogger
They soon found themselves stopped along Meteor Road looking in the woods and seeing lots of uniforms. “We were not permitted to go by the . ...
Meteor shower is a highlight of August skies - Lifestyle - Ohio
Akron Beacon Journal
August is the time for the Perseid meteor shower. This year's peak will be on the early morning of Aug. 13. It's been somewhat disappointing in the last ...
Peseid Meteor Shower Star Party
Montauk Observatory
Peseid Meteor Shower Star Party. presented by Montauk Observatory. 8:00 PM Thursday, August 13, 2015. Ross School East Hampton, Tennis ...
Everything you need to know: Delta Aquarid meteor shower
Democratic Underground
Late July 2015 presents the extended peak of the Delta Aquarid meteor shower – though under the glaring night of the almost-full waxing gibbous ...
RVCC Planetarium to host Perseid meteor shower watch |
As part of its anniversary celebration, the Raritan Valley Community College Planetarium in Branchburg will host a Perseid Meteor Shower Watch, ...
Filmmaker captures exploding meteor...
Daily Mail
While making a time-lapse film of the night sky over Santa Cruz, filmmaker Marc Donahue captured this amazing footage of an exploding meteor. ...
Delta Aquarids Meteor Shower, July 28 and 29
Borrego Sun
The Delta Aquarids meteor shower will happen on July 28 and 29. Twenty meteors per hour are expected after. ...
2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!
25 July 2015
NEO Asteroids Close Approaches July 2015
NEO Asteroids Close Approaches July 2015
Latest update- Platinum NEO Asteroid Pass 19JUL2015
ALERT- Increased Meteor Activity! Expect some spectacular bolides, fireballs, and meteors this month and especially large ones 3-5 days before and following the passing of 4 small mountain-sized NEO asteroids that will safely pass this month. Dates to watch especially are July 13- 27 as the four small mountains pass through the neighborhood. An especially interesting period will be the July 21-27 when a 1.0-2.3 km diameter asteroid with an LD of 18.8 will pass safely on 25 July but may have unknown accompanying debris that may provide meteor activity seen.
385186 (1994 AW1), 242191 (2003 NZ6),
436724 (2011 UW158), 85989 (1999 JD6)
Please report your meteor sightings to this website for posting-
2015 MO116 ,2015 NR2, 2015 OQ21 ,2015 OA26 ,
updated 26JUL2015 posted days after passing
updated 22JUL2015
updated 09JUL2015
updated 01JUL2015
Source Table NASA/JPL-- for the most current version-
updated 26JUL2015
updated 22JUL2015
updated 09JUL2015
updated 01JUL2015
original post 28JUN2015
2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!
Latest update- Platinum NEO Asteroid Pass 19JUL2015
Click Image Asteroids and Meteors Incoming July 2015 |
385186 (1994 AW1), 242191 (2003 NZ6),
436724 (2011 UW158), 85989 (1999 JD6)
Please report your meteor sightings to this website for posting-
There are currently 3 4 5 6 7 known NEO Asteroids discovered that will pass within approximately 10LD or less (LD stands for "Lunar Distance"), in the month of July 2015; expect that 10 or more 10LD NEOs will be discovered before month end. Be ready for some bolide, fireball, and meteor activity!
- LunarMeteoriteHunter, Tokyo
2015 HM10, 436724 (2011 UW158), 2013 BQ18,
- LunarMeteoriteHunter, Tokyo
2015 HM10, 436724 (2011 UW158), 2013 BQ18,
updated 26JUL2015 posted days after passing
(2015 OA26) | 2015-Jul-18 | 0.0061 | 2.4 | 37 m - 82 m | 24.3 | 11.06 |
updated 22JUL2015
(2015 OQ21) | 2015-Jul-24 | 0.0038 | 1.5 | 7.1 m - 16 m | 27.9 | 7.65 |
updated 09JUL2015
(2015 NR2) | 2015-Jul-09 | 0.0275 | 10.7 | 17 m - 39 m | 25.9 | 7.21 |
updated 01JUL2015
(2015 MO116) | 2015-Jul-07 | 0.0127 | 4.9 | 42 m - 93 m | 24.0 | 9.34 |
UPCOMING CLOSE APPROACHES TO EARTH | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 LD = Lunar Distance = ~384,000 kilometers
updated 26JUL2015
updated 22JUL2015
updated 09JUL2015
updated 01JUL2015
original post 28JUN2015
2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!
Posted by
Lunar Meteorite * Hunter
8:14 pm
2013 BQ18,
2015 HM10,
2015 MO116,
2015 NR2,
2015 OQ21,
436724 (2011 UW158),
NEO Asteroids July 2015
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 25JUL2015
Kecksberg Celebrates 50th Anniversary Of Possible UFO Sighting
CBS Local
They soon found themselves stopped along Meteor Road looking in the woods and seeing lots of uniforms. “We were not permitted to go by the ...
Meteor captured shooting across the sky in Stoke-on-Trent, England
Signs of the Times
A Potteries star-gazer captured the moment a meteor lit up the skies across North Staffordshire. Martin Kessel captured the object as it flew over ...
Meteor Shower
İstanbul Modern
Wednesday, August 12, 18.00-23.00. As part of free events to be held in the museum's courtyard within the scope of the YAP Istanbul Modern: Young ...
Bright Meteor Lights Up Texas Skies W/ Fragmentation
MBIQ Detects Texas, USA Meteor Approx. 2115 Central 22JUL2015 w/ FragmentationCheck your security cameras!Multiple Reports: Dallas, Austin, ...
The Perseid Meteor Shower – a Great Excuse for a Northeastern Ontario Getaway!
Northern Ontario Travel
There's nothing quite as awe-inspiring is enjoying a summer meteor shower, so get away from the city lights and enjoy a Northeastern Ontario mini ...
Meteorite Explosion
While shooting some timelapses, we saw a huge bright flash in the sky. It even lit up the entire ground. We looked up and saw a huge streak across ...
NASA's Curiosity Rover Inspects Unusual Bedrock
The laser-firing instrument on NASA's Curiosity Mars rover has identified a rock target that is rich in silica, prompting further investigation with the rover.
Filmmakers Accidentally Capture Awesome Meteor Explosion
While they were shooting some timelapses one night, PermaGrin films saw a huge bright flash in the sky. Upon reviewing the footage, they noticed ...
Burning, flying sand forms the Perseid meteor shower - St. Cloud Times
St. Cloud Times
On the night of Aug. 12-13, my favorite meteor shower appears. The Perseids are ameteor shower emanating in the constellation of Perseus.
VIDEO: Did you see this 'meteor' shooting across the sky in Stoke-on-Trent? | Stoke Sentinel
Stoke Sentinel
And Martin was in luck, posting the video on his Youtube channel, where he described it as 'large, very bright meteor or fireball' which passed over at ...
Perseid Meteor Shower
Santa Monica Daily Press
Tagged: perseid meteor shower. thumbnail. Briefs · SMC'S Drescher Planetarium features the meteors of summer in August. By Grace Smith on July ...
Meteor shower peaks at the end of July
Tucson News Now
The Delta Aquarid meteor shower is forecast to peak on the night of Tuesday, July 28 into the early morning hours of Wednesday, July 29. The best ...
Delta Aquarid meteor shower: Where to watch shooting stars in the UK and US
International Business Times UK
The annual Delta Aquarid meteor shower is set to peak at the end of July in a spectacular display across the night sky. Although the chances of ...
How to See Meteor Showers This Summer
Yahoo News
The place in the sky from which meteor showers appear to originate is called the "radiant." Many people are misled into thinking that the radiant is the ...
Meteor Activity Outlook for July 25-31, 2015
American Meteor Society
This weekend the waxing gibbous moon will set during the early morning hours, offering a few hours of dark sky meteor observing before dawn arrives ...
Bright, Slow Fireball Over Central Texas
American Meteor Society
Over two dozen witnesses reported a bright, slow moving fireball over central Texas last night slightly after 9:00 PM local time. Most reports were ...
Beta-Cassiopeid Meteor Realtime Image Gallery
Fishing for meteors, caught this one at 1am on the 24th. It appears to line up with the radiant for Beta-Cassiopeids shown at Calsky. SX50 ISO 3200 ..
2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!
CBS Local
They soon found themselves stopped along Meteor Road looking in the woods and seeing lots of uniforms. “We were not permitted to go by the ...
Meteor captured shooting across the sky in Stoke-on-Trent, England
Signs of the Times
A Potteries star-gazer captured the moment a meteor lit up the skies across North Staffordshire. Martin Kessel captured the object as it flew over ...
Meteor Shower
İstanbul Modern
Wednesday, August 12, 18.00-23.00. As part of free events to be held in the museum's courtyard within the scope of the YAP Istanbul Modern: Young ...
Bright Meteor Lights Up Texas Skies W/ Fragmentation
MBIQ Detects Texas, USA Meteor Approx. 2115 Central 22JUL2015 w/ FragmentationCheck your security cameras!Multiple Reports: Dallas, Austin, ...
The Perseid Meteor Shower – a Great Excuse for a Northeastern Ontario Getaway!
Northern Ontario Travel
There's nothing quite as awe-inspiring is enjoying a summer meteor shower, so get away from the city lights and enjoy a Northeastern Ontario mini ...
Meteorite Explosion
While shooting some timelapses, we saw a huge bright flash in the sky. It even lit up the entire ground. We looked up and saw a huge streak across ...
NASA's Curiosity Rover Inspects Unusual Bedrock
The laser-firing instrument on NASA's Curiosity Mars rover has identified a rock target that is rich in silica, prompting further investigation with the rover.
Filmmakers Accidentally Capture Awesome Meteor Explosion
While they were shooting some timelapses one night, PermaGrin films saw a huge bright flash in the sky. Upon reviewing the footage, they noticed ...
Burning, flying sand forms the Perseid meteor shower - St. Cloud Times
St. Cloud Times
On the night of Aug. 12-13, my favorite meteor shower appears. The Perseids are ameteor shower emanating in the constellation of Perseus.
VIDEO: Did you see this 'meteor' shooting across the sky in Stoke-on-Trent? | Stoke Sentinel
Stoke Sentinel
And Martin was in luck, posting the video on his Youtube channel, where he described it as 'large, very bright meteor or fireball' which passed over at ...
Perseid Meteor Shower
Santa Monica Daily Press
Tagged: perseid meteor shower. thumbnail. Briefs · SMC'S Drescher Planetarium features the meteors of summer in August. By Grace Smith on July ...
Meteor shower peaks at the end of July
Tucson News Now
The Delta Aquarid meteor shower is forecast to peak on the night of Tuesday, July 28 into the early morning hours of Wednesday, July 29. The best ...
Delta Aquarid meteor shower: Where to watch shooting stars in the UK and US
International Business Times UK
The annual Delta Aquarid meteor shower is set to peak at the end of July in a spectacular display across the night sky. Although the chances of ...
How to See Meteor Showers This Summer
Yahoo News
The place in the sky from which meteor showers appear to originate is called the "radiant." Many people are misled into thinking that the radiant is the ...
Meteor Activity Outlook for July 25-31, 2015
American Meteor Society
This weekend the waxing gibbous moon will set during the early morning hours, offering a few hours of dark sky meteor observing before dawn arrives ...
Bright, Slow Fireball Over Central Texas
American Meteor Society
Over two dozen witnesses reported a bright, slow moving fireball over central Texas last night slightly after 9:00 PM local time. Most reports were ...
Beta-Cassiopeid Meteor Realtime Image Gallery
Fishing for meteors, caught this one at 1am on the 24th. It appears to line up with the radiant for Beta-Cassiopeids shown at Calsky. SX50 ISO 3200 ..
2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!
24 July 2015
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 24JUL2015
NEO Asteroids Close Approaches August 2015
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News - Blogger
Please report your meteor sightings to this website for posting- Remember IF you are looking for a report and no one reports then everyone lacks ...
2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News - Blogger
Please report your meteor sightings to this website for posting- Remember IF you are looking for a report and no one reports then everyone lacks ...
MBIQ Detects Texas, USA Meteor 22JUL2015
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News - Blogger
MBIQ Detects Texas, USA Meteor Approx. 2110 Central 22JUL2015 MeteorBotIQ tm. uses both artificial and human intelligence to detect meteor ...
Bright Meteor Lights Up Texas Skies
MBIQ Detects Texas, USA Meteor Approx. 2130 Central 22JUL2015 Check your security cameras! Multiple Reports: Dallas, Austin, Killeen, Lewisville ...
Exploding meteor leaves behind smoke ring
Exploding meteor leaves behind smoke ring ( submitted 4 hours ago by KevlarYarmulke · 7 comments; share. loading... all 7 comments.
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 23JUL2015
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News - Blogger
These smaller asteroids are known to travel much nearer to Earth and could even strike out of the blue - like the 20-metre long meteor that .
How to See Meteor Showers This Summer
Summertime sees the greatest abundance of meteor showers and the season's peak is in July. Each summer, amateurs all over the world look forward ...
Delta Aquarids meteor shower 2015: Best time and dates see the shooting stars
Stargazers will be in for a wonderful experience as spectacular meteor showers are expected to hit this month and the next. Watchers may have to ...
Astronomy App Luminos Introduces 3D Meteor Showers and Automation
San Jose, California – Wobbleworks LLC has released its latest free feature update to its flagship astronomy app Luminos, bringing meteor showers ...
September 23, 2015: LAST DAY TO LIVE before meteorite strike 9/24/2015
Tishrei 11 is September 24, 2015 this year, and a meteorite strike. This video is not a joke. Clips taken from Julie and Julia distributed by Columbia ... THIS IS A PARODY - TOTAL B.ravo S.ierra!
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News - Blogger
MBIQ Detects Texas, USA Meteor Approx. 2110 Central 22JUL2015 MeteorBotIQ tm. uses both artificial and human intelligence to detect meteor ...
Bright Meteor Lights Up Texas Skies
MBIQ Detects Texas, USA Meteor Approx. 2130 Central 22JUL2015 Check your security cameras! Multiple Reports: Dallas, Austin, Killeen, Lewisville ...
Exploding meteor leaves behind smoke ring
Exploding meteor leaves behind smoke ring ( submitted 4 hours ago by KevlarYarmulke · 7 comments; share. loading... all 7 comments.
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 23JUL2015
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News - Blogger
These smaller asteroids are known to travel much nearer to Earth and could even strike out of the blue - like the 20-metre long meteor that .
How to See Meteor Showers This Summer
Summertime sees the greatest abundance of meteor showers and the season's peak is in July. Each summer, amateurs all over the world look forward ...
Delta Aquarids meteor shower 2015: Best time and dates see the shooting stars
Stargazers will be in for a wonderful experience as spectacular meteor showers are expected to hit this month and the next. Watchers may have to ...
Astronomy App Luminos Introduces 3D Meteor Showers and Automation
San Jose, California – Wobbleworks LLC has released its latest free feature update to its flagship astronomy app Luminos, bringing meteor showers ...
September 23, 2015: LAST DAY TO LIVE before meteorite strike 9/24/2015
Tishrei 11 is September 24, 2015 this year, and a meteorite strike. This video is not a joke. Clips taken from Julie and Julia distributed by Columbia ... THIS IS A PARODY - TOTAL B.ravo S.ierra!
2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!
23 July 2015
MBIQ Detects Texas Meteor 22JUL2015
MBIQ Detects Texas, USA Meteor Approx. 2115 CDT 22JUL2015 w/ Fragmentation
21:15 CDT = 02:15 UTC 23/Jul/2015MeteorBotIQ tm. uses both artificial and human intelligence to detect meteor events worldwide.
Check your security cameras!
Initial Meteor Sighting Reports-
22JUL2015 John McInerney St. Hedwig, TX USA 2115/central pm 2 to 3 seconds East to west Red fireball with greenish tail. Seemed to break into two distinct pieces before disappearing Brighter than Venus Two parts East to west low to the horizon
22JUL2015 Cindy Tuscola,TX USA 2115 central/pm Maybe 3 sec Facing south started from left headed right from SE to SW Fireball bright, flaming/ green & orangish red Bright as sun Streaked Amazing sight-husband also saw
22JUL2015 arturo Weslaco, TX 9:10 5-10 sec I was facing n and it travel straight down blue flashing brighter than venu no just surprised it lasted long I was walking on the street to my front neighbors house and saw the meteorite until my tree in the back of my house block the view
22JUL2015 Christianna Richmond,TX 21:15 3 sec Left to right Green Very bright Solid object/meteor Saw bright green meteor like thing very fast flying diagonally down and seemed to die out here in Richmond, tx
22JUL2015 Mike San Angelo TX 9:30 pm About 5-10 seconds Facing south White line, the front was round and blue Bright white and blue No Quick fall amd it dissapeared as it got really close to earth
22JUL2015 Around 9:10 or so in the NW hills area, wheeling the trash out front (cuz I'm domestic, that's how I roll) and on the south horizon, pretty low, burning in left to right (so east to west), maybe a 15-20 degree angle. It glowed bright green, leaving a small trail. -Brisketexan, Austin,TX
MBIQ Data Set-
Killeen, Texas arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News".
12:15:17 -- 9 minutes ago
Dallas, Texas arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News".
12:09:30 -- 15 minutes ago
Austin, Texas arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for south texas meteor july 22nd 2015.
12:03:23 -- 21 minutes ago
Austin, Texas arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News".
11:53:58 -- 31 minutes ago
Lewisville, Texas arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News".
11:28:07 -- 57 minutes ago
Austin, Texas arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News".
11:24:03 -- 1 hour 1 min ago
Pearland, Texas arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News".
11:16:00 -- 1 hour 10 mins ago
2015 The Second Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!
21:15 CDT = 02:15 UTC 23/Jul/2015MeteorBotIQ tm. uses both artificial and human intelligence to detect meteor events worldwide.
![]() |
Click Image
MBIQ Detects Texas, USA Meteor Apprx 2115 CDT 22JUL2015
Neon - sighting report / Red- MBIQ data v5 c2015 LunarMeteoriteHunter / Google Earth |
YOUR meteor report is important.
Please file your meteor sightings please HERE-
Please file your meteor sightings please HERE-
Initial Meteor Sighting Reports-
22JUL2015 John McInerney St. Hedwig, TX USA 2115/central pm 2 to 3 seconds East to west Red fireball with greenish tail. Seemed to break into two distinct pieces before disappearing Brighter than Venus Two parts East to west low to the horizon
22JUL2015 Cindy Tuscola,TX USA 2115 central/pm Maybe 3 sec Facing south started from left headed right from SE to SW Fireball bright, flaming/ green & orangish red Bright as sun Streaked Amazing sight-husband also saw
22JUL2015 arturo Weslaco, TX 9:10 5-10 sec I was facing n and it travel straight down blue flashing brighter than venu no just surprised it lasted long I was walking on the street to my front neighbors house and saw the meteorite until my tree in the back of my house block the view
22JUL2015 Christianna Richmond,TX 21:15 3 sec Left to right Green Very bright Solid object/meteor Saw bright green meteor like thing very fast flying diagonally down and seemed to die out here in Richmond, tx
22JUL2015 Mike San Angelo TX 9:30 pm About 5-10 seconds Facing south White line, the front was round and blue Bright white and blue No Quick fall amd it dissapeared as it got really close to earth
22JUL2015 Around 9:10 or so in the NW hills area, wheeling the trash out front (cuz I'm domestic, that's how I roll) and on the south horizon, pretty low, burning in left to right (so east to west), maybe a 15-20 degree angle. It glowed bright green, leaving a small trail. -Brisketexan, Austin,TX
MBIQ Data Set-
12:15:17 -- 9 minutes ago
Dallas, Texas arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News".
12:09:30 -- 15 minutes ago
Austin, Texas arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for south texas meteor july 22nd 2015.
12:03:23 -- 21 minutes ago
Austin, Texas arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News".
11:53:58 -- 31 minutes ago
Lewisville, Texas arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News".
11:28:07 -- 57 minutes ago
Austin, Texas arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News".
11:24:03 -- 1 hour 1 min ago
Pearland, Texas arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News".
11:16:00 -- 1 hour 10 mins ago
All 16 meteor sighting reports can be seen here
2015 The Second Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!
Posted by
Lunar Meteorite * Hunter
12:23 pm
Breaking News,
MBIQ Detects,
Texas Meteor 22JUL2015
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 23JUL2015
'Mountain-sized asteroid' that could wipe out Earth heading our way NEXT month ...
These smaller asteroids are known to travel much nearer to Earth and could even strike out of the blue - like the 20-metre long meteor that ...
Astronomy App Luminos Introduces 3D Meteor Showers and Automation
prMac (press release)
Users can now locate meteor showers using the app's "Tonight's Best" scheduling assistant and see them simulated as 3D objects in the night sky.
Iowa Fireball Meteor 20JUL2015 w / video
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News - Blogger
This was captured by my Fireball meteor cams.... This was a good event over Southern Iowa....It appears over my location in Southern Iowa and goes ...
See the Southern Delta Aquarid Meteor Shower
Cosmic Pursuits
The Delta Aquarid meteor shower peaks this year around July 28. This annual event favors observers in the southern hemisphere and southerly ...
Party under the stars
Great Bend Tribune
The Kansas Wetlands Education Center will host its annual viewing party for the Perseid Meteor Shower. Activities will begin at 9 p.m. on Friday, Aug.
Radio propagation by reflection from meteor trails
IEEE Xplore
This paper is a survey of those characteristics of meteors, and of meteor propagation, which are important to the understanding and use of meteor ...
Venus and Jupiter turn on spectacular cosmic display
Clarence Valley Daily Examiner
Whether meteor watching, viewing the moon or simply spotting the space station passing overhead, people love to look at the night sky. That's why ...
The Earth Story
THE SEISMIC IMPACT OF THE METEOR OVER RUSSIA The meteor that hit the Ural mountains in central Russia in February, 2013, had such an ...
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 22JUL2015
Posted: 21 Jul 2015 09:41 PM PDT
Japan Fireball Meteor 15JUL2015Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News - BloggerSonotaCo Meteor Forum- for videos and other photos.![]()
Meteor Alert: Large Meteor Outburst Possible 13-27JULY2015 LunarMeteoriteHunter, Tokyo - VIDEO
Posted: 21 Jul 2015 08:17 PM PDT
Meteor Alert: Large Meteor Outburst Possible 13-27 of July Says LunarMeteoriteHunter, Tokyo - VIDEO This video was posted on YouTube 14JUL2015 by nemesis maturity. Meteor Alert: Large Meteor Outburst Possible 13-27 of July Says LunarMeteoriteHunter, Tokyo Posted to YouTube by nemesis maturity 3,835 views Published on Jul 14, 2015 ALERT- Increased Meteor Activity! Expect some spectacular![]()
Brasil Fireball Meteor 21JUL2015
Posted: 21 Jul 2015 07:59 PM PDT
MG, Brasil Fireball Meteor 0245 UTC 21JUL2015 Click Image MG, Brasil Fireball Meteor 0245 UTC 21JUL2015c2015 Welter Mesquita Vaz MesquitaBRAMON - Brazilian Meteor Observation Network
Tokyo, Japan Fireball Meteor 19JUL2015
Posted: 21 Jul 2015 07:13 AM PDT
Tokyo, Japan Fireball Meteor 0322 JST 19JUL2015 Click ImageTokyo, Japan Fireball Meteor 0322 JST 19JUL2015c 2015 SonotaCo
Japan Fireball Meteor 15JUL2015 - 2015年7月15日 1:55:10 JSTのCAP群流星の光度変化
Posted: 21 Jul 2015 07:35 AM PDT
Japan Fireball Meteor 0155 JST 15JUL2015 - 2015年7月15日 1:55:10 JSTのCAP群流星の光度変化 Osaka, Hyogo, Nagano, JAPAN Click Image Hyogo, Japan Fireball Meteor 15JUL2015 2015年7月15日 1:55:10 JSTのCAP群流星の光度変化
Japan Fireball Meteor 28JUN2015 - 2015年6月28日3時52分38秒の準火球
Posted: 21 Jul 2015 07:32 AM PDT
Saitama and Tokyo, Japan Fireball Meteor 0352 JST 28JUN2015 2015年6月28日3時52分38秒の準火球 Click ImageSaitama, Japan Fireball Meteor 0352 JST 28JUN2015 2015年6月28日3時52分38秒の準火球
Brasil Bolido Meteor 19JUL2015 w / videos
Posted: 21 Jul 2015 05:06 AM PDT
Brasil Bolido Meteor 0636 UTC 19JUL2015 w / videos Click ImageBólido captado pelas Estações CAV1/SP e RCP1/SP em 19/07/2015c 2015 Ricardo Cavallini / BRAMON Bólido
Estaçao VRG-MG, Brasil Fireball Meteor 18JUL2015
Posted: 21 Jul 2015 07:38 PM PDT
Estaçao VRG-MG, Brasil Fireball Meteor 2250 UTC 18JUL2015 Click Image Estaçao VRG-MG, Brasil Fireball Meteor 2250 UTC 18JUL2015c2015 Wellington Albertini / BRAMON
Minas Gerais, Brasil Bolide 18JUL2015
Posted: 21 Jul 2015 05:16 AM PDT
Minas Gerais, Brasil Bolide 2209 UTC 18JUL2015 Click Image Brasil Bolide 2209 UTC 18JUL2015 c2015 William Siqueira / Marcelo Zurita / BRAMON Impressive meteor captured by WSR stations and AAC operated by William William Smith and Alcyone
Brasil Bolide Meteor 0750 UTC 17JUL2015
Posted: 21 Jul 2015 07:47 PM PDT
VRG-MG, Brasil Bolide Meteor 0750 UTC 17JUL2015 Click ImageBolido estaçaoVRG-MG, Brasil Bolide Meteor 0750 UTC 17JUL2015Wellington Albertini / BRAMON - Brazilian Meteor Observation Network
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 21/20JUL2015
Posted: 21 Jul 2015 04:28 AM PDT
Asteroid US$ 5.4 TRILLION to pass by Earth on Sunday 19JUL2015 w/ videoThe Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News - LunarMeteoriteHunterPosted: 19 Jul 2015 08:47 PM PDTAn asteroid worth a potential US$ 5.4 TRILLION is set to pass by Earth on Sunday night
2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!
These smaller asteroids are known to travel much nearer to Earth and could even strike out of the blue - like the 20-metre long meteor that ...
Astronomy App Luminos Introduces 3D Meteor Showers and Automation
prMac (press release)
Users can now locate meteor showers using the app's "Tonight's Best" scheduling assistant and see them simulated as 3D objects in the night sky.
Iowa Fireball Meteor 20JUL2015 w / video
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News - Blogger
This was captured by my Fireball meteor cams.... This was a good event over Southern Iowa....It appears over my location in Southern Iowa and goes ...
See the Southern Delta Aquarid Meteor Shower
Cosmic Pursuits
The Delta Aquarid meteor shower peaks this year around July 28. This annual event favors observers in the southern hemisphere and southerly ...
Party under the stars
Great Bend Tribune
The Kansas Wetlands Education Center will host its annual viewing party for the Perseid Meteor Shower. Activities will begin at 9 p.m. on Friday, Aug.
Radio propagation by reflection from meteor trails
IEEE Xplore
This paper is a survey of those characteristics of meteors, and of meteor propagation, which are important to the understanding and use of meteor ...
Venus and Jupiter turn on spectacular cosmic display
Clarence Valley Daily Examiner
Whether meteor watching, viewing the moon or simply spotting the space station passing overhead, people love to look at the night sky. That's why ...
The Earth Story
THE SEISMIC IMPACT OF THE METEOR OVER RUSSIA The meteor that hit the Ural mountains in central Russia in February, 2013, had such an ...
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 22JUL2015
Posted: 21 Jul 2015 09:41 PM PDT
Japan Fireball Meteor 15JUL2015Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News - BloggerSonotaCo Meteor Forum- for videos and other photos.
Meteor Alert: Large Meteor Outburst Possible 13-27JULY2015 LunarMeteoriteHunter, Tokyo - VIDEO
Posted: 21 Jul 2015 08:17 PM PDT
Meteor Alert: Large Meteor Outburst Possible 13-27 of July Says LunarMeteoriteHunter, Tokyo - VIDEO This video was posted on YouTube 14JUL2015 by nemesis maturity. Meteor Alert: Large Meteor Outburst Possible 13-27 of July Says LunarMeteoriteHunter, Tokyo Posted to YouTube by nemesis maturity 3,835 views Published on Jul 14, 2015 ALERT- Increased Meteor Activity! Expect some spectacular
Brasil Fireball Meteor 21JUL2015
Posted: 21 Jul 2015 07:59 PM PDT
MG, Brasil Fireball Meteor 0245 UTC 21JUL2015 Click Image MG, Brasil Fireball Meteor 0245 UTC 21JUL2015c2015 Welter Mesquita Vaz MesquitaBRAMON - Brazilian Meteor Observation Network
Tokyo, Japan Fireball Meteor 19JUL2015
Posted: 21 Jul 2015 07:13 AM PDT
Tokyo, Japan Fireball Meteor 0322 JST 19JUL2015 Click ImageTokyo, Japan Fireball Meteor 0322 JST 19JUL2015c 2015 SonotaCo
Japan Fireball Meteor 15JUL2015 - 2015年7月15日 1:55:10 JSTのCAP群流星の光度変化
Posted: 21 Jul 2015 07:35 AM PDT
Japan Fireball Meteor 0155 JST 15JUL2015 - 2015年7月15日 1:55:10 JSTのCAP群流星の光度変化 Osaka, Hyogo, Nagano, JAPAN Click Image Hyogo, Japan Fireball Meteor 15JUL2015 2015年7月15日 1:55:10 JSTのCAP群流星の光度変化
Japan Fireball Meteor 28JUN2015 - 2015年6月28日3時52分38秒の準火球
Posted: 21 Jul 2015 07:32 AM PDT
Saitama and Tokyo, Japan Fireball Meteor 0352 JST 28JUN2015 2015年6月28日3時52分38秒の準火球 Click ImageSaitama, Japan Fireball Meteor 0352 JST 28JUN2015 2015年6月28日3時52分38秒の準火球
Brasil Bolido Meteor 19JUL2015 w / videos
Posted: 21 Jul 2015 05:06 AM PDT
Brasil Bolido Meteor 0636 UTC 19JUL2015 w / videos Click ImageBólido captado pelas Estações CAV1/SP e RCP1/SP em 19/07/2015c 2015 Ricardo Cavallini / BRAMON Bólido
Estaçao VRG-MG, Brasil Fireball Meteor 18JUL2015
Posted: 21 Jul 2015 07:38 PM PDT
Estaçao VRG-MG, Brasil Fireball Meteor 2250 UTC 18JUL2015 Click Image Estaçao VRG-MG, Brasil Fireball Meteor 2250 UTC 18JUL2015c2015 Wellington Albertini / BRAMON
Minas Gerais, Brasil Bolide 18JUL2015
Posted: 21 Jul 2015 05:16 AM PDT
Minas Gerais, Brasil Bolide 2209 UTC 18JUL2015 Click Image Brasil Bolide 2209 UTC 18JUL2015 c2015 William Siqueira / Marcelo Zurita / BRAMON Impressive meteor captured by WSR stations and AAC operated by William William Smith and Alcyone
Brasil Bolide Meteor 0750 UTC 17JUL2015
Posted: 21 Jul 2015 07:47 PM PDT
VRG-MG, Brasil Bolide Meteor 0750 UTC 17JUL2015 Click ImageBolido estaçaoVRG-MG, Brasil Bolide Meteor 0750 UTC 17JUL2015Wellington Albertini / BRAMON - Brazilian Meteor Observation Network
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 21/20JUL2015
Posted: 21 Jul 2015 04:28 AM PDT
Asteroid US$ 5.4 TRILLION to pass by Earth on Sunday 19JUL2015 w/ videoThe Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News - LunarMeteoriteHunterPosted: 19 Jul 2015 08:47 PM PDTAn asteroid worth a potential US$ 5.4 TRILLION is set to pass by Earth on Sunday night
2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!
22 July 2015
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 22JUL2015
Japan Fireball Meteor 15JUL2015
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News - Blogger
SonotaCo Meteor Forum- for videos and other photos-
Brasil Bolido Meteor 19JUL2015 w / videos
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News - Blogger
Brasil Bolido Meteor 19JUL2015 w / videos. Brasil Bolido Meteor 0636 UTC 19JUL2015 w / videos. Click Image Bólido captado pelas Estações ...
Oregon Astronomy: Coast Range Star Party, Meteors, Planets
Oregon Coast Beach Connection
More serious interstellar fun is coming up in August with the annual Perseid meteorshower. This will start yielding as many as 90 meteors an hour for ...
يحمل في باطنه 90 مليون طن من المادة الأغلى ثمناً: نيزك بلاتيني بـ 5.4 تريليون دولار يمر بالأرض الأحد
نصر المجالي: كشف تقرير علمي عن أن كويكباً يُعتقد أنه يحمل في باطنه 90 مليون طن من البلاتين، فضلاً عن مواد أخرى نادرة، سيمر بكوكب الأرض يوم الأحد ...
2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News - Blogger
SonotaCo Meteor Forum- for videos and other photos-
Brasil Bolido Meteor 19JUL2015 w / videos
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News - Blogger
Brasil Bolido Meteor 19JUL2015 w / videos. Brasil Bolido Meteor 0636 UTC 19JUL2015 w / videos. Click Image Bólido captado pelas Estações ...
Oregon Astronomy: Coast Range Star Party, Meteors, Planets
Oregon Coast Beach Connection
More serious interstellar fun is coming up in August with the annual Perseid meteorshower. This will start yielding as many as 90 meteors an hour for ...
يحمل في باطنه 90 مليون طن من المادة الأغلى ثمناً: نيزك بلاتيني بـ 5.4 تريليون دولار يمر بالأرض الأحد
نصر المجالي: كشف تقرير علمي عن أن كويكباً يُعتقد أنه يحمل في باطنه 90 مليون طن من البلاتين، فضلاً عن مواد أخرى نادرة، سيمر بكوكب الأرض يوم الأحد ...
2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!
Meteor Alert: Large Meteor Outburst Possible 13-27JULY2015 LunarMeteoriteHunter, Tokyo - VIDEO
Meteor Alert: Large Meteor Outburst Possible 13-27 of July Says LunarMeteoriteHunter, Tokyo - VIDEO
This video was posted on YouTube 14JUL2015 by nemesis maturity.
Meteor Alert: Large Meteor Outburst Possible 13-27 of July Says LunarMeteoriteHunter, Tokyo
This video was posted on YouTube 14JUL2015 by nemesis maturity.
Meteor Alert: Large Meteor Outburst Possible 13-27 of July Says LunarMeteoriteHunter, Tokyo
Posted to YouTube by nemesis maturity 3,835 views
Published on Jul 14, 2015
ALERT- Increased Meteor Activity!
Expect some spectacular bolides, fireballs, and meteors the next 15 days (13-27 of July) and especially large ones.
There are four 1.0km diameter or greater known asteroids that will safely pass Earth's neighborhood.
An especially interesting period will be the July 21-27 when a 1.0-2.3 km diameter asteroid with an LD of 18.8 will pass safely on 25 July. - LunarMeteoriteHunter, Tokyo
Asteroids larger than 1.0 km usually have unknown accompanying debris that may provide an unexpected meteor activity.
Cameras Ready!?!
2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!
ALERT- Increased Meteor Activity!
Expect some spectacular bolides, fireballs, and meteors the next 15 days (13-27 of July) and especially large ones.
There are four 1.0km diameter or greater known asteroids that will safely pass Earth's neighborhood.
An especially interesting period will be the July 21-27 when a 1.0-2.3 km diameter asteroid with an LD of 18.8 will pass safely on 25 July. - LunarMeteoriteHunter, Tokyo
Asteroids larger than 1.0 km usually have unknown accompanying debris that may provide an unexpected meteor activity.
Cameras Ready!?!
2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!
Posted by
Lunar Meteorite * Hunter
12:16 pm
Large Meteor Outburst,
Meteor Alert,
nemesis maturity,
Brasil Fireball Meteor 21JUL2015
MG, Brasil Fireball Meteor 0245 UTC 21JUL2015
2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!
![]() |
Click Image MG, Brasil Fireball Meteor 0245 UTC 21JUL2015 c2015 Welter Mesquita Vaz Mesquita BRAMON - Brazilian Meteor Observation Network |
Iowa Fireball Meteor 20JUL2015 w / video
Iowa Fireball Meteor 2351 Central 20JUL2015 w/ video
The big Iowa fireball i captured on 7-20-2015....This was at 23:51pm (my local time).... This was captured by my Fireball meteor cams....
This was a good event over Southern Iowa....It appears over my location in Southern Iowa and goes North towards Des Moines.... - Tim Clime Observatory / Sandia Sentinel All Sky Network
![]() |
Click Image Iowa Fireball Meteor 2351 Central 20JUL2015 c 2015 Tim Cline / Sandia Sentinel All Sky Network |
The big Iowa fireball i captured on 7-20-2015....This was at 23:51pm (my local time).... This was captured by my Fireball meteor cams....
This was a good event over Southern Iowa....It appears over my location in Southern Iowa and goes North towards Des Moines.... - Tim Clime Observatory / Sandia Sentinel All Sky Network
Video on Tim Cline website-
video link-
2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!
video link-
2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!
21 July 2015
Tokyo, Japan Fireball Meteor 19JUL2015
Tokyo, Japan Fireball Meteor 0322 JST 19JUL2015
SonotaCo Meteor Forum-
video- see SontaCo for download
2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!
![]() |
Click Image Tokyo, Japan Fireball Meteor 0322 JST 19JUL2015 c 2015 SonotaCo |
video- see SontaCo for download
2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!
Japan Fireball Meteor 15JUL2015 - 2015年7月15日 1:55:10 JSTのCAP群流星の光度変化
Japan Fireball Meteor 0155 JST 15JUL2015 - 2015年7月15日 1:55:10 JSTのCAP群流星の光度変化
Osaka, Hyogo, Nagano, JAPAN
SonotaCo Meteor Forum- for videos and other photos-
2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!
Osaka, Hyogo, Nagano, JAPAN
![]() |
Click Image Hyogo, Japan Fireball Meteor 15JUL2015 2015年7月15日 1:55:10 JSTのCAP群流星の光度変化 c2015 Shimoda / SonotaCo |
2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!
Posted by
Lunar Meteorite * Hunter
11:00 pm
2015年7月15日 1:55:10 JSTのCAP群流星の光度変化,
Japan Fireball Meteor 15JUL2015
Japan Fireball Meteor 28JUN2015 - 2015年6月28日3時52分38秒の準火球
Saitama and Tokyo, Japan Fireball Meteor 0352 JST 28JUN2015
SonotaCo Meteor Forum for videos and all photos-
2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!
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Click Image Saitama, Japan Fireball Meteor 0352 JST 28JUN2015 2015年6月28日3時52分38秒の準火球 c2015 ts007 / SonotaCo |
2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!
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