Showing posts with label nemesis maturity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nemesis maturity. Show all posts

28 September 2015

Asteroid 2015 SK7- Bus-Sized Asteroid Passed Between Satellites and Earth - Video

Asteroid 2015 SK7- Bus-Sized Asteroid Passed Between Satellites and Earth - Video

Bus-Sized Asteroid Passed Between Satellites and Earth
Posted to YouTube by nemesis maturity 4,504 views
Published on Sep 27, 2015
  Astronomers spotted an asteroid this week after it had flown past Earth on a course that took it so close to the planet it was below the orbits of some satellites.
  The bus-sized space rock (25 feet) flew by Earth
a mere 29,500 km away.This distance is around one tenth the distance of the moon from the Earth.
  The asteroid passed just under the orbits of geostationary satellites, which at 22,300 miles (36,000 kilometers) altitude are the highest man-made objects circling Earth.
Most other satellites, along with the International Space Station, circle the planet at just a few hundred miles up.
  The space rock approached Earth from near the Sun and so would have been nearly impossible to detect prior to close passage.
  Astronomers are aware of this significant blind spot for asteroids that approach Earth while in the glare of the Sun.
  Only a space telescope could detect such objects before they arrive.
  Over the last few decades, scientists are growing increasingly concerned about the risk of a giant space rock crashing into the planet.
While the danger is very real as evidenced by the 2013 
Chelyabinsk incident near misses are actually pretty common.
NASA scientists estimate that around 20 known asteroids pass very close to the Earth every year.

Asteroid 2015 SK7
Distance 0.07 LD - Estimated Size 25 feet
Clsosest approach Sept. 22 2015

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

22 July 2015

Meteor Alert: Large Meteor Outburst Possible 13-27JULY2015 LunarMeteoriteHunter, Tokyo - VIDEO

Meteor Alert: Large Meteor Outburst Possible 13-27 of July Says  LunarMeteoriteHunter, Tokyo - VIDEO
This video was posted on YouTube 14JUL2015 by nemesis maturity.

Meteor Alert: Large Meteor Outburst Possible 13-27 of July Says  LunarMeteoriteHunter, Tokyo
Posted to YouTube by nemesis maturity 3,835 views
Published on Jul 14, 2015
ALERT- Increased Meteor Activity!
Expect some spectacular bolides, fireballs, and meteors the next 15 days (13-27 of July) and especially large ones.

There are four 1.0km diameter or greater known asteroids that will safely pass Earth's neighborhood.
An especially interesting period will be the July 21-27 when a 1.0-2.3 km diameter asteroid with an LD of 18.8 will pass safely on 25 July. - LunarMeteoriteHunter, Tokyo
Asteroids larger than 1.0 km usually have unknown accompanying debris that may provide an unexpected meteor activity.

Cameras Ready!?!

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

04 September 2014

ALERT: Chelyabinsk-Sized Asteroid will Pass Extremely Close to Earth on 07SEP2014 - video

Breaking News ALERT: Chelyabinsk-Sized Asteroid will Pass Extremely Close by Earth 07SEP2014
Time//Space- Gravity Warp Asteroid Stream on the Way
c2014 Dirk Ross...Tokyo

Posted to YouTube by nemesis maturity 25 views
Published 04SEP2014
This week provides another reminder of the reality of that threat, not that Earth’s history doesn’t already provide plenty of warnings.

The record of history, as written in the many impact craters on Earth and the moon, demonstrate that it is just a matter of time before astronomers discover a near Earth object (NEO) headed toward a collision with Earth.

The asteroid 2014 rc will pass below the Earth and the geosynchronous ring of communications and weather satellites orbiting 35,890 km (22,300 miles) above our planet's surface.

Asteroid 2014 RC was initially discovered on the night of 31 August by the Catalina Sky Survey near Tucson AZ, and independently detected the next night by the Pan-STARRS 1 telescope, located on the summit of Haleakala on Maui, Hawaii. Both reported their observations to the Minor Planet Center in Cambridge, MA. Additional follow-up observations by the Catalina Sky Survey and the University of Hawaii 88-inch on Mauna Kea confirmed the orbit of 2014 RC. From its brightness, astronomers estimate that the asteroid is about 20 meters (60 feet) in size.

While 2014 RC will not impact the Earth, its orbit will bring it back to the Earth's neighborhood in the future. Its future motion will be closely monitored but no future threatening Earth encounters have been identified.

updated 04SEP2014
(2014 RJ11) 2014-Sep-080.00763.09.5 m - 21 m27.27.43
(2014 RJ) 2014-Sep-030.02027.921 m - 46 m25.611.24
(2014 QC391) 2014-Sep-040.00632.48.6 m - 19 m27.47.82

For September NEOs -

2014 The Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

06 June 2014

'Beast' Asteroid 2014 HQ124 Flyby 08JUN2014 (VIDEO)

'Beast' Asteroid 2014 HQ124 Flyby 08JUN2014
Asteroid Cave Art -"Beast"
photo by Dirk Ross
C2014 LunarMeteoriteHunter
'Beast' Asteroid To Fly By Earth Sunday, June 8 (VIDEO)
Huffington Post
Earth is in for a close call this week. Well, not too close. A massive asteroid nicknamed "The Beast" is set to fly by Earth on Sunday, June 8, shortly before 2 a.m. EDT at a distance of three lunar lengths, at least 716,500 miles from Earth. Asteroid 2014 HQ124 was first spotted by NASA's…...

(2014 HQ124) 2014-Jun-080.00843.3320 m19.114.05

"The Beast" Potentially Hazardous Asteroid to Fly By Earth Sunday, June 8
Posted to YouTube by nemesis maturity 187 views
Tracking Near-Earth Asteroid 2014 HQ124
Posted on YouTube by Slooh   14,148 views
Streamed live on Jun 5, 2014
Discovered on April 23rd by NASA's Wide-Field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE), Near Earth-Asteroid 2014 HQ124, now nicknamed "The Beast", with an estimated diameter of a Nimitz-class aircraft carrier (325 Meters / 1066 feet) and traveling at approximately 31,000 MPH (14 km/s), will race by Earth this week at a worrisome three lunar distances away.
Slooh will cover The Beast live on Thursday, June 5th starting at 11:30 AM PDT / 2:30 PM EDT / 18:30 UTC - International Times: . Slooh will broadcast the event live from Australia, featuring time lapse imagery from Slooh's newly renovated robotic observatory in Chile.
Viewers can watch the live asteroid broadcast free on The image stream will be accompanied by discussions led by Slooh host, Geoff Fox, Slooh astronomer, Bob Berman, Slooh friend, Dr. Mark Boslough, an expert on planetary impacts and global catastrophes and frequent participant on many science TV documentaries. Viewers can follow updates on the show by using the hashtag #Sloohbeast.

2014 The Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

19 January 2014

Worldwide Meteor Alert: Large Meteor Outburst Possible Near CERTAIN! 14JAN2014 - 31JAN2014 - VIDEOS

Worldwide Meteor Alert: Large Meteor Outburst Possible Near CERTAIN! 14JAN2014 - 31JAN2014 - VIDEOS -- reposted 19JAN2014

Videos all related to this post-
Worldwide Meteor Alert Issued -Second Time for JAN2014

Meteor Outburst ALERT! Bolides, Fireballs and Meteors Sudden Increase Certain Worldwide 06JAN-12JAN2014

Meteor Alert! Large Bolide Meteor Events Expected from 26DEC-12JAN2014

Through the LOOKING-GLASS.... Follow the WHITE RABBIT!!!  ..."Oh dear! Oh dear! I shall be too late!"-LunarMeteoriteHunter, Tokyo

Worldwide Meteor Alert: Large Meteor Outburst Possible Near CERTAIN! 14JAN2014 - 31JAN2014
Posted on YouTube by nemesis maturity 2,554 views
Thank you Elias for you kindness and fine production!

Fire in the Sky News/Worldwide Large Meteor Outbreak Alert!
Posted on YouTube by MrMBB333 2,299 views
Thank you Michael for you continued reports!

Urgent World Watch/Incoming Asteroids
Posted on YouTube by BPEarthWatch 49,877 views
Thank you BPEarthWatch!

original post 13/01/2014 03:59
Japan Standard Time2014 The Year of CERTAIN Uncertainty; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!! - LunarMeteoriteHunter, Dirk Ross...Tokyo

27 November 2013

Comet ISON Activity Video Updates 26/27NOV2013 - ISON The Sheep Herder

Comet ISON Activity Video Updates 26/27NOV2013 - ISON The Sheep Herder

COMET ISON Breaking News: Fragmentation Event ? The Nucleus May Be Non-Existent
Posted on YouTube by nemesis maturity 1,402 views

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!