04 June 2015

Paraíba, Brasil Fireball Meteor 0232UTC 03JUN2015

Paraíba, Brasil Fireball Meteor 0232UTC 03JUN2015
Click Image
Paraíba, Brasil 0232UTC 03JUN2015
c2015 Diego Rhamon / BRAMON‎

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

Austria Fireball Meteor 03JUN2015 w/ fragmentation

Breaking News- Austria 30sec Long Duration Fireball Meteor 2130 Local 03JUN2015 with Fragmentation
This event was likely also seen in Germany and perhaps the Czech Republic.
Click Image
Austria Fireball Meteor 2130 Local 03JUN2015 with Fragmentation
v.1 c2015 LunarMeteoriteHunter / Google Earth
If you saw this event file a meteor sighting report-

Initial meteor Sighting Report-
03JUN2015 Pete Spivey Mondsee, Upper Austria, Austria 09.30PM 30 sec E-W red at first than white vapor trails splitting into four pieces brighter than venus yes four parts falling off vertically down wards starting off as a red dot going very fast and turning into a white vapor trail going down wards before splitting off into 4 equal synchronized parts. Main body appeared to carry on past the earth ... amazing

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

Minas Gerais, Brasil Earth-Grazer Fireball Meteor 02JUN2015

Minas Gerais, Brasil Earth-Grazer Fireball Meteor 0020 UTC 02JUN2015

Click Image
Minas Gerais, Brasil Earth-Grazer Fireball Meteor 02JUN2015c2015 Cristovao Jacques / BRAMON
2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 04JUN2015

'Big, bright' meteor seen over Launceston amid perfect conditions for sightings
ABC Online
A meteor sighting over Launceston this morning has prompted a reminder that cold, clear winter conditions provide a perfect platform for sightings.

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 03JUN2015
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
A meteor crashed to earth on a property near Binda that night. The impact shook windows and, according to reports, cracked walls of homes in the .

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 02JUN2015
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
An explosion was heard at about 11:15 pm Sunday May 31, 2015 about Northwestern Puerto Rico proved to be a meteor that entered on the area, .

Pluto's moons are as bright as white SAND and are tumbling through space 'chaotically', study reveals
Daily Mail - 6 hours
A University of Maryland study has revealed the characteristics of Pluto and its moons (shown). Most of them appear to have chaotic, tumbling ...

Pluto's Moons Seen In Highest Detail YetSpaceRef - 5 hours
Pluto's Moons Seen In Highest Detail Yet

Pluto's moons tumble in orbit, Hubble measurements reveal
The Guardian - 7 hours
Analysis of ten years of data from the space telescope has revealed the unusual trajectories, and also suggests Pluto might in fact be a ...

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

03 June 2015

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 03JUN2015

Man on hunt for missing chunk of space-rock
Goulburn Post
A meteor crashed to earth on a property near Binda that night. The impact shook windows and, according to reports, cracked walls of homes in the ...

Almeria, Spain Fireball Meteor 01JUN2015
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
Breaking News - Almeria, Spain Fireball Meteor 2220 Local 01JUN2015 Updates pending. Almeria, Spain Time: 22:20 (local time) or 20:20 (UTC+0).

Big, bright' meteor seen over Tasmania
Signs of the Times
A meteor sighting over Launceston this morning has prompted a reminder that cold, clear winter conditions provide a perfect platform for sightings.

Amazing images of the skies returned by Curtin University
Central Midlands & Coastal Advocate
Led by Professor Phil Bland, Curtin University's Desert Fireball Network (DFN) has captured stellar images of West Australian skies. The network of ...

Stargazing forecast: See these night-sky sights this summer
The Weather Network
The radiant of this meteor shower - the spot in the sky that they appear to originate from - rises around 11 p.m. (local time), and it tracks across the ...

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

02 June 2015

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 02JUN2015

Puerto Rico Bolide Meteor with Boom 31MAY2015 w/ video
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
An explosion was heard at about 11:15 pm Sunday May 31, 2015 about Northwestern Puerto Rico proved to be a meteor that entered on the area, ...

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 01JUN2015
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
MG, Brasil Meteor 0539UTC 31MAY2015 c2015 Welter Mesquita Vaz Mesquita ‎BRAMON - Brazilian Meteor Observation Network ... Lunar and ...

Search for remnants from a fireball over the Illawarra and Sydney
ABC Local
Reports of a bright, fragmenting fireball visible from the Illawarra and Sydney on Sunday evening has Wollongong astronomy enthusiast David Finlay ...

Why WA has the best lightshow on earth
Perth Now
The park will get you closer to the stars than you can imagine with some great camp and cabin sites that make ideal spots for seeingmeteor showers ...

Heavenly sights await stargazers this June
GMA News
They may not be as spectacular as meteor showers, but heavenly sights still await stargazers this June, state astronomers said. In its astronomical ...

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

Almeria, Spain Fireball Meteor 01JUN2015

Breaking News - Almeria, Spain Fireball Meteor 2220 Local 01JUN2015
Updates pending.

Almeria, Spain
Time: 22:20 (local time) or 20:20 (UTC+0).
Route: South (a 190º) to North (a 10º).
Height to appear: A 50º
Height to disappear: A 10º
Brightness: -3 to -4
Shape: Ellipse. Larger diameter: A 15'.
Duration (time): 5 sec.
Place: 36.8389N, 2.4497W

Reported by-
José Luis Ruiz, Spain

Saw a meteor? File a report-

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

Puerto Rico Bolide Meteor with Boom 31MAY2015 w/ video

Breaking News- Puerto Rico Bolide Meteor with Boom 2315 Local 31MAY2015
Meteorites likely, but where, in water or on land? MeteorRats Scramble!
Updates Pending, check back.
Click Image
Map Showing the Sonic Boom Report Locations 31MAY2015
Approximate Flight Path - Dirk Ross
v2. c2015 LunarMeteoriteHunter / Google Earth
Saw a meteor? File a report-

Click Image
Puerto Rico Bolide Meteor with Boom 2315 Local 31MAY2015
Screen Capture from YouTube
c2015 Eddie Irizarry  SociedadAstronomia.com 
Watch Video Below!
Meteoro con onda expansiva ("sonic boom") 5/31/2015 SAC
Posted to YouTube by kevinizooropa 61 views
Published on Jun 1, 2015
An explosion was heard at about 11:15 pm Sunday May 31, 2015 about Northwestern Puerto Rico proved to be a meteor that entered on the area, he reported the Astronomical Society of the Caribbean (SAC). More details soon ... in SociedadAstronomia.com
Una explosión que se escuchó a eso de las 11:15 pm del domingo 31 de mayo de 2015 sobre el Noroeste de Puerto Rico resultó ser un meteoro que penetró sobre esa zona, informó la Sociedad de Astronomía del Caribe (SAC). Más detalles en breve...en SociedadAstronomia.com

Thank you Eddie Irizarry for sharing!
Eddie Irizarry
Eddie Irizarry es el Vice-Presidente de la Sociedad de Astronomía del Caribe.
2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

01 June 2015

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 01JUN2015

MG, Brasil Meteor 0539UTC 31MAY2015
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
MG, Brasil Meteor 0539UTC 31MAY2015 c2015 Welter Mesquita Vaz Mesquita ‎BRAMON - Brazilian Meteor Observation Network ...

Lunar and Meteorite Sample Certification
Date: Saturday, June 20, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.*
*Note: The length of this workshop has been extended to four hours
Target Audience: Teachers for grades K-12
Location: Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA, von Karman Auditorium
Overview: NASA makes actual lunar samples from the historic Apollo missions available to lend to teachers. You must attend this certification workshop to bring the excitement of real lunar rocks and regolith samples to your students.
Call the Educator Resource Center at (818) 393-5917 to reserve your spot.
This free workshop is offered through the NASA/JPL Educator Resource Center, which provides formal and informal educators with NASA resources and materials that support STEM learning. For more information, visit the Educator Resource Center page at: http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/education/index.cfm?page=115.
For a list of more upcoming educator workshops from NASA/JPL Education, visit:http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/education/index.cfm?page=387

'Meteorite thieves' held by police
BBC News - 23 hours
Police in Argentina arrest four men who appear to have been trying to steal more than a tonne of meteorites in the northern province of Chaco.

Police arrest meteorite thieves with 1,500 kilos of rock in Argentina
SpaceDaily - 15 hours
Microbes were found on a spacecraft called Surveyor 3, which was on the moon for 2.5 years when Apollo 12 took samples back to Earth. The ...

PERSEID METEOR SHOWER on Aug 12, 2015 in Bushkill, PA at Delaware & Lehigh National Heritage Corridor. Join the park service to watch the ...

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

Vicencia, Brasil Meteorite Fall paper on July issue of MAPS

Vicencia, Brasil Meteorite Fall paper on July issue of MAPS
Hello all, finally the complete Vicencia, Brasil Meteorite Fall paper on July issue of MAPS (METEORITICS & PLANETARY SCIENCE)

The Vicência, Brasil meteorite fall: A new unshocked (S1) weakly metamorphosed (3.2)LL chondrite

Klaus KEIL1*, Maria E. ZUCOLOTTO2, Alexander N. KROT1, Patricia M. DOYLE1, MyriamTELUS1, Tatiana V. KROT1, Richard C. GREENWOOD3, Ian A. FRANCHI3, John T. WASSON4,Kees C. WELTEN5, Marc W. CAFFEE6, Derek W. G. SEARS7, My RIEBE8, Rainer WIELER8,Edivaldo dos SANTOS9, Rosa B. SCORZELLI9, Jerome GATTACCECA10, France LAGROIX11,Matthias LAUBENSTEIN12, Julio C. MENDES13, Philippe SCHMITT-KOPPLIN14, MouradHARIR14, and Andre L. R. MOUTINHO

Abstract sample:

André Moutinho
May 28 at 3:35pm

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

31 May 2015

Hiroshima, Japan Bright Neon Bolide Meteor 18MAY2015 - 日本 2015年5月18日 2時57分15秒の火球

Hiroshima, Japan Beautiful Bright Neon Bolide Meteor 0257JST 18MAY2015
日本の広島 2015年5月18日 2時57分15秒の火球

Click Image
Japan Bright Neon Fireball 0257JST 18MAY2015
日本の広島 2015年5月18日 2時57分15秒の火球
c2015 Shimoda / SonotaCo
SonotaCo Meteor Website with full details including images, video and trajectory-

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

MG, Brasil Meteor 0539UTC 31MAY2015

MG, Brasil Meteor 0539UTC 31MAY2015

Click Image
MG, Brasil Meteor 0539UTC 31MAY2015
c2015 Welter Mesquita Vaz Mesquita
‎BRAMON - Brazilian Meteor Observation Network
2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

MG, Brasil Meteor 30MAY2015 w/video

MG, Brasil Meteor 2114UTC 30MAY2015 w/video
Click Image
MG, Brasil Meteor 2114UTC 30MAY2015
Joao Amancio / ‎BRAMON - Brazilian Meteor Observation Network
Longo, brilhante e esporádico
Posted to YouTube by Joao Amancio 3 views

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

MG, Brasil 16 Meteors One Night Composite 28MAY2015

Minas Gerais, Brasil 16 Meteors One Night Composite 28MAY2015

Click Image
Minas Gerais, Brasil 16 Meteors Night Composite 28MAY2015
c2015 Joao Amancio‎ / BRAMON - Brazilian Meteor Observation Network
New E-Book- The History of Brasilian Astronomy
historia_astronomia_brasil.vol1Dados técnicos do e-book História da Astronomia no Brasil.
MAST/MCTI, Cepe Editora e Secretaria de Ciência e Tecnologia de Pernambuco | Recife, 2014
Oscar T. Matsuura (Org.)
Comissão Editorial: Alfredo T. Tolmasquim, Antonio Augusto P. Videira,
Christina H. Barboza e Walter J. Maciel
Companhia Editora de Pernambuco – Cepe | Recife, 2014
Realização Museu de Astronomia e Ciências Afins
Apoio Secretaria de Ciência e Tecnologia de Pernambuco.geabaixo para acessar:

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

Ontario, Canada Fireball Meteor 21MAY2015 w/video

Ontario, Canada Fireball Meteor 0135 EDT 21MAY2015 w/video
Click Image
Ontario, Canada Fireball Meteor 0135 EDT 21MAY2015
c2015 Rejean Hebert

Ontario, Canada Fireball Meteor 0135 EDT 21MAY2015 Video
c2015 Rejean Hebert

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

Japan Fireball Meteor 17MAY2015 -2015年5月17日2:46:20JST小爆発が4回あった火球

Japan Fireball Meteor 17MAY2015
Click Image
Japan Fireball Meteor 17MAY2015
c2015上田昌良 / SonotaCo
SonotaCo Meteor Forum Post-more photos!

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 31MAY2015

1500 Kg Campos del Ceilo Meteorites Confiscated in Argentina Arrests
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
of Heaven," covering 1,300 square kilometers (500 square miles) - an area that scientists say got pelted 4,000 years ago by a major meteor shower.

Police arrest meteorite thieves with 1500 kilos of rock in Argentina
Deutsche Welle
... of Heaven," covering 1,300 square kilometers (500 square miles) - an area that scientists say got pelted 4,000 years ago by a majormeteor shower.

The hidden treasures of World Museum Liverpool
Liverpool Echo - 20 hours
Fascinating objects rarely seen in public

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

1500 Kg Campos del Ceilo Meteorites Confiscated in Argentina Arrests

1500 Kg Campos del Ceilo Meteorites Confiscated in Argentina Arrests

Image for the news result
Argentine police arrest 'meteorite thieves'
BBC News‎ - 5 hours ago

El Chaco is the second-biggest meteorite ever found - and it too aroused avarice among ...

Police arrest meteorite thieves with 1500 kilos of rock in Argentina
Deutsche Welle
... of Heaven," covering 1,300 square kilometers (500 square miles) - an area that scientists say got pelted 4,000 years ago by a major meteor shower. ...

Detienen a paraguayo que transportaba meteorito en Argentina
Un paraguayo fue detenido, junto a otros 3 argentinos, en la provincia de Chaco, Argentina, durante este sábado por la Gendarmería por transportar ilegalmente piedras de meteorito....
Google English translation-
A Paraguayan was arrested, along with three other Argentines in the province of Chaco, Argentina, during this Saturday for illegally transporting Gendarmerie meteorite stones. ...

Campo del Cielo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Campo del Cielo iron meteorite with natural hole, 576 grams ... This stone, named El Chaco, is the second heaviest single-piece meteorite after the Hoba ...

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

Two Japan Strong Earthquakes M5.6 // M6.3 31MAY2015

Two Japan Strong Earthquakes M5.6 // M6.3 31MAY2015
No damage and no tsunami issues.

My advice- stock at least 3 weeks water and non-refrigerated foodstuffs.
We are likely to have more strong quakes and may have damage.


03:56 JST 31 May 2015 03:49 JST 31 May 2015 Torishima Kinkai M6.3 1
Map Link-

02:30 JST 31 May 2015 02:22 JST 31 May 2015 Iwoto Kinkai M5.6 1
Map Link-

Japan JMA Official Earthquake website-


Japan - US Military Radio / TV

- Source Wikipedia

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

30 May 2015

Japan Very Strong Earthquakes M8.5 2028 JST 30MAY2015

Japan Very Strong Earthquakes M8.5  2028 JST 30MAY2015

Take precautions for aftershocks or more earthquake activity!
This may trigger volcanic activity in the Pacific Ocean south of Tokyo.
The JMA website is still reading NO tsunami warnings.

My advice- have a 3 weeks stock of water and non-refrigerated foodstuffs on hand in case of emergency.
We are likely may have more severe earthquakes in the near future.


Click Image
c2015 USGS
Buildings still shaking here in Tokyo some 10 minutes after the event.
Still lite shaking 30 minutes after the event in Tokyo.

Initial report and final report-
20:34 JST 30 May 2015 20:24 JST 30 May 2015 Ogasawara-shoto Seiho-oki M8.5 5+
20:30 JST 30 May 2015 20:24 JST 30 May 2015 Ogasawara-shoto Seiho-oki M8.5 5+

JMA Official Website report-

The USGS is reporting the magnitude at M7.8


Japan - US Military Radio / TV

- Source Wikipedia

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

Japan Earthquake M4.8 0106 JST 30MAY2015

JUST! Very Strong Earthquake at 2030 JST 30MAY2015 link-

Japan Earthquake M4.8 0106JST 30MAY2015
No damage expected. No official announcements yet.

01:09 JST 30 May 2015 reported
01:06 JST 30 May 2015
Ibaraki-ken Nambu M4.8

JMA Map and event link-

JMA Earthquake webpage link-

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

29 May 2015

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 29MAY2015

Inadequate Twinkle and Green Fireballs from the Past repost of 11JUN09
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
AFOSI consulted Dr. Lincoln LaPaz, an astronomer from the University of New Mexico and a world renowned meteor expert who had previously ...

Another Q&A on my publication FIND A FALLEN STAR with Dr. Mirelle Thijsen, going into more depth: http://bit.ly/1SHr5DB

IT MUST HAVE BEEN SUBLIME: “Zschhht, bumm, gone”. A conversation with Regine Petersen on her...
Mirelle Thijsen (MT): I have never done a preparation for an interview in this way: I was leafing th...

Meteor Activity Outlook for May 30-June 5, 2015
American Meteor Society
June is another slow month for meteor activity. There are no major showers active in June and only the Anthelion source can be counted on for ...

Learn about the stars as astronomer shares his tips in monthly Argus column
South Wales Argus
He said: “I'll be digging out what's noticeable, any meteor showers, any comets that come out. “There'll be a bit about different topics, every month we ...

Search Expanding For Meteorite Fragments
Search Expanding For Meteorite Fragments. ... Ancient Fossils Found in Meteorite Fragments ... Fragments de la météorite de l'Oural à Paris. ...

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 28MAY2015
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
Meteor - Urdu meanings: شہاب ثاقب - shahaab-e-saaqib, Definition & Synonyms English to Urdu dictionary gives you the best and accurate urdu .

Space Weather News for May 28, 2015
Last week, Earth-orbiting satellites detected the first noctilucent clouds of the 2015 season. Now people on Earth are seeing them, too. Photographers in Scotland recorded a fairly bright display of the electric-blue clouds on May 28th. At the same time, radars have detected intense echoes coming from the "noctilucent zone" 80 km to 90 km above Earth's surface--possibly coming from the clouds themselves. Check http://spaceweather.com for more information and observing tips to help readers see NLCs for themselves in the weeks ahead.

Star Gazing: Perseids Meteor Shower
Recreation & Athletics - University of California, Merced
Watch the biggest meteor showers of the summer in the serene wilderness of the Sierra. Use a telescope to look at the million of little twinkling lights ...

The world is told that a meteor is going to destroy the Earth in 24 hours. Ev...
The world is told that a meteor is going to destroy the Earth in 24 hours. Everyone starts doing regrettable acts they have wanted to do and agree to ... Total BRAVO SIERRA!

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

Inadequate Twinkle and Green Fireballs from the Past repost of 11JUN09

New Mexico green fireball painting
by Mrs. Lincoln La Paz,
April 7, 1952 LIFE Magazine

Excerpts From Wikipedia:
for the full story.

Early green fireballs

The earliest reports came from late November 1948, but were at first dismissed as military green flares. Then on the night of December 5, two separate plane crews in New Mexico, one military and one civilian, asserted that they had each seen strange green lights, though about 20 minutes apart. The military pilots were near Las Vegas, New Mexico, and described the light as intense, and if a flare, it was the strangest one they had ever seen. The civilian pilot was near Albuquerque and described the light as pale green. It appeared to come straight at them on a collision course, forcing the pilot to swerve the plane.
In addition, on the same night, a dozen green fireballs were seen traveling generally north to south between 7:30 p.m. and 11:30 p.m. by security guards at military installations in the vicinity of Albuquerque and Las Vegas, New Mexico. The sightings near Albuquerque were at Sandia base, a highly sensitive installation where atomic bombs were assembled near Kirtland Air Force Base. The next night, a similar green light was again spotted for a few seconds over Sandia base.
AFOSI consulted Dr. Lincoln LaPaz, an astronomer from the University of New Mexico and a world renowned meteor expert who had previously worked on top-secret military projects. LaPaz himself saw a "green fireball" on December 12, which was also seen at Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, enabling LaPaz to determine the trajectory using triangulation. From this LaPaz discovered that the center of the trajectory was straight over Los Alamos.

Project Twinkle

Finally, on December 20 after nearly a year of foot-dragging, the instrument observation program was approved and Project Twinkle was born. The first instrument post (consisting of two officers) was established at Holloman Air Force Base in February 1950. Only one other instrument post was ever set up. LaPaz criticized Project Twinkle as inadequate, arguing the green fireballs were worthy of "intensive, systematic investigation". Twinkle did manage to record a few events, but the data collected was said to be incomplete in the final Twinkle report. Besides, it was stated, no funding had been provided for follow-up data analysis. In addition, the fireball activity near the observation posts seemed to virtually disappear, as noted in a report from September: "It may be considered significant that fireballs have ceased abruptly as soon as a systematic watch was set up."
Over the objections of LaPaz and others, the final report on Project Twinkle concluded the green lights were probably a natural event, maybe sunspot activity or an unusual concentration of meteors. The report stated, "There has been no indication that even the somewhat strange observations often called 'Green Fireballs' are anything but natural phenomena." Twinkle was discontinued in December 1951.
Despite efforts of the final Twinkle report to downplay the fireballs and other studied UFO phenomena as natural, a follow-up report in February 1952 from the USAF Directorate of Intelligence disagreed:
The Scientific Advisory Board Secretariat has suggested that this project not be declassified for a variety of reasons, chief among which is that no scientific explanation for any of the fireballs and other phenomena was revealed by the report and that some reputable scientists still believe that the observed phenomena are man-made.
It was also stated that some of the scientists continued to believe they were Russian spy devices. Besides LaPaz, this included Dr. Anthony Mirarchi, the first director of Project Twinkle.
The following month, another letter from the Directorate of Intelligence to the Research Division of the Directorate of Research and Development again stated that the report should not be publicly released, since no real solution had been provided:
It is believed that a release of the information to the public in its present condition would cause undue speculation and give rise to unwarranted fears among the populace such as occurred in previous releases on unidentified flying objects. This results from releases when there has been no real solution.
Read the full story at:

reposteed- 29MAY2015
original post 11/06/2009 14:25 Japan Standard Time

28 May 2015

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 28MAY2015

Searchers closer to finding WA meteorite
Perth Now - 13 hours
SCIENTISTS are closer to finding a meteorite that flashed over WA’s south more than two months ago, after narrowing the search area.

WA searchers closer to finding meteorite
AAP via Yahoo!7 News - 14 hours
Scientists are closer to finding a meteorite that flashed over Western Australia's south more than two months ago, after narrowing the search ...

Cameras catch WA fireballs
The West Australian via Yahoo!7 News - 18 hours
Stellar images of incoming meteorites burning up over WA may help unravel some of the greatest mysteries of our universe. The stunning ...

Bizarre UFO Light Seen By Thousands Over Northern China Sparks Fears Aliens Are Coming
The Inquisitr - 13 hours
Thousands of people from different provinces of northwestern China, as far apart as the Shaanxi Province, the Ningxia Hui and Inner Mongolia ...

(Best shot) Meteor lights up the sky (view from Utah skies)
(Best shot) Meteor lights up the sky (view from Utah skies) ...Dated video buy not sure I have seen before.

Meteor - Urdu meanings: شہاب ثاقب - shahaab-e-saaqib, Definition & Synonyms English to Urdu dictionary gives you the best and accurate urdu ...

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

27 May 2015

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 27MAY2015

UK Meteor Observation Network
UKMON is part of European viDeo MeteOr Network Database. ...

Fireballs may hold key to universe
The West Australian
The stunning pictures were taken in the deserts of WA and South Australia by a network of cameras which make up Curtin University's Desert Fireball ...

WA searchers closer to finding meteorite
Curtin University's Desert Fireball Network has narrowed to 10km the area where it believes a meteorite that flashed across WA skies may have ...

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 25/26MAY2015
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
What were the mysterious booms over Omanawa, New Zealand on Tuesday, May 19, 2015? Most probably meteor sonic booms as two were seen at .

Did Curiosity Rover Cause Mars' Mysterious Methane Spike?
SPACE.com via Yahoo! News - 12 hours
Is the Red Planet giving off methane? The question has taunted scientists for nearly 50 years, ever since the Mariner 7 spacecraft detected a ...

Bizarre UFO lights seen by thousands over Chinese cities lead to fear of ALIENS arriving
Daily Express - 8 hours
CHINESE social media was awash with UFO speculation after people in several cities reported seeing this spiral of light across the night sky.

LISTEN: Irishman claims meteor to kill millions thanks to marriage referendum
Cork's 96FM Opinion Line aired an ominous warning today from a caller who warned, with no ambiguity whatsoever, that Ireland's apocalyptic doom ...... Bravo Sierra Story!

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

Sci-Fi B Movie Matinee - The Phantom Planet - 1961

B Movie Classic - The Phantom Planet 1961

The Phantom Planet 1961 (Full Movie)
Uploaded to YouTube by Public Domain Movies Full 715 views

original post-26/07/2013 
15:37 Japan Standard Time

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

26 May 2015

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 25/26MAY2015

Lose yourself in this map of every meteorite strike on Earth
The Weather Network
CartoDB co-founder Javier de la Torre was apparently at a loose end in 2013, and passed the time by redoing a map on meteorite impacts that had ...

Meteor sonic booms responsible for mysterious bangs in New Zealand
Strange Sounds
What were the mysterious booms over Omanawa, New Zealand on Tuesday, May 19, 2015? Most probably meteor sonic booms as two were seen at ...

НЛО.04.05.2011 Пермский край Г.Кизел
Russian Proton Rocket Launch Video 2011 04.05
Posted to YouTube by Антон Огородников 1,776 views

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!